The Combat Zone

by Vincent Wilde

Ebook, 2013


A serial killer haunts the seamy side of Boston's infamous sex district--The Combat Zone--as gay cross-dressing sleuth Cody Harper fights to save the life of his best friend. It's a thrill ride loaded with sex, betrayal, and murder.

From the underbelly of Boston's officially sanctioned red-light district--The Combat Zone--to a neo-Nazi compound in the secluded mountains of New Hampshire, gay cross-dressing sleuth Cody Harper hunts a murderer. Cody is a man who enjoys wielding a whip as much as slipping into a silk chemise. When unrequited love interest Stephen Cross tells Cody about the death threats he's received, Cody resorts to all the tricks in his make-up bag, including his drag persona, Desdemona, to protect his friend. A pious presidential candidate and members of an underground group called "My America" stand in Cody's way in this thrill ride of suspense and mystery.

CONTENT ADVISORY: This title is not a romance title. It has a bittersweet ending. This title contains a scene of violent rape and a fairly brief remembered scene of animal abuse.


Silver (2013) ebook 309 p.
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