Forest Born (Books of Bayern)

by Shannon Hale

Hardcover, 2009



Call number



Bloomsbury USA Children's Books (2009), Hardcover, 400 pages


1599901676 / 9781599901671


When her beloved forest no longer gives her comfort and her brother Razo invites Rinna to the city to be one of Queen Ani's waiting women, she happily accepts, only to discover her own strength comes from places both expected and unexpected.




½ (202 ratings; 4)

User reviews

LibraryThing member EdGoldberg
Shannon Hale’s tale of Bayern continues in Forest Born. Rinna, Razo’s sister, has a power that she doesn’t understand and can’t necessarily control. She can convince people to do things they would not ordinarily do. Having used that power for selfish reasons, she is uncomfortable with
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herself. While communing with nature typically makes her feel wonderful and free, it now makes her scared and distraught. She needs a break from her routine.

Razo’s visit to his forest home from the castle provides such an opportunity. Seeing her unhappy, he suggests that she return with him to the city where he can secure her a position as a lady in waiting for the Queen. After mulling the offer over, she accepts, never realizing what she was getting herself into.

Rumors are heard that there is a Queen in neighboring Kel, a country that previously had no Queen. Additionally, a Bayern village near the Kel border was burned to the ground. King Geric and his hand chosen soldiers, including Razo, ride to investigate. When a messenger speeds back to the Queen saying that Geric was burned and a soldier killed, wind-starter Queen Anidori and her partners, fire-starter Enna and water-starter Dasha ride out to meet Geric. Rinna imposes herself on the three ‘sisters’ and joins in the fray as they unearth the menace that has caused the disturbance.

Hale has continued her exciting Bayern tale in Forest Born and my description of the book does not do it justice because there is so much in it. While having read the previous books (Goose Girl, Enna Burning and River Secrets—all of which I highly recommend) will help understand the story, the characters and the background, it is not essential to the enjoyment of this book.

While primarily a story of a 15-year-old girl coming to grips with her individuality, her power and herself, Forest Born is also an adventure story, pitting evil ‘people-speaking’ Selia, the Kelish Queen, against Queen Anidori who is powerful and good. There is suspense and action. The love of a mother for her child is a central theme and marvelously described. Forest Born is a welcome addition to the Books of Bayern and well worth everyone’s attention. Enjoy.
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LibraryThing member stephxsu
All her life, Rin has unquestioningly helped her Ma out with the many chores required of her to take care of her large family in the Forest. Rin has always found comfort within the trees, but when the trees seem to turn against her, Rin goes with her older brother, Razo, into the city, hoping to
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put an end to the unsettled feeling within her.

However, Rin soon finds herself in the midst of a mysterious political situation as she accompanies the “Fire Sisters”—Isi, Enna, and Dasha—to a neighboring country following the reports of strange magical occurrences. Little does Rin know that it may be up to her and her as-yet-unrealized abilities to save the day for them all…

FOREST BORN is a welcome return to the beloved world of Bayern as Shannon Hale shows again why she is one of the decade’s top YA fantasy writers. Featuring ever-lush writing, wonderful characters, and heartwarming character development, be prepared to step into Bayern once again!

With her timidity and extreme lack of self-esteem, Rin is a far cry from the other Bayern characters. However, Rin is never overshadowed by the other, more talkative, and more assertive characters, mostly because we are so invested in Rin’s well-being and watch with happiness as she grows into understanding herself. Rin’s quietness—not to mention her ability—makes her a careful and meticulous observer of people, and even when previous Bayern characters like Enna seem one-dimensional to the point of being caricatures of their former selves, Rin is reliably steady in her thought process and contemplation.

The Bayern fan within me really appreciated how FOREST BORN discusses an aspect of the world that has appeared in her previous books but has not been fully addressed until now. With the believable and shivers-inducing return of an old nemesis, the Bayern books seem to return full circle, and it delights me that Rin—gentle, unassuming Rin—is the one who wraps up the mystery surrounding this very curious recurring issue. To be more specific would be to spoil the goods for you, so fans of the Bayern books should definitely read this to better understand what I’m talking about.

Perhaps the best part of Hale’s novel is, of course, the writing. It’s gorgeous without losing sight of the plot and themes; poetic without letting the language direct the story. Hale’s language makes the world of Bayern a romantically mysterious place despite the truly malevolent terrors within, and it’s a world we want to sink into for a whole day’s worth of reading.

FOREST BORN may be the highly satisfying fourth book in Hale’s Books of Bayern series, but I think I am not alone when I say that I would not be loath to more books in the series. Shannon Hale proves once again that her writing abilities make sure that previously done worlds never get stale, and that you can always write a beautiful and memorable story out of old ideas.
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LibraryThing member distractedmusician
I am very sad to hear that Shannon Hale intends this to be the last book in the beloved Bayern series. Though she does claim it isn’t definite (after all, The Goose Girl was intended to be a stand alone book, and here we are with a four book series), she seems fairly confident. I will miss you
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Bayern. If you haven’t read any of this series, you really don’t know what you’re missing. Shannon Hale’s writing is unparalleled in my mind. Her descriptions are so delicate, and yet powerful all the same. Her characters come alive in your mind, and their stories stay with you forever. They have such great messages for young readers about overcoming obstacles, being true to yourself, gaining self-confidence, and more, as well as such beautiful and entertaining stories underneath.

In Forest Born, we see Razo’s little sister take the
stage, along with the entire cast of the first three books, in an exciting
adventure through the lands of Bayern and Kel. I don’t want to give away too
much of the plot, so I’ll leave my summary at that. Read it for yourself, you
won’t regret it. Rin's story is told flawlessly as ever, and having all of the original characters come together for one last book was a great way to end a fantastic series. Enna Burning and River Secrets held a more specific focus on Enna and Razo, and though Forest Born is Rin's story, everyone holds a substantial part.

The only negative thing I would have to say about this
book is I cannot stand the cover art. I probably wouldn’t hate it so much if
the other books in the series hadn’t had such unusually beautiful cover art,
but they do, and the changes they’ve made to the series is just terrible. I
first picked up The Goose Girl because I thought the cover was so perfect. It
is probably one of my favourite cover illustrations. I can’t stand the new art,
and I don’t know what the publishing company was thinking. Don’t let that stop
you from reading it, however =]

Though I am very sad to let Bayern go, Shannon Hale did a wonderful job of closing the series.
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LibraryThing member Novelreaction
I recently read the fourth book in Shannon Hale’s incredible Books of Bayern series. I first read Shannon’s books back when she had just published her second book, Princess Academy. I had dealings with Shannon for some time and was very impressed with her. Forest Born, the fourth book in the
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series was great. I have to admit it had been awhile since I read the previous books so I reread River Secrets before starting Forest Born. I had forgotten how much I liked the character Razo. Razo’s insecurities about his own worth and not understanding why he was asked to accompany the group on the ambassador trip really hit home for me. How often do we doubt our own worth or feel insignificant when compared with everyone else?

Forest Born is about Razo’s younger sister, Rin. I like Rin’s character, she is very impressed with the strong women in her life and only sees how strong they are now, not how they were before this point, which is how life is. I love how Rin can see some of each character in herself, including the protaganist but it is Rin’s choosing to be a strong good person that makes her that way. Spending time with Enna, Isi and Dasha again is great and I loved seeing the three of them interact together.

I disliked how Rin seems to focus on one major event in her life so much and she keeps living through that moment again and again. I ended up feeling like we had reviewed what had happened before and I didn’t want to continue to relive that moment when so much other events were going on.

I was very surprised by the main protagonist, definitely not what who I was expecting. I love it when an author is able to surprise me as much as Shannon did in this book.

I would suggest that anyone wanting to read this book start with the first book in the series, The Goose Girl. You don’t have to read the previous books to understand this book because you get enough of the back story to understand what is going on but, I think the story is more enjoyable if you have experienced where all the main characters have come from and seen how they have come to this moment in time.
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LibraryThing member YAaddict
I love Shannon Hale. I love her writing style and I am a fan of the Bayern books (Goose Girl being my favorite). With that said, I had a harder time getting in to this one at first.

Rin is Razo's little sister. I enjoyed reading about her big family. Hale did good at showing the dynamics of a big
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family (Rin had Nieces and Nephews who were her age and older than her. She had grown big brothers. She was always babysitting for her younger nieces and nephews). The problem I had with Rin was it was hard to get to know who she really was. She was constantly changing herself to fit around the people who she was with. Later you found out why she did this, but for the beginning of the book it was hard to get a good grasp of the main character. You also don't get to know everything when Rin does while a certain scene is happening, so she seemed over dramatic with her problems at first. But once I got all the details of that previous scene, I had an easier time understanding Rin and sympathized with her.

I had fun reading about all the characters in the Bayern world and where their lives had lead them to. I loved reading about the "fire sisters" on this journey and to see Rin gradually become one of them. Rin's powers were different than the other girls, so I got to see a new kind of experience with the powers that go with "the languages". I don't think Rin's story is finished. If Hale does write another story in Rin's point of view, I think I will enjoy it more than this one now that Rin has grown into her own self.

This book is a good read for all the fans of the other Bayern books. If you haven't read any of the Bayern books yet, don't start with this one. Start with Goose Girl so you can get a full look into how wonderful Hale can weave and create this beautiful fantasy world known as Bayern.
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LibraryThing member book_worm127
I am a huge fan of Shannon Hale. The Goose Girl is probably one of my all time favorite books. Sadly, this one didn't measure up. I love the world that The Books of Bayern are set in, and I love the characters but this one just didn't do it for me.

The main thing was that I really didn't feel
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connected to Rin, the main character. Not like the other characters in the books. A lot of her thoughts were confusing, and I was aggravated by her sometimes. I did like how Hale kept the returning characters true to their respective books. They didn't go through any dramatic personality changes or anything, which was good.

I really liked the writing. I was sucked into the story, and could see everything happening. The magical aspect is great too, and also original. The plot fell a bit flat for me though, and moved rather slow, which I didn't really like. The end left me wanting more, and not in the good way. In the "there's something missing here" way. But that might just be me.

I still love Shannon Hale, and I still love the Bayern books, I just didn't love this book. I think part of it is because of my high expectations.
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LibraryThing member Elentarien
Very satisfying addition to the Bayern novels. Not, I hope, the last, though. It covered some of the missing elements, and wrapped up some old threads I didn't know were hanging. All in all, a very nice read. And I really hope its not the last she plans to write!
LibraryThing member okjlsaz
I really enjoyed this final book in the Books of Bayern series; however I hated to think that the series was over. I still want to know more about the continuing lives of Isi, Geric, & Tusken; Enna & Finn; Dasha & Razo; and Rin. I want to know about the rest of their lives. I guess it could be some
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kind of a wrap-up novella, but I just really have a deep urge to know the "rest of the story."

Although this book was mainly about a character rarely mentioned in the previous 3 novels, all of the other characters still were still integral to the story. We just didn't need to learn their back stories. Rin was the baby sister of Razo, the forest-born lad who ran off to the big city in the first novel to learn the ways of the more educated and cultured folks. Rin was in awe of her brother's accomplishments but had the misconceived notion that she was useless and nearly invisible within her large family. She decided to follow Razo to the big city to find her place in the world.

The male characters were all brave young men in leadership or soldier-like positions. The young ladies, Isi, Enna, & Dasha all had magical skills; but Rin, the youngest of the group, considered herself to have no real place in the world and no meaningful skills other than entertaining children—especially Isi & Geric's young son Tusken. Little do our characters realize that a former, hated character has popped back into their realm and has caused many problems without their knowledge.

I don't want to give anything else away about the novel. You'll need to read the book to find out how Rin learns to take an important role in the lives of her new friends. I think you will be surprised by the final outcome.
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LibraryThing member mrsdanaalbasha
When her beloved forest no longer gives her comfort and her brother Razo invites Rinna to the city to be one of Queen Ani's waiting women, she happily accepts, only to discover her own strength comes from places both expected and unexpected.
LibraryThing member tjsjohanna
The part I found most interesting about this tale was the contrast of two women with the same power but the different attitudes they had towards their gift and the people they could control. Rin is frightened, but her experiences with other strong women who have learned to use their gifts without
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becoming evil helps her begin to do the same.
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LibraryThing member urph818
New gifts are discovered in this fourth and final Bayern book, as Rin (Razo's Forest born sister) takes center stage. I was delighted the way that things came full circle from Goose Girl, with Isi, Enna, Dasha and Rin fighting an old enemy they thought dead. I was certainly happy to see the growth
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of Rin from her mum's shadow to a balanced young woman who no longer has fears about her gift as she becomes the solstice for her entire extended family.
Jack Murphy
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LibraryThing member LibraryCin
3.75 stars

This is the 4th book in Hale's Bayern series of books (beginning with The Goose Girl). Forest Born focuses on Razo's little sister, Rin. Rin was born and grew up in the forest and seems to have an affinity for trees. But, when she's 15, she does something to change that and suddenly she
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doesn't feel like she fits in in the forest anymore. Razo suggests she come to live in the city with him and the queen of Bayern for a while, as one of the queen's waiting women. Unfortunately, there is something wrong in Bayern and a bunch of them must go find out what is going on and fix it before it's too late.

This was still enjoyable, although I don't think I liked this one as much as the others in the series. It is fun to revisit the characters, though, and I am still hoping there will be another book focusing on Conrad, although I'm not sure if she is done the series or if she is planning to do more on other characters or not.
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LibraryThing member amandabock
I really enjoyed Goose Girl all those years ago, I think I tried to read Enna burning and/or River of Secrets, but didn't get far. I really enjoyed this one. It has flaws, but I didn't care. It made me want to pick up the others again.
LibraryThing member humouress
{Fourth of 4: [Books of Bayern] series. YA, fantasy} (2009)

This book could be read as a stand-alone since each book in the series is an individual story but it helps to have read the previous books as there are recurring characters. This time the story is about Rinna, younger sister of Razo, and it
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follows her childhood growing up in the Forest which lies between the capital cities of the countries of Kildenree and Bayern.

After Razo and all his older brothers, Ma finally has her longed for girl and everyone knows she loves Rinna best. Rin grows up with a heap of nieces and nephews and her favourite brother Razo, who teaches her to climb trees. But when Razo goes off to the city and has adventures, Rin discovers she has a power in her but using it troubles her conscience. She doesn’t want to lose Ma’s love so she does her best to suppress the power and be as good as her Ma. And then when she’s fifteen, Rin goes to the city to join Razo and his friends in the palace with the royal family Anidori, Gerric and the Little Prince Tusken and have adventures of her own with the ‘fire-sisters’ who can control the elements.

I really like the way Hale describes the familial love and affection especially between Rin and her Ma and between Rin and Razo and the way Ma and Rin are central to their family, the Agget-kin.

He spent winter nights longing for a younger sibling, someone he could call runt, someone he could push and pinch.
Ma was longing too, but for a girl to share thoughts with, a daughter cut and sewn from her own soul.
When Razo was almost five, he and Ma both got their wish. The baby girl was born on a night so hot the wind panted and the summer moon blazed like the sun.
‘Rinna,’ Ma named her.
‘A girl,’ said the father.
‘Rinna-girl,’ said Razo, peering over the side of the cot.
The baby blinked huge dark eyes and opened her mouth into a tiny circle. All desire to push and pinch hushed right out of Razo.
He bent closer to her year and whispered, ‘I’m going to teach you to climb trees.’

I like the camaraderie and banter between the characters and the thread woven through the story of Enna’s wedding, delayed because Bayern is once more at war with only Isi and her friends to protect it.

4 stars
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Mythopoeic Awards (Finalist — Children's Literature — 2010)


Original publication date


Physical description

400 p.; 7.94 inches
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