You Can Prevent Global Warming (and Save Money!): 51 Easy Ways

by Jeffrey Langholz

Paperback, 2003



Call number




Andrews McMeel Publishing (2003), Paperback, 384 pages


Science. Nonfiction. HTML: If you follow just the no-cost and low-cost tips in this book, you will save over $2,000 and prevent the emission of 25,000 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) every year! A new edition of our classic book with updated information on hybrid cars and a bold new cover. Gallup polls indicate that 70 percent of Americans are concerned about global warming. You Can Prevent Global Warming converts this public concern into positive action, providing simple, everyday things you can do to minimize global warming-and save money at the same time! The book contains 51 topics, but there are actually hundreds of tips and suggestions within the book that will help you address this global problem. Whether you are one of the nearly three-quarters of Americans who consider themselves environmentalists or you're interested in practical ways you can save money each year, these straightforward tips will make this one of the most important and useful books on your bookshelf..… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member kaelirenee
Choose your level of commitment

Rather than trying to explain all the science behind global warming or politics behind the Kyoto Protocol, the authors present simple, clear, and easy-to-implement suggestions on how the average consumer can make significant reductions in his impact on the
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environment. Even for those who think global warming is “junk science,” this book provides tips on how to lower gas and electric bills-and how can that be a bad thing? I just got my first full electric, water, and gas bills since I started implementing some of the tips in this book-gas and water went down $20 and $15 each and electric went down $35! So, in one month, not doing any of the suggestions that cost money, I saved $70. Not a bad return on my investment.

You can Prevent Global Warming provides 51 tips for lowering carbon emissions and conserving energy. Almost every tip presented is completely free and every tip saves money. Many of the suggestions are not new-putting a milk jug full of water into the toilet tank to reduce the flow of water, lowering the thermostat just a bit-however, the authors also include exactly how much money and energy it saves by doing something simple. They also provide tips for people with varying levels of commitment. Already doing the toilet tank thing? They give you links to reviews of low-flow toilets. Is that still not enough for you? They explain composting toilets!

There were a few features I particularly enjoyed and appreciated with this book. First, I liked the list at the end of the book that placed each suggestion in an easy-to-follow format of which tips to do first and how often. I also really liked the useful links included. Rather than actually getting bogged down in science and mechanics, they provide web links to and other useful sites. A major barrier in me doing some of the suggestions before (like vacuuming heater and fridge coils) is that I had no idea how to do these things and was (frankly) too lazy to look it up. The authors provide a link with pictures on how to do these things. Some of the links also take you to sites on how to contact Congress if an issue is important to you if the way you want to lower man’s impact on nature is to become politically involved.

I was walking around my house implementing many of these suggestions as I was reading because of how simple they are. The authors never take a strong-armed tone, never guilt you into trying something they suggest. Every suggestion felt like they were saying "Good for you for doing so much! Want to try more? Keep reading!"

I strongly recommend this book to any home-owner (though it also has awesome suggestions for renters!). I have a number of family members who are always trying to be as green as possible without seriously changing their lifestyles, a few who cringe (or cuss) at the very mention of Al Gore but who are still committed to the Biblical mandate to be stewards of the Earth, and a few who are trying to do more and more-and they are all on the receiving list for this book.
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LibraryThing member EowynA
This is an update to a book issued in 2003. It has 51 chapters, one for each tip, plus summaries at the end of the tips, the science, and the politics.

Each chapter is clearly written, organized with an Overview, What You Should Know, Easy Ways You Can Help, a summary box, and Search for More Info.
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The summary box tells you clearly what your personal savings are likely to be if you implement these, the annual amount of CO2 that will not be put into the atmosphere, and sometimes the dollar savings over the life of the product.

Each of the bulleted paragraphs in the What You Should Know and the Easy Ways You Can Help lead with a bold-faced short sentence encapsulating the enformation. The rest of the paragraph expands on it.

The whole is presented clearly, enthusiastically but not intimidatingly, and with sound advice that saves you money, and the environment from more harm.

This book provides you, the reader, with the tools to look deeper into each topic, but it doesn't guilt you into it . It tells you exactly how thrifty you are being, and how much difference one person or household can make.

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LibraryThing member clamairy
I think I will be picking up a few extra copies of this to give to family members and friends. There are some great tips, and the format makes it not only a pleasure to read, but easy to go back and find exactly what you're looking for. I already knew a lot of what is in here, but there were quite
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a few things I didn't know. I'm going to try to implement a few green changes inside my house, out in my yard, and to both my eating and my driving habits.
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LibraryThing member sharonandjohn
A pretty comprehensive book of tips to help prevent global warming. There are also definitions of terms one hears in the news and in other venues about global warming. Many of the tips were ones I had already heard about or were steps I had already taken so there was not a lot of new information
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for me. But, it is very nicely organized and easy to read. This is an update from the 2003 version, however, there were a couple of tips that were not updated such as the section on reusing old floppy disks. You most definitely can reuse floppy disks, but I don't know anyone who uses those anymore. Overall, a pretty good read for the person in the beginning stages of fighting global warming.
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LibraryThing member FionaCat
At first I was expecting more of the same information I've read/heard in other books, magazines, websites, etc. and yes, quite a bit of the book was repetitive to someone who is already well versed in the rules of green living. But I did learn things, including the answer to a question that has
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nagged at me for some time: is it more energy efficient to order something by mail or to drive to the store and pick it up yourself? The answer is on page 215.

Not only is this book packed with easy-to-implement tips for saving money and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but every tip is thoroughly explained and the prospective savings are backed up by calculations using real facts and figures. Even people who aren't eager to green up their lives will find plenty of ways to save money without making sacrifices. In the current economy, the money saving aspect of the book should be as, if not more, important in promoting the book to the general public.
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LibraryThing member gretchenlg
You Can Prevent Global Warming (and save money!) is a good first book to read if you’re just waking up to the subject, or as an authoritative, easily read, chock-full-of-info book to add to your growing collection. This book will show you how to help out during this growing global crisis, to save
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some money, and to further your impact by working for change in your community.
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LibraryThing member jessicawest
This book outlines 51 ways that you can help the planet, in as many chapters. Each chapter gives an overview of the issue or solution; offers tips; has a list of ways you can help on the issue, ranging from simple to drastic; a chart of the numbers involved; and ways to search for more info. The
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book is divided into sections, and within these sections each chapter offers one of the solutions. It is easy to search, and easy to read.
The changes it offers are well known to those who are interested in the environmental movement, but it does offer more in depth changes for those wanting a challenge. Overall, a very good book to have, and a good gift for someone who is interested in knowing and doing more.
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LibraryThing member francescadefreitas
I am interested in this subject, and in one way that is a bad start for reviewing this book - the majority of information in here can be easily found by doing a few searches online - and the online tips are more current, and often more localised, e.g. tips from your electricity provider.

For a
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person new to the subject, and not comfortable looking for information online, perhaps the book would be useful, but I did have some other issues.

My main problem was that the tips were not easy at all, many of them require significant time or financial investment, for example, replacing your windows/car/attic insulation.

Also I lost confidence quickly when I noticed out of date tips, for example, telling people that they could reuse floppy disks. The figures used to calculate energy cost are based on data from 2000, surely that could have been updated.

I knew there was a section at the end with advice for renters, and I hopes that that would give me some tips in the 'easy' category, but it was not much more than a note saying 'most of the tips apply to renters, but here are a few tips that involve buying things you can move from one apartment to another,' and for the rest, ask your landlord to do it.

Overall, I learned nothing new, and I was disappointed.
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LibraryThing member kbondelli
You Can Prevent Global Warming (and save money!) reveals 51 ways that you can reduce your impact on the environment while reducing your energy bills.

Some of the tips in the book have become fairly common knowledge, such as the use of compact fluorescent light bulbs, but there are a number of new
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tips and even the old ones are addressed with new helpful information.

What sets this book apart is how it helps you determine your financial savings over the long run and the authors' knowledge of the products mentioned in the book. Every product mentioned has been recommended based on personal experience and not through marketing partnerships, which make the recommendations much more reliable and trustworthy.

My favorite aspect of the book is the Search For More Info sections at the end of each tip. A number of websites are listed with places to learn more about products and technology, online stores with mentioned products, and other helpful sites. The authors do not just ask you to trust them, they give you the resources to learn more about the technology and concepts on your own, such as the advent of compact fluorescent lights, Greenpeace's Greenfreeze refrigerator, and learning how hot water heaters work.

This book will be the most helpful to those that are moving into a new home or have decided to upgrade their home and appliances to be more energy efficient. I learned about many appliances and other technologies that I was not aware of that would definitely be on my list of home improvements.

The inclusion of tons of interesting facts and statistics makes the book an interesting read and not a dry how-to manual. There is also an appendix that explains the science of global warming that will be interesting to a lot of readers.
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LibraryThing member cathyskye
I received this updated (from the 2003) edition through the Early Reviewers program at Library Thing. I'm glad I did. The authors had the very clever idea of showing people how they can be environmentally responsible through their wallets. (Clever because--even though many people say they are
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environmentalists--more people are going to pay attention to ways that they can save money.) Langholz and Turner say that there are "51 Easy Ways" to save a combined total of over $2000 a year in this book, but there are literally hundreds of tips, and many of them are very easy to do. The tips range from no-brainers like turning the water off while brushing your teeth, to all the major appliances in your home, to the right sort of landscaping outside, to the best sort of vehicles to buy.

As someone who's finally "woken up and smelled the coffee", one part of my mind tallied what my husband and I have already done to be both environmentally friendly and save money. We've done rather well, I'm happy to say, but I was very gratified to see how many other things we could still do with help from the authors' tips and links to websites. This is a must-read for anyone who wants to save money...and feel even better about themselves when they do. I thought the book's dedication was a perfect raison d'être: "To the members of the next generation, who must live with the decisions we make today."
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LibraryThing member bwightman
This book has lots of great little tips on how to decrease energy usage in your home, from things like adding a water heater insulator to your water heater, or baking in the toaster oven instead of a regular oven. Each chapter is devoted to one of the 51 ways you can prevent global warming. The
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book is clearly and cleverly written, and done so in such a way so if you want to skip from chapter to chapter, you can do so. I found it very enjoyable, and was pleased that many of the things I already do to decrease energy usage in my house were in the book, but I discovered many great additional tips. Wonderful and useful book!
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LibraryThing member tracyfox
You Can Prevent Global Warming is a tried-and-true formula, presenting 51 short write-ups on ways individuals can reduce their carbon footprints. Home electricity and hot water, home heating and cooling, lawn and garden, transportation, shopping habits, recycling and investing are covered. Each
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section includes background (what you should know), suggested actions (easy ways you can help) and references (search for more information). An especially nice feature is the inclusion of a More Savings, Less Carbon Dioxide estimate for each action. For example, switching from buying two bottles of spring water to using a filtered water bottle filled from the tap can save $127 and 580 pounds of carbon dioxide annually (factoring in the cost of buying the filter water bottle). Another thoughtful touch is the appendix listing actions applicable to renters as well as homeowners.

This book is recommended for those just getting started in the move to a more sustainable lifestyle as well as those looking for a wealth of numbers on the carbon emitted by various small actions.
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LibraryThing member chelseagirl
A useful, practical guide to things you can do on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, as a renter and apartment dweller, who lives in Manhattan and therefore doesn't keep a car, a lot of these tips didn't really apply for me. And they're mostly common sense. But still, a great reference to have!
LibraryThing member khuggard
This is an excellent reference book for anyone who desires to live a more environmentally friendly life style. Each chapter contains brief and easy to understand explanations about environmental issues and the things we can do to reduce our impact. For each tip there is a chart explaining not only
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how many carbon emissions we can prevent, but also how much money we can save by implementing the tip. At the end of each chapter there is an annotated list of websites with more information. When I move into my new home next month I will definitely be consulting this book to help me make more environmentally conscious choices.
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LibraryThing member tara35
I recieved this book from LibraryThing's Early Reviewer program. There are actually a lot more than 51 ways, as the title says - each of the 51 chapters contains lots of great ideas. I found the Home Heating and Cooling section especially interesting. It's great to read about things we're already
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doing (whew!) but I also got loads of great ideas. I've told my husband he's getting a list. As a homeowner, this will be a great resource for us when purchasing appliances or learning how to make the ones we own work more efficiently.
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LibraryThing member brainlair
This book is so useful that I'm buying three to give away. I'm in the market for a new water heater so I checked out the Home Heating and Cooling section. I learned so much, not just about buying the right-sized heater but also how to make my house more efficient! I love how the book gives you a
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variety of tips so that you can decide what to do. All of the tips are helpful. They even give you places to go for additional information. Right now I'm in the Home Electricity section and I am slowly changing each light bulb from incandescent to flourescent. Replacing the old ones as they go out. It saves me money in two ways: I'm not buying a lot of bulbs at once and I'll be saving on my electric bill. This is the type of book that you look through, find what you need, put that tip into place, and then come back and look again.

Thank you for sending me this book!
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LibraryThing member eo206
There is a growing genre of 'green' friendly books with tips on how to tread more lightly on the Earth. This book meets that criteria, but goes a step father by telling readers how it impacts their wallets as well.

The 51 tips are broken down into easy to read and understand steps. First the
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writers explain the problem and why it is important to make the change, then they explain the steps to implement, and finally they detail how much money it will save and the environmentala impact.

Many of the tips are things steps that we can all implement and need to implement in order to stem the tide of global warming.
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LibraryThing member Violaine
This book was a fantastic read. All kinds of simple things that can be done around the house to be a little more green, and to save a little spare cash. Recommended!


Physical description

384 p.; 6.95 inches


0740733273 / 9780740733277




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