The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

by Mary Ann Shaffer

Other authorsAnnie Barrows
Paperback, 2009



Call number



Bloomsbury Publishing PLC (2009), Paperback, 256 pages


As London is emerging from the shadow of World War II, writer Juliet Ashton discovers her next subject in a book club on Guernsey--a club born as a spur-of-the-moment alibi after its members are discovered breaking curfew by the Germans occupying their island.

Media reviews

"The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society," written by the late Mary Ann Shaffer and her niece, children's author Annie Barrows, stays within modest bounds, but is successful in ways many novels are not. This book won't change your life, but it will probably enchant you. And sometimes
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that's precisely what makes fiction worthwhile.
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The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society commemorates beautiful spirits who pass through our midst and hunker undercover through brutal times. Shaffer's Guernsey characters step from the past radiant with eccentricity and kindly humour, a comic version of the state of grace. They are
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innocents who have seen and suffered, without allowing evil to penetrate the rind of decency that guards their humanity.
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You could be skeptical about the novel's improbabilities and its sanitized portrait of book clubs (doesn't anyone read trashy thrillers?), but you'd be missing the point. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society is a sweet, sentimental paean to books and those who love them.

User reviews

LibraryThing member SamuelW
How do you recommend a book for a person you've never met? It's a challenge I faced a lot this year after joining the staff at my local bookstore, especially when December rolled around. Luckily, my manager had the perfect solution: a small, hardcover volume entitled The Guernsey Literary and
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Potato Peel Pie Society. "Sell it to everybody," she instructed, holding up a copy reverently. "Boy, girl, young, old; everybody." When I saw how many she had ordered, I began to wonder how we would ever get rid of them all. Before long, however, they began to fly off the shelves almost as fast as the Twilight series, and I eventually decided I would have to read the book I was now recommending by default to every lost-looking customer in the shop.

It took me perhaps forty pages to fall completely in love with it. Epistolary novels are not usually my reading material of choice, but Shaffer's letter-writing is such a joy that it is difficult to imagine this story being told in any other format. The tone is as warm and light as a potato peel soufflé, and the humour is simply uplifting. It continues to amaze me that a novel with so little plot can be so utterly readable – but it is. The readability comes not from the storyline, but from the simple beauty with which Shaffer renders the world of her story, and the irresistible sincerity and emotion with which she colours it. Indeed; when Shaffer attempts to give the plot an Oscar Wilde-related boost around forty pages from the end, it feels more than a little unnecessary. The characters, and the relationships between them, are already more than enough to make the read worthwhile.

The joys of Shaffer's characters are twofold. First: their diverse and endearing personalities, in which readers everywhere are sure to delight – and second: the way in which Shaffer presents them. Not content simply to describe them, (as an epistolary format would make it all too easy to do,) she introduces them first through their individual narrative voices, as they contribute their own letters to the book. Readers are allowed to form their own impressions, and the characters are all the more lifelike and realistic for it.

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society is an absolute delight; a novel that will make you want to run to the nearest bookstore and join the first book club you find. I would recommend it to everybody. Boy, girl, young, old; everybody.
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LibraryThing member kaionvin
The Critical Dilemma: A Dialogue about The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

Vin: Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows have written a zippy little epistolary novel that takes us to Great Britain after World War II, when writer Juliet Ashton-

Kaion: Bah. Yet another ridiculous flighty female
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heroine whose qualities we are supposed to read as spirited and charmingly ahead-of-her-time and charming, instead of self-involved and silly.

Vin: Shush. She starts correspondence with some small island folks of Guernsey, who during the dark days of German occupation found the love of good books (and good food).

Kaion: And through the power of their super!quirky!antics! teach her how to become a better, deeper person.

Vin: There's nothing wrong with good cliche. And wacky common British folks is a good cliche, one that you enjoy, as evidenced by PBS-watching. And books. And you totally want some of that potato peel pie.

Kaion: I love all pie. But it doesn't count unless Shaffer/Barrows include a recipe (which they don't)... And ye gods, I'm sick of books that try to win over readers by talking so much about love of reading. It's transparently self-congratulatory. And there's a large difference between telling a cliche over again and what happens here, which is merely using *references* to cliche plots and classic literature in lieu of actual storytelling or characteri-

Vin: That's the nature of epistolary novels! To an extent they are relying on our abilities to fill in the blanks by existing 'around' the action rather than in the thick of it. It's a format that keeps it from ponderous-ness and gets a lot of information out there without being overburdened.

Kaion: It could stand to be a lot more burdened. With such broadly drawn characters (and don't even get me started on saint Elizabeth) characters, the historical content lacks the necessary gravitas. Total cotton candy, the first bite is sweet and ephemeral, but you're left hungry and feeling sticky and icky at dinnertime.

Vin: It's a purposeful lightness. Like popcorn: real starchy carbohydrates in wildly palatable form. The point is the characters have drawn on the transcendent and grounded qualities of literature and human community in order to make peace with the atrocities of WWII.

Kaion: That's the intent, but the 'light' storylines are executed so predictable and the 'dark' so ineptly that the contrast is jarring, not moving. **Spoiler**, using a girl who is recovering from concentration camp as an additional misunderstanding in one of those awful love polygons is not charming.

Vin: I concede there are some misteps in the unnecessary romantic storyline. But- but the writers could've easily written the story without any content. They mean well in attempting to integrating real acknowledgment of history with ultimately a hopeful message about the human spirit. Aren't there enough misanthropic novels in the world?

Kaion: Is it really well-meaning? Or is it really just pandering? Lemon meringue and Miss Marple truce?

Vin: Raise me a strong cup of chai, and it's already forgotten.
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LibraryThing member Joycepa
In 1946, London is a grey, tired, worn-out city and 32 year old Juliet feels the same way. A successful columnist during the war when she wrote amusing articles that did their best to lift spirits burdened by the war, she now finds herself unable to write--unable to make much meaning out of her
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One day she receives a letter from Dawsey Adams, who lives on Guernsey, one of the Channel Islands. Juliet’s name and address are on the flyleaf of a second-hand volume of selected essays of Charles Lamb. He loves Lamb, and wishes to know the name and address of a second-hand bookseller in London so that he can buy more of Lamb’s works.

With this innocuous beginning, Juliet finds herself, through a remarkable exchange of letters, drawn into the lives of the people of Guernsey, especially through their experiences of the German occupation of the island.

The story is narrated entirely by letters, notes, and telegrams, most of them Juliet’s with the Islanders, but also with her best friend, her publisher, and her American suitor. There are some hilarious letters exchanged between other characters as well. It works brilliantly to tell this light-hearted, yet tender and at times grave and even tragic story. Shaffer is gentle in her story-telling, but effective in portraying the hardships of the occupation on Islanders, slaves brought over from Eastern Europe to be worked to death, and the Germans themselves. That is the main story. But clearly she has great love for Guernsey Island itself and its people.

This is not heavyweight, great literature. Some aspects of the story are glaringly obvious, but Shaffer’s style and her affection for her characters and setting overcome all that, and you just simply enjoy how the very obvious plays out. The story speaks to the ability of the human spirit to adapt and survive under the harshest circumstance, to the love of books and the really odd ways they can transform lives, and to the quiet courage that can stand evil just so long. Tender, warm-hearted, gentle, uplifting--these are all adjectives that can be used to describe the story, but none really capture its essence.

Just read it. You'll be glad you did.

Highly recommended.
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LibraryThing member ChocolateMuse
This book looks like it would be light reading - and it is. But dark concepts get brought into it: the German Occupation of the Channel Islands, the bombing of London, even some of the atrocities in the concentration camps. This, combined with a literary society made up of people who have never
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read much more than the weekly paper and the scriptures; an author looking for material for her next book; a lost friend; a small child; and tangled romantic relationships, all put together in epistolary style, make this sound like an absolutely dreadful sentimental mish-mash of a book.

I don't quite know why it isn't. Really, it should be. I mean, even the author's name screams 'fluffy chick-lit!' from the cover. But I liked meeting the characters. Most were quirky, all were well-drawn. Some were cliched, yes, particularly the sour spinster who interferes with other people's affairs, but most were likeable and rounded enough. I liked the settings - from shattered and grim post-war London to idyllic flower-strewn Guernsey. The plot held few surprises, but it didn't need to.

I'm not sure why I have to be so moderate and faintly damning in this review, since I enjoyed reading the book very much indeed. I wanted story, and I got it. I wanted character, and I got it. I didn't want War and Peace, and I didn't get it. I recommend it, truly, I do.
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LibraryThing member TZacek
I was prepared not to like this book. Call it a proclivity for disliking things that everyone else seems to like (see: Twilight, Catcher in the Rye, Gossip Girl, anything James Joyce, reality TV). I don't mean to be contrary, I really don't. Plus the format being entirely through written letters
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just was off-putting to me at first. However, little by little, or, letter by letter, I found a lovely kinship with these people, their hardships and joys and loves and relationships. I felt like I was a part of a war I had never lived through and I easily shared their attachment to books and literature in general. I think the moment I was completely snared (as Isola to Bronte) when I read Eben Ramsey's first letter to Juliet. The simple way he describes the invasion of the German troops and the solace brought through Shakespeare moved me. And I was hooked to a group of people in a way I haven't been since Anne Shirley and her antics through Prince Edward Island. That's right, I just compared these two women to L.M. Montgomery. The letters had that same lovely, lilting prose (yay alliteration!) The book had that same way of making you feel you KNOW these people, that you LIVED in this time period or at least wanted to. It makes me want to write long letters to people and make funny acquaintances that turn into lovely friendships. A+++
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LibraryThing member nbmars
I can’t tell you how long I resisted reading this “book with the funny title.” Wrong yet again! All that time I missed out on this heartwarming valentine to books and reading, and wonderful paean to hope and love.

The fictional literary society of the title was formed of necessity to outwit
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the Germans during their World War II occupation of Guernsey in the Channel Islands, strategically located between Britain and France. A group of friends got caught socializing after curfew and one of their more enterprising number came up with the Society as an excuse. The Germans appeared interested, and so the friends kept it up just in case the enemy should drop in for “meetings,” which indeed they did.

Subsequently, the lives of all members were transformed by the books they read. Their correspondence with one author in particular, Juliet Ashton (whose letters, notes, and telegrams form the core of the book), changes them all yet again, after Juliet can't resist coming to Guernsey to meet the people who have been writing to her and learning more about them.

Some of the books discussed and the characters who read them include:

Dawsey Adams - Selected Essays of Elia; Biography of Charles Lamb
Isola Pribby – Wuthering Heights; Pride and Prejudice
Amelia Maugery – The Pickwick Papers
Eben Ramsey – Selections from Shakespeare
Clovis Fossey – Poems by Catullus
John Booker – The Letters of Seneca
Will Thisbee – Thomas Carlyle’s Past and Present
Jonas Skeeter – The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
Augustus Sarre – The Canterbury Tales
Kit Hellman – Elspeth the Lisping Bunny

Evaluation: Don’t let the quirky title of this lovely book, told in epistolary form, dissuade you from picking it up. You will enter an charming and inspirational world of bravery, hope, survival, literature, and above all, love.
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LibraryThing member reluctantm
This book is pure schmaltz full of one-dimensional characters, completely contrived situations, and unrealistic pastoral memories. I'm almost ashamed to have enjoyed it as much as I did. It's 100% twee escapism at its finest.
LibraryThing member fyrefly98
Summary: It's the end of World War II, and while rationing and rebuilding are still going on, spirits are lifting, and bestselling author Juliet Ashton is searching for a new topic. When she gets a letter from a stranger from Guernsey, asking her to send her books, which were unavailable during the
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war while the Germans were occupying the Channel Islands, she thinks she may have found it. But as she begins corresponding with this man, and the other (somewhat eccentric) members of his book club, she slowly comes to realize that she may have found much more than just a story.

Review: I don't know why I let this book linger unread on my shelves for almost three years; it was a quick read, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Better, I was *charmed* every minute of it. I was not expecting a book about the German occupation of English territories during WWII to be so light-hearted, so witty, and so thoroughly charming. That's not to say it was all lightness, all the time; Shaffer doesn't dwell on the horrible parts of WWII and the Occupation, but neither does she ignore or gloss over them. She's also perfectly capable of writing pathos (mostly along the lines of "family is where you find it") as well as wit; I certainly got misty-eyed a time or two. But even when the subject got serious, the vivid, eccentric, and thoroughly lovable characters kept things from getting gloomy. And most of the time, Shaffer does a remarkable balancing act, keeping her story feeling real and immediate while maintaining her characters on the believable side of the dividing line between eccentricity and absurdity. There are tons of little bits of wit and sly humor peppered throughout, and every time I was forced to set the book down, I found I had a grin on my face.

The epistolary format is a tricky one, and Shaffer handles it quite well. There are of course elisions of details and scenes that would have appeared in normal prose fiction but that no one would have put in a letter, and while they're missed, it's more than compensated for by the bonus glimpse we get into our characters' heads from seeing the world through their eyes - and their pens. And while the letters are occasionally a bit long, they all sound like things an actual person would write in a real letter - something that often can go wrong in an epistolary or diary-formatted novel. The story line is occasionally fairly predictable, and the plot didn't offer up any real surprises... except the surprise of how easily I sank into the world of post-war Guernsey, and how much I fell in love with its inhabitants and their story. 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Recommendation: Highly recommended for anyone looking for a new take on WWII historical fiction, people who like epistolary novels, or anyone interested in a witty and charming read.
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LibraryThing member veevoxvoom
This entirely epistolary novel chronicles the experience of Juliet Ashton, a writer after World War II who is looking for a subject for her new book. By coincidence she receives a letter from a man in Guersney, a British crown dependency that was occupied by German forces. This man tells Juliet
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about how some of the citizens of Guersney got together to form a Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society in order to get them through the occupation. Fascinated, Juliet starts writing to the other members of the society and learns their stories.

This is a charming book, rich with the details of small town life mixed with the very real experiences of war. It’s a testament to the power of human capability and the richness of books. I thought Shaffer and Barrows did an excellent job in capturing the details. The events in Guersney feel like they could have actually happened, which makes me think like the writers did an impeccable job in research.

However, the characters, originally entertaining, did start to get boring towards the end. With a few exceptions everyone is so nice and welcoming that I started to feel like I was in Mister Roger’s Neighborhood. The Guersney locals adored Juliet a bit too much for a woman they have only exchanged a few letters with. It was like Juliet could do no wrong. What happens with her and Kit in the end feels tacked on and cliche. I felt the same way about Elizabeth. In her absentia, the book made her out to be some sort of demi-goddess. Shaffer and Barrows were good at characterizing the nuances of the “bad guys” (the Germans and the unpleasant locals) but I thought the “good guys” could use more depth.
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LibraryThing member ad_astra
I fell in love with this book and I was sad when I finished it. The story is told completely in letters beginning in 1946. By chance, the main character Juliet recieves a letter from a man who has one of her books and would like more. This sets off a string of events that lead to Juliet's discovery
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of the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society as well as more meaning for her life. It is refreshing to read a novel that can encompass both the good and the bad and leave you feeling hopeful. I especially loved the characters and the writing is delightful. I highly recommend the book.
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LibraryThing member lauralkeet
In 1946, Juliet Ashton is a London-based writer who has gained some degree of fame writing fictional accounts of wartime under an assumed name. Now, as London begins to rebuild and recover, Juliet is casting about for new material with which to continue her career. Out of the blue, she receives a
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letter from a man on the Island of Guernsey, who has found himself in possession of a book she sold through a used bookshop. This begins a correspondence between Juliet and Dawsey Hawkins. Through Dawsey's letters Juliet learns of the formation of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, and the set of circumstances which resulted in a collection of islanders meeting regularly to discuss books. She also begins correspondence with several other society members, and becomes fascinated on an intellectual level with the German occupation of Guernsey during the war, and begins to develop emotional ties with the society's members. Her eventual visit to the island turns out to be a life-changing event.

The novel takes the form of a series of letters: between Juliet and island residents, and with other significant characters such as her publisher, and another long-time friend. The letters, being highly personal, express characters' thoughts and feelings in a deeper way than a traditional narrative. And various elements of the story are revealed in small bits, so that everything comes together only after reading several letters from different people. I found some aspects of the plot easy to predict, but in no way did this spoil the book for me. The writing style is breezy and full of humor, the characters are folks you could easily imagine and identify with, and the story is touching on many levels. This is a delightful, highly-recommended book.
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LibraryThing member richardderus
Lovely little romance novel published out of its genre and hugely successful therefore. No new ground broken here, and not one single surprise. But it's a charming story, it's nicely told, and it's got something that makes a novel worth reading: A beginning, a middle, and an end that flow naturally
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from one to the next. The end is the logical consequence of the beginning, and that's all too rare in fiction.

Had I bought this book, I would be grumpy, but it was free so who cares? Anyone who likes romances will like this gentle, pleasurable afternoon companion of a book.
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LibraryThing member JGoto
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society is a delightful book of epistolary fiction. Soon after the end of World War Two, newspaper columnist Juliet Ashton receives a letter from a Guernsey Islander (and member of the Literary Society) who had come across a second-hand book with Juliet’s
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name in it. So begins a series of letters, which gradually paint a picture of life on the small island in the English Channel during and immediately after the years of the German Occupation. The characters in the book are a quirky, unpretentious crew and their Literary Society came about quite by chance, with some members having read little besides The Farmers’ Almanac before the war. Sometimes with humor, sometimes with great poignancy, the vignettes in the letters show how their lives were affected by the war, the Occupation, their friendships and the books they read.
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LibraryThing member akosikulot-project52
"The old adage - humor is the best way to make the unbearable bearable - may be true." - Thoughts on The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows

Dear Reader,

Forgive me if I succumbed to public opinion, but I have been enjoying reading books on, well, books
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- or writing, or authors, or something to that effect - and this one was everywhere, books-on-books catergorically speaking. And The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows was a good enough read, too, though there was more Guernsey and literature and not enough potato peel pie in it.

Let me tell you what it's about (or maybe just a gist): it's about Juliet, a writer/columnist, who receives a letter from Dawsey, a practical stranger from a little island off the coast of France that is Guernsey, who got his hands on a book that was formerly hers - and as with any other story involving books and serendipity, they start a correspondence. This exchange of letters grows to include Dawsey's accidental book club, Juliet's childhood friends, her publisher, and her mysterious suitor. What started out with a secondhand book on Charles Lamb ends up becoming a book in writing about the people she corresponds with. A lot of other books were mentioned in the process.

As for the unbearable: this was set in 1946, just after the Second World War, and the characters all have sad, painful, and unforgettable war stories to tell. The way they made these stories less horrible was by telling them with humor, and it is with humor, too, that they learn precious things about each other. "I think you learn more if laughing at the same time." This is true indeed.

It is, in all honesty, not a book that sticks, but it is a good read nonetheless. Come to think of it, it feels like that dependable friend that you may not often get to see, but is easy to remember when memory beckons him.

I hope you have as much a good time reading it - maybe even more - on the chance that you do.


PS. I didn't catch your first name.

Originally posted here.
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LibraryThing member Raven
It's not as if I didn't love this book while I was reading it, nor that I didn't stay up late to finish it, either. It's just... ah, how to start with this one. The Guernsey book, as I seem to have taken to referring to it, is an almost entirely epistolary novel set in in 1946, with a beautiful
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sense of place and time: it opens in London ravaged by war, depicted clearly and lovingly by the protagnonist, Juliet Ashton, a writer struggling to write something new.

The literary society of the title comes to her attention when she receives a letter from one of its founding members, a man named Dawsey who has discovered her name and address in a second-hand book, and asks that she send him the name of a bookshop in London so he can request something else on Charles Lamb, whom he loves. He notes in passing that there are no bookshops on Guernsey at all, all the books having been burned for firewood in the war.

That's how it starts - that's how the reader, as well as the narrator, are told something they did not know: that Guernsey, which is almost part of the UK and within ferry distance of Weymouth, was occupied by the Germans in the Second World War. It was attacked, it was terrorised, its children were sent away for five years, its people were rounded up and sent to concentration camps for stepping out of line. The horrors of the war are threaded out slowly, amidst the peaceful meandering of the epistolary format (the style reminds me very much of 84 Charing Cross Road), and this is where the novel really shines: the incongruous marriage of form and content makes the depiction of the war stories all the more poignant and affecting, and ultimately very sad. It's nicely done.

But at the same time - it's too short. At 250 pages in letter format, it's already very short for an adult novel, and all the more so when you come to the end and realise the themes haven't been explored nearly as thoroughly as they could have been. I couldn't help but think that the whole thing had been rounded off too quickly and tied off with far too neat a bow - war stories rarely do turn out so well, and it rankled slightly that a novel with such unexplored scope should have missed at its chance to be more than just charming but slight. Lovely in itself, yes, but could've been properly... literary.

(My edition, published April 2009, also has a horror of a schmaltzy afterword about the author, who died just before publication - I suspect that this has elevated the novel to a level of supposed profundity it doesn't actually achieve on its own merits. A great shame, but there we are.)
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LibraryThing member cbl_tn
Juliet Ashton's column cheered the spirits of London newspaper readers during World War II. Now that the war is over, Juliet herself is in need of cheer. She finds it in an unusual place -- on the island of Guernsey and among the members of the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Through
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letters Juliet exchanges with her publisher, her best friend Sophie, and various society members, we watch as Juliet is intrigued, then charmed and enchanted by this group of people, and they by her.

This story testifies to the power of literature to transcend time and place. The residents of Guernsey were without current news from the outside world for almost five years. However, it seems that the members of the literary society understood more about the outside world at the end of the war than at its beginning. Their world had expanded through the works of literature they read and shared with each other.

I thought the epistolary format worked well for this story. The letters didn't read as if they were all written by the same person, but rather they seemed to express each character's personality. By the end of the novel, I felt like I had a clear impression of each character. They seemed so real that I could imagine myself getting off of a boat or plane in Guernsey and running into their children and grandchildren all over the island. One apparent chronological error is the only thing that kept me from giving this book a 5 star rating.
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LibraryThing member rmariem
Recommended to me by my boss, which considering I work in a bookstore is the kind of recommendation you take willingly. There are a lot of things about this book that bother me: Oscar Wilde is used as a euphemism for homosexuality, iffy use of Oscar Wilde in general, one-dimensional characters, a
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trite ending, and a general lack of serious contemplation of literature, history, evil, love, etc. If I had to sum up my thoughts in less than 10 words, I’d say: It’s the nicest book about Nazis I’ve ever read. But, in a few more words, I also think that it’s a nice love story, a quick read with a happy ending, and I think middle/high schoolers with a budding taste for romance would find this book enjoyable (and it’s probably more appropriate for them than the Twilight series).
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LibraryThing member clif_hiker
I can't suggest that this book was anything other than a predictable love story (I mean come on, we all knew that Juliet and Dawsey were going to get together in the end, and we all knew that it would take the whole book to get there) written in an unusual style (series of letters between the
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characters).... and yet it was the backdrop, the back STORY, the setting, and the characters that makes this a wonderful book. I freely admit to being a sentimental sap, I'll cry over episodes of favorite television shows that I've seen dozens of times. My wife thought there was something seriously wrong with me when we went and saw The Lord of the Rings and I literally sobbed (to my credit I wasn't the only one...). This book did the same thing to me. I teared up at least a dozen times, so much so that I thought maybe it had something to do with cold medication I was taking. So I took a nap, and came back later to finish it. No. It really is a wonderful story that tells a much more important story. The Nazi occupation of the Guernsey Islands is just one more story of a brutal occupation by ordinary men (some good and some bad). Enough has been written and said about the evils of that regime, that I need not repeat it... and yet I am always surprised anew each time I am exposed to it. An easy read and highly recommended,
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LibraryThing member DarlenesBookNook
This is the book that started it all for me!

One of my colleagues recommended this book to me. She raved about it so much that I knew I just had to read it. But when would I have the time?? I have not read any books "for pleasure" since before my elder daughter was born, so that is eight long
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years...too long! I have always been an avid reader ever since I was a child, and I read a ton of books with the girls, but none for myself.

The library had a very long waiting list for this book, but the CDs were available. Since I spend about three hours each week driving to and from work, I thought that would be an ideal time for me to listen to the book. Now, oral comprehension was one of my least favourite subjects in school. I always found it difficult to listen to long ramblings and then have to answer mind always tended to wander. Not so with this audiobook! I found myself getting lost in the lively narration. I wasn't simply listening to someone read: There are different voices for different characters, and you can hear the emotion in their voices. It was like watching a play with my eyes closed. Great performances by the narrators!

The book is a series of letters written between an author and a group of residents living on the island of Guernsey. The book takes places shortly after the German occupation following World War II, with the first letter being written in January 1946. This is not the type of book that I would have picked up to read in a million years. The subject of the book just did not suit my taste. It sounded boring! Boy, was I wrong!!

I cannot rave enough how fantastic this book is!! I believe that -- had I read the book -- I would not have found it nearly so interesting! The narrators are fantastic, and I found myself falling in love with Juliet (narrated by Susan Duerdin) and Dawsey (narrated by either Paul Boehmer or John Lee) and Isola (narrated by Rosalyn Landor). I couldn't wait to see how the book ended, but I also dreaded reaching the end because I wanted it to go on and on!

The author weaves historical content into the fiction, and I found myself fascinated with the time period. This book has become my favourite book of all time!

MY RATING: 5 stars!! Loved it!!!!!!!
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LibraryThing member byroade
The role of books to provide hope and sustenance in difficult times is a chief theme of this This satisfying epistolary novel, which tells the story of the island of Guernsey, a British possession off the French coast, which was occupied by Nazis during the Second World War. Young, successful
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author Juliet Ashton receives a letter from Guernsey, from a man who owns a book that was once in her personal collection, inquiring about other books by that author. The correspondence reveals the existence of the eponymous literary society, initially a ruse to explain a curfew violation. Juliet, curious about the group and their wartime experiences, solicits letters from other members and is soon so engaged that she heads off to the island. Light, hopeful, and life-affirming, there is an underlying sadness and trauma to be uncovered through the delightful letters.
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LibraryThing member dsbjohn
I loved this book. Very few books have made me laugh aloud on one page and then sob reading the next episode; this one did. Shaffer's writing can be simultaneously hilarious and heartbreakingly sad. Although this is not a great book, one that will become a classic, it is a very, very good book. Not
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only was I caught up in the plot, the characters, and the islands themselves but I also learned a great deal about WW II. Generally I do not like letter writing as a genre, but this book soon made me forget I was reading letters. As the book progressed, the stories seemed to be told by a shifting omniscient author, someone the reader knew could be trusted to distinguish truth from falsehood, courage from cowardice, honor from shame, true character from superficial appearances. The main character, Juliet, and her literary twin, Elisabeth, have always followed an unerring inner moral compass. Each of them possesses extraordinary courage and the energy, knowledge, and strength to change their world. What is almost as tragic to the reader as the story itself is the knowledge that this is Shaffer's first and last novel. She has left us a truly wonderful gift. Our book club is going to mimic the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society by annually having a "choose your own book and share it with the rest of us" meeting.
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LibraryThing member lyzadanger
After a year of Amazon and various other engines recommending this book at me, I finally caved while wandering around the SEA-TAC airport aimlessly. It was either this book or 'The Shack' or some sort of Twilight derivative or something I'd already read. So.

Completely enjoyable. Manipulatively sad
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and winsome, pokes at various hormone sacks in you until you give up and start weeping slightly. Injects sentimentality at well-researched moments.

This is an epistolary novel--that is, entirely written as exchanged letters between the somewhat over-plentiful cast of characters--so it's rather convenient that the characters have an adorable tendency to be extraordinarily expository.

The facile plot device here is that Guernsey (one of the UK's Channel Islands) was occupied during WWII (this happens to be true) by the Germans (also true), which just happens to have the side effect of isolating the island's inhabitants from whatever history was going down on the continent and in England. Sure. This is feasible (and again, true).

What a boon! A well-timed ignorance of the populace that gives the book's authors (there are two; more on this shortly) a very effective mechanism to insert explanatory paragraphs into those letters shooting back and forth over the channel: those enlightened folks in England actually have to tell Guernsey residents what went down.

This works, mostly. But I'm not willing to believe that a Guernsey resident in the 1940's would not know who Prince Albert is without having to have it explained to them (Queen Victoria's tragic prince consort). That doesn't fly.

Our heroine, Juliet, is one of those pre-packaged literary-independent-sparkling creatures that a modern reader couldn't help but root for, stepping afoul of sensible tradition time after time in adorable fashion. The Guernsey residents a lovable ragtag crew of farmers, shrews, and widows. There are tea cozies and cottages. In short, both endearing and unutterably twee (usually I don't use the term 'unutterably' because it's contradictory--I just DID utter it).

Though the ultimate outcome of the book is obvious from a mile away, there are some pops and blasts in the middle of the story that did make me catch my breath. Guernsey's captivating and mysterious idiosyncrasies are used to good effect as a foil to contrast with the mind-blasting violence of the war. Cue some horrifying scenes in German concentration camps and bombing raids in London. There's nothing new here, but it's still a bit of a shake-up.

For all my condescension, I enjoyed every moment of reading this book. And I have a dreadfully strong desire to visit Guernsey now (along with, I'm sure, fifty million other middle-aged women's book clubs--gak!).
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LibraryThing member cushlareads
I am going to sound grumpy and out of step with most of the world now, but I just finished this one and I won't be needing any sugar in my coffee for another week. I gave it 3 stars because I had to keep reading, but.... but - something. It was too sweet for me, and too cute, and now I sound kind
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of bitter - and really I am not!!

I liked the epistolary novel format, and I enjoyed reading about the occupation of Guernsey in WW2. The only other thing I'd read about the Channel Islands during the war was in Agent Zigzag by Ben Macintyre. But the characters wound me up - they were all a bit one-dimensional and predictable.

**spoilers coming, if you are the only person apart from me who hasn't read this one: **

I'm sorry but could Elizabeth have been any more perfect? It would have been enough to have her go to the concentration camp, without then two acts of heroism - taking the blame for someone else's stolen potato, then HELLO, stepping out of the line to attack the overseer for being vicious to someone else? I've read books by camp survivors, and just staying alive was enough of an act of heroism. I can believe that she take blame for the stolen potato, but I have not read of anyone being openly rebellious to a camp official. There were lots of things like this that bugged me. Juliet arrives, child falls in love with her, despite already having lots of caring people looking after her who are locals. Juliet decides to stay on island forever.

It just felt like they tried to put too much in - like the letters from Oscar Wilde (I liked that bit) almost getting stolen by the evil journalist's girlfriend ...

Anyway, cute, nice, and I liked it enough to keep going. And I liked Sidney, even though I'm not so sure that he'd have told Isola he was gay in 1946 when he'd known her 24 hours.
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LibraryThing member bell7
Who could not be intrigued by a title like that? I was a little nervous about reading a book I'd heard a lot of hype about, but this book is definitely all it was hyped up to be.

Juliet Ashton is an author who isn't sure what her new book is about, she just knows she doesn't want to write about
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World War 2 anymore after covering the news in a lighthearted manner under the pseudonym "Izzy Bickerstaff." Then, she receives a letter from a man named Dawsey who lives on Guernsey Island and happens to own one of her books (a collection of essays by Charles Lamb) secondhand, and wants to know if she can recommend any bookstores in London. He mentions in passing that he began reading because of the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society, a group started during the German occupation. Told in letters between Juliet, her editor, her publicist, her best friend Sophie, and eventually a whole host of characters from Guernsey, this is a heartwarming tale filled with hope and eccentric folk, even though the war is still very much a part of their lives.

One of my favorite books of the year.
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LibraryThing member heterotopic
I'm sure many others enjoyed this light book, but for me, it's your typical romance pocketbook type of novel, with a light literary twist. I appreciate the effort on WWII history, but the main plot was trite and cheesy, which served to distract from the book's potential as historical fiction. Also,
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though it was a nice epistolary novel, again this didn't help in fleshing out the important stories waiting to be heard. One of the book's saving grace was the persona's witty lines!
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Original publication date


Physical description

248 p.; 7.7 inches


0747596689 / 9780747596684
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