Slapend kasteel

by Linda Medley

Paper Book, 2010

Library's rating


Amsterdam De Bezige Bij 2010





Castle Waiting is the story of an isolated, abandoned castle, and the eccentric inhabitants who bring it back to life. A fable for modern times, it is a fairy tale that's not about rescuing the princess, saving the kingdom, or fighting the ultimate war between Good and Evil -- but about being a hero in your own home. The opening chapter tells the origin of the castle itself, which is abandoned by its princess in a comic twist on "Sleeping Beauty" when she rides off into the sunset with her Prince Charming. The castle becomes a refuge for misfits, outcasts, and others seeking sanctuary, playing host to a lively and colorful cast of characters that inhabits the subsequent stories, including a talking anthropomorphic horse, a mysteriously pregnant Lady on the run, and a bearded nun. Linda Medley lavishly illustrates Castle Waiting in a classic visual style reminiscent of Arthur Rackham and William Heath Robinson. Blending elements from a variety of sources -- fairy tales, folklore, nursery rhymes -- Medley tells the story of the everyday lives of fantastic characters with humor, intelligence, and insight into human nature.… (more)


User reviews

LibraryThing member savageknight
This collection did not live up to my expectations. The actual, physical, book is simply perfect, and the art and storytelling is really good... the story however just did not grab my attention the way the few individual comic books did. Perhaps the Solistine storyline ran too long? Perhaps I was a
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little weirded out by all the bearded women? Whatever the reason, the deeper I got into the book, the more it felt like a chore. I'm disappointed...
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LibraryThing member xicanti
A diverse group of people come together in an abandoned castle that was once the site of a Sleeping Beauty-like story.

This was a lovely book from start to finish. Linda Medley has a real gift for imbuing a story with warmth and life. Despite its fairy tale antecedents, this isn't a conventionally
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heroic tale. There are no swordfights, few daring rescues, and scarcely an evil stepmother or wicked witch in sight. When these elements do crop up, they're handled in a much quieter and more personal manner. Instead of a handsome prince rescuing a beautiful princess from a vicious curse, a group of bearded nuns set out to liberate two indentured servants from a cruel master. The wicked witch beams with delight when her little demon tells her he likes her. Nothing is quite what you'd expect, but everything fits very nicely into the world Medley has created.

There's also a real emphasis on strong women. Feminists who find traditional fairy tales too patriarchal will certainly appreciate what these characters are capable of.

The artwork, like the story, is beautifully done. Medley has a real feel for pacing; her paneling draws the story out perfectly, and helps create several truly humorous moments. The lines are clean and expressive, and there's a nice level of detail.

The book isn't quite perfect, though. Since it is the first volume in a larger work, (the second should be out in early 2008!), the overarching narrative doesn't come together as well as it could. It's more a collection of shorter tales about the inhabitants of the castle, with particular emphasis on Sister Peace. Hopefully future collections will answer some of the questions this volume raises about the rest of the characters.

Highly, highly recommended to graphic novel readers who like moving, personal stories.
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LibraryThing member PhoenixTerran
When I initially glanced at the compilation of the comic series Castle Waiting at my favorite comic shop, I paged through the first section and it appeared to simply be a retelling of Sleeping Beauty. I put it back, despite the wonderful artwork, in the mood for something more original. Several
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months later, I picked the book up from the library, brought it home, and only then discovered, much to my chagrin, that it was oh so much more. (I really should have picked it up in the first place.) Though the first part is a delightful retelling of an established and well-known fairytale, and there are fairly constant literary references besides (and I know I didn't catch all of them), the majority of the book is its own brilliant and original creation--I was completely taken by surprise. Castle Waiting is absolutely fantastic.

After the retelling of Sleeping Beauty, the comic picks up many years later with Lady Jain. She is pregnant and traveling on her own, hoping to find and take refuge in the legendary Castle Waiting (which was castle Sleeping Beauty abandoned to live Happily Ever After with her prince). Once there she meets an eccentric and unique cast of characters who have their own stories to share. The book, and their stories, are lighthearted and absolutely delightful. (I dare you to read it without smiling.) A large part of the book is devoted to Sister Peace's background. I absolutely adored her, and while all of Castle Waiting's denizens are wonderful, she was my favorite.

The artwork is wonderful. Simple, yet detailed, black line drawings convey an incredible amount of emotion. Linda Medley is a master of her art--she knows when a subtle change is more effective than a more blatant one, and when dramatic action works better than something more quiet. Her pacing is perfect, and not a single panel is wasted. I was tremendously pleased and impressed to find that Medley's work is invariably consistent. The book itself is well put together--it is simply a really nice book physically in addition to the beautifully executed art.

Originally, Medley struggled to have her series published, eventually self-publishing the individual issues of the comic. Eventually, Fantagraphics picked it up and published a collection of the series so far. Medley continued working on the series and a second compilation will hopefully be printed. I would love to see where she takes things. At the end of the first volume there are plenty of threads left open that could be followed. Overall, Castle Waiting, with all its quirkiness, is a marvelous series that I can easily recommend to anyone who enjoys a good story. And I do hope it continues.

Experiments in Reading
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LibraryThing member PaigeMcIlwain
Castle Waiting is a tongue-in-cheek retelling of some classic folktales. It is written in the format of a graphic novel, and begins with a story somewhat similar to the fairytale Sleeping Beauty. Once sleeping beauty is awakened, she sells the castle to a rather strange, beaked character, and she
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runs off to live with her prince. This new castle steward is quite the gentleman, and the castle becomes a safe-haven for all sorts of unusual characters. Castle Waiting is complete with witches, nuns, talking horses, demons, and other mystical creatures.

This graphic novel would be an excellent tool to use when studying comparisons and contrasts. A teacher could allow students to use a Venn diagram to compare and contrasts the the themes in Castle Waiting and those in the original fairytales. Even though this book could work well in a classroom, I do have some concerns about it. Some parents may not think that the language in the book is appropriate for their children. Also, there are some obscure implications made that could be questionable to some. Having witches and demons as characters may also disturb some parents.

This is the first graphic novel that I have ever read, and it was much more enjoyable than I anticipated. Although I was not completely comfortable with all the themes or characters in the story, this book was a great play on the typical fairytale. I loved the illustrations and thought that they really carried the story. I did love the mixture of human characters and more whimsical characters such as a talking horse who is most definitely a ladies man and a stork that also happens to be the steward of a castle. The ironic and unique qualities of this book kept me laughing.
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LibraryThing member abbylibrarian
Castle Waiting is kind of a play on Sleeping Beauty, but it goes a whole lot deeper than that. In the beginning of the book, the king and queen have a baby and she's cursed to prick her finger on a spinning wheel and sleep for 100 years. However, after she wakes up, she runs away with the prince
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and the castle becomes Castle Waiting, a safe-haven for travelers and anyone needing a safe place to rest.

Enter Lady Jain, an expectant mother running away (from what, we don't exactly know). She finds Castle Waiting and is immediately embraced by all who live there.

Add in a long subplot about an abbey full of beaded ladies. It was a little strange, but the characters are so likeable that I was still engrossed. A lot of stuff is not explained (like just exactly who is Jain's husband and why is she running away and why is her son GREEN?), so I'm hoping for a sequel!
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LibraryThing member jadelennox
A collection of misfits in a fairytale land all end up together in a ramshackle castle. These characters are a wonderful set of oddities: the daughter of a merchant, who fled her abusive husband and is now happily raising her half-troll child by her lover; three elderly handmaidens from the days
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when the castle was the home of sleeping beauty; a librarian modeled (and named) after an Arthur Rackham character; a bearded nun and the imp who repeatedly tries to tempt her; the horse-headed smith. This collection includes a variety of short tales about the characters' presence and pasts. The characters' real affection for one another shines through, giving a pleasurable and homey glow to the whole.
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LibraryThing member shelley582
Wonderful story about what happens after the "ever after". Author is now continuing the series with new graphic novels.
LibraryThing member spacecat77
What happened to Sleeping Beauty's castle after she left with the prince? This is a wonderful fairy tale with rich and full characters.
LibraryThing member relientkatie
Everyone knows the tale of Sleeping Beauty, how she was rescued by a handsome prince and lived happily ever after; but what happened to her castle after she left? In "Castle Waiting," it becomes a refuge for the misfits of society. Together they form an unlikely – and very unusual – community
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inside the walls of Castle Waiting.
This is a compilation of comics that were published over the course of several years. As a result, the stories are tied together loosely and many questions are raised without being answered, which is frustrating at times. But a sequel is coming out in 2008, so hopefully we'll get to hear the rest of the story then!
This story has a slight feminist edge while still including many positive male characters, and it may appeal to boys as well as girls. The story-within-a-story-within-a-story format may be harder for younger readers to follow, but the content is appropriate for junior high and up.
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LibraryThing member aidenn
A clever, quick graphic novel read; this books follows a set of intertwining relationships set in a Medieval time period. Twists and turns abound as we see that not everything is quite what it seems, but many happy endings are in store!
LibraryThing member dolphinblue1225
One of my favorite graphic novels! The facial expressions of the characters are very detailed, and the story is incredibly entertaining. Feminist lit readers will really enjoy this book! This book left me wanting more. Here’s hoping for a volume two…
LibraryThing member mazeway
Delightful. A graphic novel full of engaging characters, pitch-perfect line work, and clever dialogue. I knocked off a half star for all the times I thought there was about to be dramatic tension and then there wasn't. But it was only half a star b/c I was actually kind of glad when bad things
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didn't happen to these nice people or when that seemingly good guy didn't turn out to be actually bad. Great for most ages (say, a mature 9 year old on up). My 11 year old was utterly mad for it and I concur.
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LibraryThing member mimiteh
Really good! I would read anything else by this author!
LibraryThing member tapestry100
What a fantastic tale. While nothing major happens in this story, Castle Waiting leaves you completely fulfilled with its characters and charm. While some of the stories may seem a little familiar, the complete package is a refreshing tale that is composed of several stories connected inside the
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story, as we learn a little of each character through either their actions at Castle Waiting, or the stories that they tell. The whole thing feels very much like The Canterbury Tales.

The current residents of Castle Waiting are just that; they are waiting. Waiting for a new king to take residence in the castle after the last king was killed while trying to protect his daughter from a fate curiously similar to that of Sleeping Beauty. In the meantime, while they are waiting, they take in any stranger who is seeking refuge there, where we meet Lady Jain, who has a secret all her own about her unborn child. (The story leaves several mysteries unsolved, that I hope will be revealed in later editions.) We also meet Prudence, Patience and Plenty, the last remaining original inhabitants of the castle, the metalsmith Iron Henry, castle steward Rackham Adjutant, castle cook Dinah Lucina and her son Simon, Dr. Fell, Sister Peace of the Solicitines and Chess, the castle knight. Together they create a hodgepodge of a family that comes together and takes care of their own. It's a great story of diversity and how that diversity can bring people together under then most mundane or special ways.

Linda Medley's story left me laughing in several places, and her art is fresh and unencumbered. I'm anxiously awaiting the sequel!
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LibraryThing member MarshaKT
Recently got re-interested in graphic novels. Read some good reviews of this one - I think I'm liking it...although I've only read a couple of chapters.

On the lookout for other suggestions in graphic novels
LibraryThing member tiamatq
I'm so glad that I was recommended this book! Castle Waiting is the story of what happens have Sleeping Beauty's curse is broken and she and her prince take off, leaving the castle and all those townfolk who have been sleeping for the past several years. The castle becomes a haven for strange
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characters who share their own stories with the reader and each other.

I hadn't heard of this series before and got my hands on the gorgeous, hardbound collection. You really do feel like you're picking up an old book of fairy tales. While I liked the entire cast of characters, I loved Sister Peace and the Solicitine nuns. An order of kick-ass bearded nuns may just be the best thing I've ever heard of. The artwork is well done and can look fairly simple while actually being very detailed.

I didn't realize that this was a continuing story (or at least, it was recontinued recently) until I finished and realized I'd only heard Sister Peace's story. I can't wait to read more. If you want to read something like The Canterbury Tales, but with magic and a little less bawdiness (no one has a hot poker shoved where the sun don't shine). I can't recommend this enough!
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LibraryThing member Rhinoa
Castle Waiting is the first collection of fairy tales and mythology from Linda Medley. They continue fairy tales from the "hasppily ever after" centering around the Castle where Sleeping Beauty lived. After she left with her Prince it becomes something of a haven and safe place for people looking
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to escape and move on with their lives without interruption. There are some of the original inhabitants from the castle who help out when new people arrive.

The story mostly follows pregnant Lady Jain Solander. She left her husband after the father of her child (not her husband in case you were wondering) dies. She is quickly accepted by most of the castles inhabitants (Rackham a bird man, Iron Henry a handy man, Simon and his mother, Dr Fell and Sister Peace of the Order Solicitine to name a few). Through her we learn the stories of the castles inhabitants as she gets to know them and they are loosly based on many different fairy tales and myths.

This was a lovely collection and a must for all fairy tale lovers. It had simple yet lovely artwork and is a real labour of love. My favourite story was that of Sister Peace who is from an Order of Bearded Nuns. She spent some time in a circus where she tended bar before finding her calling which is helping others. Volume two is due for release I believe and I am very much looking forward to catching up with my favourite characters and hopefully meeting some new ones.
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LibraryThing member Cynara
Fractured fairy tales seem to be everywhere these days: the Shrek movies and the Fables series, for example. Castle Waiting is an earlier, gentler relative. The medieval/renaissance/early 18th ce. world is a generally cosy one: thieves with hearts of gold and humanist nuns are the order of the day.
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Abusive husbands do exist, but so do warm, welcoming (and surprisingly undemanding) communities. Sometimes I felt like I was at a Renn Faire; it's all a little too... nice.

I found the stereotypes unsettling. The horse-stealing, baby-trading gypsies provoked my first 'ick' moment, followed by the autocratic, cruel Muslim father who has a touch of the "evil vizier" look (Q: Wasn't Wilgeforis' father supposed to be the king of Portugal? Was Portugal Muslim at this point? A: It depends on when it's set). I understand that this is an older book, but my modern eyes were uncomfortable.

However, Medley gets at least one star for the inclusion of the nuns of St. Wilgeforte, a saint who has a wonderful story and is one of my favourites. That's the kind of religious order I could get behind.
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LibraryThing member JackieHancox
What a fun, magical and charming book filled with messages of friendship, loyalty, love, caring for others and following your dreams. I really liked the whimsical way in which fairy tale characters were interwoven throughout the story. The characters all had such strong personalities and quirkiness
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that it was easy to distinguish between them. The black and white illustrations complemented the storyline beautifully. The humour was quirky and often unexpected and I laughed out loud several times while reading
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LibraryThing member JaneBanks
Linda Medley’s Castle Waiting is the 1998 winner of two Eisner Awards (Best Ongoing Story and Talent Deserving of Wider Recognition). Castle Waiting is a wonderful graphic novel fantasy story, set in a faraway magical land. It starts out as a retelling of the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty, but then
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goes into much more depth, delving into the lives and histories of the inhabitants of the now abandoned castle, after a hundred years of sleep and now over half that awake and waiting. Waiting for what? Perhaps for the pregnant stranger who is seeking out the mythical castle as a safe haven to have her baby? How will the lives of the inhabitants of the castle change when there’s finally, at last, a baby in the castle again? Character-based, hilarious and unique, this fantasy story has everything you need: birth, adventure, romance, nuns, animals as people, weird creatures, references to tons of fairy tales, mutant babies, and bearded ladies. And it’s even better because you can see it all: the black and white drawings are wonderfully detailed and expressive.
I thoroughly enjoyed this graphic novel. I loved the classic format of the book, very elegant and fancy-old. The characters were amazing, so unique and fun and just hilarious. The story was wonderfully magical and fantastical and strange. There are so many rich eccentric characters and you just want to know everything there is to them. The story definitely leaves you wanting more and thank goodness there is a second volume, because I can’t wait to read it.
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LibraryThing member avhacker
this was really funny i wish there was more of it though
LibraryThing member jjmcgaffey
More please! This is absolutely wonderful. The story is great (it doesn't need the pictures to carry it), the characters are - magnificent (don't want to use wonderful again), the drawings add a lovely spice and fit perfectly. It's a fascinating world, full of amazing people of very different sorts
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- I love the way it's just accepted that some people are smaller or taller or are equines or...whatever. But there are a lot of stories yet untold - this volume has (most of) Sister Peace's story, or backstory at least...but we got barely a hint of Rackham's, only part of Jain's (and hints at what's missing) - so many stories still to tell. I vaguely recall hearing of Castle Waiting before, so I hope I'm really late learning about it and there's a big backlog for me to catch up on. This is going to be one of the memorable ones. As I said above - more, please!
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LibraryThing member Knicke
This was utterly charming. Complex without too much weightiness, fun without flippancy, sort of meandering and hoppy, like a skipping stone over a brook. Thanks for adding this to your list, Monica, I don't think I would have found it otherwise.
LibraryThing member g026r
While mostly a fun work, there are some problems with this book.

From a storytelling standpoint, the nuns' story goes on for far too long, dragging by about the mid-point. (If a character in your back-story flashback stops to give you a back-story flashback, then you may need to rethink the work's
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narrative structure and flow.)

The second issue is the stereotyping. The horse-thieving, child-kidnapping gypsies are the most egregious and offensive example, though the section set in the Middle East, with a cruel sultan and noble Christian martyr, also deserves mention.

There's certainly potential for a great work here, but I don't think it quite reaches it. That said, I will still check out the second volume to see if the author has managed to improve on these issues.
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LibraryThing member deliriumslibrarian
Definitely the funnest, sweetest graphic novel I've read in a while -- and also a brilliantly knowledgeable narrative. Not as saccharine as the cover looks, but rather witty, satisfying storytelling with the sort of art that you look at, then look again and again to catch all the tiny details.


Ignatz Award (Nominee — 2006)

Original publication date

2006-05-17 (collection)
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