Man in the woods : a novel

by Scott Spencer

Ebook, 2010

Library's review

If I only rated books on their premise, this would be a 5-star entry. Paul, an odd mix of hippie and slacker, inadvertently commits a crime and seems to get away with it. He has a lot riding on keeping his freedom, living as he does with an older woman, Kate, who has hit the big time as an
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inspirational Christian author and radio star. His conscience won't let go, however, and he becomes increasingly haunted by his secret. We slowly come to realize he is as terrified of getting away with it as he is of being caught.

There was a lot to like here. The author tackles some big issues surrounding sin, redemption, forgiveness, absolution and the whole nine yards. It would have been even more powerful if the characters hadn't seemed a bit one-dimensional. Midway through, there was a seemingly extraneous sideplot that served little purpose. However, the parallel narrative of the stereotypical plodding cop who doggedly works to solve the crime turned out to be a welcome and appealing detour from what occasionally seemed to be a too-intense focus on the inner lives of Paul, Kate, and her daughter.
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Paul Phillips, a carpenter living in upstate New York with Kate Ellis and her daughter, Ruby, commits a crime whose only witness was a mixed-breed dog. He fears getting away with the crime as much as he fears the discovery of his terrible secret.


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