The Robert Ingpen Collection: The Idle Bear, A Bear Tale, The Age of Unicorns

by Robert Ingpen

Hardcover, 2004




Lothian (2004), Hardcover



0734407653 / 9780734407658

Local notes

The Idle Bear: What do old teddy bears talk about when left in the attic after their owners have grown up? They reminisce about the good old days. Like old soldiers, they talk about their wounds and a time when they were important to their owners.

A Bear Tale: To slump or not to slump? That is Ted's question. Do you look wise when you slump? Either you slump, or you are wise - you can't have both , says the Chinese owl. But what do owls know anyway? Join Ted on a journey exploring wisdom, the slumps of bears and the wiseness of owls.

The Age Of Acorns: When his human family leaves him up a tree after a day of play, Bear reflects on past adventures as he waits to be rescued. As bear sits alone in the dark, strange things begin to happen.
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