Scott Pilgrim Color Hardcover Volume 5: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The Universe

by Bryan Lee O'Malley

Hardcover, 2015



Call number



Oni Press (2015), Hardcover, 192 pages


This penultimate outing in the graphic novel series, finds Scott in the thick of a happy relationship with the hard-won Ramona V. Flowers, but troubles arise when past indiscretions come to light, leading to some uncomfortable doubts. At the same time, Scott must face down the latest of Ramona's evil ex-boyfriends, the robot-controlling twins Kyle K. ("handsome jerk") and Ken K. ("perfect asshat").

Media reviews

Bryan Lee O’Malley’s art is better than ever. The style is simple, but the expressions and actions are so skilled you don’t notice how accomplished they are unless you’re looking for it.

User reviews

LibraryThing member Girl_Detective
The fifth installment of the wildly entertaining Scott Pilgrim YA graphic novel series, Scott Pilgrim vs. the Universe, finds our hero battling not one but TWO of girlfriend Ramona Flowers’ evil ex-boyfriends. I hope O’Malley can maintain the momentum for a strong ending to this story.

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not only has to battle robots, but deal with Ramona’s reaction after a revelation from teen nutcase Knives Chau. Silliness and sadness ensue. Scott continues to be an endearingly clueless and inept hero. The aura of mystery surrounding Ramona grows both figuratively and literally. And the next book sounds like it will wrap up the series.

O’Malley notes at the end that this is the only book so far he’s gotten in by deadline. I also think it’s the best-done to date–the plot is tight, as is the art. Nothing feels rushed or sloppy.
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LibraryThing member kristenn
This one seemed to go extra quickly. Probably in part because the characters and their situations are all so familiar by now. The twins also didn't seem to have as much substance, backstory, or even screentime as past exes did. O'Malley seemed to try some new things with the art here and there,
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which was neat. The mood was definitely darker. Even the supporting cast all seemed to have things going against them. More than usual. Loved the assorted cat lures. And the cover design was extra cool once I finished the book and realized the reason behind it. My boyfriend read it right after me, as usual, and he was much more bothered by Ramona's behavior throughout than I was -- there were several outbursts.
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LibraryThing member pokylittlepuppy
Fast one. Fastest books ever.

You know what, I wasn't crazy about this one! Well, for one thing it is just kinda funny, and not ridiculously funny. And of course it is sad seeing Scott's failures get a light shined on them, though that is part of the point. He's gotten away with lots and lots. I
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still like him so much though. Sometimes you just need a break. I guess I want to give him lots of breaks.

It's hard to critique these books because they're so short, with so few steps in each one. So it's kinda weird to say I expected more from the characters, but I did. What is Stephen even doing there? And why's he gotten all, like, mangey for three books? Also how come Scott's sister is on the map, so to speak, and she's said about two sentences the whole series? And soon it'll be finished, and I wanted to learn more things. Tell me about subspace damn it! It's a fun atmosphere, but it could be made richer.

It seems like we might finally get some focus on Ramona (ironically) in the last book. I'd like to hear a lot more from her. I still sort of have a problem with the evil exes thing. It's just supposed to be cute, a device, which is fine. But symbolically it is not awesome, in a "These men are guardians of my personal life" way. So I wish that ever got a mention.

Mostly the only thing I really really liked here was Kim, who is just really great through the whole book -- even though her suddenly being a solid friend doesn't really make sense with how annoyed and unattached she always has been. (And if we're supposed to figure that she's being a pal because she's hung up on Scott from high school... bleh. But I'm not sure that's it.)

Maybe when the last one comes out I'll read it super slowly. Just for fun.
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LibraryThing member callmecayce
Love this series, even when it gets a bit more serious than you expect.
LibraryThing member lizzybeans11
I LOVED the movie and couldn't wait to read the graphic novels. BLM is a great artist. His dialogue is sometimes strained or awkward but it's quickly forgiven. I loved a lot of the back-story for the secondary characters that you didn't get to see much of in the film. I have to admit I was at times
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impatient to complete each installment and felt the plot dragged occasionally, but I know that was mostly my own feeling because I knew the film better - a sort of parallel universe version, if you will.

I wish I could write a better review about the books themselves but in my mind I can't separate the cannon story from the film because I hearted it so much! I highly recommend these to anyone who feels the same.
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LibraryThing member flouncyninja
** spoiler alert ** Two words: Robot battles.

More words: Ramona is gone! Huzzah! That shouldn't make me as happy as it did, is it? The robot battles, even if they were always in the background, were hilarious to spot when the focus was on different characters. The drunken camaraderie of
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Scott-Kim-Ramona was also fun. I think that might have been the first time I thought Ramona had potential for fun, but I was still happy when she disappeared.
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LibraryThing member timothyl33
The more I read this series, the more I find more to like. The art is getting more confident and the story is developing a strong plot in mind. Can't wait for the next now.
LibraryThing member BenjaminHahn
Done and Done. One more to go. The twins are robot engineers, which is cool. Kim is developed a bit more and I feel sorry for her. She is the only character in the series that doesn't really get what she needs. Time to go kill Gideon Graves.
LibraryThing member MeganAngela
Scott Pilgrim vs. the Universe is the fifth installment in the Scott Pilgrim series. This volume gives us the battle of Scott vs. the Katayanagi twins and their robot creations. We also get to see the slow deterioration of the relationship between Scott and Ramona, and finally her leaving for good.
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We continue to see Scott act like a brat and find that Ramona is actually quite a hypocrite. So Ramona can make out with Kim while they are drunk and Scott is in the bed with them, she can make out with Roxie when she's mad at Scott, she can cheat on the Katayanagi twins, but Scott was still dating Knives briefly when they first got together and he's a bad person? It was enough to actually make me feel really bad for Scott and extremely annoyed with Ramona.

Again, I truly believe that the supporting cast is really what makes this series as good as it is. They are the perfect humorous and twisted balance to Scott and Ramona's constant drama and childishness. I think the only character that I dislike more than Scott and Ramona is Julie because she is just insufferable. Wallace Wells makes up for almost everything, though! He's the best character of them all, I think!

Scott Pilgrim vs. The Universe is much better than its predecessor, Scott Pilgrim Gets It Together, but still not as good as Scott Pilgrim and the Infinite Sadness, in my opinion. Recommended for graphic novel fans and video game nerds alike. It's not perfect, but definitely worth four stars.
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LibraryThing member Jellyn
I just read it last night and I think I already forgot most of it! Um.. Scott has to fight 2 evil ex-boyfriends in this one. Which had been hinted at all along.They're twins, and they're probably the coolest exes so far. They're Japanese and they're robotics experts. So rather than fight Scott
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themselves, they keep sending robots after him.And, y'know, whatever. Other stuff happens. Some of it even makes a sort of sense.One volume to go.
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LibraryThing member Stevil2001
This one's good too. I like the insights we're finally starting to get into Ramona, though she's maybe still a little bit too much Manic Pixie Dream Girl. "You're just another evil ex-boyfriend waiting to happen" maybe says more about her than Scott. Also: Scott fights robots, and the use of page
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borders in the last twenty pages is very adept.
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LibraryThing member ThothJ
"Scott Pilgrim" still continues to amaze me. This recent volume, Number 5, held more surprises, what with Knives spilling he beans to Ramona about Scott cheating on her to the climatic ending, after Ramona walks out, Scott receives a phone call from Gideon to set-up their battle to the death. But
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what for? Scott had lost Ramona...along with their apartment keys and cat. I guess that since Scott has finally hit rock bottom, there is no where to go but up.

Next up for this read......the final conclusion to the "Scott Pilgrim Saga"!
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LibraryThing member ThothJ
"Scott Pilgrim" still continues to amaze me. This recent volume, Number 5, held more surprises, what with Knives spilling he beans to Ramona about Scott cheating on her to the climatic ending, after Ramona walks out, Scott receives a phone call from Gideon to set-up their battle to the death. But
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what for? Scott had lost Ramona...along with their apartment keys and cat. I guess that since Scott has finally hit rock bottom, there is no where to go but up.

Next up for this read......the final conclusion to the "Scott Pilgrim Saga"!
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LibraryThing member ThothJ
"Scott Pilgrim" still continues to amaze me. This recent volume, Number 5, held more surprises, what with Knives spilling he beans to Ramona about Scott cheating on her to the climatic ending, after Ramona walks out, Scott receives a phone call from Gideon to set-up their battle to the death. But
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what for? Scott had lost Ramona...along with their apartment keys and cat. I guess that since Scott has finally hit rock bottom, there is no where to go but up.

Next up for this read......the final conclusion to the "Scott Pilgrim Saga"!
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LibraryThing member wealhtheowwylfing
Scott Pilgrim, dimwitted clever-pants and morally ambiguous kind soul that he is, reaches his 24th year. Huzzah! Unfortunately, surviving means he has to wrestle with his relationship with mysterious American Ramona, defeat two more Evil Exs (hottie twins who fight with robots!), and band practice.
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I found it easier to tell characters apart this time, and the friendships between them continue to be the main plot of the comic. I love this series, and cannot wait for the next one!
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LibraryThing member regularguy5mb
In this, the penultimate chapter, things turn for our hero. Ramona's doubts start to creep in, and outside forces seem to be pushing her back towards her past.

What's happening with Ramona? What's happening with the band? What's happening with Stephen Stills and Young Neil? What the hell is the deal
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with the cat?

Reading the series as a whole, this is the dark moment for Scott before a hopefully resounding success in the final book.
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LibraryThing member greeniezona
I really am not sure why it's taking me such an impossibly long time to finish this series. Except that the volume I want seems to never be in the library when I am, so I wait until eventually I give in and place a hold.

Again, this volume is pretty divergent from the movie. After all, the comics
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take place over several months, whereas the movie seems to encompass maybe six weeks, if Ramona's hair is to be believed.

Things I've said about past volumes are still true. Particular to this volume: I've enjoyed Kim's further development as a character. I really like her and look forward to her getting some resolution in the final volume. (I hope!) Also, I like the playing with comic conventions here. Ramona is drawn several times with lines radiating from her face, which comics readers may be used to as an indicator of shock or extreme emotion. But it turns out here she is actually glowing, which, what the hell? And is it somehow connected to the mysterious Gideon?

I really am going to finish this series soon. Very soon.
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LibraryThing member bobbybslax
Vol. 5 has Scott's life take a sharp downturn. He's tried to change, but he hasn't yet suffered the consequences of his actions. It's a fun series, but this second half is quite serious as well. Scott's lack of seriousness was a source of humor before; now, it's shown to be a source of his problems.
LibraryThing member sarahlh
Another excellent volume in the Scott Pilgrim series. It's nice to see characters like Kim and Knives and Ramona get more character development than the movie allotted them. A whole lot of foreshadowing going on, and the cliffhanger revealing the last ex was really good. I hope the sixth (and
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final) volume does the series justice with a proper conclusion.
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LibraryThing member DarthDeverell
Scott Pilgrim vs. the Universe, the fifth volume in Bryan Lee O’Malley’s Scott Pilgrim series, sees Pilgrim learning to take responsibility for his own unblemished relationship history even as he must combat Ramona Flowers’ fifth an sixth evil ex’s, the twins Kyle and Ken K. Stephen Stills
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continues to toil aways at creating an album while Kim and Ramona bonds. Scott and Ramona find that their relationship will take work amid revelations from Ramona’s past and Scott’s own momentary infidelity with Knives Chau, who is stll infatuated with him. Meanwhile the two new evil exes arrive: Kyle and Ken use robots to battle Scott, leading to increasing fights that feel reminiscent of the Red Ribbon Army Saga from Dragon Ball Z. Following the revelation that Scott may have cheated on both Knives and Ramona prior to formally breaking up with Knives, Ramona becomes distant. Her head flashes more and there are increasing signs that Gideon is back in town and actively manipulating her. Scott couch-surfs, working to make amends, but do not know how thing will end as Ramona keeps ghosting him. This fifth volume sets the stage for the final confrontation in volumes six, with bonus features including a thumbnail-to-final-art description and discussion from O’Malley, particularly useful for those who don’t appreciate the genre as well as newcomers who worry about their work’s finished loos.
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LA Times Book Prize (Finalist — 2009)
Eisner Award (Nominee — 2010)


Original publication date


Physical description

192 p.


1620100045 / 9781620100042

Local notes

There are many questions in Scott Pilgrim's terrible little life. First of all, why did he have to turn twenty-four? Secondly, why do robots keep trying to kill him? And why is Sex Bob-omb falling apart? Why is Ramona acting so weird? And finally, why won't these brilliant and deadly Japanese twins leave him alone?
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