The Princess Bride

by Rob Reiner (Director)

Other authorsWilliam Goldman (Screenplay), William Goldman (Author), Robin Wright (Actor), Billy Crystal (Actor), Peter Falk (Actor), Wallace Shawn (Actor), Mandy Patinkin (Actor), Cary Elwes (Actor), Christopher Guest (Actor), Chris Sarandon (Actor), Fred Savage (Actor)1 more, Andre the Giant (Actor)
Streaming video, 1987





A kindly grandfather sits down with his grandson and reads him a bedtime story. As the grandfather reads the story, the action comes alive in a classic tale of love and adventure. The beautiful Buttercup is kidnapped and held against her will in order to marry the nasty Prince Humperdinck, while Westley (her childhood beau, now returned as the Dread Pirate Roberts) attempts to save her. Along the way he meets an accomplished swordsman and a giant, both of whom become his companions in his quest.


Original publication date



Act III Communications, Buttercup Films, The Princess Bride Ltd.
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