Rebel Belle

by Rachel Hawkins

Hardcover, 2014



Call number



Putnam Publishing Group (2014), Hardcover, 345 pages


Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. Harper Price, peerless Southern belle, was born ready for a Homecoming tiara. But after a strange run-in at the dance imbues her with incredible abilities, Harper's destiny takes a turn for the seriously weird. She becomes a Paladin, one of an ancient line of guardians with agility, super strength and lethal fighting instincts. Just when life can't get any more disastrously crazy, Harper finds out who she's charged to protect: David Stark, school reporter, subject of a mysterious prophecy and possibly Harper's least favorite person. But things get complicated when Harper starts falling for him - and discovers that David's own fate could very well be to destroy Earth.

User reviews

LibraryThing member DarkFaerieTales
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty: This was a great read full of action, witty characters, and humor. I am a hug fan of Rachel Hawkins and this is another great book to add her wonderful collection of stories

Opening Sentence: Looking back, none of this would have happened if I’d
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brought lip gloss the night of the Homecoming Dance.

The Review:

Harper Price is the perfect picture of a southern belle. Born and raised in a small wealthy town in Georgia, Harper grew up with dreams of attending Cotillion and grow up to be a beautiful young women. But not all dreams are meant to come true. It is Harper’s senior year and she is getting ready to attend the homecoming dance with her dreamy boyfriend. It is pretty obvious that she is going to be homecoming queen, but right before the crowning she realized that she forgot to put on lip gloss. She runs to the bathroom to apply the much needed gloss to her nekkid lips and her life changes forever.

She leaves that bathroom as a Paladin; a person with superhuman powers that make her a lethal fighter and fierce guardian. She is charged with protecting a very important person that holds the fate of the world in the palm of his hands. Unfortunately, that person is the boy she has despised since they were in kindergarten; it is none other than David Stark. But the more Harper gets to know him the more she realizes how wrong she was about him all these years, and falling for him is starting to become inevitable.

Harper is such a funny and sweet girl with a great personality. She is polite in every way possible, but becoming a Paladin has really put a wrinkle in her perfect life. She wants everything to remain as normal as possible, but she soon realizes that is impossible. I found Harper to be really charming and honestly it was very entertaining being inside her head. Her life isn’t nearly as perfect as she paints it to be and I loved that she has some pretty big flaws, it made her easier to relate to.

David Stark is a total jerk most of the time, but there are moments when he can be such a sweet guy. He is very competitive and that is really the main reason he and Harper have had such a hard time throughout the years. They were always competing against each other and once they join up as a team they are quite a force to be reckoned with. They have undeniable chemistry and I am really interested to see how their relationship develops in the next book.

Rebel Belle is a wonderful story with action, humor, romance, and adventure. From the first chapter you are thrown into this suspenseful story that just keeps getting better the more you read. The characters are engaging and so easy to root for. The pacing was done perfectly and I never felt a drag in the story. I have been a huge fan of Rachel Hawkins ever since I read her Hex Hall series a few years ago and I think that this is a great addition to her fantastic collection of books. I am really looking forward to reading more in this series and I would highly recommend this to anyone that is looking for a great YA paranormal read.

Notable Scene:

I cleared me throat and picked up my book bag. As I turned to go, David called out, “Harper?”


He took a minute, like he was trying to decide if he should say whatever it was he wanted to say. I wondered if he felt like I had, like he didn’t want to say something hateful, but I’d made him.

“You know, all the articles aside, I actually thought you were better than this,” he finally said. “Nice to know that you are just another high school bitch.”

Maybe it was that his words were so close to what Dr. DuPont had said right before he nearly murdered me. Maybe it was because a little part of me felt like David might be right. Or maybe it was because I just really didn’t like being called names. Whatever the reason, my right hand shot to slap David Stark across the face. I didn’t even consider my new superpowers, and if those new powers would mean David’s head would go flying off.

But it didn’t matter. Half an inch from David’s cheek, my hand stopped midair. And it wasn’t because I had some crisis of conscience, either. It was like my hand hit an invisible wall right by his head.

FTC Advisory: Putnam Juvenile/Penguin provided me with a copy of Rebel Belle. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
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LibraryThing member acargile
This novel is a fun supernatural novel.

Harper Price is very motivated to succeed. She is involved in everything at her school because she loves her school and wants it to be a great place for the students. Knowing she'll win Homecoming Queen, Harper dashes to the restroom to put lip gloss on.
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While performing this important task, the janitor comes into the restroom and locks the door. He's oozing blood. She tries to help him, but he won't let her open the door. He apologizes and then "kisses" her; really, he passes his powers on to her. She is now a Paladin. When one of her teachers forces his way in, he tries to kill her because he knows that the janitor made her the next Paladin. She has to kill him and is shocked to discover she's got some pretty amazing fighting abilities. She quickly discovers that she is the guardian of the one boy in school she most dislikes, David Stark.

Lying to her best friend and boyfriend as to why she’s not around and why she spends time with the guy she can’t stand, Harper also has to train for her big night as a Paladin when David and her future will be decided.

This is a lot of fun to read with several laugh out loud parts. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this novel.
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LibraryThing member lifeshiddengems
This was an extremely fun, bad-ass book! I loved that Harper, as well as some of the other characters, went through a lot of character development. I enjoyed reading about the growing relationship between Harper and David. Their romance was nicely paced, and their conversations were sarcastic and
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adorable. Some moments in this book were predictable, but the ending of this book was so awesome and unexpected (at least for me). I'm really looking forward to reading the next book!(:

My Goodreads: fantasticalcatherine
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LibraryThing member margaraawr
"Looking back, none of this would have happened if I’d brought lip gloss the night of the Homecoming Dance.”

Actual Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Rebel Belle is hilariously engaging and just plain old fun. Rachel Hawkins' fans will have a new series to fangirl over, I mean to watch out for!

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Harper Price is what you can call a perfectionist. She has a 4.0 GPA, a perfect and hot boyfriend (Ryan Bradshaw) and she is the president of many clubs or organizations. Her biggest problem at the moment is being crowned as homecoming queen. Because of a lip gloss dilemma, she excused herself to go to the restrooms. A bloodied and exhausted janitor suddenly enter the restroom, kissed her, i mean blown some air to her mouth, before he died and passed superpowers to her. She became a Paladin, a person sworn to protect The Oracle. Just when she thought things can't get any weirder, she found out that the person she is assigned to protect is no other than David Stark, a guy she loathed since kindergarten, or did she really?

The characters:

“Bruce Wayne's parents get killed and he goes to Tibet or whatever, and Superman is an alien, and Spiderman had that radioactive spider. Me? I [Harper] kissed a janitor in the school bathroom.”

Harper. And as usual, Ms. Hawkins delivered a heroine that is fun, smart, silly and crazy but could be a little annoying sometimes. It's so much entertaining to be inside Harper's head. I can't help but love her. I also liked that she used "effed up" instead of going all the way to curse. Kind of a model student, really!

“I [Harper] picked up the nearest weapon I could lay my hands on: a stapler. I lifted it, going for “menacing.” I admit it lacked a certain elegance, but hey. It was worth a shot. David placed his hand on my arm and pushed it back down.
“Just . . . that’s embarrassing for all of us,” he replied.”

Pffft. :))))

David. The fact that he uses mean efforts to draw Harper's attention to him is so not original. Heh. How many times did I see those things happen? But you see, I liked him, too. I liked that he's shy, innocent at times and quite adorable.

The love triangle is totally unnecessary. David is great but I don't really see anything wrong in Ryan. They're both admirable. Aww. I am kind of wary on how Hawkins will write love triangles, really. (I was very much disappointed on the love triangle in the Hex Hall series. Totally friendzoned, the other guy there.) I'm glad that the relationship problems was sorted at the last part of this book.

“The great thing about best friends is that they know you really well. And the terrible thing about best friends is that they know YOU really well.”

I just LOVED the female friendship between Harper and her bestfriend, Bee! It's totally real and different than most books I've read. I am so tired of bestfriends where one is secretly jealous of the other! This book has something so unique, noncompetitive relationship between two girls.

The ending:

Ugh. No, no, noooo. Why in the world did that happen?? And really?!? How awkward can things get? But that twist made the next book more intriguing and appealing to me. I want to know how this story would go! I am looking forward to this book's sequel though because annoyed or not, I enjoyed this one. :)
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LibraryThing member Mirandalg14
Super fun read! It had an original twist to the supernatural powers theme, which was really refreshing. I haven't read a Rachel Hawkins that I didn't like.
LibraryThing member MadameWho
I loved this book! Can't wait to read the sequel. Hawkins is near the top of my "buy everything she writes" list.
LibraryThing member BookaholicCat
A light, fun and easy read... just what I needed.
LibraryThing member jwarbler
MY FAVORITE TROPE "WE ONLY FIGHT BECAUSE WE SECRETLY LIKE EACH OTHER" IS THE WHOLE PREMISE OF THIS BOOK I AM SO HAPPY. Also, Harper is a really interesting heroine, and I want more of her in my life.
LibraryThing member KeriLynneD
I really enjoyed the characters and reading how Harper grows and comes to terms with what has happened to her. The part about her losing her sister really hit home for me as I lost my sister a couple of years ago. I almost feel like there might be more to her sisters death and will be reading the
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second book in this series to see how it plays out. I give it a 3 1/2 out of 5 simply because while it is a very good book that I enjoyed I did find it a little predictable at times.
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LibraryThing member TheLibraryhag
Harper Price rules the school. She is a highly motivated Southern Belle who works hard to be the it girl in her small Alabama town. But when fate puts her in the wrong place at the wrong time, Harper gets an assignment she did not see coming. Now she is a Paladin assigned to protect the Oracle who
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happens to be her nemesis at the school.

This was just so good. Harper is believable and the reluctant super hero. And the small southern town setting rings true. (I'm from the south). Harper reminds me of Buffy, one of my favorite TV characters ever. She is trying to live a normal life and that really just is not going to happen. And there is a really nice twist at the end that I did not see coming. Looking forward to the next book in the series.
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LibraryThing member Ericanneri
I was not expecting this story to be this kick-butt. Looking at the cover I thought it would be about some catty southern belles, however, to my pleasant surprise, there was a lot more superhero action and butt whooping in the book than I thought. It was a pleasant read and a good break from my
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deep fantasy fiction phase. I also did not realize that Rachel Hawkins was also the author of Hex Hall, another series that I absolutely adored. The story was also refreshing in the sense that I did not see some of the events coming, like the ending (which I will not spoiling, but just saying that come out of nowhere!). I would recommend this book to anyone in a reading slump or as a quick fun read.
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LibraryThing member PerpetualRevision
Cute story, somewhat reminiscent of the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer but definitely with its own unique setting, characters, and mythology. I loved the characters in Vincent's Hex Hall series, so I look forward to seeing where she takes this new series.
LibraryThing member ComposingComposer
First I'll start by saying that if I'd known this was the first book in the sequel I probably wouldn't have started it. Be that as it may, I'm sort of grateful I didn't know, because it was really good.

I like Harper. I probably wouldn't have liked who she was at the start of the book, but because
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everything changed for her so quickly, she changed into someone who I liked better pretty quickly. She's smart, snarky, funny and fashionable. I don't care about fashion at all, but it's pretty rare for me to read a book with a girl who loves fashion, and it was nice for a change. I liked how she didn't like cussing (neither do I,) and I liked how she did everything in her power to make it work with Ryan. I wasn't very appreciative of Harper's relationship with Ryan, because I knew it wasn't going to work, but I liked that she still tried to force it to work, because I think that that is a genuine action that many girls would take. Even though she rejected her 'destiny' at first, I was very surprised by how quickly Harper took her new abilities in stride.

I liked David. He was interesting and snarky enough to make a good match with Harper. I liked that he was so fashion blind that he actually created his own fashion. I liked that he wanted to help Harper when she was sick at the beginning of the book, even though they hated each other. I liked his awkwardness.

We didn't see enough of Bee for me to really get attached to her. She was the stereotypical loyal best friend. I liked her because Harper liked her, and she seemed like a good person. In light of the end of the book, I hope that we get some more character development from Bee in the next one.

I liked Ryan well enough, although he did annoy me with his half-serious jokes about wanting to 'help Harper out of that dress,' and his attempts to control her. I understand that she was ignoring him to the point that his trying to get her attention was understandable, but the way that it was presented made him seem annoying and controlling.

Harper's aunts were funny. They were unique, and they gave me the distinct impression that they knew more than they let on. That impression probably isn't true, but they certainly did remind me of the Fates.

Harper's parents were nice, especially her mother, but given how anxious her mother was whenever Harper was doing something non-supernatural, it did seem odd that she wasn't at all suspicious when she was doing something supernatural (not including the pool incident.)

Saylor was interesting, but we didn't get to know her very well. As with Bee, I was disappointed that we didn't see more character development, given the ending. Other people may disagree with me, but I actually like it when I'm attached to a character if they die, so I'm actually upset about it. That's not to say I like it when my favorite characters die (I'm looking at you J.K. Rowling) but if characters do die, I like to know them

I also really liked the stories about Harper's sister, but I wasn't sure where the story was going with it. Harper's needing to show the world that she isn't her sister, and her parents' fears, and her desires to protect her parents by not dying were all important things, but they weren't quite enough to make the this detail necessary... Now it could be foreshadowing... Foreshadowing that I don't like because I don't want Harper to pull a Tris.
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LibraryThing member leahlo89
I'm not going to lie. I didn't want to read this book. The cover and the synopsis sounded so ridiculous that I thought there was no way I would like this book. Spoilers below!!

OMG I was wrong. I LOVED this book! Harper is a fantastic heroine. She is a true sassy strong southern lady who kicks butt
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when she needs to. David is my new tweed wearing boyfriend. Seriously, the dude is snarky and dresses like a hipster and has a map of Middle Earth in his bedroom. I love him! And I love them together... Waaaay more than Harper and Ryan. #teamdavid

The plot twists at the end were killer and I cannot wait for the rest of the series!
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LibraryThing member srsharms
LibraryThing member Kristymk18
Actual Rating: 3.5 stars

This book was so cute, quirky, and entertaining. I first wanted to read Rebel Belle when I saw the cover reveal what seems like ages a go. I am so glad I finally got the book, because it didn't disappoint.

Harper is an intelligent over-achiever who accidentally gets sucks
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into a world of Paladins and oracles while trying to maintain her already overbooked "perfect" life. As she struggles with letting some things go in order to be the protector she is meant to be, she also must reconcile with her school "nemesis," David. Things are not always what they seem in her Southern town and I love being inside Harper's head as she navigates her way through these discoveries and the adjustments that come with her new duty.
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LibraryThing member seriesousbooks
I just loved this book! It entertained me from start to finish and always had my full attention. I'll admit, I wasn't sure what to make of Harper when the book first started but I truly grew to love her as a character and a narrator. Her wit and expressions had me in stitches! I laughed, I swooned
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and I definitely almost cried. The plot was great. It just had everything I love in a YA read.
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LibraryThing member scatlett
Buffy meets Legally Blonde with a spritz of Steel Magnolias.
LibraryThing member Tiffy_Reads
This was a quick fun read that hooked me from the first chapter. Southern belle Harper is used to being the best at everything she's does and has. That includes her friendships and relationships. With one exception David Stark, the school paper reporter who she has loathed since she was little.
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When a janitor at the homecoming dance Harper's life is turned upside down. Things start to crack in her perfect life and people who were friends are suddenly not her ally and the person she hates is.
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LibraryThing member Auntie-Nanuuq
Oh my this was a light, delightful, funny YA Fantasy book, that now has a sequel!

Harper Price is an over-achieving Southern Belle w/ the perfect life: boyfriend, parents, & friends.

She is at the prom, about to be crowned Queen, when she goes to the bathroom in order to put on lip-gloss. There she
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finds the janitor dying, as she bends over to check him, he pulls her close and gives her a kiss of icy cold breath.

Immediately, her history teacher barges in w/ a scimitar and tries to kill her, but she saves herself by shoving the heel of her shoe into his carotid artery.

She leaves the bathroom to get help from her friend(s), and when she returns the bathroom is empty & spotlessly clean.

Much to her dismay, Harper has become a Paladin and it is her duty to protect the Oracle, who just happens to be her nemesis, David....

What is worse it will all come to a head in the midst of Cotillion.......

I found this book to be fast paced, funny and filled with action. I liked the characters, they were not over-written or campy....

I am already reading the sequel "Miss Mayhem"
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LibraryThing member roses7184
Mmmm... I drank this book down like a big ole' glass of Southern Sweet Tea. Just like the cover that houses it, this story is positively saccharine. I like to call these books my "book candy". A little fluffy around the edges, but with definite potential to keep me reading on.

Harper Price is a one
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of a kind narrator. The epitome of a Southern Belle, this girl admittedly grated on my nerves at first. With her perfect shoes, her pristine dresses, and her inability to use "impolite language", I wasn't sure I would be sold on her. Let me tell you, Harper kicked my behind for that thought. I soon fell in love with her sass, and her ability to think on her feet. I loved the way that she always had a one-liner to throw back at her attackers. Who needs to cuss when you have a sharp wit? Not Miss Harper Jane Price.

Add in the fact that this book is all about Paladins, Mages and Oracles in the modern day South? You have my attention. I giggled along as Harper first came into her powers. Felt for her as she tried her best to keep everything as shiny and perfect as before, even when things around her were falling down. By the ending, you couldn't have pried me away from this book. The story line might have been a little padded with fluff, the secondary characters a little less than fleshed out, but I was willing to overlook all that. Especially once I discovered that this is the first in the series. More please? Now.

If I had to choose one thing to nitpick about, and thus the reason this didn't get a full five stars, it's the love triangle. Honestly though? Even that wasn't terrible. I've suffered through worse. I am pleased to say that I actually liked both Ryan and David, each for their own reasons. I'd love to complain more, but I actually saw why Harper liked both of them. I'd have a hard time choosing too. Especially when you're someone who was raised to be perfect in every way imaginable. I've got your back girl!

So yes, I admit I wavered back and forth on this a bit while listening to the audio book. In the end though, it was totally worth it. I've fallen in love with the Southern charm, and Harper's personality, and everything that has yet to come. This bookworm is on board for whatever comes next!
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LibraryThing member CaitlinAC
Read my full review here.

There’s doesn’t seem to be much hype surrounding this book, but whenever someone discusses it, I always heard good things. I wanted to read something lighter than most fantasy novels are, and this was the perfect dose of charm and comedy.

The best part of the story is
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our MC, Harper. She considers herself a lady in the more traditional sense of the word, and so conducts herself like one. I love how she tells us, as the narrator, that she’s editing out the f-word because it simply isn’t polite. It makes it seem like she’s actually in direct conversation with us. I also like that she’s brainy and a perfectionist because a lot of YA characters seem to not be bothered about school at all, so this is a change of pace. And, hello, her reactions to everything are hilarious. She is excited when she thinks she’s a superhero (she’s such a nerd), and she makes references to a lot of various stories like Batman, Marvel, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

And that’s the thing with this book: while it’s obviously a fantasy novel, it seems so realistic apart from that. Harper is constructed as a normal teenager. When she learns being a Paladin means she’ll probably die protecting David, she decides she wants to live rather than accept her impending death. It’s so refreshing! And while she does eventually decide to fulfill her duty, she still refuses to succumb to the fate of every Paladin; she refuses to die.

David is pretty much a mess, and he’s rude to Harper - really rude - for a bit, but he does apologize for that and begin treating her better. And the fact that he held her hair for her when she was getting sick was sweet (even thought what he did after wasn’t sweet). He's also really funny, and I could easily see the chemistry between him and Harper once they started being friendly to one another.

My favourite part of this book, though, is just how funny it is. It made it so easy to fly through this book. While there are tense scenes, scenes with danger and sadness and anger, there’s much more wit. I adore it.

Overall, Rebel Belle is a wonderfully refreshing and funny read. I'm looking forward to the sequel.
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LibraryThing member amandanan
3.5 stars

Not quite as amazing as I remember the Hex Hall trilogy, but a great story, nonetheless. I find Hawkins so refreshing in the YA fantasy world. She seems to always find something that others haven't really written about yet.

That said, Harper was somewhat annoying. The story about her sister
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was wrapped up in 2 sentences, her parents were practically nonexistent, and I felt the last 20% of the book was rushed.
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LibraryThing member bookbrig
Funny, plenty of action, a bit of sparky romance, and a great audio book. If you want something light and satisfying, this would be a perfect summer read.

This was my "audio book" for the Read Harder challenge.
LibraryThing member jennybeast
Recently I read a story that wanted to be Buffy and failed to pull it off. This one succeeds -- or at least, doesn't suck at the attempt. ('Cause there's no true Buffy, like Buffy.) At least Harper Price is true to her Homecoming queen, lip-glossed, fashion-conscious self, no matter how many
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unexpected powers or evil, future-controlling warlords come her way.
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Original publication date


Physical description

345 p.


0399256938 / 9780399256936



Local notes

Harper Price, peerless Southern belle, was born ready for a Homecoming tiara. But after a strange run-in at the dance imbues her with incredible abilities, Harper's destiny takes a turn for the seriously weird. She becomes a Paladin, one of an ancient line of guardians with agility, super strength and lethal fighting instincts.

It looked so girly-girly, but was pretty funny in the end.

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