The King of Attolia

by Megan Whalen Turner

Ebook, 2017



Call number

Fic Childrens Turner





Eugenides, still known as a Thief of Eddis, faces palace intrigue and assassins as he strives to prove himself both to the people of Attolia and to his new bride, their queen.

User reviews

LibraryThing member ncgraham
I read the first two of Megan Whalen Turner's Attolian books (more properly referred to as the Queen's Thief series) a few months ago at the behest of some online friends, and found both to be great reads. With school out I finally had a chance to read this, the third installment, and ended up
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enjoying just as much as the others. Note that if you have not yet finished The Thief and The Queen of Attolia, you probably shouldn't be reading this review—or any of the others. Don't worry, you have plenty of great reading ahead! For those who have made it through the first two volumes but are still in the process of reading the newest book, I'll try to keep the following relatively spoiler-free.

"The king sat with his feet on the chair and his knees drawn up to his chest, looking over them and out the window. So motionless was he, and so silent the progress of his tears, that it was the space of a breath before Costis realized the king was crying. When he did, he stepped hastily back out of sight."—pg. 142

Like its predecessor, The King of Attolia can be a frustrating book initially. At the end of Queen, it seems that love will be triumphant: Eugenides, the Thief of Eddis, has not only melted the heart of his true love, the Queen of Attolia, but also secured a tenuous piece between their countries. However, as the curtains open on this new milieu, one finds Gen ridiculed and persecuted by his new court, and seemingly lacking any true romantic relationship with the Queen. For the most part we see him through the eyes of a member of the Queen's Guard, Costis, and the picture we get of the new king is of someone small, weak, cynical, bitter, and just waiting to become the puppet of either the Queen or one of her Dukes. The stimulus of the plot is provided by Costis when he publicly insults and almost attacks the king; in return, Eugenides makes him a personal guard of sorts. Costis' contempt gradually turns into pity, respect, and even love as Gen struggles to find his place in this new world.

As much as it is a trial to see Eugenides act so uncharacteristically for much of the book, it is a joy to see him slowly reveal himself within the last half especially. Turner's character's are always beautifully developed; in each book they are constantly learning, and so are we—but not in the Aesop's Fables sense. In the last book I wasn't fully reconciled to the romance between Gen and Irene (Attolia's given name), but their encounters later in this volume are intense, romantic, and—dare I say it of the sequel to a Newberry Medal winner?—yes, even sexy. Moreover, they complement themselves beautifully as both people and rulers. At one point a raging Attolia vents at one of her advisers for preferring the king's mercy to his justice, and though there is justice in his mercy, it is true that to some extent they represent these two qualities as individuals. Deep down, for all her pride and fierceness, she does want him to succeed, to become a true king. But both must make sacrifices for that to happen. Costis, too, has much to learn about honor and loyalty (not to mention humor!) before this book can come to a close.

Though it is hard to put down once one comes to the half-way point, there are a few scenes that drag, and why Turner insists on writing sixty-page chapters I don't know; it's not something I remember her doing in the two previous books. It will be interesting to see how The King of Attolia will appear in the context of the entire series, once it's finished. As it is, it's an excellent character piece and leaves one wishing for more.
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LibraryThing member eleanor_eader
In this third book of the series, Megan Whalen Turner leaves the threat to Attolia and its neighbouring monarchies from the Medes simmering in the background as motivation for the urgency of a strong rule, and instead gives the reader a splendidly intimate insight into the problems of the young
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King’s new position. Gen is enduring a great deal for his love of the Queen, as witnessed by Costis, a guard with little political savvy and no liking for the thief who stole a throne, but who Eugenides nevertheless enlists as a personal lieutenant. The author has cleverly deposited Gen in a position where he is once again initially unimpressive; his youth and comparative freedom to date so obviously against him, removing him from everyone who has grown to respect his strengths, and once again leaves the reader – who should know better by now – wondering if the Thief of Eddis can handle ruling as King.

I am really enjoying these books; all the characters are strong, but since meeting Gen in the first person narration of book one, the reader has immediate sympathy with him in these next two books; watching him manipulate the people who would try to manipulate him is a delight, and watching him win their respect is even better.
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LibraryThing member Nikkles
When ever I pick up a book about our dear Thief, I expect to put it down and do something else for at least part of my day. That never really seems to happen. This story, like the rest of the books, is so compelling and interesting and fun that I just keep reading it. The characters and dialogue
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are of course fantastic, but twists and turns of the story are great as well. The writing itself if also very good. These books are for a bit of a mature audience as they can be a little violent. I highly recommend the whole series.
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LibraryThing member ashleytylerjohn
Irritating, punctuated by intervals of interesting.

Others have already expressed the gist of my dissatisfaction--if it weren't for the good bits being very good, this would be a one or two star book. As it is, I'm basically done with the series--I thought 2 was a huge let-down after 1, and 3 is
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much the same if not slightly worse.

The author has created some wonderful characters and then kept them away from us. She's created compelling relationships that we don't get to see. Eventually (not really a spoiler) you from-time-to-time find out that some interesting things were happening while she wasn't telling you about them, which is maddening.

My favourite kind of writing will let you in enough on the plan to lure you in, but withholds enough to keep its eventual unfolding surprising. Not here. I'm done.

(Note: 5 stars = amazing, wonderful, 4 = very good book, 3 = decent read, 2 = disappointing, 1 = awful, just awful. I'm fairly good at picking for myself so end up with a lot of 4s).
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LibraryThing member stephxsu
Eugenides, former Thief of Eddis, only wanted the Queen of Attolia, but he got the title of king as well. Attolians openly scorn and ridicule their dim-witted and utterly incompetent foreigner king, but, even with only one hand, Eugenides has many more tricks up his sleeve, starting with all the
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events that transpire after an encounter with an honest young guard named Costis…

Oh my word. Megan Whalen Turner rewards devoted fans of this series by presenting a third installment that is suspenseful, plot-twistingly smart, and surprisingly romantic.

When you read or reread MWT’s books, you never do so with the intention that you’ll completely understand how these characters’ minds work. That’s what I admire so much about this series—even if, at times, I do not completely like the books. Do you know the difference? Eugenides and Attolia are not entirely likable: they’re each way too clever, powerful, manipulative, and ruthless for me to actually want to be friends with them. I related most to something that Costis’ friend Aristogiton said regarding loving the queen: he would follow her to the ends of the earth and give up his life for her, but he would never for anything be her lover or partner. Eugenides and Attolia clearly work together, yet we readers, just like pretty much all Eddisians and Attolians, cannot precisely describe how.

In a ways, Megan Whalen Turner’s unique narrative style allows this distant admiration of the two main characters. Instead of giving us the point of view of the narrator—and furthermore, in MWT’s case, the narrator(s) and main characters aren’t necessarily one and the same!—MWT often gives no character’s point of view: the “narrator,” the flimsy definition of which is just the character whose reactions might have been mentioned first in each scene, is simply an outside observer like us readers. The result is that THE KING OF ATTOLIA read like a true “novelization” of a movie or TV show—because, just like when you watch movies or TV, you see the actions and characters’ reactions, but never entirely get their thoughts on matters, so you have kind of the same thing going on in KING. It’s a rare occurrence in literature, and does nothing to help you better comprehend Eugenides, Attolia, and others, but it’s precisely how MWT manages to keep readers on their figurative toes throughout the entire book, even if all the little action going on is confined within palace walls.

The series stumbled for me a bit with The Queen of Attolia, because I thought that MWT’s unique narrative style didn’t work quite as well when the plot revolved around a multi-country war, but KING pulled me right back in by focusing more on characters and their relationships with one another. Like I mentioned earlier, KING rewards devoted fans of the series by the very fact that it keeps us out of the minds of the beloved main characters, making it so that the allure of the enigmatic continues to surround them even as we read more about them. I thought I had figured Eugenides out after accompanying him through two books, but that was not the case, and it delighted me all the more that I was never able to pin what I know down enough to successfully make any predictions about plot or character at all.

THE KING OF ATTOLIA is a literary feast for the intelligent, for sure. Megan Whalen Turner keeps you on your toes right from the start, and continues to do so all the way to the end, where she still succeeds in shocking you. What a book. What an accomplishment.
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LibraryThing member Yona
Oh my goodness! A masterpiece. How can these keep getting better. This one gets more subtle and complex as well. Another seemingly very well thought out and interesting shift in the POV. Third person but mostly through the eyes of a king's guard - sort of.

I wish Megan Whalen Turner had a much
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larger list of books already written. The fourth book in this series has been ordered as well as her book of fantasy short stories. I'll probable be picking up the couple of anthologies listed that contain her work.
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LibraryThing member DeltaQueen50
The King of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner is the third novel in her Queen’s Thief fantasy series. The setting for these novels reminds me of the countries that surround the Mediterranean Sea. The characters’ names are Greek and this world has many gods, ruled over by the Great Goddess
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Hephestia. It is impossible to discuss this book without giving spoilers from the first two books, so if you are planning on reading these books, perhaps you should skip this review. Although the story continues on from the last book and is mostly about the marriage between Eugenides and the Queen of Attolia and how the Thief of Eddis takes to being the king, it is largely told from the point of view of Costis, a young soldier in the Queen’s Guard. Costis is honourable, loyal and steadfast, and as he comes to understand the complicated relationship between the Queen and the King, so too, do the readers.

The story involves the political intrigues that the marriage between the Thief of Eddis and the Queen of Attolia generates in the Attolian court. Most of the court views him as weak, unfit to be their king, but after an assassination attempt, it becomes very clear that there is a lot more to this new young King and his relationship with the Queen then was previously thought. While the main storyline is of his struggle to accept his destiny, when the true character of the King is finally revealed, Attolia can now concentrate on the danger that threatens from outside. Can the small countries of Attolia and Eddis stand united against an invasion from the Mede Empire?

Even though the story unfolds from the viewpoint of Costis, The King of Attolia is front and center as he matures and maneuvers his way to power. Although the reader is not privy to any intimate details between them, the Queen and King have an undeniable chemistry. And while there is less action than in the previous books, the author has crafted a very intelligent, romantic and absorbing story. I am already looking forward to book number four.
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LibraryThing member mutantpudding
love this book, love the characters, hate this cover because it makes Gen look about 12 years old and also hella whitewashed.
LibraryThing member xicanti
**SPOILER WARNING*** While I always do my best not to reveal anything major about the book I'm reviewing, it's difficult, (if not impossible), to discuss The King of Attolia without at least implying a major spoiler for The Queen of Attolia. If you haven't read that book yet, proceed with caution.

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young soldier looks on as the recently-crowned King of Attolia adjusts to his new status.

And once again, Turner changes her storytelling method in a surprising way. The Thief was in the first person, with Eugenides as narrator. The Queen of Attolia was in the third person with Eugenides as the primary - but not sole - point of view character. Now, with this most recent installment of the series, Turner rarely tells the story from Eugenides's pespective. He's still very much the centre of the story, but his exploits are all filtered through the eyes of Costis, a young soldier who finds his fate linked with the new king's.

I found this an interesting approach. While I initially missed Gen and hoped the POV would shift at some point, I quickly got used to Costis's perspective. It worked well as a means of engaging the reader while still keeping her at somewhat of a distance. Readers already familiar with the first two books in the series, (and I would most definitely recommend that you read them before tackling this one), will find it interesting to wade through the many guises Eugenides adopts as he faces the Attolian court. Costis's impressions of him are bound to differ from the reader's own, letting the reader feel as though she's in on a large and delightful secret. As Costis's view of Eugenides slowly shifts, the story begins to twist and turn in some surprising yet logical ways.

Like The Thief, this is a slower story; unlike The Thief, it works right from the first page to the last due to its strong characterization and readable, engrossing style. The plot is much quieter than that of the last two books, with less attention paid to wide-reaching political concerns and more emphasis on individuals. I highly recommend it to readers with an interest in character-based stories.

And I certainly hope Turner returns to this work. I feel certain there are more stories here; I, for one, can't wait to read them.
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LibraryThing member BookAddictDiary
After waiting six long years, The King of Attolia, sequel to The Thief and The Queen of Attolia, finally came out. Continuing the adventures of Eugenides, the former thief of Eddis, after stealing away the Queen of Attolia, falling in love with her, and exchanging unexpected marriage vows, even
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though the woman had his right hand cut off, which would render most thieves completely useless. This tension, along with the wonderfully-drawn political intrigue introduced in Queen of Attolia set the stage for the events of King of Attolia.

Eugenides is having a tough time adjusting to his role as king. Not only is he unfit for the title, but seemingly could care less. Despite this, Attolia tries to help Eugenides rise to the occasion and gain respect from his subjects, particularly the palace guards. But it doesn't take long for rumors to swirl. Does the Queen truly love Eugenides? Does she just mean to use his love to control him in some political game? Should Eugenides continue to be the king, or is another better suited. Told primarily through the eyes of Costis, Eugenides' man servant and personal assistant, who tends to spend most of the novel disgusted with his master.

King of Attolia signals a massive shift in the The Queen's Thief series so far. Instead of following the adventures of a thief, instead readers watch as a fish-out-of-water tries to cope with his new surroundings and adapt to political games. There is less action than in previous novels, which may make it difficult for some readers, but King of Attolia is instead chalked full of political intrigue, witty court games and good old backstabbing. Yeah, I love it.

Whalen's writing style has also matured in the six years she's been away from Eugenides's world. In particular, her ability to portray characters has significantly improved. Eugenides was particularly well-drawn, easy to visualize and fully three-dimensional. Heck, I could almost imagine him as one of my friends I hang out with regularly. I got to know him that well with the details Whalen included -and didn't include.

King of Attolia is highly recommended for fans of the series, and for YA readers. Even though King is the third book in the series, it's essentially a stand-along title, so readers won't be completely lost if they start here, but I would recommend reading the other books first to get a full picture of the world and the characters.
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LibraryThing member notemily
Moar Eugenides nao... plz?

I think I like this book best of the three because it names all the characters. And there are a lot of named characters. Pretty well-fleshed-out ones, too. I won't say much about the plot because I don't want to spoil for all three books. I will just say that it is
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awesome. And I can't wait for the fourth book.
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LibraryThing member AJBraithwaite
A bit less in the way of action than the previous two books in the series: this one concentrates on the relationship between Eugenides and the Queen of Attolia, as seen through the eyes of Costis, a member of the Queen's Guard.

Sets the scene nicely for the fourth in the series, which is due to be
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published this year.
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LibraryThing member bell7
Costis, a member of the Queen's Guard, expects to lose his life because he has punched the King in the face. Everyone knows he's just a swindler from Eddis who stole their queen, but obviously, even if you hate your sovereign hitting him is dangerous business. But Eugenides doesn't kill Costis; he
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promotes him. The new lieutenant instead sees the King at his finest - half asleep during the morning sessions, bored during lessons on history and languages, practicing sword drills in first position. This is the King of Attolia?

Because the story is told primarily from Costis' perspective, we are that much more distanced from Eugenides, though his personality still comes out, especially when he speaks with his cousins or Attolia. Though I like this book least of the three I have read, I appreciate it in rereading in ways I did not before. The King of Attolia is more about political maneuvering than the previous books in the series, and more about Eugenides becoming a true king than about the action. Though it can drag in parts, I did read it in a day and have read it multiple times, so I can hardly be too critical on that front.
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LibraryThing member DRFP
I've persevered with this series to the end because so many people said how much it improves with each volume. To be honest, I wish I hadn't. I'd had quite enough of Gen after TQoA. This is just more of the same mediocre writing as before. Turner's style is okay: it's not heavy, wordy or boring,
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but after three novels she has failed to invest her characters and world with any substantial depth.

That's what made reading this final novel so boring. Everyone is the same with no new facets revealed. The whole cast is just so plain! The plot here is rather unexciting. Court intrigue makes a fine subplot to many fantasy novels (heck, it even forms the bulk of some of ASOIAF) but here it's the whole story and it's simply not that interesting. With better characters, like GRRM's, it can be engrossing but Turner simply doesn't provide. On any front for that matter.
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LibraryThing member justabookreader
There will be spoilers so if you’re not interested in knowing how this one turns out, you might want to look away. It’s the third in a series and I can’t figure out how to write this without giving at least a few tidbits away. I think this is the best in the series so far and the longer this
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story goes on, the more I love it.

Eugenides, the Thief of Eddis, is now the King of Attolia. He has what he wanted, the Queen of Attolia as his wife, and something he doesn’t want, the crown of Attolia. The court hates him, believing him to be a petulant child, and don’t understand why the Queen married him. Political schemes are hatched, there’s open talk of death threats on the King’s life, and his attendants do all they can to make him appear foolish. A young, naive guard named Costis, after openly stating his contempt for the King and physically assaulting him, ends up in the center of the political storm, and for the first time, actually seeing and understanding his new King.

In this book you really get to see Gen’s character, and if you play close enough attention, you see the rouse Gen is playing. It’s a good show and sets up numerous plot lines for the next book. It was nice to see the relationship between Gen and the Queen develop as well. These two dance around each other a lot and sometime you do wonder if it’s all for show, and other times, if they actually like each other at all.

I love books full of court intrigue and this one has a lot of it: unhappy barons, scheming courtiers, a King and Queen who seem to loathe each other, a threat of war, and numerous back stabbing people looking to make their fortunes on the fate of others.

I always find it hard to write reviews for books in a series because I have to give something away in order to make it work. I knew that would be the case with this one especially since Whalen Turner seems to be building up to something.

Each new book in this series has been filled with political schemes and intrigue and it’s only getting deeper and more complex with each book. Gen’s character has been revealed with each successive book and he’s a character I’ve grown to love. I’m looking forward to A Conspiracy of Kings.
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LibraryThing member roguelibrarian
Plot: …I don’t know how to summarize these three books without giving everything away. The series follows three small countries (Soumis, Eddis and Attolia) and their rulers. They are all facing the threat of foreign invasion and are each dealing with it in their own ways. In the first book the
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king of Soumis is trying to win the hand of the Queen of Eddis so that he might claim her country and strengthen his own. To this end, his highest adviser leaves on a quest with a thief to find a holy object. In the second book, Eddis, Attolia and Soumis go to war. And in the third Attolia’s new king must adjust to his new role and bring the country’s rebellious barons under control so that they can confront the invaders with a united front.

That (purposely vague) plot description does not do this series justice. This is a wonderfully rich fantasy world with complex and realistic political intrigue (and people behind the intrigue) and a compelling pantheon of gods. I’m not entirely sure why this series is often shelved with the children’s books in book stores, or even the YA (though it is put out by Harper Teen, an imprint I’ve grown quite fond of). These are dense books about adult characters and about politics. There is nothing inappropriate in them (a little gruesome violence aside) and I would have loved these as a teen, still I find the editorial choice interesting. I suspect a lot of adult fans of political fantasy (like myself) are missing out.

The writing quality and style develops beautifully over the three books. I admit that I had a bit of trouble with the first book, The Thief, mainly because of the first person narration. The main character in all three books is an intelligent man who wins through trickery and manipulation. He’s wonderfully good at it and even tricks the reader at times. But this is also why the first person narration bothered me. How do you trick someone who is in your head? The big reveal at the end of the first book left me feeling a bit betrayed. But the two other books do away with the first person narration and are better for it.

The King of Attolia is definitely the best in terms of plot, character development and intrigue (though there is now a forth book, The Conspiracy of Kings, which I would love to find even better) but they all have something to commend them. The Thief, whatever else I may say about it, makes beautiful use of stories and storytelling. And the Queen of Attolia pits two strong, powerful, intelligent and deeply interesting women against each other in a battle that I became as invested in as they were. To think I found them in a remaindered book sale and picked them up for the pretty covers.
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LibraryThing member RBeffa
"The King of Attolia" is yet again a very different book than its predecessors, "The Thief" and "The Queen of Attolia". Building upon events from the prior books I believe that this one is my favorite of the series so far. There is one more book to go. The Thief of Eddis, Eugenides, now the King of
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Attolia, plays a dangerous game in this book. Attolia has long been rife with rival factions and some if not most would be happy to have the new King dead and gone. This story is told through the eyes of a young guard who adores his Queen, but initially hates and despises the King, but is very honest and devoted to his service and becomes fiercely loyal to Eugenides.

This was a well told tale that I enjoyed very much.
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LibraryThing member edspicer
Every year BBYA has a discussion about whether or not sequels belong on a BBYA list, especially if the sequel requires prior knowledge of previous books for comprehension. The strongest supporters of this book, the third in Turner’s magnificent trilogy, were those readers who did not read the
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second book, at least.

Turner’s skill is in the creation of the spiritual and religious mythologies that guide her characters. Her cosmos is at once very believable and always logical and consistent. She creates, perhaps, the most complex and believable characters of any fantasy writer out there. This book is, perhaps, even better than The Thief, and certainly a book that award committees will be seriously considering.

Eugenides is the new king of Attolia, whether anyone in his kingdom wants him to be or thinks he is worthy of being. Many believe the Queen only married him to maintain political stability between realms. The political intrigue in this court is such that any sudden moves or decisions on the part of Eugenides, have dire consequences for his love and his queen. Whether Eugenides wants to be king or not (and the text is rich enough to support many different viewpoints), Eugenides is forced to be the king. Consequently, he is forced into the tightrope of earning the respect of his enemies without damaging their relationship with the Queen. This sophisticated story is also a book that will keep you reading well past your bedtime. Highly recommended for all middle school and high school libraries.
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LibraryThing member katekf
Another fascinating entry in this amazing series, where Eugenides tries to figure out what kind of king he will be as no one in Attolia wants him to be king. The main voice is young Costis, a member of the Royal Guard who doesn't understand this young man who is suddenly his ruler and struggles in
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Eugenides' wake. These books are a great series for readers in middle and high school who enjoy political intrigue and historical fiction as they are inspired by the history of Greece. They hold a reminder of how dangerous the world of politics can be and the violence is approached seriously, which a reader should be aware of.
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LibraryThing member rivkat
Gen, now king, struggles with how to be king while retaining his identity as the Thief, honoring his role in Eddis, and learning to be a husband. He’d prefer to be thought weak so that the queen can continue to rule, but it doesn’t quite work that way. I’m describing the book badly—it’s
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very controlled, and it spends half the time in the POV of a guard who really doesn’t like Gen at the outset and comes instead to see him with half respect, half incomprehension. It does very interesting things with palace intrigue and Greek-ish settings where, among other things, Gen’s god does intervene—but only to prevent him from dying in a specific way.
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LibraryThing member majkia
So hard to say much about this as everything is a spoiler. So suffice to say the series has become one of my favorite ever. Gen is such a terrifically complex and surprising character. His schemes and plans are always so complex that although you know he's up to something, it's never quite clear
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just what until the whole thing falls into place.

This book shows him through the eyes of a guard who, the poor thing, has no clue who or what Gen is, but has to find a way to deal with him. At first hating him, as do most of his fellows, and then coming eventually to a fierce loyalty even he can't explain.

On to the last current book [Conspiracy of Kings].
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LibraryThing member Aerrin99
My favorite of the series so far, by far. The politicking and intrigue absolutely delighted me, as did the flip of seeing Gen and Attolia from other, outside eyes. I kept turning pages eagerly, waiting to see what this event or that move would turn out to /really/ be. This one made me hungry for
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LibraryThing member wagner.sarah35
Continuing the story of Eugenides, this installment follows the former thief in his new role as the King of Attolia. Surrounded by former enemies and conspiring aristocrats, Eugenides must navigate the difficult waters of his wife's royal court. His subtle tactics create an unlikely ally of Costis,
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a young guardsmen, and must eventually prove his worth as the king.
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LibraryThing member satyridae
Loved this one, once I got over the POV change. I think I'd like to re-read these in about a year, once I've forgotten enough, and see how I feel about the first one then.

This book plays a deeper game than the second. It's also a lot of fun, and deepens some of the characters appreciably. The plot
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twists and wriggles, and it's a nice ride.
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LibraryThing member akmargie
This has so many levels of awesome its hard to pick which is the best. But seriously Gen is one of my all time favorite YA characters.

Original publication date


Local notes

Queen's Thief, 3


Fic Childrens Turner


(679 ratings; 4.4)
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