Girl’s Guide to Witchcraft

by Mindy Klasky

Ebook, 2006



Call number

Fic SF Klasky



Peabridge Press


Fantasy. Fiction. HTML: Jane Madison has a problem. Or two. Or three. She's unhappily working as a librarian. She has a crush on her oblivious Imaginary Boyfriend. And she just learned she won't receive a well-deserved raise; instead, she can live for free in a cottage on the library grounds. When Jane settles into her new home, she discovers a hidden chamber lined with ancient books about witchcraft. Her first spell awakens a feline familiar. Her second makes her irresistible to men. Those magical workings attract a grouchy magical warder, and Jane's life is quickly turned upside down! Book One of the Jane Madison Series..

User reviews

LibraryThing member MisfitRhi
Witchy Good Chick-lit

What would you do if you discovered a secret room full of dusty, ancient books filled with "magic spells" in your new apartment? Certainly not read one of them out loud. Unless you're Jane Madison, librarian at the Peabridge Free Library in Georgetown. Afterall, Jane
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specializes in colonial tomes and these certainly look old enough to be an old collection worth learning more about. Until the spell turns that funky cat statue into a walking, talking man with designs on making a snack of Stupid Fish, the neon tetra her ex-fiance gave her. If that isn't the way to make her regret her careless reading the visit from her new Warder, David Montrose, certainly is.

Jane has to choose whether to learn the magic she's unleashed or give up not only the stash of spell books and magical paraphenalia littering her basement but her newly awakened familiar too. Could being a librarian and a witch be such a bad thing? Surely a little charm casting to improve her luck with the man she's been lusting after wouldn't be wrong. Now if only there were a way to keep using her magic without getting herself into trouble!

Now this is one that just hit the spot. I'm not a real big chick-lit reader but it blends so well with witch stories that this one was a real treat. Jane definitely has some moments where she seems too-stupid-to-live when it comes to men but haven't we all had those moments? Her commitment to her librarian job and her love of it are cute, if a little boring at times. Still, she manages, through her strongly written voice, to make a reader care about what happens both to the library and her romantic life. Though a bit cliched, her overtly gay familiar makes for lots of funny moments. Meanwhile her love interests bring a lot of conflict that isn't fully resolved by the end of the book but will definitely lure readers into the next book.

If you're in the market for something different from the dark or erotic urban fantasy and paranormal romances out there this one is worth a read. It's light without being too fluffy and paranormal without being gloom and doomy. Jane isn't a blank slate could-be-any-girl character, yet she manages to be highly likable and genuine. Enjoy!
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LibraryThing member averitasm
Loved it, Funny, Quirky and Witchy. I laughed so hard at some points in this book , i couldn't put it down and will go get the other two books pronto, loved the sense of humour and her familiar. How she learned she was a witch sounds like something that might happen to anyone, it's really cute. I
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would recommend this and another author with similar humour is Kyra Davis.
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LibraryThing member DreamingInFiction
I really enjoyed reading about Reference Librarian, Jane and her discovery of being a witch.

Cute, easy read.
LibraryThing member Taelac
Typical chick lit with a twist. A librarian discovers a magical library in the cottage where she lives, only to find out that a girl's best magic is a little self-confidence.
LibraryThing member Kace
I don't really know what to think of this book. Its a really great idea, a boring, going nowhere librarian finds shes a witch when she moves into the guest house on the libraries property. She is thrown into the world of witchcraft through a familiar, a nod to one of the characters on "Queer eye
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for the straight guy" who happens to be the cat statue, when not in breathing form, and of course a sexy warder, who polices her and her witchcraft. The thing is, is the writing seems kind of amateurish...its almost like shes following the map to writing, and while I think its a brilliant idea, sometimes the dialogue, or just the writing itself, has me grinding my teeth. There are moments it hits the mark and I enjoy it, but I'm still waiting for everything to click into place.The writing was a little hard for me, made more aggravating by the fact that this was a great story idea. I'm intrigued enough with the story itself that I'm going to keep going with the series, disappointments aside.
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LibraryThing member wyvernfriend
Jane Madison has an ideal life, a librarian with a place to live on the library grounds. She finds a cache of books about magic and reads a page out loud. This leads her to a life of magic, a warden, who doesn't want her to use magic without thinking about it and a multitude of issues.

It's a fun
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read. I enjoyed it.
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LibraryThing member bookwormteri
Not bad. I haven't been reading much chick lit lately, because I just can't deal with the "fluffiness", but this was cute. A librarian discovers that she has the ability to cast spells. She also has a really messy life that she is trying to put back together. Cute, fluffy, but fun.
LibraryThing member tyesenpitty
Super cute read, I really enjoyed reading about the character's trials and errors!
LibraryThing member RuthiesBookReviews
This was a fun book to read. I've never read a book that so incredibly funny and entertaining. We meet a resourceful librarian named Jane Madison and she's trying to just make a way in her life and figure out where she belongs. So as things are starting to look up, her job offers her to stay in the
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cottage behind the library for free as long as she works there. Ok, sounds good right. So her friend and her make the way of cleaning up the place. That night she suddenly finds a hidden key and it unlocks the basement door. Upon going down there, she finds a whole bunch of strange books and this strange looking cast sculpture. She opens one of the books and repeats the words on the page and WHAM, next thing you know there is a man standing there looking at her from where the cat sculpture was.

Her reaction was quite funny, and then there is a knock at her door and she meets a warder named David Montrose, who sensed when she used her magic and came to stop her from using magic until she was properly trained. After meeting these strange people, she can hardly even come to terms that she might be a witch, but Neko presses her sometimes to try little spells. Which in turn brings the presence of David afterwards.

The book is fast paced and Jane seems to be taking things with stride, even after using a love spell and causing the janitor at the library to take a very big interest in her, along with some other men, including her imaginary boyfriend, Jason. But what she doesn't realize until the end of the book was that the spell only affects the first man, not the others. The rest was all her and how she had changed after learning magic.

I enjoyed this book. It was funny at times and made me laugh, especially Jane's grandmother who always made her promise to do something before she told her what it was, including meeting her mother, whom she thought had died when she was little.

The characters were all fun, especially Neko, gay and very cool! Jane, grew throughout the book and became a very confident woman. And David, well, he grew to like his new 'job'. I'm not going to say much else except that I can't wait to get my hands on the next book in this series!
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LibraryThing member MoonlightSilver
Jane Madison is a young librarian facing a pay cut due to lack of funding. Forced to move into a cottage on the library grounds to save money, she discovers a cache of books on witchcraft. She now has to balance out learning to be a responsible witch while navigating dating, a family reunion, and
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problems at work.

This book is a quick, pleasant read that was a nice change of pace. The characters are likable and realistic. I liked the book and characters well enough to check out the second book in the series, Sorcery and the Single Girl.
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LibraryThing member 4daisies
Its a fun, fast, summer read - perfect for the beach. It combines some of my very favorite things: libraries, librarians, baking, mojitos...and the fantasy that someone would come along and give me a wonderful old cottage that turns out to be fabulously furnished and, with a little elbow grease,
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ready to move right in rent free. Did I mention mojitos?
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LibraryThing member DrLed
Synopsis: Jane is a librarian with a crush on an assistant professor. She moves into an old house and finds a store of books about magic in the basement. there she accidentally awakes her familiar. She also meets her mother and begins to understand some of her history.
Review: This is fun to read -
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it's brain candy.
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LibraryThing member cygnet81
Definitely chick lit but not too awful.
LibraryThing member csmith0406
I didn't really like this book, the heroine was kind of unlikeable and annoying, and by the end of the book I wasn't really sure what the book was actually about. It was more like half a book - maybe you have to read the next book in the series to see what happens, but I won't be spending any more
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time with this character. Quick read though.
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LibraryThing member StarKnits
Very amusing and quick read
LibraryThing member tjsjohanna
Jane Madison, librarian and surprise! witch. This is a humorous romp through the paranormal - Jane copes with discovering her powers, dealing with a pushy familiar, and a brooding and demanding warder. Jane's bestie is diligently attempting to meet her true love, and Jane is half in love with her
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imaginary boyfriend (who turns out to be a jerk). Against her inclinations, this book explores Jane having to take a realistic look at herself, her relationships, and the hidden power she holds.
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Original publication date


Local notes

Washington Witches, 1


Fic SF Klasky


½ (184 ratings; 3.6)
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