Dragon Jousters, Book 1: Joust

by Mercedes Lackey

Hardcover, 2003



Call number



Daw Books (2003), Edition: First, Hardcover, 373 pages


Nationally bestselling fantasy author Mercedes Lackey creates a vivid, dynamic fusion of the cultures of ancient Egypt and legendary Atlantis with the most exciting and believable portrayal of dragons ever imagined. The first book in this thrilling new series introduces us to a young slave who dreams of becoming a jouster-one of the few warriors who can actually ride a flying dragon. And so, in secret, he begins to raise his own dragon . . .

User reviews

LibraryThing member Lman
Joust, the first book in the Dragon Jousters series, is a classic example of the writing of Mercedes Lackey, and accordingly might be categorised as frivolous or trifling by some. But her books, to me, are always a fast, enjoyable and absorbing read; and while aimed, unapologetically, straight at
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the heart strings, that is indeed what you get: a warm-hearted, feel-good flavour, such that I always wish to read more.

Vetch is a very young Altan serf - a spoil of war for his Tian captors and the property of their king – whose only value is his link to the land usurped from his family, thus allowing his ‘owner’ to hold this land. Badly treated, malnourished and abused by this latest master, his world is shifted, literally, when he is purloined by the Jouster, Ari, on the back of his dragon, Kashet, and into new service as their dragon boy. Jousters, comparable to nobility, are the riders of trained dragons and the main force, and means of success, for the Tians in the incessant war waged between Tia and Alta. Hence Vetch is conflicted in his new role in the dragon compound, for although well-treated and with a much improved existence, he can never forget he is a serf with no chance of freedom; and he is availing the very people warring against his own. But he loves the dragon he tends - for Kashet is no ordinary dragon. Instead of being captured as a nearly mature dragonet and drugged into submission, Kashet was hand-reared by Ari from a hatchling, and thus is a sweet-tempered, intelligent and strongly-bonded flying-partner. Which begs the question: can Vetch do the same and ultimately escape to his homeland?

As with other Mercedes Lackey books I have read, the premise of Joust is heavily dependent upon several archetypical beliefs: a young, ill-fated main protagonist, strong-minded and strong-willed, who fights against their oppression and injustice, aided immeasurably by magical, intelligent, empathic creatures, and ably assisted by right-minded, moral and honourable adult-characters. Hence a recurring motif of decency, tolerance, perseverance in adversity, and always, the proper care and attitude towards animals, swirls happily through this tale too. And the world the author creates is full of attractive detail and fascinating concepts – this book analogous to ancient Egypt but with Ms Lackey’s usual innovative constructs.

Easy to classify as lightweight, yet this story holds a compelling belief, and an emotionally-uplifting conviction, of a basic faith in humankind. The dragon lore is enthralling, the emotional pull inescapable; and an entertaining read the happy result. While Joust concludes satisfactorily, and holds as a stand-alone book I, for one, am pleased there is more to tell in the adventures of Vetch and the dragons of this tale. Much, much more it seems!
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LibraryThing member EffingEden
A fantasy following the fortunes of a serf called Vetch, Joust is the first book of a four book series, all of which are available. In the first novel, Vetch is a land-bound free-born slave who is being worked to death by his owner, until he is stolen away by a Jouster – a dragon-riding elite
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warrior called Ari. So begins Vetch’s new life as a dragon-boy.

Mercedes Lackey is far from a favourite of mine. Something about her style grinds at me. I have read several of her earlier works, but it is Joust (and its sequel) that I find bearable. I have only read the first half of the series and it is unlikely I will read the second half due to my dislike of Ms Lackey’s works.

It took me a month to get through this book, which is not a good sign by any standards. Oh, she’s very imaginative and valiantly dives into world-building with fervour, but there is a self-constructed problem that hinders the reader’s engagement from the off. The main character, Vetch, is more-or-less confined to one place for the whole novel, and is quite antisocial when it comes to characters that can talk back. There can be pages and pages of info-dumping or internal thought or interactions with dragons (which isn’t as tedious as the rest) – with very little dialogue to be had at all.

I think the series as a whole is a coming-of-age, but for this novel Vetch is in his early teens. I struggled to connect with him, due to his solitude and his quite flat personality. He likes dragons – great, so do I. But he never does anything else, think of much else, talk of anything but… it gets old. The book drags on with very little really happening. The characters are not deep of varied – three love dragons, the rest are pompous. The aspect that seems most concentrated upon is the dragons themselves, and I found myself becoming rather fond of Kashet, the only undrugged dragon of the compound, and I was intrigued by Ari, his rider. I wish I could have liked it more, it seemed to be just my thing with slavery and dragons, but the age of the protagonist and the lack-lustre characters made it dull.

Characters: 2/10
Setting: 5/10
Plot: 3/10
Dialogue: 4/10
Overall: 3/10
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LibraryThing member PghDragonMan
How can such well covered themes, dragons and freeing the enslaved, be covered so well? How did I go so long without reading this author? Mercedes Lackey is extremely prolific. If Joust is representative of her style, her loyal following is well deserved.

As the first installment in a series, Joust
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spends a lot of time introducing the reader to this new world and the main character. While some people may find the pacing slow because of this, I found the extended setup well done. We are introduced to two cultures, loosely based on terrestrial Egypt, engaged in an extended war. Dragons are considered beasts of war and the riders apparently, no real battles are detailed in this volume, engage in jousting style aerial battles.

Our sympathies are drawn to a young boy, Vetch, who has been made a serf by the conquering army. On this world, a serf is special class of slave, bound to the land they previously occupied, with no hope of ever attaining freedom from whoever holds their land. Dragon riders, Jousters, are something of an elite class, much like Anne McCaffery’s Dragonriders on her world of Pern. Through the character of Ari, a Jouster of the conquering army, we learn a great deal of the cultures of this world and dragon lore.

We also learn that Ari is an exception to his own culture. A subplot, concerning war in general and the breaking of traditions, is introduced. The relationship between Ari and Vetch, and subsequent plot developments, are nothing new and not unexpected, but Mercedes Lackey makes the journey through the story very entertaining. The ending makes this installment complete enough you may stop here and have a full story, but you are also left caring enough for Vetch that you will probably be wondering what happens to him next.

Despite having such a young lead character, I would not classify this as a Young Adult novel. There is a lot more character development and philosophical rumination than normally found YA literature. While there are some oblique references to sex, nothing is actually described. I found this a very refreshing change for adult literature.

If you grew up with McCaffery’s Pern based stories and still enjoy Dragons, this will make a great addition to your library. While adventure readers may find this a little slow paced, bear in mind this a one installment of a series. Personally, I intend to pursue the entire series to whatever end Mercedes Lackey has in mind for Vetch. I also enjoyed the author’s style enough I want to acquire more of her works.
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LibraryThing member yonitdm
I can't wait to read more any the adventures of Vetch!
LibraryThing member nimoloth
Very lightweight fantasy. It borrows heavily from Anne McCaffrey's Pern novels in many ways, and is set in what is blatantly pre-dynastic Egypt, but all the names are very slightly changed - Osiris become Siris, and Isis becomes Iris, and so on. She might as well have not bothered and set it in
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actual pre-dynastic Egypt and made in an alternate history. I like Egyptian history though, so it mostly pleases me.

There are also interesting grammatical and small continuity errors throughout, and typos. Either it's not been proof-read, or they had the worst proof-reader. I'm very surprised to see so many errors in publication.

Aside from that, though, the story is very addictive, about a serf who becomes a "dragon-boy" (one who tends a Jouster's dragon) and dreams of one day having his own dragon.

Even more pleasing is that I have the second in the series (Alta) and I just discovered yesterday that there are two more after that I knew nothing about! I picked my two up in pristine condition, hardbacks, from a charity shop for next to nothing - I don't think they'd even been read.
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LibraryThing member LisaMaria_C
I'm generally a fan of Lackey's Valdemar books, but felt she was suffering from tired blood around the time Joust came out, so I didn't pick it up when it was first published. Recently I went on a nostalgic binge of rereading her books, and finding a lot of my old favorites like Magic's Pawn and
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Oathbreakers still stood up. So then I went back and tried Joust. I was pleasantly surprised--this book (and the three that follow in the series, Atla, Sanctuary and Aerie) are just as good as Lackey's best--they might even be my favorites. Joust, however, comes to a satisfying conclusion and can stand on its own.

The story begins in a vein very familiar to Lackey readers, with a seemingly orphaned boy, Vetch, in intolerable circumstances who only in leaving home finds his destiny. What separates Vetch from most Lackey heroes though is his anger and bitterness, and it makes it all the more interesting to see him grow and change in this book.

Besides that, instead of the usual pseudo-medieval European setting you get in most fantasy, including Lackey, these books are set in a land reminiscent of Ancient Egypt. And with dragons! Dragons just as winning in their way (but very different) than those of McCaffrey's Pern. I enjoyed how Lackey developed her dragon lore, the magical touches, the societies akin to Egypt and legends of Atlantis and the characters are appealing. This book and series is just as enchanting and full of heart as Lackey's best.
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LibraryThing member cfk
Vetch and his family were victims of the war between Alta and Tia--his father murdered, his Mother and sisters raped and beat, and their hereditary lands stolen by the Tians turning the freeborn into serfs bound to land they once owned.

Vetch is rescued from a cruel and violent master by Ari and his
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dragon, Kashet. Ari and Kashet are unique among their kind because Ari raised Kashet from an egg, creating an unbreakable bond. Kashet is the only dragon not controlled by the drug, tala.
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LibraryThing member contraversion
I'm not sure I want to finish this one. The main character Vetch has little interaction with other people, so the first 200 pages or so is the unsubtle interior monologue/observations of a 10-year-old boy. The descriptions of the alternative Egyptian world and dragons are wonderful, but I'm
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half-way through and I don't feel empathy for Vetch or his people or their future welfare, so I don't have a lot compelling me further.
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LibraryThing member yonitdm
I can't wait to read more any the adventures of Vetch!
LibraryThing member juniperSun
A good fantasy. Not inspirationaly memorable, but very good reading--good enough that I'll keep the book for my library. Some good politics, presented from a serf's point of view (in that society, lower than a slave).
LibraryThing member yonitdm
I can't wait to read more any the adventures of Vetch!
LibraryThing member Rosemarie.Herbert
I originally reviewed this book on my blog - The Cosy Dragon. For more recent reviews by me, please hop over there.

Vetch is as Altan serf labouring under a cruel and unjust master. Suddenly, Vetch finds himself swept up onto dragon-back and into the Tian dragon complex. Vetch is willing to work
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hard, but he is always consumed with anger against those who have killed his father and destroyed his rightful home.

Vetch is a fantastic character. Small and frightened, yet with a core of resiliency, he's determined to make the most of any situation he finds himself in. He may just be a small boy when Ari brings him back, but in the course of the book he matures into a sensible young man who suddenly knows what he wanted.

This is a masterful book by Lackey. It's not rushed like a number of her newer books, and it's very enjoyable. Ok, so the plot progression in this is very slow. It's more like a series of small plot highlights leading up to the eventual conclusion, rather than just a focus on a thrilling conclusion - although it has that too! Foreshadowing is used to great effect, so pay attention to every word you read.

I did have a problem with Vetch's anger issues, which appeared to be very understated. I expected him to do more with them, and he just didn't! It seems like he settles into captivity too well. Being downtrodden for long periods of time would do that to a person, but still, he is being fed well and cared for, and really, he should have more spice!

The print quality is ok, there are a couple of typos and spare punctuation marks throughout the text. I'm not entirely sure how the front cover of the book fits in, because Vetch certainly isn't jousting or ever has a fancy hat like that. The dragon is almost certainly Avatre though.

I love rereading this book. I love it so much I have almost put a crease in its spine. This book is wonderful! If you liked Eragon, then you're going to love Joust. I can't say what exactly attracts me to it, perhaps the triumpt of a low born character with added loving dragons does it for me.

Adults and teenagers will like this book if you like dragons and the underdog. I would almost recommend it for children, except the ending might be a little frightening and there certainly is an element of violence.
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LibraryThing member brakketh
Pleasantly surprised by this serf through dedication developing skills and escaping servitude. Egyptian themed world building enjoyable and engaging for me too. Look forward to the remainder of the trilogy.
LibraryThing member xofelf
Even though I knew what the story was going to be since i had read the short story this came from, it still was different enough it wasn't like i was reading the same thing. And it was lovely.
LibraryThing member fuzzi
A young serf is taken from a cruel master, to serve as a page/squire for a dragon-riding warrior, a Jouster. As Vetch learns his new duties, and grows to care for his new, kind master, he finds himself in a quandry about how to escape, if he should escape, to return to his own people, the enemies
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of his rescuer. And then a way presents itself, in a dragon's egg, with more than a dragon of his own "hatching".

This is one of the author's better books, on a par with the best of her Valdemar works.
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LibraryThing member jjmcgaffey
Fun, very rich story. I like Vetch - he makes sense as he develops. Odd how Kashet's size seems to differ through the story, though - if he were as big as he's painted later, I would have expected Vetch to notice the size along with the color and claws when he first sees him.
LibraryThing member benkaboo
I liked the world it was different to most cliches settings.

I liked the ascendancy of the main character, it kept tension the whole time.

the relationship between Ari and Vetch made sense.

a few more things could have gone wrong, it might have added to the tension and provided a bit of extra growth
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for the character of Vetch
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Original publication date


Physical description

373 p.; 9.34 inches


0756401224 / 9780756401221

Local notes

A young slave dreams of becoming a jouster-one of the few warriors who can actually ride a flying dragon. And so, in secret, he begins to raise his own dragon.
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