How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf

by Molly Harper

Ebook, 2011



Call number

Fic SF Harper



Pocket Books


Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML: Northern Exposure Even in Grundy, Alaska, it's unusual to find a naked guy with a bear trap clamped to his ankle on your porch. But when said guy turns into a wolf, recent southern transplant Mo Wenstein has no difficulty identifying the problem. Her surly neighbor Cooper Graham--who has been openly critical of Mo's ability to adapt to life in Alaska--has trouble of his own. Werewolf trouble. For Cooper, an Alpha in self-imposed exile from his dysfunctional pack, it's love at first sniff when it comes to Mo. But Cooper has an even more pressing concern on his mind. Several people around Grundy have been the victims of wolf attacks, and since Cooper has no memory of what he gets up to while in werewolf form, he's worried that he might be the violent canine in question. If a wolf cries wolf, it makes sense to listen, yet Mo is convinced that Cooper is not the culprit. Except if he's not responsible, then who is? And when a werewolf falls head over haunches in love with you, what are you supposed to do anyway? The rules of dating just got a whole lot more complicated. . . ..… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member reading_crystal
A really cute paranormal romance. Not quite as funny as I expected, but it's definitely light and the funny parts are definitely funny. I have not read any other of Ms. Harper's books but I will be sure to pick up the next one in this series, The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf when it comes out
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next month.

The romance is interesting. I like that Cooper is protective of Mo. I think that makes him a great male character but sometimes he seems to take his "alphaness" a little too far. I love Mo. The descriptions of life with her parents are laugh-out-loud funny and you really feel for her and her struggle to become her own person and live a "normal" life. Just when she thinks it's finally working she figures out that Cooper is a werewolf. Nothing too normal about that. I loved how the werewolves were worked in and how she was able to accept him pretty easily (it goes with her background so it doesn't seem unrealistic). The scenes between them can be steamy, but I got a little frustrated at times when he didn't behave like I wanted him to. He could be rather angsty at times, but at other times so sweet. Of course that's what makes it a romance, there has to be a little conflict to make the relationship work in a book.

So the characters are interesting and I look forward to meeting some of the other pack members and getting to know them better in future books and maybe getting to know the inhabitants of Grundy a little better as well. I felt the book was mainly focused on the romance and conflict between Mo and Cooper that the town inhabitants were more in the background, but I want to learn more about them and the town.

Great characters and good romance equals a fun and light read. I enjoyed reading How to Flirt With a Naked Werewolf and will be picking up some of Molly Harper's other books in the near future. She has a good writing style and I want to see it in action in her other books.
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LibraryThing member AlaskanBookie
This book was a fun listen. I enjoyed that it was set in Alaska so that was like reading a book about my hometown. I could identify with a lot of the attitudes about tourists and people from the lower 48 coming up to Alaska to live on the land..... and then we have to go rescue them. Definitely a
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light hearted look at werewolves and dating.
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LibraryThing member Lavinient
This was a cute book - more paranormal chick lit than paranormal romance. Chick lit is usually more a miss than a hit with me, and that is usually because I find the protagonists very annoying, but I really liked Mo. She never did anything obviously stupid and her humor was very sarcastic.
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story was pretty much Mo moving to Alaska and starting her life anew. She quickly develops friendly relationships with the locals and starts working as the cook at a tavern. She falls for a very surly local named Cooper and soon finds out he is a werewolf. Some people start dying of wolf attacks and Cooper thinks the culprit may be his wolf form. Give this book a shot if you are in the mood for something light and fun.
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LibraryThing member kalky
The Supernatural Romance genre is not my favorite; however, this book is really pretty good. Clever dialogue is one of its strongest points, and I enjoyed many of the quirky characters.
LibraryThing member TheLibraryhag
After Mo's fiance breaks off the engagement, she decides she needs a change. She packs up and moves the Grundy, Alaska, escaping her Mississippi roots and overly protective hippie parents. It is pretty drastic, but Mo discovers that she fits right in with the small community. And she finds love.
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Ant there is just one problem, this love of his life is a werewolf. Yep, there is always a catch.

I just love Molly Harper. I am not that crazy about werewolf books in general, but this one was just so funny and touching. I really like Mo and the other folks who live in Grundy. I also found a soft spot for Mo's nutty parents. There was also a touch of wolfy mystery. I am putting the second book on hold at the library right away.
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LibraryThing member mountie9
The Good Stuff

* A truly funny, sweet, charming adorable read
* Some very naughty bits that had me wishing werewolves were real - however I would be quite pissed for their obvious disregard for expensive lingerie (but hey if he was willing to replace it all, I could get over it)
* Love the quirky
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secondary characters
* The sense of community is so nicely written about that I had a sudden urge to move to Grundy , Alaska
* Funny as hell that I found myself giggling and snorting out loud on many occasions
* The dialog between characters is quirky and reminded me a little of Buffy
* Opening paragraph had me hooked and knew right away that this was going to be a book I would love.
* Will definitely be looking for more books by Molly Harper
* Mo is wonderful character and I loved her sass and her bravery
* The conversations between Mo and her Mom are awesome
* Great sexual chemistry between Mo and Cooper
* Love the flirting between the men of Grundy and Mo

The Not so Good Stuff

* the forgiveness is way too quick for my taste
* Way too many favorite quotes for me to narrow down to just three
* The descriptions of the food made me extremely hungry

Favorite Quotes/Passages
"Abner told me that if I moved into his cabin on the outskirts of town, my feet would always be warm and the toilet seat would always be down. I thanked him for the tempting offer.

"No, actual meat, It's sort of a tradition in Grundy, a macho provider thing. They want to show you that they can feather your nest, so to speak. It's pretty Neanderthal of them, but sweet at the same time. When a Grundy man offers you a rump roast, it's the equivalent of asking you to go steady."

"Maybe its just an overabundance of hormones, a response to a sexual starvation diet. I'd been without for so long that my body was craving the worst possible thing for me. Cooper was a carnal triple chocolate cheesecake , deep-fried on a stick."

What I Learned

* Werewolves make excellent lovers, with the exception of their lingerie ripping ways
* That Alaska sounds like a wonderful place to live

Who should/shouldn't read

* For anyone with a sense of humour
* Fans of Jennifer Estep, MaryJanice Davidson, Ilona Andrews, Julie Kenner, Marta Acosta, and even Jeaniene Frost will definitely enjoy

4.5 Dewey's

I borrowed this from Natasha
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LibraryThing member pacey1927
Molly Harper has proven to be a great author of humourous paranormal stories. The "Good Girls" books were increasingly hysterical and have a permanent place on my keeper shelf. It was of course only a matter of time until I got to the first of her Alaska Werewolves books, "How to Flirt With a Naked
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Werewolf". The book was a treat for the most part. I loved the herione Mo, who comes to Grundy Alaska to escape her crazy, overprotective hippie parents and to find a place for herself. Despite her fears, she quickly falls in love with the small, somewhat isolated town. She has several scary episodes which end up involving a wolf who actually seems to protect her. When she finds a naked aquaintence at her doorstep with a trap on his leg, she is thrust into a whole world she didn't knew existed.

The story is really entertaining. A laughed outloud several times during the book but it didn't seem quite as hysterical to me as the "Good Girls" books. Mo is a fantastic character and I loved how fleshed out she was. Knowing of her past and how she was raised by her parents really made her relatable. What made the book as great as it was for me were the secondary characters. Grundy is full to the brim with lovable, quirky, and charming citizens. How Mo fits in with them is just a great thing to read about. Conner however just didn't do it for me. I didn't feel like he deserved Mo and too much of their relationship felt lust based. He wasn't a bad character but his habit of just leaving when he was bothered annoyed me.

Nevertheless, this is certainly a detailed and quality story. Ms. Harper deserves her reputation as a great author and I encourage anyone unfamiliar with her books to pick them up. I do have to say that this title (and the one of the next book) are just so darn embarrasing. I usually have no problem flaunting my paranormals and urban fantasy books around at work but this one had to stay home by my end table, I just wasn't brave enough to walk around with this one in hand. It would have been perfect as a Kindle purchase that I could have read anywhere with no one else the wiser.
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LibraryThing member krau0098
I really enjoyed Molly Harper's first Jane Jameson series, so I was excited to see that she had a new series out. Like the previous series this book was hilarious. The lead character is super snarky, but has a lot of heart. The romance is sweet and sizzling, and the setting is perfect for a winter
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read. I listened to this book on audio and it was incredibly well done.

Mo has just moved to Alaska in an effort to escape her hippie parents, get over a relationship that totally fizzled, and just in general start over. Grundy, Alaska initially appears to be an isolated but charming town. That is until things start going strange. One of Mo's neighbor's Cooper Graham is scornful of her ability to survive the Grundy winter but when he shows up injured (in wolf form) on her porch things get a bit crazy. Then there is this giant wolf that has been killing people. Mo is beginning to wonder if everything is tied together.

My first thought when Mo started dealing with her overbearing mother is that Harper must have some mommy issues; because all of her female leads have a horrible time with their mothers. Aside from that I really enjoyed Mo; she is a down to earth, hilarious person, who is sweet and helpful to those around her but has a core of steel and toughness when she has to. Cooper is beyond drool-worthy; he is sexy, wounded, and has that whole dark brooding thing going on. He also has a wicked sense of humor, is intensely loyal, and incredibly intense in his love for Mo. He is pretty much one of the better male leads I have read about this year.

The chemistry Cooper and Mo have is amazing; I was sucked into their relationship and really rooting for things to work out between them.

I loved the small town of Grundy; Harper describes the benefits and drawbacks to living in a small town perfectly. This was an excellent winter read because most of the story takes place in the winter and over Christmas. Watching Mo adjust to extremely cold weather was hilarious, since she is from the deep south. As a Minnesotan I could relate to some of her cold weather problems and got a good chuckle out of it.

I did find Mo's quick acceptance of Cooper's werewolfiness to be a bit strange. Mo attributes it to her open-minded hippie flower child upbringing. To be fair she does question her easy acceptance a number of times, but initially she is just like "huh, so you're a werewolf, okay".

The town of Grundy is full of a number of quirky and wonderful secondary characters. All of them were well-done, very real, and fun to read about. The mystery of the mysterious deaths was also well done and I loved the way everything was wrapped up.

I will also say that as much as I enjoy Harper's books they are the type of book I can only take in small quantities. For example reading this one book was a lot of fun, but I wouldn't want to read three books in a row like this. They are a bit too fluffy and chick-lit for that. Still the book was hilarious, incredibly well done, and a fun light diversion.

Overall I really enjoyed this book a lot. It was a fun and hilarious romp. Mo is a perfect character; she is snarky, witty, yet still caring and a bit tough. Cooper was a wonderful male lead he has a dark sense of humor, is sexy as hell, and intense in his love for Mo. The chemistry between the two was sweet and a joy to read about. I loved the town of Grundy, Alaska and because of the wintry setting this book made an especially wonderful winter read. I am excited to read the next book in Harper's Naked Werewolf series called, The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf. I highly recommend this series to fans of humorous paranormal romance. If you enjoyed Harper's Jane Jameson series, this book was ever better than that.
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LibraryThing member Kaetrin
3.5 starsI like Amanda Ronconi's narration but I don't think this story is as strong as the Jane Jameson books. There's also a little problem with the timeline - it's clear that there were aren't "out" in this book as they are in the JJ books, but all of the books sound like they are set "now".
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However, there is a reference in this one to "Specialty Books" from JJ - to make it fit together, this story has to be set some years before the Jane Jameson books, before the were and vampires made their existence public. The reference to Specialty Books could have been totally deleted and the story would have lost nothing and then I wouldn't have been confused.The story actually started off a bit "women's fiction-y" for my tastes but I enjoyed it a lot better once Mo's romance with Cooper heated up. Speaking of heat, I thought this one was a little more spicy than the JJ books, which I quite liked actually. I'll be happy to listen to another werewolf book but Jane's books are the best so far.
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LibraryThing member MrsMich02
Molly Harper is one of the very few authors who can get me to laugh out loud while reading. This time, she takes us to Grundy Alaska which does bring to mind a paranormal version of the show Northern Exposure. Alas, no John Corbett. There's even a small wink to her Nice Girls series. Can't wait to
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read how Mo's story continues.
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LibraryThing member beckymmoe
Molly Harper's done it again with the story of Mo Wenstein, only child of free-spirited hippie parents who feels forced to move from steamy Mississippi to frozen Alaska to escape her overbearing, overinvolved parents. Mo (sadly, not short for Maureen but Moonflower Freedom Refreshing Breeze Joplin
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Duvall-Wenstein--forget trying to say that five times fast, I dare you to try to fit that on a standardized test form!) is in the tiny town of Grundy for less than twenty-four hours when she is woken up in the middle of the night by a large black wolf with unearthly blue-green eyes snacking on an elk in her front yard. The next morning, she encounters eerily similar eyes in the surly but gorgeous professional field guide she literally runs into at the local bar and grill...the bar and grill she will shortly be employed at as a short order cook after the owner and former cook has an unfortunate incident involving a beer bottle, a shiny new knife, and a rather important tendon in his hand. Mo soon fits right in with the quirky residents of the town, all except for Cooper Graham, the before mentioned cranky field guide, who remains rather...well, cranky, toward Mo for quite some time. "Well, that clinched it," she tells herself at one point, "he was an a**hole. I was definitely going to end up sleeping with him." She does, of course--fortunately after she'd been to the Bulk Wonderland the next town over for the industrial-sized box of protection. Mo and Cooper's story is a nice blend of humor, drama, and suspense nicely flavored by Mo's total cluelessness about what she is getting herself into. "You know, we had winter in Mississippi," she tells Edie, her boss and friend in Grundy. "We actually had to wear long sleeves." She just can't understand why Edie is singularly unimpressed by this declaration. Once again, Molly Harper had me laughing out loud, and once again, I'm glad that there's a sequel to look forward to--the story of Cooper's hotheaded younger sister Maggie in The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf.
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LibraryThing member Jyl22075
This book was a hoot! I loved Mo. She's sarcastic and fabulous. I also really loved the whole small-town Alaska setting. The people were fun and interesting and I found Grundy to be charming. I enjoyed the werewolf aspect of this book as well and not just because it made for some great one-liners
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(although that didn't hurt.)

This book didn't quite make it to five stars because Cooper frustrated me at times, but it was still a really fun read. I will definitely pick up book 2 to see if Maggie can turn into someone likable.
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LibraryThing member bookwormdreams
I enjoyed reading this book. Mo was simply great. her sense of humor and comments made me lol a lot of times. and Cooper with his surlyness snd grumpiness was simply adorable. I am glad this is a series and there will be more naked werewolves.
LibraryThing member mlsimmons
Listening to Audiobook.

I liked this book. It was cute. At first I didn't like Mo, but she really grew on me. I'm off to listen to the next one.
LibraryThing member jmchshannon
Mo Westein is sassy, capable, and strong. Anyone who moves across the country to avoid her parents’ interference is not a wallflower. Neither is she a damsel in distress and in fact would probably punch someone in the face were one to accuse her of it. is a thoroughly modern woman and a
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surprisingly decent role model. Cooper Graham is equally strong and admirable. He proves himself to be the perfect balance to Mo’s feistiness, romantic without being sappy, and a genuinely good person werewolf. Together, they make a great couple, and the happily-ever-after is both realistic and perfectly fairy tale-esque.

One of the things that Molly Harper does so well is capture the complications that make up a mother-daughter relationship. Mo and Saffron (yes, like the spice; Mo’s parents are quite the couple, and any time she references her childhood, it is cause for giggling) have a loving but strained relationship as Saffron struggles with letting go of her thirty-year-old daughter. Any daughter can recognize the delicate balance Mo uses in regards to her mother and completely understands when she throws delicacy out the window and opts for the brutal truth. In addition to providing comic relief, theirs is a great example of the need for well-established boundaries as well as the fact that families, no matter how insane, are for life.

The partnership between Ms. Harper and Amanda Ronconi is arguably one of the best author/narrator partnerships out there. Ms. Ronconi nails Ms. Harper’s sarcasm and humor. The easy banter with which Ms. Harper infuses her stories takes on a life of its own under Ms. Ronconi’s breezy cadence and slight southern drawl. Ms. Ronconi’s male voices leave much to be desired, but it matters not because the rest of her performance is so amusing and absolutely charming, highlighting the best of Ms. Harper’s dialogue.

Ms. Harper’s novels are silly. They involve preposterously gorgeous men and women who are adorably awkward but fiercely independent. Sparks always fly, as do panties. There is also at least one supernatural creature, whether it is a vampire, a ghost, or – as in this case – a werewolf. Yet, Ms. Harper takes all of these ridiculous elements and blends them into a fun, romance-slash-comedy-slash-mystery-slash-suspense story that works very, very well of which How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf is just another example.
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LibraryThing member sharrow
Thoroughly entertaining and funny!
LibraryThing member celticlady53
This book is the first in the Naked Werewolf series, with the second book, How to Seduce a Naked Werewolf, having been released March 29th, 2011. The author Molly Harper is also the author of the Nice Girl's Don't... series. Her books are a mix of romance, science fiction & fantasy and the
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paranormal. I liked the fact that this book was full of humor and paranormal aspects as the male character is a werewolf. When I read a paranormal story I love that the main female character is a strong and funny personality. The quality of this writing was very good. A story filled with laughs, shapeshifting, sex and a murder mystery. The werewolf storyline was written in a believable way and the writing was not overly descriptive, but gave the reader enough to make it real. There is nothing worse in a novel when the author keeps going on and on about how the werewolf came to be and how it shapeshifts. The setting in Alaska was also perfect for the werewolf theme. Lots of wolves in Alaska so it was the perfect setting. Fans of this genre will love this series. I highly recommend it.
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LibraryThing member vampiregirl76
Southern born and bred Mo Wenstein needs a change, stat. After a broken engagement - and dealing with her hippie parents on a daily basis she needs some separation and something new. Mo decides Grundy, Alaska is the place for her. She has no idea what awaits her in Alaska, but she definitely wasn't
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expecting the hotness that is Cooper Graham.

How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf was just the story I needed. It was light, sexy and laugh out loud funny. I loved it. This was my first time reading Molly Harper. It was a pleasant surprise, I wasn't expecting to like it has much as I did. I loved her writing voice. I can't wait to check out her other books. Naked Werewolf is a must read.
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LibraryThing member shaunesay
Very fun! My first read by Molly Harper, but I'll definitely be reading more!
LibraryThing member Carolesrandomlife
I could kick myself. I bought this audiobook back in 2015. Heck, I bought the whole series and then promptly got distracted by some other shiny book. I have seen so many great reviews for this book but did I start listening. Nope. Because I was distracted. Well, I finally dusted it off and started
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listening to it earlier this week and had a great time with it.

Mo is the focus of this story and I liked her character right away. The book opens with Mo moving to Alaska. It is a big change from what she is used to in Mississippi but she needs a change. And she needs to get away from her over the top parents. Her parents are quite the pair and I can completely understand why she took such a drastic step.

Mo quickly becomes a part of the local community by working at the local bar and grill. She is making friends and finding her way. She is even getting the attention of a couple of the local men. Enter Cooper, local werewolf extraordinaire. Cooper always seems a little grouchy but Mo can't seem to stay away. One thing leads to another and they decide to act on their chemistry.

There were so many things to love about this book. I really liked the humor woven into the story. I had a big grin on my face the entire time I was listening to this story. I liked Mo and Cooper as a couple and thought they had great chemistry. The story had a lot of things going on besides the romance with a wolf attacking the local community and some drama with Cooper's family.

I really enjoyed Amanda Ronconi's narration. I thought she captured Mo's personality very well through her narration. She handled all of the different characters very well and it was always very easy to tell who was speaking. This story has a wide range of emotions and she portrayed them all very well. I felt Mo's fear, her joy, her confusion, and her frustration. She read the story at a very natural pace and I really just felt like she was telling me a story. I was able to listen to this book for hours at a time and look forward to listening to more of her work in the future.

I would recommend this book to fans of paranormal romance. This was a fun story filled with great chemistry and a wonderful sense of humor. This is the first book by Molly Harper that I have read and I cannot wait to continue with this series.
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LibraryThing member murderbydeath
Very entertaining book. The narrator in this audio version did a great job with the main character - she really brought her to life. Not so great with the male characters - they all tended to sound similar and all suffering from chronic laryngitis. Still, I thought the story was very well written,
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entertaining and at times funny. A light murder mystery keeps the plot going although I definitely wouldn't call it the driving force behind the story. The author does a great job creating the world of Grundy and it's inhabitants. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes a bit of supernatural chick-lit.
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LibraryThing member grapeapril75
Laugh out load funny. Nothing less than I would expect from Molly Harper. She always delivers quirky characters just this side of believable. It was a little slow getting to the romance but you hardly notice because of all the other hi jinks. Mo and Cooper are one of my new favorite couples!
LibraryThing member LydiaLeigh257
MG you guys, this was so much fun.

I did not expect this book to be as well written as it actually is. Which, is kind of an asshole thing for me to think, but it surprised the hell out of me.

I absolutely loved this book.

I loved Mo! Which is, like, woah!

Because, I don't like female MCs. They piss me
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off. I normally want to gouge their eyes out. Well, not Mo. I want to be this chick's best friend. She cooks awesome deserts, is utterly hilarious, and has a lingerie obsession. What's not to like? And, I can totally relate to her:

“Well, that cinched it. He was an asshole. I was definitely going to end up sleeping with him.”

I love the dynamic between her and Cooper. It gives me the good tinglies. Also, again, they're utterly hilarious:

“Well, pardon me for not knowing about the thermal-only panty rule,” I said, smirking as he dipped his head to nuzzle one of the silky bra cups. “I’ll rush right out and buy some long johns.”

Pausing to look up with perfect sincerity, he promised, “If you do, I will weep. Like a little girl. In public.”

Mostly, I love that I can imagine that they'd be real people. Like I could rock up to Grundy, Alaska and there would be the Blue Glacier Saloon with Evie and Buzz behind the bar and Mo in the kitchen and Cooper sat at the bar, growling at people. I suppose that's what really helped me like this book, just how easy it is to imagine that these characters are people you could come across in your own town. It lends a nice authenticity to the story. As much as a story about a hot werewolf can be considered authentic anyway ...

The story was engaging and really well paced. I loved the fact that they didn't jump straight into bed with each other and you can't beat a good dose of antagonistic lust-filled banter whilst they come to terms with their attraction for each other. The supporting cast was just right and it was so refreshing to see the unrequited love interest not turn out to be an asshole.

Overall, an awesome, fun read that I will definitely be going back to
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LibraryThing member rosetyper9
This is such a nice, cute, fun, reality buster. I enjoyed reading this book because it didn't take itself too seriously and was serious enough to keep me interested. I think Molly Harper has a beautiful flare for characters, I can tell she loves writing them and I can feel their personalities and
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different...textures...for lack of a better word, vividly.

I enjoyed the love/hate relationship that Cooper and Mo shared in the beginning, it's a classic tale but one everyone loves if done right, and Ms. Harper does it right. I enjoyed reading about Mo's day-to-day life because it took me out of my own so well that I felt the chill from the Alaskan air and I smelled her baking. This book is an experience, and I enjoy that in a book.

The only complaint I had about this book is that Ms. Harper could get a bit long winded in a few sections. I found myself zoning out when she explained her background in the beginning. It happens and that was really the only thing I could say even remotely neutral about this book. I will definitely be on the look out for more Molly Harper.
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LibraryThing member cygnet81
This is one of those books that I'm a little bit chagrined to have read. It was fun and quick but probably didn't contribute anything to my life except a little bit of an escape.

Original publication date




Local notes

Naked Werewolf, 1


Fic SF Harper


½ (266 ratings; 3.9)
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