Magic Bleeds

by Ilona Andrews

Ebook, 2010



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Fic SF Andrews



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Fantasy. Fiction. HTML: Atlanta would be a nice place to live, if it weren't for the magic. When the magic is up, rogue mages cast their spells and monsters appear, while guns refuse to fire and cars fail to start. But then technology returns, and the magic recedes as unpredictably as it arose. Kate Daniels works for the Order of Knights of Merciful Aid, officially as a liaison with the mercenary guild. Unofficially, she cleans up the paranormal problems no one else wants to handle�especially if they involve Atlanta's shapeshifting community. When she's called in to investigate a fight at the Steel Horse, a bar on the border between the territories of the shapeshifters and the necromancers, Kate quickly discovers that there's a new player in town. One who's been around for thousands of years�and who rode to war at the side of Kate's father. This foe may be too much even for Kate and Curren, the Beast Lord, to handle. Because this time Kate will be taking on family..… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member Badass_Book_Reviews
Won ARC from Ilona and Gordon's Website. Thank you so much for the opportunity.

I'm still sort of reeling at the moment.

Magic Bleeds is an awesome addition to the Kate Daniels Series. I am sooo gonna have to read it again in the next few days. There is soooo much that happens!!!

Ilona and Gordon
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sure know how to bring it! The writing is strong, It is compelling from start to finish. I didn't put it down once I started reading it. (except for a few min at supper time and quite frankly that was torture b/c it was a major part!!!) But a mom has to feed her cubs and mate :D

I will write a more in depth review when the release date approaches. I don't want to risk ruining it for anyone. But for sure put this on your must read list for 2010!!!
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LibraryThing member AbundanceofBooks
I really enjoyed this book and found it very... satisfying.

Magic Bleeds starts with a prologue of the Naked Dinner that Kate owes Curran. It doesn't quite go as planned and it seems that Kate has been stood up. There she is in her kitchen, surrounded by cold food, in her underwear and makeup, no
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Curran, no phone call, and no idea what is going on. She calls The Keep and is told that all future inquiries need to go through Pack security. She believes that Curran set the whole thing up to humiliate her and of course her first instinct is to go to the keep and punch him. She realizes that in a fight with Curran, she would lose and the public would see it as The Pack assaulting a member of the Order. Kate decides to be responsible and not get The Pack in trouble because she still has shifter friends. This is a lesson learned, friends make you weak and she cannot afford to be weak.

Chapter 1 then picks up with Kate taking a call on a bar fight that ended with a patron pinned to a telephone pole and infected with a magically strengthened disease. Kate is on the Mary's (plague carrier) trail and beginning to discover that the shapeshifters are in trouble, she can't isolate herself, and she might be outgrowing her position at the Order.

The book was fast paced, full of action, witty dialogue, and peppered with laugh-out-loud bits - a typical Kate Daniels book. While Andrews stated on her blog that Kate "loses everything" in this book, I have to disagree. Yes, at one point Kate loses every material thing that connected her to her dead guardian and family. This is a huge emotional loss, but it forces her to make a choice: does she continue down her original path of loneliness and an early death or does she make a life and connections for herself? The world building, rules, different groups, etc. were all explained smoothly without being tedious. Instead of Kate coming off as the angry badass heroine, her anger, attitude, and actions are nicely explained by her friend Andrea. Andrea realizes that this is the first timeKate has had friends or fell in love. She didn't know how to handle the disappointment or broken heart. This made Kate a much more sympathetic character. Readers and other characters also get a chance to see sharp, smart tactician and fighter that she hides behind her me-kill-you-dead persona that she presents to the world.

Kate and Curran's relationship also takes a decisive step. I really liked that both characters didn't just storm around angrily (though they did do that) but they also *gasp* talked to each other about what happened. Honesty, articulation, smex, it was great!

As I said above, this is a very satisfying read. If I didn't know that Kate 5 was currently being written, I'd be worried that this was a series ending book. Things are kind of wrapped up neatly with a new life and future are ahead of Kate. I'll be interested to see how her character deals with new responsibilities, no longer being on her own, a relationship, shifter politics, happiness, and the need to attend formal events.

If you've been reading the previous Kate Daniels books, how could you not pick this up? While not probably not my favorite Kate book, I enjoyed it for what it gave me, especially the forward momentum... and Curran.
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LibraryThing member Cats57
This is a pivotal book in that it is the book where Curran and Kate finally admit what they feel about each other. And thank goodness it works. In most media once two such volatile characters get together most of the personal tension is lost and the series goes downhill, but not this series.

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had to let Curran in on some personal secrets and Curran has to make some concessions himself. It is a perfect melding of two such uber Alpha characters. Although I'm sure that Kate would not think of herself as such!

This book is perfect from its opening prologue in which we find Kate having a very personal crisis (yes Currans people can be butt-heads) to the very emotional yet supremely satisfying ending that can also be thought of as a personal crisis for both Kate and Curran. It is sort of unusual for Ms Andrews to open AND close her book with personal scenes like this.

Throughout the book we see that no matter what happens to her, Kate has not lost her dry and fatalistic sense of humor and Ms Andrews doesn't fail at making me laugh during the horror that is Kate's life.

A totally satisfying and sexy read.
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LibraryThing member cmwilson101
The Kate Daniels Magic Series of books by by Ilona Andrews (a husband-wife writing team) are incredible. It is a captivating series about Kate Daniels, a mercenary who helps to clean up messes caused by magic in a post-apocalyptic Atlanta.

Kate is tough as nails with a sarcastic streak, but
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vulnerable as well. She fights monsters with her trusty magic sword (because it always works) and tries to keep a low profile because of her heritage - if it comes out who she is, people will want to kill her.

In this fourth book of the series, the secrets that Kate has been hiding about her heritage are revealed, and she is beseiged.

Kate is slow to trust people, but throughout the series she begins to form relationships with others, including the Beast Lord who is the leader of the Pack of shapeshifters. All characters are well written, unique and authentic, even small supporting characters.

This is one of my favorite all time series; well worth reading.
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LibraryThing member rivkat
Kate Daniels is back! And while the cover has the requisite arched-back cleavage, the expression on Kate’s face is exactly the kind of I’ll-fuck-you-up I imagine for her. She’s struggling with teenage bull over her relationship with the shapeshifter Curran, but fortunately that’s mostly a
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sideshow of fighting and sex as her aunt comes to town. Given that her aunt is thousands of years old, a psychopath, and capable of exposing her to the murderous intentions of her father, that’s a bigger problem. If you’ve enjoyed the series so far, as I have, I expect this book will deliver.
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LibraryThing member xenchu
Kate Daniels is a tough, hard woman who can and will fight anyone or anything that pisses her off or gets in her way. In this fourth book in the series, someone or something is trying to bring plagues to Atlanta using shapeshifters as hosts. At the same time Kate's boyfriend, the Beast Lord, has
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stood her up on a date. This starts a battle that is as big as the one with the Plague-bringer although the weapons are a welding tool and a bag of glue.

This book is well written and the action and character building are continuous. Read the first three in the series before you read this one. They are worth the effort. I recommend this book.
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LibraryThing member Mardel
Magic Bleeds is yet another example in this series of how fun it can be to read an extremely well written urban fantasy. There's so much right with this novel. It's possible to read these novels out of order, but you'll get the full effect of all the different plots and sub plots if you read them
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as they were written - in order. We get to see a bit of Kate's awkwardly evolving friendships - she never did learn how to have friends, and doesn't know how a friendship really works. Her relationship with Curran remains explosively satisfying to read. Kate Daniels also remains satisfyingly assertive and aggressive.

While each of the books in the Kate Daniels series seems to be better than the last book, I don't think that I would be able to pick a favorite out of them all. There's not many series that I can say I absolutely enjoyed every aspect of each book. There's always at least one book that I don't like as much as the others, but not so with this series.
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LibraryThing member shadiphoenix
Warning!!! This review will contain spoilers!! Don't read unless you have finished the book or don't care if you know some things going in.

OK. had to get that out of the way, as I couldn't see a way to review this book without spoiling the ending for some readers. I love, love Ilona Andrews (more
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accurately Team Andrews with her husband and co-writer) and her Kate Daniels series. This fourth book only confirms my great love and I can't wait for more. Kate and Curran finally consummate their relationship, which complicates things for Kate, especially Curran's need to protect her from everything. Meanwhile new bad guys enter the scene, creating the expected and unexpected chaos (or at least unexpected chaos for the characters). Each book in this series ups the ante in terms of bad guys and this newest is no exception. I truly thought for awhile that Kate wasn't going to make it and that Team Andrews was setting things up for maybe a spin-off, but somehow she makes it through. And Kate and Curran get to have a "we're happy right now" ending for this book, as most if not all of Kate's secrets are revealed and the time for confronting her father is fast approaching. Looking forward to seeing where Team Andrews goes with this, including if that were-croc survives to help Kate survive the next book.
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LibraryThing member EowynA
This urban fantasy world has waves of magic enveloping the world, alternating with waves of tech, or no magic. So sometimes the phone works, and sometimes it doesn't. Our protagonist, Kate Daniels, is an investigator for the Order, and is being wooed by the King of Beasts, Curran the Beast Lord.
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The action sequences are fun, but her stubborn insistence on misreading Curran's intentions are sometimes infuriating. More is revealed about her mysterious family history, and an apocalypse is averted. She also acquires an attack poodle as a pet. What's not to like?
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LibraryThing member krau0098
This is the 4th book in the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. Right now there are seven books contracted for this series. Believe it or not, this book was even better than Magic Strikes, book 3. These books keep getting better and better...I mean just wow! I absolutely loved this book. I
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listened to this on audio book and the audio books are very, very well done.

Kate gets a call for help from a bar. She arrives to find that there a shapeshifter dead and infected with a virulent disease. As she tries to track down the magic user spreading the disease she finds out that this is no ordinary bad person. Someone from Kate's family is in town and they want to bring down Kate and all of Atlanta with her. Kate's position in the Order becomes shaky as the lead Knight of the Order forces Kate to choose between saving lives and following protocol. Things are also especially tense between Kate and Curran; especially when Curran fails to show for a special dinner date.

This was an awesome book. The Andrews (husband and wife writing team) do an excellent job with characterization, action scenes, and plot. The writing is darkly humorous, sardonic, engaging, and just all out fun to read. There are some pretty steamy scenes in this book and the Andrews do an excellent job capturing characters' vulnerable sides as well as their kick-ass attitudes.

So what was the most awesome part of the story? Well basically all of it. We learn a ton about Kate's family and past. Kate's new enemy is unbelievably powerful and brings along four excellent sidekicks in a mission to destroy Kate. It was wonderful to learn more details about Kate's childhood and crazy past. We also learn a lot about Curran's past; where he came from and what made him who he is.

The action scenes are spectacular and creative. The undead mages that Kate fights, fight dirty and Kate uses a lot of creative techniques to deal with them. This book helped fill out the world as a whole and tied a lot of things together.

Of course I have to mention the relationship between Kate and Curran. There relationship...matures a lot in this story. They still drive each other nuts, but I was happy to see how realistically and practically they dealt with the problems their relationship (or lack of one at points) causes. It was so nice to have two great characters compromise in ways that leads to a solid, if troublesome, relationship.

At the end of the book the main storyline in nicely wrapped up. There is still the overlying story-arc of Roland and what he will do if/when he discovers Kate is alive. I have been very happy with how these novels are done. They are well done, well planned, and have excellent characters. I enjoy the humor, action, and engaging plot. If I have one small complaint it is that Kate can get a bit melodramatic at times and approaches fights with a kind of "OMG we are all going to die attitude." She does this quite often and, being how many fights she's survived, I wish she had a bit more confidence in herself :-)

Overall loved this book. It is perfect. Can these books keep getting better and better? Well I will have to wait for book 5 to find out and I am eagerly,desperately waiting for book 5. Meanwhile I will have to settle with reading the Edge book, Bayou Moon, which is out in September. Also check out Silent Blade if you haven't. It is more of a romance than the Kate Daniels series but still an awesome story.
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LibraryThing member DragonLibrary8
I was hooked on this series from the go. I have been awaiting this book, and now am awaiting the next one, which I will preorder as soon as I am able. I started reading this as soon as I finished Changeless by Gail Carriger and put it down only to sleep and work - yes, I read while I ate. Loved it!
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The characters are great, the plot is solid, and the relationships are fantastic. I truly enjoy the dynamics between the different shifter groups and the humans. Kate is a fantastic heroine! The author keeps you engaged all the way to the end. One thing I like about this series is that the end of the book feels finished - but not over. It, like the three books before it, is a great read.

I have to share my favorite quote from this book - it says so much about the kind of character Kate is. (It is at a point when the council is meeting to decide Kate's place - so to speak.

"Some of you know me. Some of you have seen me fight and some of you are my friends. Have your vote. But know this: if you come to remove me, come in force, because if you try to separate me from him, I will kill every single one of you. My hand won't shake. My aim won't falter. My face will be the last thing you'll see before you die."
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LibraryThing member SunnySD
It's all about family - the family we choose and the family we're born to. After her naked date with Curran is a no-go, Kate decides her best course of action is to write the relationship off. But fate has other plans - a plague-bearing, undead-mage-riding power is attacking Atlanta and Kate's in
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the hot seat. If she can't uncover the reason why the Pack's being targeted and stop the carnage in time, Atlanta's doomed. And there's an attack poodle... Need I say more?

As always I stayed up way too late and finished it way too quickly.
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LibraryThing member Jac8604
The best Kate book yet! Each book is so good yet, somehow, the authors manage to the next one even better. While this one is more romantic than the previous novels, it doesn't sacrifice on the magical drama.
LibraryThing member lewispike
I decided to read this as a piece of fluff between the intricate perfection of some Tim Powers and the brain-twisting perfection of some Steven Erikson.

That's not to say that's a bad thing - most the books I frequently reread I count as fluffy: they have satisfying plots that suck you in and bounce
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along quickly, pulling you comfortably with them, and whilst they can have twists and turns, they're mostly fun to read.

This book certainly achieved that and went on to transcend it - it became one of those unputdownable books that left me going without sleep to finish it.

There's good fight scenes, there's fun naked romping scenes that are probably too sexy for most people to want their kids to read but are hardly hard core erotica. There's a plot where the elements of the mystery are set up efficiently and knocked down neatly and in satisfying ways. All in all, an excellent example of its type and well worth the time to read.
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LibraryThing member pacey1927
The wait is actually (almost) worth it for the books in the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. Although the world is so complex, some details from the previous books were a little fuzzy when I read "Magic Bleeds", Andrews did such an incredible job with the writing that I didn't feel lost or
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confused. In this story, Kate is stood up by Curran, the beast lord, for dinner and won't speak with him. Her job with the Order of the Knights of Merciful Aid still has her working jobs others don't want. Now a man has walked into a bar and scared away many shapeshifters, and left a dead and diseased body in his wake. What this leads to takes Kate to her worse foe yet, and thats saying something. Others have said more about the plot, so I won't rehash too much of that. I want to comment on the unbelievably well drawn and consistent characters Andrews has introduced us to. Kate is the most human of any of urban fantasy's many heroines today. She is tough as nails and she can get the nastiest, scariest jobs done, but she is still a woman. She still can be hurt, not just physically but emotionally as well. Curran standing her up hurt Kate worse than anything we've seen since her mentor Greg died in the first book. She is sarcastic but not overly so...its enjoyable without ever being annoying. The relationship between Kate and Curran is probably the best I've read. I don't mind paranormal romances for the most part, but I just love a story where that isn't the focus. I don't love pages and pages of overdone emotional musings. The way Curran and Kate play off each other is amusing and endearing. This is a couple that I believe could stay interesting and strong even if/when they ever come to be truly together. I love the side characters and I absolutely adore this book's new addition. I hope he sticks around for a long while. Its fun watching Kate who has for some long kept relationships away, gaining more and more all the time. I came to this series for the action promised on the back cover, but I stay for the enjoyment I get out of spending time with Kate and the other characters. Still surprisingly stellar after four books, but if you haven't picked these up yet, please start with the first!
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LibraryThing member les121
I enjoyed this book immensely. It’s like a summer action movie: fast-paced, humorous, sexy, over the top, a little stupid... but a heck of a lot of fun. If you’re in the mood for a book with some good old fashioned butt kicking, cool sword fights, a tough as nails heroine, and a magical
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showdown of epic proportions, with an awesome steamy scene thrown into the mix, then Magic Bleeds fits the bill. This fourth installment in the Kate Daniels series can be read on its own, but I recommend reading the books in order because it builds on events and characterization of the previous three novels. Despite my analogy to a summer action movie, this book actually has a fair amount of drama as well, especially surrounding the romantic subplot and the protagonist’s family issues. The last couple of chapters are surprisingly emotional and heartfelt, while somehow managing to avoid coming off as stupid or melodramatic. It’s not the greatest book of all time, but it's so fun and entertaining that I can gladly overlook its flaws and just let myself have a good time reading it.
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LibraryThing member Shy
Wow, what can I write other than I loved Magic Bleeds the fourth book in the Kate Daniel series. Kate is a kick-ass heroine that keeps going and no matter what happens she jumps right back up with Slayer in her hand ready for battle and a quip to add.

This IMO is the best of the series. A lot of
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action, mythology, great dialogue, and of course of Kate/Curran interaction... ahem, get your minds out the gutter I wasn't referring to that, moving on now. There was more background info on certain characters and of course the big bad person who strolls into town with a nifty talent of bringing major sickness has a very surprising tie to Kate, tea anyone. For me this book just flowed so nicely. I can't think of anything I didn't like about it which for me is a rare thing. Derek and Julie aren't in this one as much as before but Saimian is and woo he pulls quite a stunt and of course Curran and Kate hash their relationship out very- well, in their mature fashion lol. There are a lot of great one-liners in here that made me laugh.

Two more books for this series and I'm guessing it'll round up to the showdown of Kate's big enemy. Great series.
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LibraryThing member fifteenstories
This book was fantastic and more than surpassed my expectations for the latest in this series. The husband and wife team that is Ilona Andrews do an incredible job writing the kind of urban fantasies that pretty much impossible to set down. I know it sound ridiculous, but seriously - the books in
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these series consistently have every element to make them both irresistible and memorable. First the world that they've created in alternate reality Atlanta is just so rich. The interaction of old and new, of technology and magic, just makes so much sense that it's hard for the reader to not see its authenticity. The rules for each character are well thought out and understandable, the clashes of culture that arise when different groups interact are never random; they all follow a strict code of guidelines, which lends even more credability to the plot.

But of course no series like this could be as incredible if the characters themselves didn't have the same kind of depth and personality to carry off the intricate environment. Kate and Curran are the kind of heroes that readers long for - they are not perfect. They work hard, they try their best, but bad things happen to them and they do bad things to other people. These are not the squeeky clean herose of myth and legend; the world Kate and Curran inhabit has very few easy answers, saving one often comes at the risk of many, and if anything does look easy it probably means that it's hard as hell. Around them are a cast of supporting characters with their own problems and passions, and I think Ilona Andrews has done a wonderful job at balancing the quandry of having enough characters that the two heros are pushed but not writing in so many that the reader gets lost.

Overall Feeling - Thumbs up!! So freaking good I can't really contain myself. It's my favorite thing in the world to have a book I've been waiting so long for be this good, which I'm sure sounds like a cliche, but Magic Bleeds is THAT good!

Series - 1) Magic Bites 2) Magic Burns 3) Magic Strikes 4) Magic Bleeds

ReadingAmidsttheChaos (dot) blogspot (dot) com
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LibraryThing member amf0001
Excellent. Up t here with Patricia Briggs as a weaver of great worlds and great romance. Just loved Curran and Kate and want to spend more time with them! Looking forward to the next book, a keeper and a sure reread.
LibraryThing member flemmily
I was not initially a huge fan of this series, but this is my favorite book so far. It took me awhile to warm up to Kate, she was wonderfully kick-ass, but not emotionally interesting enough for me.
Now that I've finished Magic Bleeds, I'm a pretty big fan. A lot of that is probably that the
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Kate/Curran storyline finally takes up a little more page time (and I love a love/hate relationship - or a love/practical joke relationship). But also by this time, the world makes sense. Kate makes sense. Her relationships with the people around her are developed enough to have an interesting emotional landscape.
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LibraryThing member Jenson_AKA_DL
The best of the series so far, in this entry we find Kate facing different concepts of family, both the ones you do and do not choose. I enjoyed her much more here, I think her character has softened a little bit which makes her a more likeable protagonist to me.

As always there is plenty of action
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along with some blood spattering and a few cringe worthy scenes. We also get to see a bit more progress in the Curran/Kate relationship which I felt was very rewarding.

Overall quite a good series that seems to get stronger and more fluid as it goes along.
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LibraryThing member sharrow
Brilliant. Loved the action and the direction of the story, awesome book and marvy series.

Re read in March 2013. One of my all time favourite books.
LibraryThing member mlsimmons
The more I read this series, the more I like it. Now, I will wait impatiently for the next book in the series. I can't wait to see where Kate and Curran go next.
LibraryThing member mlh2
Okay, I don't give many books 5 stars, but I just had no other choice with this one. It was great! Kate must finally face her truth, her past and her future. It's so hard to write a synopsis of this book without giving too much away - so if you need to know what it's about then read the little
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blurb up top.
[ Kate is finally honest with herself and with Curran. She discovers that she does have family besides her biological father - an Aunt! But, she's not exactly the great and wonderful aunt that we hope to meet. She's pure pathological, psychotic evil. Kate also finally gives in to her fears of creating connections with others and not only does she finally commit to Curran - she doesn't let go even when it seems the darkest. I did miss Julie a bit in this one and some of the other main characters - though a few of them made small appearances here and there. I didn't understand Andrea's behavior toward the Pack or Kate - but I wonder if it's an opening for the next book. It gives Kate a reason to go up against the Pack in support of Andrea even if she has been acting kind of awful. I can't wait to see how many bumps in the road Kate and Curran go through in the next book.

(hide spoiler)]

I would definitely recommend this book to others!
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LibraryThing member Steenf65
Different. Very good. Well told. Fun. I read it more than once. Thick book, small print, very good story: very very good value for money ;-)

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Kate Daniels, 4


Fic SF Andrews


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