Glory Days: Springsteen's Greatest Albums

by Peter Chianca

Ebook, 2012

Library's rating


Library's review

A short little Kindle exclusive written by a veteran newspaper columnist and editor who loves the Boss. He devotes a chapter to each of what he considers to be Springsteen’s eight best albums, then chooses the one he thinks is the greatest of all time. When I read books like this, I’m rating
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less on how much I agree with the author’s rankings (in this case, I think he’s pretty close) and more on whether I think the writing does a good job of conveying why he ranked them the way he did. Chianca is a very fine writer and did a good job of exploring the musical pluses and minuses of the Springsteen oeuvre. One thing I appreciated as a fan was the way he used phrases in his writing that echoed lyrics from various songs. He didn’t draw a lot of attention to it when he did it, but it was a subtle touch that someone who knows the lyrics well would appreciate.
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Over 45 years, Bruce Springsteen has released 19 studio albums, almost all of them ambitious and socially relevant. But by process of elimination, one of them has to be "the best" - and veteran newspaper columnist and Bruce blogger Peter Chianca has taken on the task of determining which one. In this expanded and updated edition, the author analyzes 10 of Springsteen's most enduring albums - including one or two that may surprise you - and then crowns one of them his finest work. NEW TO THIS EDITION: A chapter analyzing Springsteen's first two albums, and collected for the first time, six of the most popular Springsteen posts and essays from the Blogness on the Edge of Town blog from 2013-2019.


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