
by Dee Henderson

Paper Book, 2014



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Bethany House


"Researcher Gina Gray is on the verge of a breakthrough in sonar technology, and what she's told Navy Commander Mark Bishop is only the beginning.."--

User reviews

LibraryThing member lauranav
This is my second Dee Henderson, the first in this series. I like that they are stand alone books, and have interesting stories. I enjoyed learning more about submarines and Navy life in this book. The development of the story, the issues and fears discussed and the worldview that informs those
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discussions were all handled well. The writing is good making for an easy, quick, and engaging read that keeps you turning the page and interested in how the relationships will develop. I definitely recommend Dee Henderson for Christian fiction that isn't too sappy or easy or pat in resolving, but shows how being a Christian affects a person's behavior and actions and thoughts and relationships.
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LibraryThing member Bandings
It's been a lot of books since I found one that I wanted to read straight through. You know the type -- the book you can't put down, the one that keeps you up too late, the one that makes you want to not be a Responsible Adult. This was one of those books.

The story line is far different than most
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fiction that I read. There was lots of science -- or what sounded plausible as science; I did not check the veracity of the various technical elements as the story didn't need the science to be exactly right, nor would it be affected if the science was wrong. There was romance in a military setting (submarines and a Naval base). Let me expound: There was CLEAN romance. Healthy, Christian romance. Nobody got into bed with anyone until they were married. Both of the potential male love interests were determined to be honorable (and were so). The woman's conflicted responses were completely understandable.

I found the story to be delightful, and I look forward to reading more of Dee Henderson's work (this was my first.) I will also be passing this book on to my daughter who is married to a Naval officer who used to be a submariner.
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LibraryThing member sqoozie
Wow! I really enjoyed reading this new book by Dee Henderson. (I am a Dee Henderson fan, and I have read all but one of her books at least once, and most of them twice.) I was so excited when I found out I had been selected to receive the book as part of LibraryThing's Early Reviewer program. The
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personalities of the people that populated the book were layered and dynamic. I loved how the story of Mark Bishop and Gina Gray developed. I enjoyed the details she provided of both their professions. I didn't know much about submariners, and it was fascinating to read about what goes on with them. I also enjoyed how she presented Gina's genius ideas and explained the science in a way that was interesting and easy to understand. It was also interesting watching Gina grow as a person and to see the way her life changed as the story progressed. A five-star, must read!!!!!
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LibraryThing member Organicshoes
Dee Henderson’s latest book Undetected is a great story! If you are a fan of the O’Malley Series or Uncommon Hero Series this book is reminiscent of those but goes a little deeper with the characters and story line. Henderson very obviously has done her research, you won’t just finish this
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book knowing you’ve read something fantastic but also with more knowledge about submarines and sonar.

Many people have read Henderson’s latest books hoping it is a repeat of the O’Malley Series, Undetected echoes the quality of the books but also shares the years of experience and growth that Henderson has made in her writing and shows her depth and commitment to research and making sure each story is accurate.

Although her stories have changed I love seeing a writer grow and develop her stories. I highly recommend this book.

I received this book complimentary from Bethany House in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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LibraryThing member MissYvonnee
I always enjoy Dee Henderson's style of writing and this was no different. I like the story line but felt overloaded with the technical descriptions of submarines. I wasn't sold on the how the relationship between the main characters developed, but happy to see them together in the end.
LibraryThing member Barbara31542
I don't know what happened to my review of this book, it just disappeared. But I enjoyed the story. I love all of her books that I have read. This one had a lot of Military stuff that I have no knowledge base to determine if it is real or make believe, but I enjoyed the book. Good Job, Dee.
LibraryThing member Nise
Dee has long been a favorite author of mine. I have enjoyed her books since the O'Malley series ended. This was not only entertaining but educational. I enjoyed learning about submarines, sonar, as well as loving the setting of the book as my dad worked at this base. Gina and Mark's relationship
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slowly evolved as they worked together on her discoveries. Fast, paced with great action and characters.
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LibraryThing member rdewey17
Undetected was a little different from Dee Henderson's normal style of romantic suspense, but it was still an enjoyable read. This book is filled with likable characters, a little romance and a touch of suspense. The relationship that unfolds between the main characters, Gina Gray and Mark Bishop
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has an unusual beginning, but is tender and sweet.
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LibraryThing member georgiapeach47
Undetected is a well done love story of two people trying to find there way in life.

The author I thought did well writing the book and had done a lot of research before writing this book. She gave a lot of detail on submarines which I though some could of been left out of the story. It made the
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story slow at times and I would lose some interest. Other then that I thought it was good

The characters where well developed and you felt that they could be people you meet everyday.

We meet Gina Gary who is a ingenious sonar scientist but seems to have a bad streak when it comes to a relationship. She is just getting over a broken relations ship with her boyfriend. Gina feels like there is nothing but her job that she is good at. She wants someone in her life but does not know how to go about changing things in her life.

Then we meet Commander Mark Bishop. He commands a ballistic missile submarine. He loves his job a lot, but feels something is missing from it. He lost his wife 10 years ago in a accident, and feels he would like someone there in his life now.

They both know each other through Gina's brother who is good friends with Mark and would like to hock them up. Mark feels there is to much of age different between them. The two are really facing some doubts in there life. Can they get pass these differences and find love.
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LibraryThing member mookiekat
Although i have read other books by this author and found them to be excellant I could not get into this one. There was a lot of technical verbiage that was used that made it difficult to read. I tried several times to read this book but found it very dry.
LibraryThing member love2readnovels
Gina Gray has always been smart, to the point that she's always felt awkward. She would love to be married but can't seem to find the right guy. When she has yet another break-up, she heads for her brothers house to focus on her ocean research and see if her brother knows any nice navy guys he
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could introduce her to. Mark Bishop is commander of a ballistic missile submarine and a very good friend of Gina's brother. He's a widow who thinks it might be time to marry again. When Gina's brother introduces the idea of him dating Gina, Mark puts the idea aside because he thinks she too young for him. But Gina does intrigue him and she does know and understand what Navy life is all about. When Gina makes a startling discovery, she shares it with Mark and seeks his advice about what to do with the information. It's something that will change submarine warfare but it also poses some risks. As Gina and Mark work together they find an easy friendship, but will it ever be more?

Undetected was an enjoyable story. I read Unspoken so was curious to find out about Bryce's brother. Mark was a lot like his brother, strong, secure but also had a tenderness to him that really made him appealing. He was also very romantic. Gina was very sweet and especially kind even though she was very smart. They both had faith yet were able to encourage each other. I really enjoyed getting to know all the characters. It was great to briefly meet up with Bryce and Charlotte again. Undetected was not an 'edge-of-your-seat' kind of story at all, but there was a tense part. I did feel that the story sometimes got bogged down in too much detail yet it was all very interesting. I enjoyed the relationship between Mark and Gina although it was a very slow and gentle build. I have always enjoyed Dee Henderson's stories but I must admit the style of her work has changed quite-a-bit from her earlier writing. The cover is beautiful and overall it was a good story; you get a taste of what it might be like to live on a submarine or be the loved one waiting on shore.

*This complimentary copy was provided by Bethany House through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

Paperback: 480 pages
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers (April 29, 2014)
ISBN-10: 0764212435
ISBN-13: 978-0764212437
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LibraryThing member deanna13
Undetected by Dee Henderson is another great book by this author. Mark Bishop is the Commander of a ballistic missile submarine but when someone asks him what he does for a living he simply replies, “I’m in the Navy.” This is an extreme understatement for his job carries responsibilities that
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are not seen in any other job in the military. Mark is a widower and with all his heart he wants to come home to someone after spending several months at sea in a submarine with hundreds of men. He is attracted to Gina Gray but feels that maybe she is too young for him. Gina does ocean science research and her job is so important and secret that she has round the clock military protection. She would love to be married but due to a failed relationship, she spends nearly all her time working, sometimes even sleeping at her office. This work situation leaves her no time for a social life. She has just made a very important discovery and she needs Mark Bishop’s help to prove her theory. Fortunately, this will give them time together to get to know each other.

As with all her books, Dee Henderson did an excellent job in the development of all aspects of this story. It is very evident that she did the research necessary to write such a detailed story about life on a submarine and other jobs in the Navy. Also, she wrote in such a way that it was easy to understand what was happening on the submarine and with Gina’s work. All the characters were so well developed that I felt as if each one was a friend with Mark and Gina being close friends. Gina did not want to spend time on the submarine and this segment of the story was so real that I was feeling the same fear as Gina. There were several twists and turns to the plot line and these just added to the enjoyment of the story and kept me guessing as to what was going to happen. The characters and dialogue were so well developed that I had the feeling as if I were right in the middle of the action taking place on the submarine.

I highly recommend this book to anyone that loves a well written story that is also a learning experience. There is romance and enough mystery to keep one reading and guessing.

Bethany House provided me with a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
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LibraryThing member goodsew
I truly enjoyed Undetected. This is the story Gina Gray, a super-smart young woman who has been something of a odd duck all of her life. Her brother is on a fast attack sub and she comes to visit him and work on a new secret idea for the Navy. She is also interested in finding a man. Commander Mark
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Bishop, commanding officer of the USS Nevada, an Ohio class ballistic missile submarine becomes her protector and liaison to the Navy.

I am very impressed by the amount of research Dee Henderson did on submarines. Having been a “submarine wife” for many years, it is obvious that Ms Henderson really got a grip on the submarine life and how tight knit and secret the community can be.

This is the first one of Dee Henderson’s book I have read. I will be checking out the others in this series, as they seem well written and full of detail.
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LibraryThing member DynamicUno
I absolutely loved this new story by Dee Henderson!

Most of the story is about life on a submarine and the dangers that the Navy crew members face each time they take one out, most from the point of view of Commander Mark Bishop. But, that's where things get interesting. You see, Gina Gray is a
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genius who is studying the ocean floor and has discovered a new way to "hide" submarines. The only problem is, she has to convince the Navy to let her test out her theory in a live submarine study--the same sub that Mark commands.

Mark and Gina grow closer over the course of the book, but there is one complication--her boyfriend, who just happens to be one of Mark's shipmates. As Mark and Gina try to figure out their feelings, the US is suddenly under attack and Mark must ship out and use the system Gina designed, even though it wasn't fully functional.

Romance, friendship, and suspense are included in this second installment about the Bishop family.
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LibraryThing member vintagebeckie
Dee Henderson has long been a very popular author in the Christian romantic suspense genre. Some of my friends have devoured her early books. The last few novels she has produced are a bit of a departure from those first books. To me the writing style is better and the characters more complex.
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While not a fan of the O’Malley series, I really enjoyed Full Disclosure and Unspoken — the complexity of the plots and the multi-layered and unique heroines. I have mixed feelings about Undetected. And while it had some negatives for me, its positives out-weighed them making this book a recommended read.

First let me outline the positives. Undetected is about submarines and sonar. It’s very tech-heavy, yet this reader who is generally clueless when it comes to science (I tend to just skim any parts with science or math), really enjoyed learning about the ins and outs of this fascinating subject. Dee made it very accessible to me. The novel also provides a great look at military life, in particular the Navy. The men and women who serve and the families they leave behind when out on patrol should be commended. This is a tough life for relationship survival, and I loved that Dee brought those struggles to light. There is also a very strong faith message in Undetected. God is definitely in control and works everything out to accomplish His plans. The main character, Gina, is burdened by her giftedness, but she learns that God puts together people and situations to accomplish even greater things than she could do alone.

Now for the negatives. The book is too long, in fact about 100 pages too long. There is a love triangle that should have been streamlined. I would have tossed in the towel if this had not been a review book. I spoke with others that did in fact put the book down. The romance was too polite, and frankly, unbelievable. It also doesn’t really take off until the end of the book. The same goes for the suspense. I kept waiting for something to happen. Again the very end of the book was the point of action. And while I liked the ending, I am afraid that too many readers will be fatigued by the time the real story begins.

So why recommend this book? The plot points of technology and the Navy are very interesting. The characters are unusual to say the least, and the writing is strong. Just make sure you stick with this one (that was everyone’s advice to me).


Audience: adults.

(Thanks to Bethany House for a review copy. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)
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LibraryThing member swivelgal
This story follows a Navy commander aboard a nuclear submarine and a prodigy with access to research any topic of her choice for the US government. It's intellectual but without high level vocabulary. Its a fascinating story with an interesting premise. .
LibraryThing member rjmoren
Really enjoyed this book. The telling from a military perspective was my favorite. I am a military wife so that was refreshing. I believe this was a stand alone but would love it if Henderson would make a series of this one. All around good one!
LibraryThing member judyg54
This book gave me a greater appreciation for submariners and the life of those who spend months down below the sea. It also stretched my brain to stay with all the knowledge that was flowing out of the mind of Gina Gray! I enjoyed my time at sea and on land and appreciated the way this author dealt
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with the whole romance issue in this story. It was a little different take, and I always enjoy that.

Commander Mark Bishop commands the ballistic missile submarine USS Nevada, and that in itself is a very heavy and important job. But ever since his wife passed away, he has missed having someone waiting for him when he gets back on land. Finding that special someone is not always easy; and although he thinks Gina Gray is too young for him, the more he is around her the more he realizes she is just the right fit for him. Trying to convince her of that though is a challenge he is up to. And he does a very good job of "wooing" her.

Gina Gray is quite an individual (a prodigy). She has always imagined herself getting married, but with her ocean science research and all her breakthroughs, it is hard to find the right someone to share her life with, and being rejected several times has left her a little "gun-shy". With her new discoveries submarine warfare will enter into a new and dangerous chapter for all involved Gina must decide if she can live with her discoveries and find that perfect match for her in the midst of a lot going on. Can she really keep the men at sea from being "undetected"?
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LibraryThing member SarahGraceGrzy
This was actually a lot different than I expected.

Mark Bishop was a very interesting character, as was Gina. They were both so multi-faceted, and I was drawn into their story from page one.

The science and technical part of this was . . . a bit hard to understand at times. But it was still very
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interesting, and I found myself asking "what if?" several times.

The romance was excellently done. Very low-key and clean, which made me very happy. The love triangle irked me a bit, mostly because I felt terrible for the second guy, lol!

My one critique would be that it was very longgggg, and slightly anticlimactic. I kept expecting something terrible to happen to one of the characters, but . . . it never did. It did definitely climax, but it was a bit lackluster. And the length. At nearly 500 pages, this is a beast. Cutting out a couple of parts would have been helpful in getting the story moving on a little better.

All in all, a very enjoyable read!

Recommended for ages 15 for romance and comprehension.

CONTENT NOTE: Aside from a few not described kisses, this was completely clean.
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LibraryThing member ibjoy1953

I have never read a book about submarines so I was really glad to get this one to read. And I love, love Dee Henderson’s books, all of them to date, so I knew this has to be an awesome read. And for me it was. I loved reading all of the technical stuff she so expertly
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added to her story. Reading a few reviews, I understand a lot if people didn’t care for the detailed info, but that is just Dee Henderson at her best. I will admit, I went back and read some if the scenes again, or some more than twice, but I still found it so interesting and intriguing. And I am so happy for all of the submarine talk to learning about them. It is a new topic for me and I really enjoyed it all.

The characters were well and perfectly created, and their development throughout the story was amazing. I love Gina, and Mark too! And was glad he was there for Gina. He was just the right person to give her the stability she needed. Gina was a genius, and I loved her part in the story and loved how the author shows that even though a genius person like Gina has everyday struggles just as the rest of us. Ms. Henderson does an amazing job weaving this into the story. And as for Gina and Mark’s attraction to each other, I love the romance!! Romantic and suspenseful! This makes for a story that will stay with you for a while.

If suspense and thrills are what you are looking for in a book, check this one out. I know it’s been out for a few years but it’s still the amazing book it was when released!

A special thanks to the author/publisher for a copy of this book. I am not required to write a positive review, the opinions here are mine alone. I am disclosing this with my review in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
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LibraryThing member JenniferRobb
This started out slow, and I wasn't sure I'd like it, but it does get better. Is it the best Dee Henderson book I've ever read? No. But it does have quite a bit more Christian stuff in it than most current day novels in this genre do, which is a plus. And the characters do grow throughout the
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novel--learning new things, trying new things, taking (calculated) risks, etc.

There are some good discussions about dating and marriage. There are discussions about past experiences making one cautious. There are intellectual discussions about science and whether it is good, bad, or neutral.

I could relate a bit to Gina and her story. I can imagine how going to college at a young age could have influenced how she relates to others. I can understand how she felt when some men dumped her because she was smarter than they were or that she'd always be the "star" in the relationship. I can understand the burden of wondering if her discovery is making things safer (by allowing us to know where subs are, for example) or will endanger others if another country gets the same technology (by knowing where our subs are, for example).

I personally didn't mind the science explanations--but I can see where someone who's not interested in science might be annoyed by them. I didn't always understand the science--sonar isn't my area of expertise or study, so I have no idea if this science is possible and will have to leave that to other minds--but I didn't mind.

I do agree with some other reviewers that the fact that 2 men who seem pretty perfect both fall for Gina at the same time is pushing the bounds of believability--and I'm not sure that in real life, the two guys would go about wooing her while each giving the other space and having one bow out gracefully but remain friendly . . . I'm just not sure it would happen in real life.
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Christy Awards (Nominee — Contemporary Romance — 2015)

Original publication date





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