Megan's Mark

by Lora Leigh

Paper Book, 2006



Call number

Fic Romance Leigh



New York : Berkley Sensation, c2006.


Erotic Literature. Fantasy. Fiction. HTML: In the first book of her erotic new series, Lora Leigh invites you to an intriguing world where genetically altered Breeds and the humans who created them commingle�??and sometimes cross the boundaries of desire... Cursed with the extraordinary power to feel other peoples' emotions, Megan Fields has tucked herself away in a remote corner of New Mexico, working as a small-town sheriff's deputy. She finds solace in the silence and heat of the desert. But when Breeds begin dying on her watch, Megan realizes that the secrets from her past can't stay buried forever. Someone is out for blood�??her blood. An arrogant Feline Breed, Braden Arness broods with feral intensity. His mission to solve the mysterious murders brings him to Megan, a woman who accosts his senses like no other. Only with him can she let down her guard�??and surrender to the insatiable hunger that wracks her body. But as they team up to hunt the elusive killers, Braden and Megan find themselves becoming the pre… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member Shawnna
Before picking up this book, you should first read Lora Leigh's small press Feline Breeds series (and perhaps her Wolf Breeds and Coyote Breeds novels), because otherwise, you will be scrambling to try to figure out exactly what is going on. I really think that the author should have cleaned up her
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earlier work and published that first, instead of basically starting a series in small press and finishing it in mass market.

Now, overlooking that little snafu... I wouldn't quite say that the book had an actual plot, since I couldn't keep up with what they were doing and was too confused to focus on it (who are the bad guys? who are the good guys? when did __ or __ happen? who are the people they keep referring to and where are they at?), but the sex scenes were steamy and just kinky enough to stop short of pushing the entire book over the edge and into a 300-page bang-a-thon.

I really enjoyed this book, and I can taste an extraordinary plot on the tip of my tongue... so I will definitely be hunting down her small press novels so that I can understand the the mass market novels.
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LibraryThing member nramos
A wildly inventive tale about genetic manipulation, written by an Ellora's Cave author.
LibraryThing member amf0001
Overwrought erotica by Lora Leigh. I'd read it before and forgot and then took it out of the library again. Not her best. Not unreadable, but not good either
LibraryThing member rocalisa
Megan's Mark - Lora Leigh (7/10)
Another book in Leigh's Breeds series. A solid read, but nothing that pushes it up above the others in the series. My favourite remains "Elizabeth's Wolf" by a wide margin.
LibraryThing member blingtastic
Genetically altered breeds who are protecting human earth. very sexy but toward the end, it tried very hard with action sequences. last half of the bood diverted too much from the character development
LibraryThing member madamemeow
I give it 3 stars because the writing was good, the story, admittedly, hooked me. But the actual story itself was hugely eyebrow-raising. It was almost like watching a train wreck in progress. So many things--such as the technology given to the standard police force in the middle of a tiny town in
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NOWHERE--was unbelievable, and frequently repetitive. The characters themselves were, for the most part, likable, but again, not very believable. I don't know if I'll be reading on into the other books in the series or not.
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LibraryThing member Jenson_AKA_DL
Set in a futuristic world Lora Leigh gives us a science fictiony look at genetic engineering where "Breeds", part human, part animal soldiers have been created to be the perfect fighting machines. In this book officer Megan Fields has been hiding herself away in a back woods New Mexico town because
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her uncontrollable empathic powers cause her to become overwhelmed by others feelings of hatred or violence. When she investigates a murder scene in a remote canyon it becomes clear she is being set up by someone unknown who knows her weakness. Braden Arness is a lion breed sent in to discover why Megan is being targeted. Instead he discovers something that he never expected. A mate.

There are certainly things that attracted me to this book like the sci-fi premise and the empathic subplot. I also enjoy romance and usually like them all rolled together. However, in this book, as in the other Breeds story by Leigh I read, everything interesting basically gets lost in the pornographic language and scenes. I guess I much prefer more romantic flowery euphemisms and the love over lust theme to what you find here. It really is too bad because this author is able to create an interesting plot and characters but I just find it way too graphic. I wound up skipping many of the scenes in the story and certainly won't be reading anything more by this author.

Another interesting note to those who are interested in the series. On the back this book is promoted as the "first" of the Breeds series. This isn't completely accurate as there are preceding stories that were put out by Ellora's Cave (and/or Closet, I can never remember) publisher. I had thought that perhaps the content would be toned down with the mass market Berkley publisher, but this wasn't the case after all.
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LibraryThing member missiek
Hot & heavy sex with some violence. Oh, and a good story too.
LibraryThing member MsMoonlight
I've read this books in a crazy order- as the book order is different on numerous book lists. Anyway, I am going by Lora Leigh's website that lists this book as the 7th book in the "Breeds" series, but the 2nd LION Breed book (I get brain cramps trying to keep them all straight sometimes).

This book
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confused me at first because it's an "early" book (2nd Lion Breed) yet it takes place far off in the future - the year 2023, yet all the other Breed books I've read took place in present day (including "Soul Deep" which is book #5 and still holds as my all time favorite Breed book). So that completely threw me off as I wasn't expecting that. Aside from that, the romance was good and the sex was HOT, HOT, HOT.

Megan was likable and had an interesting 'gift'- or as she calls it 'curse'. She's an Empath- she can feel the emotions of everyone around her. Braden, the lion breed hybrid man, is a shield. Together they compliment each other and work well as law enforcers in the future (complete with weird future cars and weapons). Both are adrenaline junkies who live for adventure.

Braden was typical Lora Leigh male - all alpha and completely dominating and pushy while being drop dead sexy gorgeous- so we all forgive him for being an ass sometimes. *grins* As with her other Breeds books, Braden is well endowed and has the barbed penis- which shocks both Braden and Megan when that makes its first appearance. He thinks its weird, she thinks its fantastic!
Together they fall in love and work to figure out who is trying to kill Megan and why all the while discovering more about what it means to be a Breed and a Breed's Mate.

A fun, steamy erotic romance- good but not great. I give it 3.5 stars.
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LibraryThing member AngelLocke
I do this to myself all the time. I grab a Lora Leigh Breeds book that I don't have and try to read it. And I do mean TRY. I think I've read five of these books and I'm always disappointed. I really want to like them...I do. The idea of the Breeds is GREAT. Lora Leigh's execution is terrible. Her
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formula needs to drastically change to keep my interest. I know everyone loves her books...just not me. Her men are always dominate to the extreme and her women are always angry. In this one, Meagan is described as being a natural warrior yet she's all whiney about not being able to control her empathic abilities. A true warrior wouldn't whine about it they would master it. Another thing that's annoying is that her men are always "playing games" or assumes that their women are "playing games" in the seduction area. Their bodies always "burn" for the other. And her sexual organs are always cock and pussy (which is very offensive to me). She needs to give her characters varying personalities and grab a thesaurus. I'm only half way through this book and I do intend on finishing it, just not right now. I gotta take a break from it.
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LibraryThing member JanRex
Good story line action keeps increasing until the end.
LibraryThing member altivo
Breeds are the product of genetic experimentation in which animal genes were mingled with humans. The original experimentation was outlawed, and after a long battle, the Breeds themselves have been granted full legal status as citizens, equal with humans. This is resented by many normals. Megan
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Fields is a park ranger and game warden in the desert southwest who suddenly finds her life threatened by mysterious persons for unknown reasons. To solve this situation, she is forced to team with Braden Arness, who carries lion genes and abilities, and finds herselve becoming emotionally and sexually involved with him against her conscious will. Well written, highly erotic, tension charged story line.
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LibraryThing member LadyIsis
Ok so this is the first Breed story published by Berkley. We see more of Jonas and his game playing attitude, Tarek and of course Braden. This is also the first story that Elyiana show up in. She is mentioned in The Breed next Door, but she shows up to take blood work and other samples from Megan
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and Braden. There is also a discussion between her and Jonas. There are any new Breeds introduced in this book but one of the Council members is killed which is always a good thing. Ms Leigh has a gift for writing villains that are so vile and evil that you are cheering by the time that they get what is coming to them. This villain is probably one of the worst so far. It is people like this that make the rest of us ashamed to be in the same species with them. This story is set in the desert so it is well away from Sanctuary. There is only a passing mention of the other Breeds living in Virginia.

I am curious what mission Jonas sent Braden and Megan out on. I am not sure I have read anymore about these characters in the future books. I also am suspicious that Braden maybe a Prime. He displays a lot of the characteristics. Megan is a warrior for all intents and purposes as well as an empath. The first mention of telepathic abilities in the Breeds or the humans. It would be interesting to know if there were any others out there.

There are some really sad places throughout the story. So I would suggest keeping tissues handy. There is also humor and some of the hottest sex written in the mass market today. I was very pleased with this story and look forward to reading the next in the series.
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LibraryThing member MlleEhreen
Fundamentally, this book lacks consistency.

At first it seems to be about two strong alpha personalities and the sexual battle royale between them. Braden is a Breed - a genetically engineered blend of human and lion, battle trained, superhuman, but ruled by animal urges. Megan is a tough cop with
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extensive military training whose incredibly strong empathic powers prevent her from working in teams, or in large cities...forcing her to live and work as a lone wolf. The early action-packed sequences between the two are all about their powerful sexual attraction building through a contest of wills.

And then Megan turns into a fragile weakling and Braden takes on the role of a tutor or protector. After Megan fearlessly investigates a murder scene and twice fends off mysterious Breed assassins (killing a couple of them along the way) her character does a 180. We are expected to believe that actually, she can't continue the investigation because she is so averse to exposing herself to painful thoughts and emotions. Suddenly it's Braden's job to push her forward and encourage her and tell her she can do it, while Megan cowers in fear and whines shrilly about how crippling her empathic abilities are. Braden is going to protect her and teach her and deliver some tough love, while Megan resists and trembles and cringes her way through it.

Sexually, the contest of wills degenerates just as completely. Braden seems at all times totally sure of himself and his desires, a guy who's confident in the bedroom because experience has told him that he should be. Megan thinks that oral sex is really risque and whenever Braden brings up even minimally kinky sexual scenarious she calls him a pervert. She's clueless and naive. There's no contest at all, actually.

The thing is, long after it's screamingly obvious that Megan is a pretty weak and fragile sort of person, most characters in the book continue to act as though she's the tough, independent heroine she seemed to be in the beginning - Megan herself included. While she becomes weaker and more subservient by the page, everyone around her claims that she's a "warrior" or "impossible to subdue."

Braden seems to think he's imposing his will on Megan via his violent, dominent sexuality - but that's a hoax too. Mostly because Megan's resistence is a sham, but equally because Braden is so concerned about respecting her and encouraging her to be a free and independent woman. The brutal, dominating animal is mostly talk - deep down, he's a supportive partner, an idealized and bland mate of the 21st century.

MEGAN'S MARK is ultimately so confused, with so many glaring contractions between who its protagonists actually are and what they are supposed to be, that it's hard to enjoy. The positive elements of the book - like the gross yet hot sex hormone Braden secretes from a gland under his tongue - are lost in the wreckage.
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LibraryThing member Ridley_
I say I like erotic romance, but now I wonder. I don't like Lauren Dane, Maya Banks or, apparently, Lora Leigh. My claim is looking kinda baseless. More research is in order.

Anyways, the book. Oh, the book.

Megan's Mark starts off well. Megan Fields is an empath working as a sheriff's deputy in the
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nice empty New Mexico desert. The blessed lack of people and action leaves her at peace, leaving her free from the overload of feeling other people's emotions.

When she checks on a SUV left in a washed out canyon, however, that quiet is gonzo.

Embroiled in a shoot-out after discovering the bullet-riddled vehicle contained two dead Breeds, Megan has to make a run for it with Braden Arness, a law enforcement agent of some sort, and a lion Breed. Someone's out to kill Megan, and Braden is the man assigned to keep her alive.

The world building relied on a bit more info dumping than I like. A few instances of POV from a lion Breed named Rothgar Bewcastle Jonas Wyatt provide long bursts of backstory on how the Breeds were forged of animal and human DNA in labs and treated inhumanely, long-winded descriptions of the Mating Heat, and so on. After each of these, I expected to see stardust, a rainbow and "The More You Know" emblazoned across my reader.

The first half of the book sets up the action plot. It's not quite suspense, as we know who the bad guy is. We know it's her father's friend, Senator Mac Cooley, and that he's got her surrounded. We're just waiting for Megan to learn how to control her empath abilities and figure out that Cooley's the bad guy.

All of a sudden, it's time for the sex plot. Have you seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail? You know that part of the climactic battle scene when it suddenly changes to the colorful screen that says INTERMISSION? The sex is like that. I kept humming that organ loop to myself while reading it.

The action just stops, and Tab A, Slot B sex commences for the bulk of the rest of the book. And, speaking of tabs:
Horror swept across his face as she felt the change. The swelling of the already thick crest, the extension reaching out, locking onto the back of the pulsing muscles that gripped him, feathering inside her, pressing firmly into a spot that sent sensation crashing through her mind.Penile barb, ladies and gentlemen, penile barb.

Another common claim of mine, that I don't read for prose, might also be false. This took me days to read because the mechanical sex prose, coupled with some very purple metaphors, kept yanking me out of the book. One egregious example: His hand landed on her ass once again as she felt the fiery head of his cock breach the virgin portalThis lead me to create a new game for roadtrips: "Sex metaphor, or World of Warcraft quest?" Certainly "breach the virgin portal" sounds like something I did in the Caverns of Time.

Then, as quckly as the Sex Phase began, it ended, and the action plot is wrapped up in a 10-15 page fury of action, leaving just enough dangling to seed a sequel. Um, WTF? WTB smooth transitions, PST.

I'm sad to say that I did not enjoy the book. I did enjoy the action sequences immensely in a Michael Bay things go A-SPLODE sort of way, but they weren't woven together well enough with the sexxoring to hold my interest. I have the next few books in the series, as I grabbed them all when they were free, so I may try the next one. As it stands, however, I did not like how she wrote the sex scenes, and they took up much of the book.

Note to Author: Vaginal lubrication is not opaque and white. Repeatedy calling it "cream" turned my stomach. Opaque and white means the girl's got an infection. Those do not make for sexy cunnilingus. Jus' sayin' is all.
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LibraryThing member msralways
This book is now my second favorite of the Breeds series, beaten only by Kyle and Sherra's story. I loved Braden and Megan dynamic, she wasn't THAT easy for Braden to throw on her back and they were amazing together. I only wish they had a little baby to go with that. Amazing book. :)
LibraryThing member grapeapril75
Braden is so hot how can he be resisted!! And Megan is one kick a$$ chick!! Loved this book. Great story and plenty of steamy scenes!! A new direction for the breeds series!
LibraryThing member Lauren2013
Megan's Mark
4 Stars

Megan Fields, an empath who has a hard time shielding herself from the emotions of others, finds solace in the peace and quiet of the New Mexico desert until the day she finds the bodies of two breeds. As a sheriff’s deputy, Megan is partnered with Braden Arness, an
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arrogant feline assassin, in the search for the killers. Megan and Braden clash in every way but must learn to trust each other because someone is out for Megan’s blood.

Definite improvement in terms of plot and writing over previous books in the series. The sex scenes are still steamy with a capital S but are not as overwhelming as before, more information is provided concerning the Breeds’ life in the labs and the story is more action than character driven.

Nevertheless, the characters are very appealing even if they could be more developed. Megan is a kick butt heroine and is a match to Braden in every way. They are both adrenaline junkies and their extrasensory powers are complimentary. One aspect of Megan’s character that bothered me was her constant rejection of her abilities and Braden’s attempts to help her in this area. While Braden is not my favorite Breed, he is still a super-hot alpha male and he truly cares about Megan. It did annoy me that he was constantly trying to dominate her but she could definitely hold her own against him.

Similar to Elizabeth’s Wolf, the villain is seriously sick and disturbed but once again there is not enough detail regarding his actions and his obsession with Megan as well as his spies at Sanctuary. The final confrontation with him is, however, quite satisfactory.

The character who interests me the most is Jonas and I really want to know more about him, especially following the cliffhanger at the end, which I hope will be developed in the next book.

This is a decent read and from all reports it is all uphill from here.
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LibraryThing member mitabird
Megan's Mark is a typical Leigh novel. Breed male finds his mate, she resists the bonding but cannot help herself. Male feels the need to dominate, etc. I didn't enjoy the romance so much in this story as I found Megan to be quite annoying. I did find the political aspects of the Breeds
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3.5 stars
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LibraryThing member MynTop
I really liked this one. There was a lot more back story and some more answers to some of the questions posed in the earlier books. The development of the relationship between Megan and Braden was very believable to me as well. I absolutely loved the drama and action in this one too. My heart was
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racing at several points throughout the book. All in all I was pleased, I hope they continue to get more action packed and plot development as I continue reading the series.
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LibraryThing member jjmcgaffey
The Breed series was new to me when I read this - I found the concept very interesting (note that I'm writing this review long afterward, though I remember it pretty well, I think). Genetically modified people (and their being people is a major part of the story!) make for very interesting
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situations. However. The characters acted inconsistently, as I recall - I remember yelling at Megan a couple times about "You're an empath, idiot! Use it!" (and not when she was shrinking from contact - that's a valid reason not to use her abilities). I also find the "overwhelming lust" trope quite annoying, and this was a very bad extension of it - they literally _could_ not control their lust for each other, _because_ of that genetically modified business. The sex was hot...but again, it seemed a copout - it was extra special hot because of the genetic modification (twoing!). Bah. At the end of the story, I was sufficiently intrigued that I wanted to read more of the Breeds (and find the earlier books - despite the cover info saying this was the first, it was clearly part of a continuing story. Now I know the earlier ones were published elsewhere). But this one was not a favorite.
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LibraryThing member TheYodamom
Well, reading this book was an experience, like having the best sex. Really, there is more sex than story, which would normally turn me away but it was written very well and, well, I couldn't turn away. Super hot shifter meets his mate and they can not keep their thought or hands off each other.
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Meanwhile somebody is trying to kill her ( this is a small part of the story. LOL
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Original publication date


Physical description

295 p.; 18 cm



Local notes

Breeds, 07


Fic Romance Leigh


½ (248 ratings; 3.8)
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