Joe Ledger Special Ops

by Jonathan Maberry

Ebook, 2014



Call number

Fic Adventure Maberry



JournalStone Publishing


Captain Joe Ledger. Former cop. Former Army Ranger. Currently the top-kick of Echo Team, an elite squad of first-class shooters who roll out to face down the world's most dangerous terrorists. Not fanatics with explosive vests or political hostage takers. Joe and his team square off against terrorists who have the most advanced and exotic weapons of mass destruction. Designer bioweapons. Cutting edge transgenics. Real mad scientist stuff. If they have to call Joe Ledger - it's already hit the fan. JOE LEDGER: SPECIAL OPS collects several of the Ledger short stories and presents two brand new tales exclusive to this volume. Bonus features include character profiles and a never-before-published glimpse behind the scenes of the Department of Military Sciences. Join the Hunt… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member Surtac
This one took me by surprise. I started reading this after finishing another LT Early Reviewer title that I found ultimately to be disappointing, so I wasn’t expecting these Joe Ledger stories to grab me by the throat and not let me go, which is what they did.

Sometimes, amongst all the more
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serious SF/F that makes up the bulk of my reading, I just want to be entertained by a story that rolls along and has enough explodey goodness along the way to keep me awake and engaged. This collection by Jonathan Maberry hit the spot nicely and I devoured it in the same way I would a new thriller from John Birmingham or Andy McNab.

It reminded me in a way of the Cold War spy thrillers by Anthony Price, primarily through the ensemble cast of characters – characters that were believable (for the most part) and easy to engage with.

I think I’ll be tagging along with Joe Ledger again, and sooner rather than later.
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LibraryThing member BerlinBibliophile
I am reviewing this for the Early Reviewers Giveaway.

I read this book on holiday and for that it was exactly right. The book isn't partivularly deep, and it doesn't require you to think much.
It is a book that is almost purely action, but the action is well-written and engaging.
The characters are
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fairly simplistic, but well enough developed that the reader can form an attachment to them. They are also differentiated between so there is no difficulty distinguishing them.
All of the stories are fairly repetitive. The bad guys are always a sort of "zombie", created through various vaguely explained scientific means. This means that they can be killed by our protagonist without remorse. The action sequences are thrillling enough to make up for this.

This book is good for what it is: A fun, mindless holiday read.
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LibraryThing member silentq
A collection of short stories about saving the world from supernatural evil, usually unleashed (or about to be unleashed) by evil humans. The stories are given context in terms of which novels they take place between, but stand on their own. It gets a bit gun-porn-y, but there's some emotional
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grown and lots of tension as Joe and his team race the clock to save the world. I liked it when he worked with new people (usually dangerous females), and when really inexplicable things happened. It's a good combo of sci fi, horror and military story telling, I enjoyed it.
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LibraryThing member saginawhorror
loved it. I just tore through it in less than a day. This makes me want to go and buy all of the books. As a newbie to Joe ledger it was done in a way that I understood the stories easily. Highly recommended.
LibraryThing member jwals
This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers
This is the first Jonathan Maberry book I’ve read, this collection of short stories seems to be a taste of what to expect from his full length novels, Joe Ledger on his own, or with Echo Team backup, go up against Super soldiers, weather
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enhanced or cross breed DNA, Zombies or super natural, in hard hitting fire fights with the most modern weapons and top class intelligence, sending them back to the hell they came from.
I am always pleased to find a new (to me) author and series that I can follow, if you like fast moving action packed reading with just enough science to keep it plausible but not bog you down, with a bit of horror and super natural, you will enjoy Jonathan Maberry.
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LibraryThing member ConalO
I received this book in a giveaway on the Library Thing Early Reviewer program.
I started reading this book from a mostly neutral position regarding whether I would enjoy it or not. It looked to have a paranormal theme (which I don’t normally read) so I wasn’t sold on whether this was for me or
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not. I was pleasantly surprised that the paranormal stuff was very low key and the book turned out to be quite a bit of a “fun” read!!
The book is filled with short story missions that take the main character (Joe Ledger) and his team into action against the minions of evil (assorted zombies and vampires oh my…) . Joe does not let us down and kicks ass from the first page to the last. I did spend some part of the book looking for more detail on both Joe and his team but this was somewhat helped by further details as the book moved along. I know I would have enjoyed this even more if I had read any of the previous Joe Ledger novels and this is something I plan to do in the not too distant future.
As I was reading, it occurred to me that the author was presenting a pretty clear message regarding the evils of unregulated science exploration. All of the actual bad guys in this story (and apparently in other JL novels) are either the scientists generating the miscellaneous monsters or the money guys paying for it. I wonder if my impression is correct???
I can recommend this book to anyone who is a fan of action filled stories. Whether you like zombies, vampires or other monsters or not, you will enjoy this one!!!
4 out 5 stars.
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LibraryThing member rufusraider
Joe Ledger: Special Ops by Jonathan Maberry is a series of short stories set as prequels or sequels to several of his novels. The stories are about Joe Ledger, an operative of a secret government agency called DMS (Department of Military Sciences). Joe is a clean up man for the government when
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evil-doers develop some bad disease or mutants that threaten the US or the world.

The stories are mostly about the combat to destroy the mutants and capture the bad guys. Since they are short stories, there is not a lot of plot build up and character development. The stories are well told, but at times like most of this genre, a little unbelievable about what they accomplish.

Overall, if you like this genre, the short stories will be an entertaining read when you have a little downtime.
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LibraryThing member JosephLYoung
This is a series of short vignettes that highlights Joe Ledger and team's special talents in Black Operations. It is a recurring series of examples of quick thinking, accurate shooting and team action that usually eliminates the target without losing any personnel. Features the latest in weaponry
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and tactics that make the bad guys seem really poorly trained. It is a good series of stories if you like fast action and lots of explosions and expending shells! My only complaint is there isn't any overall story line that ties these snapshots together. Seemed more like extractions from stories or scenes that were written for a story then was not used so, why waste a good written scene, cobble it together with a bunch of other unused scenes and publish it as a "Work". I was worn out before I finished the writings, too much of the same thing over and over for me.
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LibraryThing member LoriHopkins
I was given the opportunity to read this for free in exchange for an honest review from

Ok, confession. I am a HUGE Jonathan Maberry Fan. I have most of the Joe Ledger books, and all of the Rot and Ruin. I would read probably anything that he wrote.
Loved the shorts in this book,
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it gives more meat in between each of the books.

My problem was the editing, which I know Mr. Maberry really has nothing to do with. This ARC I have was published by a different company than what usually publishes his book. It was more than simply a word being misspelled. Punctuation was left out, letters were left off of the end of words, even found a sentence or two that dropped off without being finished. It was very distracting. I hope that these errors will be fixed, since I have never had that problem with a Maberry story before.

I would recommend this to anyone who is a fan of the Joe Ledger series.
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LibraryThing member Ging
Joe Ledger: Special Ops is a collection of short stories that sit within the existing DMS universe, the stories in the book are a combination of completely standalone stories and those that fill in gaps around the other books in the series, so some of them do contain spoilers. These "spoiler"
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stories are all clearly marked, just in case a reader hasn't worked through the main stories by the time they pick up Special Ops.

If you're an existing fan of the DMS series, than Special Ops is a great addition to the canon, it adds some back story to the characters of Joe and Church while providing some a good dose of the out and out action that Maberry provides throughout the rest of the series. Joe continues to be something of a one man killing machine, at one point provoking fear in a room of bad guys by just saying his name.

The 'horror' elements are abound, with plenty of bio-science to keep Echo team on its toes - there's even an out and out ghost story in there too, just to help mix it up a bit.

One downside to the approach taken with each of the short stories is that you are re-introduced to characters time and again, as they reappear in each new story you get nearly the same bit of description repeated. This would be fine in standalone stories, but the chances are that you'll just plow straight through the book and probably not need to be told that Mr Church is Joe's boss every time he gets mentioned for the first time in any given story.

This repetition is just in the nature of the collection, but some further editing to refine it and remove some of the really unnecessary repetition would have been appreciated and it would not have had any impact at all on the stories themselves.

All in all, Special Ops is an enjoyable jaunt back into the world of the DMS, it helps tidy up some loose ends from the other books in the series and provides some fresh stories about what else Joe Ledger has gotten up to. A worthwhile read for fans (even with the repetitive bits), but not a great starting point for those new to the series.
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LibraryThing member spammie1
I won this book from the Library Thing Early Reviewer program. I had read only the first book in the Joe Leger series before reading this book. This book has short stories which take place before and after the first, second, and third books. If you don't want to read any spoilers I'd wait and read
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this book after you've finished the first 3 books. If you don't mind finding out a few things early, like me, than I think you'll enjoy this book. I liked the quick pace of these short stories. Though some were so good that I wished they went on a little longer. So, in short, if you like the Joe Ledger series you will not be disappointed by this collection of short stories plus the added bios and all the characters.

Okay, having said all the nice things I really have to get this off my chest. SOMEONE NEEDS TO PROOF READ THIS BOOK!!!! There are so many typos that it keeps breaking up the flow of the story. Please editors and publishers of this book, CLEAN IT UP before releasing it to the public. It's really annoying to be enjoying the writing and then hitting a WHOLE BUNCH OF TYPOS!!!!

Thanks again the for book.
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LibraryThing member Bruce_McNair
Joe Ledger is former police SWAT who also had a stint in the US Army Rangers. Following his initial encounter with zombies, he is recruited into an elite Special Ops unit that is part of the Department of Military Sciences - a shadowy operations unit set up to combat terrorism.

This is a collection
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of short stories about various of Ledger's missions:

- Countdown - relates Ledger's first experience with zombies while in the Baltimore police.

- Zero Tolerance - relates an encounter with the creator of the zombie pathogen in Afghanistan.

- Deep Dark - takes place in a secret bio-research facility in the Pennsylvania mountains where volunteers have been turned into half-insect monsters.

- Material Witness - starts off like a Stephen King story & even has a reference to him. A writer of terror/horror stories goes missing & the team are sent in to investigate. The narrative improves in this story. However, there are a few character/place inconsistencies that spoil the story a little.

- Changeling - a privatised research lab goes rogue & Ledger is called in to investigate. They were making transgenic human animal hybrids.

- Mad Science - a secret lab was rworking on a bioweapon based on Ebola virus. Ledger is called in to investigate.

- Artifact - starts off like a scene from Mission Impossible with Ledger trying to retrieve some unknown artifact.

- The Handyman Gets Out - Ledger is called in to bring in a transgenic scientist who is selling his inventions to foreign nationals. It is a double cross & Ledger ends up fighting stark naked & with anything he can get his hands on.

- Borrowed Power - takes place in the sewers of Paris where Ledger encounters old enemies & allies.

- Inside the DMS - bios on the cast of characters both good & bad.

Generally these stories privide a character arc for Joe Ledger, with a few missing pieces in the other books in the series. I found the concept interesting, although horror is not my favourite genre. In my opinion, in most cases the build-up to the climax provided a good amount of tension & set the tone for the action that followed. The action scenes were fairly graphic &, I suggest, would be enjoyed by most action fans.

There were a few minor typos & formatting errors, as well as the character/place inconsistencies in Material Witness, that were a little distracting, which indicate that another round of editing might have been worthwhile. If not for these, I would have given this collection 4 stars.
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LibraryThing member iadam
I received this book free from the author through LibraryThing Early Reviewers in exchange for an honest review. I don’t usually read books with paranormal occurrences. I found that the main emphasis of this book wasn’t on the paranormal. This book is a series of short stories about Joe Ledger
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and his team kicking ass in several shadowy operations to combat bioterrorism. The workings of Joe Ledger’s mind are intriguing and unique. This book made me think. The happenings in this book really aren’t so far fetched in this day and age with all of our technical and scientific advances in cloning and genomics. I did enjoy reading this book and I plan on reading more about Joe Ledger.
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LibraryThing member viennamax
More or less one and the same plot in nine different clothes - read one and you know all. After the third short story with the hero and his team I really was getting bored.

Always the same: Some genetic modified 'super soldiers' to fight and a human 'super soldier' (that's our hero) who will
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certainly win the fight.

Well, my appetite for 'saving the world' (the ambition of Joe Ledger in his fight against worldwide terrorism) is saturated for a while.
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LibraryThing member navyjoe98
I received this book as part of the Librarything Early Reviewers Program.

First of all, I read a lot but I generally do not like reading short stories. Once I received the book as part of the early reviewer program, I quickly discovered that it was a set of short stories about Joe Ledger.

This was
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the my first time reading about Joe Ledger's exploits and I found myself interested enough to read through all of the stories. I did purposely skip reading a few of the stories because the book told you there were some spoilers if you had not read a certain Joe Ledger book in the past. I liked the character enough to want to go back and read those previous books before I read the short stories that I skipped.

The Joe Ledger stories are about a agent in a special ops unit that goes out and hunts down and kills terrorists. A lot of these terrorists just happen to be zombies/monsters which make the stories even more interesting.

The action in the book is very good and their are some interesting story lines. There is some corny dialogue which kind of turned me off to some of the stories (but not too much which would make me not want to read them). Jonathan Maberry is a very talented author who I have read in his Ghost Road Blues series (which I highly recommend). I was happily surprised to find that Maberry had incorporated some of the characters from that series into one of the short stories in this book/collection.

If you like zombie books and special ops books, you probably going to like this set of short stories. Overall, I enjoyed reading the stories and recommend them to anyone that wants a fun book which is not going to make you think too much. 4 stars....
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LibraryThing member BrandieC
Joe Ledger: Special Ops is a collection of nine short stories, all but two of which have been previously published and four of which are available as stand-alone ebooks. This was a little frustrating for me; as a long-time Joe Ledger fan, I had already read almost half of this book before I started
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it. On the other hand, this makes Joe Ledger: Special Ops a great purchase for those new to the series, particularly because the book also contains a chronology putting all of the stories and novels in order. In addition, there are brief biographies of all of the major characters noting the novel or story in which that character made his or her first appearance, which is another handy reference for new readers.

All of the stories are fun and can be enjoyed without any prior knowledge of the series. My favorite was "Artifact," in which Joe is tasked with retrieving a mysterious device with extraordinary powers. Unlike the typical Joe Ledger story, neither Joe nor the reader is told the origin of the device; the partial explanation at the end adds a neat twist which I just saw coming before it was revealed. My least favorite was "The Handyman Gets Out," which is a predictable action story with little of the "mad science" I have come to expect from the series. While the fast pace carried me along, much of the action sequence didn't make sense to me, as Joe manages to do a lot of walking with his ankles duct-taped to a chair.

I did have one significant complaint. Joe Ledger: Special Ops is the first of the Joe Ledger series to be published by JournalStone Publishing, and the new stories contain numerous typographical and grammatical errors, particularly tense changes within sentences. This suggests that JournalStone does not have the same quality of editors and proofreaders as Maberry's previous publisher St. Martin's Griffin. JournalStone's website indicates that it is publishing expensive limited-edition hardback reprints of several of Maberry's books; I hope that they will be more careful with the editing and proofreading of those volumes.

I received a free copy of Joe Ledger: Special Ops through LibraryThing in exchange for an honest review.
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LibraryThing member bgknighton
I ended up liking the book better than I thought I would. The small time slips were annoying until I got used to them. Joe is the everyman of spies. No flash like Bond, but he gets the job done no matter what. Interesting side characters who feel like they have a lot of history behind them. Darn,
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now another series I have to look at getting.....
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LibraryThing member enoch_elijah
Everyone knows that I love Jonathan Maberry. If he writes it or recommends it, I will read it. So then it should come as no surprise that I VERY highly recommend his latest book!

Anyone familiar with Maberry knows the name Joe Ledger right? If you know what I mean then you’ve probably already
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gotten yourself prepped for a roller coaster ride of a read. In “Joe Ledger: Special Ops” we get the behind the scenes look at the books we’ve already read. That’s right, all that good stuff you always wonder about when it comes to what happens between the time that a book jumps from one chapter to another…we get to read about it in this collection of stories about Joe Ledger.

My favorite one, however, has to be “Borrowed Power.” In this one we get to witness the mysterious Deacon in action as a young man! Fans of the Ledger serious should need nothing else to make them go out and buy this book immediately!

Ultimately, what can one say? Is the book one heck of an adrenaline rush? Yes. Is the book a page turner you won’t be able to put down until way past midnight? You bet. I mean, I’m not trying to be vague here but it IS a Jonathan Maberry book! It’s going to be GREAT! So go out and read it already!

Oh yeah, just one minor complaint. The cover. I know Joe Ledger. He’s my hero and I love the guy. But the copy of the book which I have has a picture of some shade wearing frat boy on the cover. It seems to me that the publishers are suggesting this is Joe Ledger. Sorry, but I’m not buying it. The Joe Ledger I know has seen things. You know what I mean? He’s been places and done things that keep us safe but keep him close to being crazy. No way the guy on the cover is Joe Ledger.

That’s it. Read the dang book already!
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LibraryThing member Squeex
I always enjoy reading books by Jonathan Maberry, been a huge fan for some time. I especially love the Joe Ledger series. SPECIAL OPS is a superb addition. It's all of the novellas in between each book, filling in extra information or just telling an extra story of Joe and his Echo Team. Excellent
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action and story, some sadness. Jonathan writes all emotions so well, I feel them with the characters. I often find myself removed from the story as a casual observer when I read other authors. Not so with Jonathan Maberry. Even if you haven't read the series, this will thrill you. And make you want to read the rest of the books. Highly recommended.
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LibraryThing member wross4850
Jonathan Maberry is such a good writer. I really enjoyed this story, and all the little subplots and background. Obviously I love the action and adventure, but just as important is the writer's ability to make me feel the different emotions and feelings of the characters.
I was an instant fan of the
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joe Ledger series!
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LibraryThing member Tanya-dogearedcopy
Joe Ledger is a former Army Ranger and Baltimore police officer who has been recruited into a secret, elite U.S. government military branch to tackle the world's most dangerous bio-terrorists. With state-of-the-art weapons, the DMS (Department of Military Sciences) zeroes in on those who would
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wield mutated prions, re-coded genes and, pathogens to wreak havoc for political gain or otherwise dramatically change the world's social order. Ledger, along with the other members of Echo Team provide plenty of action-adventure with blazing guns, martial arts moves and the supporting intelligence provided by a super computer called MindReader. The main character himself is a flawed, conflicted man for all the “hoo-rah” that surrounds him however. While it could be argued that the stories in and of themselves seem over the top; it could be better argued that the fantastic is not as unrealistic as may be supposed. Jonathan Maberry has written (to date) six Joe Ledger novels, but the short stories are the glue that hold the cannon together. Some of the stories are teasers for a novel in the series, while others are codas (final chapters that wrap up loose ends) and still others are stand-alones. It is highly recommended that the short stories and novels be read in order (there is a reading chronology at the end of the book) unless you are indifferent to spoilers. The short stories are a gift to the Joe Ledger fan and are best enjoyed in audio format. Ray Porter, the narrator of the series brings Joe to life in a way that makes the print seem flat. There are two collections: Joe Ledger: The Missing Files and Joe Ledger: Special Ops. It is worth noting that the five stories in Joe Ledger: The Missing Files are contained in Joe Ledger: Special Ops; but the print edition of Joe Ledger: Special Ops also contains character profiles, the Reading Chronology and a written interview with Ray Porter that is not included in the audio format.

Joe Ledger: Special Ops
"Zero Tolerance"
"Deep, Dark"
"Material Witness"
"Mad Science"
"The Handyman Gets Out"
"Borrowed Power"
Inside the DMS (character profiles)
Joe Ledger Reading Chronology
Interview with Ray Porter

Special thanks to JournalStone for providing a print edition of Joe Ledger: Special Ops via the LibraryThing Early Reviewer program and; to Downpour for providing an advance copy of “Changeling,” for review purposes.
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LibraryThing member deborahdavis
When I realized this were stories related to another book called Patient Zero, I thought it was a mistake that I requested it, so I kind of postpone the reading. But once I started reading, I just couldn't stop! The plot has mystery, drama, great descriptions, action... I wanted to get up the sit
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and grab one of those rifles, guns or whatever they had a just jump into the book. A great cop/military novel with just the right amount of blood and shooting. And the biomedical facilities story gives a new -and disgusting- twist to genetic experiments.
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LibraryThing member Jeremy373
just like his other joe ledger works well wrote leaving you wanting it to never end and when it dose it makes you unable to wait till the next Ledger comes out which never seems to come out soon enough
LibraryThing member Hopback
Don't read this book ... unless you have already read and enjoyed other books in the Joe Ledger series. This volume is a set of short stories that fill in more detail related to characters in the main books. The stories did not stand too well on their own in my view. If you are a Jonathan Maberry /
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Joe Ledger fan already then this book is for you. If, like me, you are not then this book is worth avoiding.
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LibraryThing member jonfiskvik62
Nicly combined short stories. Suspence all trough and a good read.

Local notes

Joe Ledger, 0 ss


Fic Adventure Maberry

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