Finders, Keepers

by Chris Quinton

Ebook, 2012


Jeff seduces Alan as part of an undercover assignment, but with his guard down, he finds himself falling for the other man. Neither is looking for a commitment, but events have a way of changing minds.

Coming off a high-pressure undercover job for his company's covert Retrievals Department, and despite being on the edge of burnout, Jeff is thrown straight into another mission: set a trap for illegal metal detectorists who'll be planting a priceless reliquary in a field.

To be in the right place at the right time, Jeff seduces Alan, son of the farmer who may or may not be in on the million-dollar scam. The job should be straightforward, easy, and it is--except that Jeff's usual guard is down, and he finds himself falling for Alan. Still trying to shake off an obsessive ex-lover Alan doesn't want commitment, just a no-strings, friends with benefits relationship. But events have a way of changing minds.


Silver Publishing (2012), 244p.
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