
by Sara Shepard

Paper Book, 2009



Call number



New York : HarperTeen, 2010, c2009.


Former best friends Emily, Aria, Hanna, and Spencer continue to live in fear as they struggle to keep hidden even more secrets and someone new begins stalking them via their cell phones.

User reviews

LibraryThing member kbpup903
SPOILER ALERT: If you haven’t read the first 5 books of the Pretty Little Liars series do not read any further.

Hanna, Aria, Spencer, and Emily thought things would get better when A was killed. They were wrong. The original A might be gone but now there is someone new who knows there secrets and
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they want something in return for their silence.

Hanna has a new mission now. Her only goal now that she doesn’t have Lucas is to get back at Kate for stealing her father’s affection and her friends. It seems like the perfect way to do that is to get steal the guy that Kate wants right from under her nose but in the end, who is playing who?

Aria can’t stand being in the same house as Xavier, her mom’s new boyfriend, so she decides to move into her father’s new house. Her goal isn’t to hurt her mom but she doesn’t know how else to fix what happened. She knows if she tells her mom it will ruin their relationship for good but could moving closer to the woods where Ian disappeared be a dangerous mistake?

Spencer thought her life was only going to get better since she found out she was adopted and at first things seem great. She gets a message from a young woman who lives in New York saying that she is her mom. When she meets her, her life seems to be looking up. She is this hip young woman who looks exactly like Spencer. Now all Spencer wants to do is move to the city to be closer to her but is she moving too fast without really looking at what’s in front of her?

Emily finally has everything great in her life. She is dating the perfect guy and she is almost ready to tell her family about him. Things are great in their relationship and they only get better once they take the relationship to the next level. Well things seem to get better between them but not between Emily and his mom. Emily knows she knows what they did but how can she convince Isaac that she isn’t just imagining the hostility coming from his mom and could she ruin their relationship in the process?

WOW. This book was such a shocker from the last one. It was definitely better than some of the earlier ones in the series because it had so much more mystery and things going on. Sometimes it seems like there is too much going on but not this time. It was just so suspenseful and kept me guessing till the very end. And I have to say that the end was a major surprise for me.

The Pretty Little Liars books have been some of my favorites from the very beginning. They were just so different than anything I have read before and I love finding books like that. These were also some of the first books that I got my friends to read and they all loved them too.

The story in the Pretty Little Liars series seems like it would be horrible because the girls are all so superficial but it’s not like that at all. The girls all seem to grow throughout each book and they learn things about each other and themselves from everything A does to them. The whole story just seems to grow deeper and more involved with each new book and I can’t wait for the seventh.

The Pretty Little Liars series is a little longer seeing as there are already six books but they are worth it. If you haven’t read them yet I strongly urge you to pick up a copy of the first book. You will probably be just as hooked as I am.
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LibraryThing member scoutlee
I started reading the Pretty Little Liars series earlier this year. Each book ended with a cliff hanger and I couldn’t wait to read what happened next with “A”. I enjoyed these books so much, I read them consecutively. The only problem was I had to wait a few months for Killer’s release.

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that I finished Killer, I have to say I was worth the wait. It immediately began where Wicked concluded: the night of the Rosewood Day benefit held at Spencer’s house. Spencer discovered Ian in the woods and when she later returned with the police, Ian was gone. He simply vanished. (I don’t want to say more to prevent spoilers). While the police continue to search for Ian based on the details provided by Spencer, Aria, Hanna and Emily, they begin to wonder if these four girls fabricated their stories for attention.

Like the previous novels, Killer begins with a flashback. In this flashback the reader learns how the four girls became friends with Ali. Emily, Aria, Hanna and Spencer all have the idea of stealing Ali’s piece of the Time Capsule flag. This is a tradition at Rosewood Day: the principal cuts the Rosewood Day flag into pieces, the upperclassmen hides the pieces around town, while the teachers post clues to their locations. When someone finds a piece, he/she can decorate it. When all the pieces are found, the flag is sewn back together and is buried in the Time Capsule. The students who find the pieces are known to be legends in the school’s history. The twist to the game is another student can steal a piece from the original student who found it. Which is what Hanna, Emily, Aria and Spencer plan to do with Ali’s piece.

This flashback is significant to the story. The reader learns what REALLY happened to Ali’s stolen flag piece and why it’s so important to her disappearance and death. As each girl continues to receive threatening texts from “A”, they decide to investigate the events leading to Ali’s death. As they dig deeper, they stumble on a new twist that will erase everything they knew about their friendship with Ali.

What makes this story so addicting to me is how the Ms. Shepard uses the girls’ individual stories to add to the mystery behind Ali’s death and “A’s” hold on them. Each girl struggles with a secret, insecurity, problem, etc. “A” sends them text messages to manipulate them into doing what “A” wants by threatening to expose their secrets. Each girl discovers more clues about their friendship with Ali. The reader can’t help but to wonder are these legitimate clues or just part of “A’s” game? It’s so hard to tell, but that’s what keeps me reading. I WANT TO KNOW! The twists and turns are plenty in this series and just when the reader thinks he/she knows what will happen next, guess again.

Killer’s ending took me by surprise! The cliff hanger was shocking and left me speechless. Of course, I had more questions and wondered did THAT just really happen or is this just another twist? Again, I must wait to have my questions answered. Heartless, book seven, will be released in 2010. Killer is a must read for fans of the Pretty Little Liars series.
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LibraryThing member anapoli
I have read every book in the Pretty Little Liars series and I absolutely love all of them. When I first encountered them, I thought they were going to be superficial, ridiculous teenage love stories. This series completely went against that. I was instantly tied in with the unresolved murder of
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the character, Ali, that winds it's way through each book. Although it has some soppy, teenage moments, this series definitely holds you on the edge of your seat. I would even go as far as to recommend reading it during the daylight hours because some parts of this series had me feeling a little scared. Sara Shepard creates tension between the group of friends that allows the mysterious A to manipulate them in every way possible. I love each and every one of these books and would one hundred percent recommend them to any of my friends.
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LibraryThing member kikistina
When I first began reading the first book in this series (Pretty Little Liars), I thought it'd be a typical, cliche, light read.

Well, I was definitely proved wrong.

It's much more of a thriller sometimes than a light read, though it always includes some romance, suspense, and much more.

The four
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main characters: Aria, Spencer, Hanna, and Emily are so different, you're able to relate to at least one of them.

The twists and turns are thrilling and sometimes unexpected, always ending with a frustrating cliffhanger that will immediately leave you wanting to buy the next book.

Killer was no different, though it's much more focused on Ali's murder than the new "A" and the girls' secrets.

As always, I was left wanting to immediately read the next book: Heartless.
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LibraryThing member yodogdiggitydog
didn't read yet.... but i wanna
my sis has it!!
LibraryThing member trishalynn0708
This book was not my favorite of the series, I really didn't enjoy it as I was reading it and I think that is because I couldn't wait to get to the end of the book to see who the killer was. After reading all 6 books I was dieing to know. Only to be disappointed in the end to have the book end with
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the excerpt of the next book. I thought for sure that this would be the last in the series, but it's not. I'm not sure if I will read the next book, I will have to wait for it to come out and see. I think the 6 books were enough and that the series should have ended, everything is kind of repeating itself now. But it is still a great series.
This is probably my most negative review, and for one of my favorite series. But I think everyone gets those right? :)
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LibraryThing member khager
This is the sixth Pretty Little Liars book; I only have two left and they're the shortest ones in the series. (Apparently book 8 isn't even 300 pages, according to Amazon.)

This book is a total game changer--everything we thought was true up to this point turns out to be false and people we thought
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we could trust we can't. Of course, this could all be turned around by the time I'm a chapter or two into book seven, so we'll see.

I'm still really enjoying this series and I think I can say now that I definitely prefer them to the series. (Although I love the series and although the two books that are left are running the very real chance of becoming completely ridiculous.)
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LibraryThing member reidy40649
it was really good, and it made you want to keep reading and made you want more
LibraryThing member readingdate
In Killer, the girls are still being tracked by new “A” and still following clues to find Ali’s real killer. This is a transitional book in the series. There are only two books left and we are building up to the final conclusion. In this book, the girls have their own personal dramas that
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they are dealing with. These are interesting stories, but the “A” plot does not progress as much as usual.

The girls have lost the trust of the police so they are on their own researching Ali’s killer. “A” is still around providing clues and causing mischief. Hanna gets a new iphone and number so “A” can not reach her. Why wouldn’t they all change their number?

Spencer suspects she was adopted and goes in search of her real mother. Spencer is not one of my favorites but I felt so bad for her in this storyline. Emily and Isaac’s relationship is progressing, much to the outrage of Isaac’s mother. Not sure what that is about, is she a suspect? It doesn’t seem like this is going anywhere. Hanna gets a crush on an adorable younger man at school, and evil stepsister-to-be Kate continues her mind games with Hanna. Meanwhile, Aria acts on her long-time infatuation with (another) older man. The connection between Jason, Wilden, Melissa and Jenna is looking more suspicious. All of them seem to be suspects – could they have killed Ali?

The ending is a huge game-changing cliffhanger! What is going to happen next in Heartless? I can’t wait to find out.
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LibraryThing member RaCo0301
The suspense and mystery continues in the sixth book of the Pretty Little Liars series. The four girls still don't know who killed their friend and they think that maybe this time A is trying to help them, but they don't really know who to trust.
LibraryThing member edspicer
It was very well written. It kept you on the edge of your seat.
4Q, 5P; Cover Art: Awesome!
This book is best suited for Middleschoolers on up.
It was selected because it looked like an interesting read.
Grade (of reviewer): 11th
LibraryThing member littleton_pace
Knowing how many of these books there are; I was worried going into this one, the sixth, that the tension wouldn't be as great as it had been in earlier novels. And it's not.

I get the feeling Sara Shepard is now trying to drag out what was originally a good idea and it's just becoming more and
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more implausible.

At the start; it was believable. Four girls, haunted by messages from their dead best friend with no idea what was going on. But now, it's all about a massive conspiracy. Ali is alive and Wilden, the cop, is a bad guy; who I suspected from page one of this novel. If he was meant to come off as anything other than a creep in this book, I didn't get it.

More annoyingly, the parents get worse. Aria's afraid to tell her mother that her boyfriend is a pervy creepy because she thinks her mother will be mad at her. A normal mother, which Ella is shown to be, would most definitely NOT pick a new man over her own child, let alone a creepy one who tries to hit on Aria.

Spencer's parents, more specifically her mother, are hideous to her. Laughing when something goes wrong for her; enjoying her pain. Like a mean sister, not a parent.

Hanna's father doesn't believe a word she says yet takes everything his step-daughter says as Gospel. I don't believe that. Especially since it's pointed out many times in each book that Hanna and her father once had a very close relationship.

Emily's parents seem to be the only normal ones, but they aren't in book 6 very much, and we still have 3 more to go.

Now I'm starting to worry the story is going to try and advance on itself, become bigger and bigger than it was originally going to be and thus creating an utterly unrealistic story that started out with so much promise. A, or whoever it is sending the messages, is now everywhere. Telling Spencer she's adopted, setting her up to meet her fake-real mother in NY and buy a fake apartment, thus losing all her money. So A has to have some sort of business going on. No longer is it a mean girl dishing out the dirt on her former friends; which was the appeal of the books in the first place. Now it's turning into something else, and I for one do not like it.
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LibraryThing member jhoran101
If your a fan of the series, it's a great book in the series. Spencer is in a romance with Andrew, her long-time rival, while exploring the posssibility of being adopted since her Grandmother's will only included "natural birthed" grandchildren. Emily gets confused with her new boyfriend Issac's
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Mom's reactions. Aria is trying to avoid her Mom and her new boyfriend who's into her. Hanna is forced to bond with her step-sister Kate while trying to get Mike Montgomery, Aria's younger brother. While all this is going on, Ian suddenly doesn't seem so dead or so guilty and they get one more step closer to finding out what really happened to Ali. The media is hounding the, as is A, and possibly other people... Full of surprises and the cliff-hanger ending just leaves you wanting more. Was it smoke inhalation? Sara Shepard does kind of drag this on and really uses this book as a continuation of the plot and the only really important parts are the thigs that happen with Jason, Wilden, and the fire. The drama is nice, but some of it's just kind of there.
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LibraryThing member ctmsanke
This was, by far, the most emotional Pretty Little Liars book yet. Infact one part made me cry. Killer is about the four girls, Hanna, Spencer, Emily, and Aria, trying to figure out how the hell Ian's dead body disappeared. They saw it in the woods and ran to get Wilden the cop assigned to keep
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guard on a party. But when they got back, there was no body. the police searched for days and couldn't find anything. Now, it's up to the girls to figure out what happened. Did Ian play a trick on them to distract the cops so he could get out of town? That would be the logical explanation to his disappearance and the sketchy IMs Spencer has been recieving. but, the girls are too hung up in their own problems to figure out what went wrong. Hanna's battling with her step sister over Mike Montgomery, Aria's brother, and causing more drama than there needs to be. Aria's dating Jason Dilaurentis, and then finds out that he was a patient in a mental hospital and may be connected to Ali's murder. Emily's being shunned out of her boyfriends house after being caught in his bedroom by his mother, and now that his mom hates her she doesn't know what to do. And, of course Spencer and her so called "mommy" just met after being spereated for over 17 years. BUt it really her mom or did "A" set up an other on of their conniving, sick little games?

Spencer's story is just so sad, it made me cry. She just found out she was adopted and now she finally reconnected with her biological mother! She is everything she dreamed she would be, and she got so excited that someone actually loves her that she buys a house right down the street from her. But, she then finds out that her "mom's" address was fake and that the realtor that she bough tthe house from doesn't exist, so she checks into her bank account only to find out that her balance is 0$. Did her mom cheat her out of her money, or was this just a big misunderstanding??

At the end of the book, there is a huge twist! it is so big and completely changes the mood of the book. I'm not even going to give you a hint on what it is because i was completely in awe when i read the very last sentence. This was the major reason why i gave this book a 4.5/5 stars. it was absolutely exhilarating, and every page captivated me. I am so excited to go into school tomorrow and check out the next book in the series, Heartless, to see what happens.

Once again Sarah Shepard amazes me with her talent in writing and ability to create a massive amount of tension in just one sentence, which you will see when you read this wonderful book!
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LibraryThing member calibrary1
Book review by Bryn, posted by CA Library:

"Killer by Sara Shepard is the sixth book in the Pretty Little Liars series. The narrative mode is 2nd person. It is mystery. The protagonists of this story are Hanna, Aria, Spencer, and Emily.

This story starts when the girls were in sixth grade and on of
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their best friends, Ali, was tragically murdered. After Ali got murdered, the girls all receiving text messages from an anonymous someone who signed all the texts “-A”. The girls are now juniors in high school, and still receiving texts from “A”. When the girls first starting getting the texts, they were just signed “A” and nothing more. The girls thought it was just some random person who wasn’t even in the same state as them. But as the years went on, “A” was sending texts that could tell the girls were definitely being watched. But not from a distance.

The girls spent four years trying to figure out who “A” was. They still hadn’t found out. And the texts continued, but now, the texts are getting threatening. The girls are getting close to finding out who “A” is but they need more clues. And that’s where the story ended.

Killer by Sara Shepard, was such a good book. I highly recommend this to anyone who wants a good mystery. Overall, I give this book four and a half out of five stars."
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LibraryThing member scote23
This used to be one of my favorite series. I'm not sure why I read it anymore. I think it could have been wrapped up really neatly in one or two books, and now it's been spun out too far.
LibraryThing member bladechik99
Sometimes it upsets me how addicting these books are. I'm not even sure why I like them, I just NEED to know what happens in the end. I do love the four main characters though, because each one is shown to actually have a heart at some point in each book, and I'm a sucker for people generally being
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"good" deep down inside.
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LibraryThing member AngelaRenea
I thought this would be about Emily (killer) and I kinda felt like it was. But I don't really like her... Emily and Hanna are the only two I feel bad for. (H getting a new phone and E telling Isaac-spelling?) Spencer and Aria just keep on hiding things and sneaking around and stuff. Loved the book
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though. I totally can relate to Aria and Hanna they are my fav. I *hate* Kate.
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LibraryThing member amandanan
Pretty sure I want to kill off all the parents in the whole series after this book. I also kind of wish I hadn't spoiled the end of the series by reading ahead so the end of this particular book could've shocked me more.


Original publication date


Physical description

255 p.; 21 inches


0061566136 / 9780061566134
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