Nothing but trouble

by Rachel Gibson

Paper Book, 2010



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New York : Avon Books, 2010.


Angry at the world when a near-fatal car crash takes him off the ice permanently, hockey superstar Mark Bressler is bent on making life miserable for everyone--especially his latest team-provided personal assistant: outspoken, flamboyant, and unemployed actress Chelsea Ross. Chelsea is out to revamp her acting career and badly needs the $10,000 bonus she'll get if she lasts three months with Mark; failure is simply not an option. But neither is the unwanted, totally surprising attraction that springs up between them.

User reviews

LibraryThing member Books007
This book is awesome!

A great contemporary romance about Mark (injured hockey player) and Chelsea (personal assistant hired to help Mark through his recovery.) Mark is mean to her until she proves she isn't quitting. After they both fight the attraction, he convinces her to give in. In the end, he
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learns something about her that causes him to doubt her feelings and forces her to quit leaving very hurt. I won't finish the summary because I don't want to give away the ending.

The ending could have been just a little better but it was such a good book I gave it 5 stars anyway. I found myself laughing out loud at parts of this story. I couldn't put the book down until I had it completely read. I can't wait to read the next book by R. Gibson!!!
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LibraryThing member jilleey
Rachel Gibson can do no wrong. Loved this book as much as I have all of her previous books. I loved Mark's attitude and Chelsea's bravado. A funny, lighthearted, and romantic read.
LibraryThing member dhaupt
Mark Bressler lived a charmed life until a life altering car accident. His motto used to be “I’m only good at two things, hockey and sex” only to have the hockey taken out of the equation and what’s left, a hot and angry ex-pro athlete. Then your team brings in Chelsea Ross a sprite of a
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woman with two toned hair and a penchant for colorful designer dregs who wants to disguise running your life as organization and what have you got “Nothing But Trouble”.
In this delightful light romantic comedy Rachel gives us two contrasting characters as her hero and heroine, but despite that fact they fit together well sort of like ying and yang or more so like Jeckel and Hyde and while they’re stumbling and tripping their way to romance, love and that all elusive Happy ever after we’re awarded with full belly laughing comedy mixed with double r rated hot love scenes and soap opera worthy drama. Her readers will find themselves helpless to do anything besides cheer them up and cheer them on. Her supporting characters some of who we’re reconnecting with from the last novel and some new players are an equally important part of the telling of her tale. A tale right out of the most scandalous of tabloid rags, Mr. Big Deal athlete meets Ms. Little Miss small time actress. But the sparks they will be a-flying and her audience will have no choice but to keep turning pages to find out just how it all works out.
No one is better than Rachel with romance, comedy and drama, add in the sizzle factor and you’ve got yourself one hot summer must read. “Nothing But Trouble” is the second of her Seattle Chinook Hockey series, check out the first one “True Love and Other Disasters”
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LibraryThing member TheBooknerd
This is a bright, fun story that renewed my interest in Gibson's books. While not as good as "See Jane Score", I really enjoyed reading this. The characters are well-developed with a sizzling chemistry between them that sparks right off the page. I loved how their relationship developed from mutual
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irritation, to reluctant attraction, to sincere love.
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LibraryThing member rdh123
hockey mark bressler and chelsea ross. did not enjoy. poorly written. twin sister/big boobs/reduction/ assistant to mark after injury.
LibraryThing member lynnm
Great book.

Chelsea Ross is an out-of-work actor who makes a living as personal assistant to the stars. After the garbage she's put up with dealing with the rich, famous and eccentric, working for superstar hockey player Mark Bressler should be a piece of cake. She should have known when she's
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offered a $10,000 bonus if she can last three months that Mark would prove to be a challenging client.

Mark is still suffering after a near-fatal car crash mangled his body and destroyed his hockey career. Still in pain from his injuries, Mark sees nothing positive in his future now that he can no longer play the sport he loves. And the Seattle Chinooks' management keep sending over home care aides to babysit him, adding humiliation to his list of irritations. When Chelsea shows up at his door with her two-tone blonde and pink hair, wild-colored clothes and extra large bust, he determines to drive her away as fast as he's done with all of the others.

But Mark's bad attitude doesn't scare Chelsea at all. She's dealt with worse. She pastes on a smile and silently imagines what she's going to do with her bonus - namely, finally get the breast reduction surgery she's always wanted to help cure her constant back and shoulder pains and, hopefully, gain a little respect in the acting world.

Soon Mark and Chelsea's dislike of each other turns to tolerance and then to lust and then perhaps more. Chelsea brings Mark out of his shell of disappointment and despair, and Mark proves to be the lone voice of support in Chelsea's quest to change her body.

Both Chelsea and Mark are great characters, fully realized and very funny. I did wonder why Chelsea had such a hard time understanding why Mark was so depressed and, in her words, "bad moody" all of the time. She never did seem to realize that everything Mark had loved in life had been taken away from him with his accident, and that is more than reason enough for a bad mood. I did like how Mark was so determined not to like Chelsea and how he fought his attraction to her for as long as possible.

Towards the end, there was a Big Misunderstanding that caused some conflict, and I'm starting to notice a bit of a pattern to all of Gibson's books - heroine has a "secret" that isn't really that bad but because she doesn't tell it up front, it comes back later to cause problems with the hero. However, the resolution of this problem came about fairly quickly rather than dragging on chapter after chapter.

I laughed out loud many times during this book and stayed up into the wee hours to finish it. A great read.
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LibraryThing member KANwrites
I just had to rered it after reading this before all the others in this series. Loved it more on the second reading now that I know some of the back stories and characters.
LibraryThing member DamarisGCR
I came across Rachel's book at Wal-mart looking for something new to read and at first was not sure if I should buy it or not, so I waited until I got home and looked at reviews on the book. Sure enough I was convinced and went to Borders and bought it. I am happy that I did because this book was
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really good. This was my first book by Rachel Gibson and I loved it. I love discovering new authors and adding them to my list.I loved the relationship Mark and Chelsea had. They both could not stand each other and would go out of their way to annoy one another. Mark being bitter and mean because of his accident and feeling disabled and Chelsea killing him with kindness lol...and her clothes that he hated so much haha. Their relationship went from I CANT STAND YOU to I CANT BE WITHOUT YOU and those are the best type of books to read. What I liked the most about Rachel's book was that she took her time developing the relationship between Mark and Chelsea. The book did not feel like it was dragging out like some books I've read or rushed. Rachel took her time showing you what Mark liked most about Chelsea and what Chelsea liked most about him and how they were PERFECT for each other. It made their love feel more real to me. I laughed and even got teary eyed at the end. I recommend this book... Now I think I will go look into the other books because from what I hear this book is a part of a series of a bunch of hot Hockey men! lol
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LibraryThing member Kaetrin
I really liked the previous book, True Love and Other Disasters - a return to the Seattle Chinooks Hockey team and what I like best about Rachel Gibson's writing, so I had high hopes for this one. Unfortunately, while it was okay, it wasn't my favourite - it was one of those books where the font
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was large and the margins wide and there weren't actually that many words on the page - it was easy to read pretty quickly. I liked Mark Bressler and I would have liked to have spent more time with him but the book kind of glossed over everything. Plus, I wanted to know what happened after - was Chelsea going to pursue acting in Seattle or just be Mrs. Mark? - was she going to get her surgery? These questions were left unanswered and I felt like the whole thing was a bit rushed and superficial. If it was food, I would say it had little nutritional value - sweet, but leaves you wanting something meatier. C
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LibraryThing member MlleEhreen
NOTHING BUT TROUBLE was exactly what I expected it to be. Funny, light, well written. It flowed well, was easy to read, the stage always set, characters crisp, emotions clear. It would be easier to comment if the book had dipped below my expectations - if there had been something wrong with it - or
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risen above them. But it didn't.

Mark and Chelsea are exactly who they seem to be. Neither is shallow, but neither offers any hidden depths to plumb, either. What you see is what you get. The problem that we start with on page one drives the whole novel; Mark needs to figure out what to do with himself after his accident and stop living like an angry shut-in; Chelsea needs to decide if she wants to follow her passion for acting even though a big break isn't very likely. No real twists and turns.

The hero, Mark Bressler, is really in a horrible, no-good situation. He'll never play hockey professionally again; he can move on, but he doesn't get any sort of miracle cure. Chelsea Ross likes acting, she's worked steadily, but she's not landing any big roles in this book. Gibson gets credit for starting out with this fantasy - professional hockey player! actress! - and then crafting real trauma for her H/h. Fantasy or no, both Mark and Chelsea have to deal with some very harsh realities. I liked the maturity and growth they displayed, but the story didn't push them any further than that.
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LibraryThing member juniperjungle
I loved the sound of this book, and the gorgeous purple cover, so it was a very easy pick to make it one of my books for the Transworld Book Group challenge. A book that had a sports slant to it really appealed to me, I’m a huge sports fan but don’t tend to read many books that feature them.
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When the book arrived I realised that this was the fifth book in the Chinooks series, I started to read hoping that it wouldn’t matter that I hadn’t read the previous books.

It didn’t, the book definitely works as a stand alone, nothing happened in the story that made me feel like I’d missed some important fact. The plot does feel pretty familiar, neither Chelsea or Mark likes each other, but it’s clear there is something between them and they end up in a will they won’t they struggle. I think if the book hadn’t had the ice hockey back drop I wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much as I did, this was the part that kept my interest rather than the love story.

Mark begins the book as a pretty obnoxious character, though it is understandable considering his recent accident and the abrupt end of his glittering sports career. Chelsea’s determination and focus proves a good foil to his attempts to get rid of her, and I thought her motivation for doing so is quite interesting. I liked some of the other hockey players we get to see fairly briefly, I can see me being tempted to read the other books in this series to get to see some more of them.

I definitely enjoyed this book, though I think this was mainly to do with the setting and the way it’s written. I would have liked the plot to be a bit more adventurous, but for a fluffy read this did do the job.
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LibraryThing member cranberrytarts
I'm not sure why I waited so long to read this book. I've had it in my TBR pile since it was released, but I didn't get around to it until last week.

It was another great hockey book from Gibson. I liked both characters. Mark was just what I expected him to be. Given the circumstances of him being
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permanently retired, I understood his pain and suffering. I liked that Chelsea kept him on his toes. I also liked that she also had commitment issues. It always cracks me up when the guy is like, "I don't want to get serious" and the girl is like, "Oh good, neither do I" and then the guy is all, "Wait, what? What's wrong with getting serious? Am I not good enough to get serious with?". So cute.

I liked the way their relationship grew. Each came to care for the other in their own way and over time. It was also great to see some of the past characters again. Especially John and Georgeanne. They're my favorite couple.
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LibraryThing member AnnaAbner
This is the first book of Rachel Gibson's I've read, and I really enjoyed it. The beginning was very well written and yanked me right into the character's lives, though I know nothing about hockey. The story slowly unraveled as it went along, and I thought the entire second half of the book could
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have been better. Overall, though, I liked it. I will definitely check out her other books.
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LibraryThing member ktleyed
This is my favorite kind of sports romance and I loved it! Chelsea was such a perfect foil for Mark's surliness in the beginning, and once things heated up, this became a real sizzler of a book! Mark's hockey career has come to an end after a car crash and he must learn to live with it. Chelsea
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comes to work for him as a home healthcare worker. She's not your average type, instead she's a busty, pint sized out of work actress with a love for outlandish colors and designer clothes. I ate this up on audio, which was great, narrated by Susan Bennett. The only thing I didn't buy was Mark's over reaction to finding out about the $10,000 bonus. Big deal. Otherwise, this was a real treat!
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LibraryThing member phyllis2779
I do like Rachel Gibson's books. This one was fun and a fast read but I thought the plot was a little thin. Beyond a sexual attraction, I didn't really feel that the hero and heroine were really right for each other. It need more work to make that feel right. This one had a hockey background. I
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think Gibson is working her way through the whole team seem I remember some of the characters' romances from other books. I have no problem with that.
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LibraryThing member seasidereader
Great audio narrator and a minimum of sappiness until the end.
LibraryThing member Lauren2013
Nothing But Trouble
4 Stars

In the aftermath of the accident that cost his career and almost his life, Mark Bressler resents everyone and everything, but highest on his list of annoyances is his newest personal assistant, Chelsea Ross. Pint sized and perky, Chelsea has zero tolerance for the brooding
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former hockey captain and is determined to earn the huge bonus coming her way for putting up with his nonsense.

Like most of the men in this series, Mark is more than a little bit of a jerk in his treatment of Chelsea. She, on the other hand, is delightful, and her witty comebacks to his obnoxious taunts are hilarious.

Mark and Chelsea have great chemistry and their love scenes are sensual. Their emotional connections isn't as strong however, and it is not really clear why they fall in love. Moreover, the minor conflict toward the end is contrive. Nevertheless, the writing fast paced and Gibson's style is very readable.

All in all, a delightful office type romance.
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RITA Award (Finalist — 2011)


Original publication date


Physical description

280 p.; 17 inches


0061579092 / 9780061579097
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