Defiance (Courier's Daughter)

by C. J. Redwine

Hardcover, 2012



Call number



Balzer Bray (2012), Edition: First Printing, Hardcover, 416 pages


Fantasy. Romance. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. While the other girls in the walled city-state of Baalboden learn to sew and dance, Rachel Adams learns to track and hunt. While they bend like reeds to the will of their male Protectors, she uses hers for sparring practice. When Rachel's father fails to return from a courier mission and is declared dead, the city's brutal Commander assigns Rachel a new Protector: her father's apprentice, Logan-the boy she declared her love to and who turned her down two years before. Left with nothing but fierce belief in her father's survival, Rachel decides to escape and find him herself. As Rachel and Logan battle their way through the Wasteland, stalked by a monster that can't be killed and an army of assassins out for blood, they discover romance, heartbreak, and a truth that will incite a war decades in the making.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member jennrenae
Defiance by C.J. Redwine
ARC received from Balzer & Bray (Harper) via Edelweiss
Release Date: 8-28-2012
Reviewed by: Middle Sis Jenn
The Sisters Say: Dangerous, Daunting, and Delicious!

I had been eyeing the cover of Defiance for months, and when I got a chance to read it (thank you Harper and
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Edelweiss!), I might (emphasis on the might) have jumped up and done a happy dance while singing, “I’m so excited and I just can’t hide it!” Then for a moment I got distracted by Saved By the Bell memories, but soon I was right back to dancing for joy about it!! It already had so much buzz around it, and I knew it was going to be one of this year’s biggest books.

From Chapter 1, I was completely drawn into C.J.’s world—I mean, it was a world with ancient roots yet filled with powerful technology. It was like a world out of the 1800s was snatched up, thrown through a wormhole and ended up in an alternate future reality where danger from evil tyrants, wandering highwaymen, and immortal beasts is the norm. C.J.’s writing is rich with imagery and as you read, you are lifted from your world and thrust into her’s—be careful or you might never want to return!

I loved how dynamic her characters were. It is very rare that I have an extreme emotional reaction while reading a book. I run the everyday gamut of emotions—happiness, sadness, jealousy, etc, but it is truly a feat for me to embrace such strong emotions and let them take over just from a book. But, C.J. did it with the Commander. His evil is rivaled only by Voldemort or Sebastian in my opinion. As I witnessed his despotic actions, I could feel my hands closing into fists and I quite literally wished I could jump into the book just to punch him in the face (with brass knuckles). Every move he makes is methodical and calculated; every word he says is dipped in cruelty; and every feeling he shows is laced with manipulation.

Rachel, her heroine, is feisty and tough. I will admit, she is a typical bad-a heroine who is forced to grow up too fast. While she is unique in her own way, she does resemble other many other heroines we see in ya literature. That didn’t really bother me, though, because while she started out like many other heroines, she ended up in a completely different place. Many of today’s heroines go through something brutal and then hide away into themselves—Rachel fought back with every fiber of her being, and I enjoyed watching her character struggle and rise against.

I really loved Logan. He’s strong and convicted, and tries not to let anyone get in his way. I love the way he stands up to the Commander even when he’s in a losing situation. It makes him all the more admirable and I found myself rooting for him to just grab the Commander and shove his face into the ground! He is the perfect mix of anger, love, strength and weakness; and I can’t wait to see what is in store for him in the next books. Plus, he’s a hottie—which always makes a book better! I’m slightly jealous of his attraction to Rachel—and I can’t wait for more scenes to make me even more jealous!

The only thing that bugged me about the book was the length of the wilderness scenes. At times I felt like they just went on too long after we had already got the point that they were alone, scared, and hurt. While some of those scenes were too long, I wish the ending climax would have been longer.

A Warning about Content: I would rate this Mature-YA because of the violence in the book. It is very descriptive with murder and death, and there were times when I was bothered by how grotesqueness of some of the scenes. Besides the violence, everything else would be fine for any teenager.

With all that said, I really enjoyed reading this book. C.J. creates a world where violence is the foundation and people cower in fear of a murderous tyrant. The fear that this world instills is real and palpable, and she really opened her imagination up to me. She creates a world full of black and white, light and dark, where evil is easily seen, yet fear and tolerance keeps it in power. I love that her heros are just the opposite, not white or black, but riddled with shades of grey. I loved C.J.’s world, and I can’t wait to push through the wilderness with her again in the future.
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LibraryThing member ccathee17c
Couldn't get into it. Honestly, I hated it... :(
LibraryThing member brandileigh2003
I immediately liked the fire that I saw in Rachel. She was fiesty but she knew when not to cross the line. I admire her fierce devotion to her dad, and her confidence in what she has been taught. I admired how she didn't sit back and let things happen to her, she knew when she could and could not
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do something and make a difference and even when it was hard, if she could do something, she did. Rachel is all that my inner spirit wants to be with her fiestiness and determination.

I wasn't so sure about Logan, but he won me over in a few pages because his heart was in the right place. I don't know what will happen romantically if anything but it was good to hear his side of what happened and his motivations for hurting her. It's sad that he knows he caused that wall, and I can only imagine what it would be like to grow up with a girl and then all of the sudden be charged with protecting her. (that is the way the society is set up. He was an apprentice to her father and since her dad didn't return and was declared dead, they both thought that an older friend of the family would be appointed.) As the chapters went on we find even more insight into his feelings and thoughts and I grow to like him more and more. He becomes this perfect blend of techie and fighter.

I really enjoyed the dual perspective in this story and I think that moves the plot along, and there are also scenes where it gave more suspense because we knew something the main character did not.

Another plus for the book is that it explored the many forms of grief and how people process it differently and how it effects them. A choice is made in a split second, but it has repercussions and that is dealt with well in Defiance. Sometimes books skim over the negative consequence of actions, but I appreciate how C.J. faces it head on.

I can't wait for the next one, I want to find out more. C.J. Redwine wrapped up the threads of this story while leaving room for questions and definitely a need for the next pages to be in my hands.
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LibraryThing member stephxsu
Oh, boy. First there are dystopian romances (stories that claim to be dystopian but whose dystopian elements seem to be thrust to the wayside in favor of the romance); now, the same thing seems to be slowly invading the fantasy genre. Calling DEFIANCE a fantasy would be giving it too much credit:
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its fantasy element is supremely underdeveloped, with names, narrative voice, and slang that sound like it would belong better in a YA contemporary novel. Listen, writers: you can't simply plop a contemporary group of characters and voice into a world that is not Earth as we know it and call your story a fantasy. Perhaps the romance is a good one, but I was so flabbergasted by the appallingly lack of world-building (how dare this book claim to be a fantasy?) that I honestly couldn't get far enough into the story to give even one care about it.
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LibraryThing member AyleeArgh
In short: Though Defiance by C.J. Redwine was missing certain aspects that kept it from being truly amazing, it was still an exciting and enjoyable read.

As I've already mentioned, I've been loving this recent influx of books in the historical high fantasy genre - all seemingly with kick ass
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heroines who know how to wield a weapon - and so I was very excited to pick up Defiance. Except Defiance wasn't quite what I had been expecting: it's actually a fantasy-dystopian set in a world where fossil fuels are becoming depleted and while looking for more, humans accidentally stumble upon a dragon-serpent-monster-thing from the depths of the Earth. A totalitarian leader controls the people who live inside his city's walls in exchange for protection from the monster. Though I really wish the world building in Defiance would have been more fleshed out as I was left with a ton of questions, I do think the premise was interesting and exciting.

The strength of Defiance comes from C.J. Redwine's beautiful and gripping writing, especially with respect to scenes of grief. Emotions aren't just glossed over, but fully realized and explored in her characters in these scenes, and I really appreciated that the time was taken to do so. Defiance is written effectively as a dual narrative, with love interests Rachel and Logan getting equal page time. Rachel and Logan were both likeable characters in their own way - Rachel with her stubborn fierceness and Logan with his logical and steadfast demeanour - and I thought they were perfectly compatible and their romance was nice and sweet.

Still, likeable characters and a nice romance doesn't exactly translate to amazing and memorable, and therein lies my biggest fault with Defiance. I was missing that "Wow Factor" that would have really elevated Defiance from being a good read to an absolutely fantastic one. The characters were strong and enjoyable, but were lacking a certain specialness that would have set them apart and made them truly memorable in my mind. The romance was awfully sweet and nice, which I love, but because it developed quite early on and was pretty predictable, it was lacking that romantic tension that makes the chemistry sizzle off the page. The premise was intriguing for sure, but the world building needed to be more developed to be truly impressive.

Overall, I really did like Defiance and I think this first book sets up great potential for the series at large. C.J. Redwine is a talented writer and I look forward to reading more from her. Though parts of Defiance were missing that je ne sais quoi, it was still an exciting story and one that I look forward to continuing in the sequels still to come.
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LibraryThing member breakingdownslowly
Where do I even begin with this book?

Rachel is basically the strongest heroine ever in so many ways. She overcomes more obstacles than I could ever imagine during the course of the novel. When Defiance starts, she's already proved she's pretty strong and loyal and brave. But during the story she
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grows and develops more and becomes one of the strongest heroines I've ever read. She's truly tested, emotionally and physically, and she doesn't back down, not for good. I can honestly say, I admire Rachel.

And then there's Logan who's just fantastically logical. Logan might be one of the most relatable (for me) characters I've found in YA. He's always thinking about his actions and the potential outcomes based on an action he could choose, which is something I find myself doing a lot. He's incredibly intelligent and clever. He's a fast learner and he knows how to get what he wants and I admire that. As we meet Logan and we see Logan through Rachel's eyes, it becomes really easy to love him.

The side characters were all really intriguing. There's the Commander, who's probably one of the most evil characters out there, to Rachel's friend, who's so sweet. Each character was developed well and I found myself loving each of them, even the Commander. I have a love/hate relationship with him that I fear is going to grow as the series goes on. But the other characters were all easy to form an attachment to, no matter how long they were in the story.

Then the story itself was incredible. Journeys and seriously evil dudes and creatures and all kinds of things. There's twists and turns and some tears had to be shed. The characters go through so much and just slhkfjdlhdh. I loved this story. I really, really did.

Then there's the fact that C.J's just an awesome writer. With so much action, the pacing had to be good to make sure we didn't get overwhelmed and it really was. It slowed down at just the right moments and gave you a breather then picked back up again. And the itself writing was just so beautiful and wonderful and I could drown myself in C.J's words and be happy.

So, basically, Defiance is awesome and I love it and it's easily one of my top books of 2012. You need to be all over this book, seriously. You won't regret it. Do it.
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LibraryThing member booktwirps
Who loves a strong female protagonist? I do! Who loves action and adventure with a slow budding romance? I do! And boy does C.J. Redwine deliver.

C.J. Redwine takes us to a Post-apocalyptic world of an unknown era where cities are compounds surrounded by walls and gates, where women are clearly
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subservient to the men (they cannot be seen in public unless they are with their protector), they dress with tunics and dresses, ride in horse drawn wagons, yet they have inventions and tech devices that you know are not of the past.

She introduces us to Rachel, the female protagonist, who was brought up by her father, Jared Adams. Not knowing how to raise girls, he taught his daughter the skills of weaponry, combat, survival, etc. When Jared, who works as a courier for the egotistical and malicious Commander Chase, ruler of Baalboden, does not return in time from his latest mission, the Commander declares him dead. Rachel is then given to Logan McEntire, her new Protector. Logan is the male protagonist, who is but a couple of years older than Rachel and is Jared’s apprentice; Logan, who turned down Rachel’s declaration of love when she was fifteen, whom she now hates. Refusing to accept that her father is dead and not wanting to have anything to do with Logan, Rachel comes up with a plan to go into the Wasteland and find her father, while trying to not be killed by the Cursed One, a dragon-like creature that destroys anything in its path. Her plan is foiled by the Commander, who turns out, has other plans of his own and will go to great lengths to get what he wants.

Told from Rachel and Logan’s POV, I really loved the overall story. It is very suspenseful and well-paced, and the romance is unhurried. I love Rachel and Logan. Rachel is fierce, strong, determined to the point of reckless and loyal. Logan, on the other hand is calm, analytical, patient, and chivalrous. Ms. Redwine does a fine job in developing the story so that you fall in love and feel for each character, and with the case of Commander Chase, really feel the hate. Commander Chase is one of those that I despised so much I would happily would buy popcorn then sit and watch him get burned by the Cursed One.

A couple of things that I think the author did too much: While I love the descriptions of Logan’s scenario plotting, in the end, there was too much scenario plotting. Also, there was an exaggerated amount of emphasis on the whole rib cage thing. When you read the book, you’ll know what I mean

Overall, I love this book. This is definitely on my list of stories to follow. Can’t wait for book 2!
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LibraryThing member STACYatUFI
When Rachel's father Adam is declared dead she is pretty much given to Logan as his to protect. Rachel and Logan have a hate hate relationship since she declared her love for him and he turned her down. Rachel is very bitter towards him and it makes for some very childish and frustrating moments.
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Rachel refuses to believe her father is dead and starts doing extremely stupid and dangerous things to escape Logan and the city to go find him.

I thought I would really enjoy Defiance but instead I found myself incredibly bored. Rachel annoyed me to no end with her attitude and total lack of caring for what could happen to others from her stupid stunts. There were many times as I was reading that I found that my eyes where skipping over multiple lines on the page just to get through the situation that was happening at the time. The world that the characters live in isn't built very well. I had no clue when the book took place, I didnt really get the rules and I honestly disliked most of the characters that made up the book. I felt like I was reading the same thing over and over and over again and waiting for it to move on already. She loves him, she hates him, he loves her, he hates her, they are leaving, they cant leave yet.....

After forcing myself to finish the book without skipping to many paragraphs I was left ecstatic that it was finally over and I could go on to something else. DEFIANCE definitely was not for me and I have no want to know what could possibly happen to the characters in the future.
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LibraryThing member AmberFIB
Defiance is an enjoyable dystopian fantasy novel from debut author, C.J. Redwine. The narration alternates smoothly between first person Logan and first person Rachel. Both characters have unique voices, and it's easy to tell them apart. However, the secondary characters could have been better
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developed, some of the plot events felt rushed, the romance felt oddly paced and a bit unrealistic, and the concept itself is not that unique. Regardless, the constant action and likable main characters will ensure that dystopian fantasy fans will love this novel.

The two main characters, Logan and Rachel, were extremely well-developed and easy to sympathize with. However, none of the secondary characters felt real to me. They were all vague representations of humanity, and I couldn't bring myself to care what happened to them. I would have liked to have gotten to know Oliver more, and I would have liked some stories and/or flashbacks about Rachel's father. Sylph, Rachel's best friend, was a cookie cutter bimbo/wanna-be trophy wife. Also, I don't know why the Commander was such a jerk. There had to be more to him than was being shown. Additionally, all I know about Logan's mother is how she died. For as long as this book was, more character information should have been given. I think I would have enjoyed the story much more if I'd known more about the secondary characters.

Some of the plot events felt rushed and incomplete, and not the kind of incomplete that means it will be revisited later. I didn't like that. I felt that I didn't fully grasp the entire situation, more often than not. I mean I understood what happened, but I didn't feel what happened. That being said, I was never bored. I just didn't fully connect with the plot. There was a lot of action, but I never had that "I'm on the edge of my seat" feeling that I get when I am fully immersed in the story.

Another aspect of the story that fell short for me was the romance. I was rooting for Rachel and Logan simply because I knew I was supposed to, not because I felt any real attachment to whether or not they got together. They loved each other, but their epiphanies happened in weird spurts, and I think it would have been better if they hadn't explained each one. Also, Rachel's numbness combined with "I love you" just didn't work for me. There was also no wondering about whether or not they'd end up together. It was just sort of a given. That made the entire thing a bit anticlimactic.

All of my complaints aside, this book does have potential. The plot reminded me a bit of Darkness Before Dawn with the wall and tyrannical government, but there are no vampires. There's an evil dragon-like creature instead. The rulers are human, too. That makes it different. The ending tied things up nicely and left room for the sequel, which I'll definitely be reading.

Overall, I'd recommend this book to lovers of fantasy who want to try dystopian, and lovers of dystopian who want to try fantasy. It's a nice mix of the two, and with all the action going on, you're sure not to get bored.
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LibraryThing member LibStaff2
Defiance has a great cover and is a good book for a first time author. The two main characters are likeable and intelligent enough. Rachel is a headstrong girl who can take care of herself, although a little impulsive, while Logan tends to carefully plan out thoughts and actions alike. The story
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alternates between 2 POVs, so you get to see both characters evolve...and devolve...and evolve again. Plus, just when you think you might tire of the internal thoughts of one character, it shifts just in time to keep you interested. The book started a little slow, but quickly becomes a page turner. I really liked the emotional darkness that Rachel and Logan have to navigate. Interesting villains and supporting characters as well. Can't wait for the next book in this series.

Nice YA dystopian book mixed with a little Sci-Fi and fantasy. If you liked Hunger Games, Divergent, Under the Never Sky...give this one a shot.

DefianceC.J. Redwine
book from GoodReads FirstReads Giveaways
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LibraryThing member Jen7waters
I’m disappointed at Defiance, not that it’s an awful reading or anything but I just couldn’t relate to the characters – Rachel is kind of annoying and Logan did nothing for my lady parts.

What happens is that Rachel needs to go after her missing father, and bring back an important package if
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she wants to save her boyfriend’s (Logan) life. Honestly her journey was quite boring and the Cursed One didn’t help, come on, a terrifying creature you can control with a remote that looks like a flute? … Seriously?

The worst character of them all is the guy who runs the city Rachel lives in, in two words: cardboard villain.

The setting is medieval (I think), but Logan, who is an inventor, comes up with the most amazing, kind-of-futuristic gadgets – I’m not sure where the knowledge/technology/power comes from.

The romance started off okay, I love me some unrequited love, but as the story progressed I just lost interest in the couple.

I probably won’t go back to this series, because I really couldn’t care less about what happens next.
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LibraryThing member AseelNaji
My Thoughts:

Defiance is one of the most action-packed books I've ever read and one of the best of this year.

Rachel, the main character, refused to believe The Commander when he declared her father dead and assigned Logan McEntire as her Protector. When she sets out to find him, The Commander isn't
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very happy with her and tries to separate her from Logan, whom she was just starting to bound with again after he broke her heart two years ago. But The Commander isn't the only who wants Rachel dead and the Wasteland is filled with monsters.

There was never a dull moment and every chapter contained more action that the one before, leaving me sitting at the edge of my seat, gripping my e-reader for dear life and holding my breath, waiting for what was coming next.

I enjoyed Defiance vey much. The characters were easy to bound with and love and the description was great. I could see everything before me clearly and imagine myself fighting along side Rachel and Logan, not that I can fight. (I can't even punch without breaking my thumb, but don't tell anyone.)

Rachel is a fierce and strong girl who knows how to fight with a sword and doesn't take orders from anyone and totally loyal to those she loves. There were some parts when I wanted to hide and cry because of what she went through but she picked up her sword and fought, never giving up. But of course she had the help of Logan. Genius and gorgeous, Logan was always there for Rachel and fighting alongside her. He is someone you'd want with you while fighting off enemy's hell bent of destroying you.

I loved Defiance and enjoyed very much. The ending wasn't quite a cliffhanger, but it left me with enough questions to keep me interested for the next book.
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LibraryThing member Lilycanete
“It’s probably my job to tell you life isn’t fair, but I figure you already know that….So instead, I’ll tell you that hope is precious, and you’re right not to give up.”

Defiance is hands down the best book I’ve read in 2012 so far. From page one I was captivated in the dystopian
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world C.J Redwine created. I couldn’t put down the book! I avoided necessary things like eating and sleep just so I could continue reading Rachel and Logan’s journey. I guess what I’m trying to say is Defiance was unputdownable.
I can’t even begin to describe how much I love how this book was written. How it was crafted. And how it all came together. At the beginning of the book we really get to know Rachel and Logan and their history. We learn what pains them and haunts their dreams. The reader goes on this sort of journey with the characters – a quite emotional one I might add. What I specifically loved about these characters is that I felt I changed along with them. As new obstacles were thrown their way and their attitude towards each other and everything around them changed I was right there too. Defiance is as much as a journey for the reader as it is for the characters.
Defiance is told from both Logan’s and Rachel’s POV which I really enjoyed. The reader gets a clear idea who they each are and the impact they have on each other’s lives. But if I had to admit I’d probably say my favorite chapters to read were the ones in Logan’s POV.
I’m thrilled I stumbled upon this book. I kept hearing glowing reviews from other bloggers and after finishing the book couldn’t help but agree with all of them. Defiance is brilliant! I never even in my wildest dreams that the story would go where it did. I can’t wait until the sequel is released next year. Until then I guess I’ll have to re-read this one.
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LibraryThing member emily.s
I don't really know what I was expecting from this. I followed the entire publication of this book and was so ecstatic to read it. I saw so many reviews boasting about this and that got me even more excited. Don't get me wrong, I liked it. I just couldn't connect enough to actually care
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And it's all Rachel's fault.

She drove me up the wall. She is one of those characters who are to good for anyone to feel pity for them. And I just really don't like that in a character. Not accepting someones "pity stare" does not make you any less stronger. Her feelings changed with the wind on any subject.

Logan was another storm altogether. I actually really like him. But like Rachel, his feelings changed minute to minute. (I just really couldn't get past that!) He was also was somewhat controlling. I realize that he was her protector, but some of his words took it a step to far.

Now I admit, I got teary eyed a few times. The romance was sweet, and the story line was actually really interesting.

But, I was underwhelmed.
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LibraryThing member TheBookLife
When I first read about Defiance, I didn't add it to my TBR and I never intended to read it. Not because I thought it sounded bad, but because this isn't the type of story I typically read. It's not that I don't like fantasy, I just don't prefer it. So I'm sure you are thinking, why did you read it
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if it's not your style? Well, I kept seeing people insisting that this story was so well written and so different, that it was a must read. I read some early reviews on it, re-read the synopsis and perused the authors website a bit. I decided that it's good to step outside of your reading comfort zone from time to time and that I really did need to read this story.

Well, let me tell you, after reading Defiance, I will definitely be picking up more books like this in the future. This book was good. The writing was excellent and kept me glued to the pages. Fantasy still isn't my favorite genre, but if the story is cool enough, I'll be giving more of them a shot. C.J. Redwin has also created some excellent characters. Rachel is fiercely independent and so, so stubborn, but she's also seriously loyal and totally badass. As villains go, Commander Chase was one seriously evil SOB. He intimidated me and I was just reading about him, so I can only imagine what the people in Baalboden felt around him. I also kind of loved him, though, because he certainly kept things interesting and had Rachel and Logan constantly on their toes. And Logan, how do I love thee, you beautiful, noble boy. He looked up to and loved Rachel's father like he was his own, so he took his role as Rachel's protector very seriously. This was made slightly more complicated, by the fact that he was seriously repressing his feelings for her. I loved reading when the two of them were together, but I also liked that a lot of the story took place inside their heads when they were seperated.

I will definitely be picking up the next installment of this series, after that ending, I am seriously curious about where things are going to go from here.
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LibraryThing member nocturnewytche
This was a hit or miss story. There were moments I really felt it and got involved and other moments where I felt disinterested and disconnected. The best part of this book were definitely Rachel's emotions and the explanation/details of how she felt. They were poetically presented and caught me
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really feeling emotional. I was intrigued with Logan and Rachel's relationship- I love the background and was glad for a different romance than the usual. Unfortunately it did start to feel like every other ya romance- too much emotion too fast- with a lack of all the good stuff. The story was interesting and the world was intriguing but too cliche at times. I am looking forward to the next one!
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LibraryThing member msjessie
There's a lot going on in those three-hundred-odd pages, the first-of-a-new-series by author C.J. Redwine. Defiance boasts a mix of several genres and subgenres, two decently flawed and interesting narrators and protagonists, and one of them a strongish female main character, as well as plenty of
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action and adventure to lure in readers and keep them invested. Like my other 3.5/5 ratings, I want to stress that I really enjoyed this, particularly after the rough beginning, but just thought it could have been better with a little time and finesse. As it is, there's a lot to enjoy about this easily read, fast-engrossing young-adult novel. Uneven pacing, character issues aside, I am pretty impressed with C.J. Redwine's debut novel, and think it will find a wide audience. Defiance, at its best, is an inventive, creative and unpredictable novel, and for me, that was enough to merit an somewhat enthusiastic review.

The setting of tyrant-controlled Baalboden and the destroyed world Rachel and Logan live in is both a strength and a weakness for Defiance. The interesting mix of fantasy with flightless dragons (or "the Cursed One") and the post-apocalyptic clues/vocabulary ("periodic table" "algorithms" "Pythagorean theorem") make this world seem like it's possible version of the real world rather than a pure-fantasy imaginary land. But sadly not enough detail or worldbuilding is provided to for readers to form a clear, believable picture of what lead to this apocalyptic scenario or the picture the current conditions that the characters live in. What we do know about it/Baalboden/the world before the Cursed One comes early in the novel, and then bare lip-service is paid to creating a plausible current situation as much more time and attention is given to Rachel and Logan's struggles against the Commander and their alternating inner monologues. This is a first in a series so I am sure more detail and concrete answers are on the way, but the omission and neglect of information often got in the way of my truly being involved in the story.

Much like the setting, Rachel is both a credit to and a flaw for Defiance. (It doesn't help that her "voice" and that of Logan's can read almost interchangeably for the majority of the novel.) She's presented as a strong, headstrong girl in a misogynistic, patriarchal world that misuses and mistreats its women so it's obviously very easy to root for her, but she's also careless, self-absorbed, and stubborn beyond belief. The respective backstories for both her and Logan are delivered somewhat clumsily in infodumpy dialogue, but Redwine outgrows that early on and it doesn't overshadow the the narrative for too long. I like flawed characters, I appreciate them much more than a perfect protagonist with no life or vivacity, but Rachel can sometimes be very frustrating to read because she is so determined to make her own way without telling anyone or trusting her family.

It's also frustrating for me that Rachel is literally the only girl in her walled city-state that can defend herself - it can make her bloodthirsty and dangerous personality look a bit inorganic for the novel and its setting. Surely Jared can't be the only parent who wants his daughter to able to defend herself in a world where a woman can be flogged to death for going outside without her "Protector"? That quibble aside, Rachel does eventually grow up and change for the better throughout the novel, so it's impossible to call her a one-dimensional character or even stagnant. I have high hopes for this character and her further characterization in the future books, as well as for fellow females Willow and Sylph to grow into more than just cardboard cutouts.

A strong-ish female protagonist, an interesting mix of fantasy and tech, dystopia and post-apocalyptic scenarios all make for a unique novel in the vein of The Hunger Games, etc. Fans who aren't too picky about their worldbuilding and detail with find much to enjoy here, especially those who enjoy bittersweet teenaged romance. The beginning is the roughest part to enjoy and get into, but once things start to gel together, it's easy to get lost in the story at the heart of the novel.
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LibraryThing member AboutToRead
C.J. Redwine sucked me into Defiance from the very beginning of the story. The plot is fantastic, and Rachel and Logan are great main characters. The attraction between the two practically leaped off the pages and they are both very action oriented individuals.

From the moment we saw Rachel & Logan
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together, I knew they were going to be something special. It’s so awesome when a book has an epic romance—one that stands out and sticks with you despite the numerous books you might read afterwards. Rachel & Logan have that perfect combination of hesitation and compatibility that makes you wish every scene focused on their relationship.

Aside from the awesome romantic duo, Rachel & Logan are pretty kick-ass people. They’re both brave and intelligent, willing to jump into danger to protect the ones they love and to fight for their beliefs. There was a ton of action in Defiance and it was all really well done. Logan’s inventions and innovative ways of getting out of trouble were truly outstanding. Between his brains and Rachel’s defiant personality, we will definitely be in for a treat in the future novels.

Defiance is filled with action, romance, and amazing characters. The innovation and clever thinking from Logan makes the story fascinating and Rachel’s unconventional behavior adds a lot of drama to the novel. We could not have a more perfect couple than Logan & Rachel either, who provide a beautiful mix of innocence and danger into the romance of the story. Defiance is a stunning debut and I am truly looking forward to more from C.J. Redwine.
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LibraryThing member BooksOverTv
Defiance was everything I was expecting and more. It was action packed from start to finish, never a dull moment. Rachel was kick *ss! Logan, what can I not say about Logan.....

I don't want to give anything away, just know if you enjoy great scenes, action and a kick butt heroine....this is your
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I would like to thank Netgalley and Balzer Bray for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I had to own a copy for my Home Library, such a beautiful cover. It's better in person.
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LibraryThing member NeitherNora
Well, this book was thoroughly "meh." I kept expecting it to improve, but it just... didn't. The first-person-perspective-switching was bad enough to start with, but there was a point at which I realized that the description completely misrepresents the actual plot, and then it just CONTINUED
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DOWNHILL. Each of the protagonists was an utter Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu; the world-building wasn't even sure what GENRE it wanted to be; the magic/tech system (like I said -- no definitive genre) broke its own rules at the end; the romance was trite; the pacing was confusing, to say the least; and the Big Bad had no actual reasons for behaving so cruelly to the protagonists. I mean, a lot of these issues MAY be resolved in a sequel, but there isn't any mention of a sequel coming out, and honestly I'm just not willing to sit through another bore-fest of a read. One star. Grump.
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LibraryThing member thehidingspot
Though I really wanted to like Defiance - especially after falling in love with that gorgeous cover - I was ultimately disappointed by this debut offering from C.J. Redwine.

For me, the lack of world building in Defiance was the leading cause of my negative feelings. There are plenty of fantasy
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books that have gotten away with successfully with avoiding much world building (Poison by Bridget Zinn comes to mind), but I felt there were too many events and motivations in Defiance that didn't make sense due to the lack of world building. Things simply happened with no explanation... things that didn't seem to fit the other information I'd already been given or the world I thought was taking shape and I had no explanation as to why these things were possible. The setting in Defiance seems pretty old-fashioned, perhaps bordering medieval, yet Rachel and James have access to some rather advanced technology... technology that no body else seemed to have access to.

Additionally, the characters seemed to get quite worked up things - everything was very dramatic - but I couldn't help but think they were overacting or feel that the solutions were a bit too simple for how dire things were supposed to be.

I'm not against violence in YA by any means because I find that it usually has a point, but the violence in Defiance sometimes bordered on gratuitous. I really didn't understand Rachel's willingness to kill anything and anyone that stood in her way. She seemed to have so much anger all the time and truly could not see any other solution to her problems other than aggression. This was very odd to me, especially when I felt that there were definitely other options to explore. Instead of coming across as headstrong and determined, she came across as rather daft. I wanted her to think with her head, not with her fists!

Though I didn't particularly like Rachel's violent tendencies, I did appreciate that Redwine wasn't afraid to kill off characters when it benefited the plot. There are a couple characters that I really liked and was sad to see go, but I could see the necessity of their deaths.

Defiance didn't work for me, but I've read multiple positive reviews, so, if you're intrigued by the premise and can overlook the gaps in the world building, I think it could be worth a read. Readers who are concerned with world building and a prefer more complex fantasy worlds, however, would be better off reading something by Juliet Marillier, Kristin Cashore, Alexandra Bracken, or Tamora Pierce.
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LibraryThing member Livvvy75
WHY didn't I read this sooner???? No, here is a better question: WHY did it take me so long to get into the story?
Here's the answer: I have pretty much no idea. Hence the five star rating.

I loved the characters, in fact I was amazed at how much I liked both sides of the dual point of view. The
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only reason I groaned when I saw the next chapter was from the other character's point of view was because I didn't want that bit to end. Rachael was such a great protagonist because she was brave and strong and....believable. There are quite a few books out there with strong heroines like her but some of them literally have the emotional extent as a wall. But Rachael? No, she actually thought and had feelings.

At first I wasn't sold on the idea of the story. I was kind of thinking along the lines of (this is after reading the synopsis) how can C. J. Redwine draw this out into 400 pages? But she managed extraordinarily well, producing a fast pace novel with a great plot and fantastic characters.

I found this to be fairly unpredictable. You'd think something, it would leave your mind under the thought that it would just be too cruel or good, then it would happen. Out of nowhere. Just like that *snaps fingers*.

Would I recommend this? Um, yes! To teens and above! Will I be reading the sequel? YES!!!!
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LibraryThing member Bookswithbite
*Catches my breath* OMG! This. Book. Is. A. Must. READ!
It absolutely A-MAZ-ING!

First off the plot. Holy crapola. Innovative and fresh, Defiance is written with so much effectiveness, you fall right into it. Each plot twist and turn leads to another situation that only gratifies the awesomeness of
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the story. I can't tell you how fast I read this book. I ate this book like I was starving!

Next, the characters. The characters growth within the story leaves the reader excited. Both characters grow through a defining time in their lives in which they must choose who they will live for. The decisions that they make based on selfless acts only makes me love this book even more. The satisfying elements of anger and revenge fuels the reader to read faster. The self-awareness of the characters as they go through their life, is breathtaking. I loved reading each single moment of it.

It's not to late for anyone willing to try. That's their love. A love that has grown overtime, then fell apart, then brought back together. I adored all the tension between them cause you know deep down beneath that anger, they are yearning for each other. As I read it, I smiled wide, waiting for the moment when they realized they truly loved each other. And when it happen, PURE BLISS!

Defiance is too awesome for me to put it in words. I can't believe that I had the honor to read such a well written, amazing story. Take it from me, that I am not often found speechless when it comes to books. Defiance left me speechless. Defiance is a tribute to strength and love. Cause when you have both, there is nothing that can stop you.
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LibraryThing member BookWhisperer
Defiance had me hooked from the beginning. I loved the character Rachel Adams and all that she stood for. She wasn’t some helpless girl in this story; she kicked butt when needed. She kept her hope and faith that she her father was still alive and was willing to put her life in jeopardy to find
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Logan was paired brilliantly beside Rachel. They made each other in this story. Once he becomes her Protector, Logan starts this internal debate about how he must find Jared and not let Rachel know, how he must keep her safe, and ultimately, his feelings for her. I loved how he was a techy character and that he was so brilliant he thought of all the possible situations that could happen before they even did unfold.

You really will get captured in all the emotions of these characters. Also, it amazed me how I never felt that there was a dull moment in the book. It was a constant high for me while reading. I am anxiously waiting for the second installment.

~BookWhisperer Reviewer MC~
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LibraryThing member Staciesnape
When I first came across Defiance a few years ago I knew it would be right up my alley. I had just starting reading, and obsession over, dystopian books so it really was a no brainer whether or not I was going to read this book. However, for whatever reason, I put it off for a long time. When I
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first heard that Amanda was going to be doing a read-a-thon, and that this was one of the books I knew I was going to take part, if not only to finally get around to reading it. I wish I could say it was worth the wait, but for whatever reason me and book just did not get along.

It had everything I normal love in a dystipian book. The city controlled by a viscous dictator, people thinking for their self and not swallowing everything they were told, a sense of community and family. So why did I not become hooked like I normally do?. I love multiply POV in books, when done right of course. But the whole point of different point of views is because the people have different personalities and different things they can bring to the book, right? Well sadly I didn't get that from this one. It felt like Rachel and Logan not only had the same sort of thoughts but as they were on the same path and both had the same goals, I didn't feel like different POV was really needed in this book

The characters in this book just didn't grip me either. I didn't really anything towards Rachel. I liked Logan, but I think my biggest grievance was with the Commander. I know he was suppose to be horrible, stop at nothing to get what he wants no matter who he has to kill to get there person. But I'll be honest with you, at times it felt like the author had tried too hard to make him do awful things, that in the end he just came across as ridiculous and annoying to me. It's not like with President Snow from The Hunger Games, he was one twisted mofo but he did it in style. Snow was this intelligent man who would do anything for power, but he truly believed in what he was doing. That everything he did to get the was justified. The Commander on the other hand didn't seem to feel anything other than brutality.

I know that it seems like all I'm doing is complaining, but overall this book wasn't terribly and I'm hoping it gets better. The world building was good and I liked the concept behind it. I just didn't connect with the characters, and that's one thing that puts me, and a lot of people, off books. I tried to feel more for them, I really did. But maybe when the series continue I'll find myself drawn more to them.

This book had a lot of action and adventure and it had a lot of potential. It's not the first time I disliked the characters in the first only to fall deeply and madly in love with them as it went on, hell I didn't like Rose or many of the other characters in the Vampire Academy, I thought the bitchiness of it was stupid and too much like high school and was not at all sure I was going to bother finishing the series. But I did, and it ended up being one of my all time favourite's. So that's what I'm hoping for this book. Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me
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