Kingdom Keepers, Book 4: Power Play

by Ridley Pearson

Other authorsTristan Elwell (Illustrator)
Ebook, 2011



Call number



Disney Hyperion (2011), 449 pages


For the five teens who modeled as Disney Hologram Imaging hosts, life is beginning to settle down when an intriguing video arrives to Philby's computer at school. It's a call for action: the Overtakers, a group of Disney villains, seem to be plotting to attempt a rescue of two of their leaders, both of whom the Disney Imagineers have hidden away somewhere following a violent encounter in Epcot. A staged attack by new Overtakers at Downtown Disney, startles the group. A dark cloud in the Kingdom Keeper era is unfolding, and with dissension in their own ranks, it's unclear if there's any chance of escape.

User reviews

LibraryThing member shazzerwise
Beginning to repeat itself - how many times have we been on Maelstom now? It's feeling like time to wrap up the series, but with the added mystery thrown in at the end, I feel like we're nowhere near the end. Still enjoyable and worth a read for Disney fans and fans of the series.
LibraryThing member 06nwingert
Ridely Pearson does it again! In the forth volume of the Kingdom Keepers series, the Overtakers have framed Wayne and his daughter, Wanda, and are (again) attempting to overtake Disney. With added villans such as Frollo, Cruella de Ville and the Evil Queen, and the added romance, the series
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deepens. The Keepers are teenagers, so the romance lines humanized the series.
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LibraryThing member twehking
Once again I continue to follow these only to catch all of the mistakes. This time it was even worse since I listened to the audio book. Looking forward to tearing the next one apart.
LibraryThing member TheRandomGirl
The line between good and evil has blurred and it's now unclear whose side has the power. In the fourth installment of the Kingdom Keepers, things get intense. The Kingdom Keepers must now work double time to stop the evil Overtakers from gaining control of the parks. Except that now, there are a
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few frustrating set backs.

Can I just say that when I saw Power Play on the shelf at the bookstore, I ran over to it, raised it up as if it were some kind of lost treasure, and then shamelessly did my happy dance. Sadly, there weren't any people near to witness it. I know, I've told this story to a couple of people already, but hey, it never gets old, because if you haven't guessed already, I'm a totally crazy Kingdom Keepers fan. I could just go the whole day talking about it.

Kingdom Keepers IV: Power Play was everything I expected and a whole lot more. I more than loved reading how the Keepers' characters developed. I especially loved reading more about Willa Angelo, because I've been wanting more of her ever since I first read about her. The Keepers were working as a team, more than ever, and I may not have been the only one who wanted to see this happen. Their friendship and relationship grew to a point where they were closely bonded. That was enough to make my heart burst.

Oh but it didn't stop there. As if my silent prayers were answered, romance found it's way into the series and sparked. You have no idea how many times I squealed when I read all those Willby and Finmanda moments. I would like to say it's flawless but I have to agree with a friend of mine; the romance between Willa and Philby seemed so sudden as if it appeared out of nowhere—except if you looked closely there were hints at a possible relationship between these two.

New book, new characters, Cruella de Vill, the Evil Queen, and Judge Frollo are just a few of the new baddies added to the series (not to mention the green-eyed kids). Holy whoa, did these Overtakers bring it on.

Ridley Pearson, you brought excitement, thrill, and total fangirl/boy-ness up a hundred notches. Kingdom Keepers IV: Power Play was EPIC. Ridley, you just amazed me with the irresistible humor and the full on electrifying action. I love the Kingdom Keepers more than ever, and I'm anticipating to see what you'll do with the fifth installment currently named, Kingdom Keepers VI: Shell Game. I've got a challenge for you, how much more epic and awesome can you get with this series?

Big, crazy, Kingdom Keepers fan here, so here comes the plug: For all those Kingdom Keepers fans, check out the deviantART Kingdom Keepers group, DHIKingdomKeepers, for fan art and stories, news and updates, and meet awesome new people who love the series as much as you do.
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LibraryThing member theokester
I dove into book 4 of the Kingdom Keeper series expecting some fun but not really anticipating many differences from the previous books. I generally enjoyed the first three books but was left hoping for something more. The writing is fairly simplistic and definitely geared towards kids. I
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acknowledged and overlooked that. Where I was left wanting more was in terms of the plot. The concept is actually pretty cool and has a lot of potential but there are times that it feels a bit strained. A large part of that is due to the imaginative yet complex technologies that allow the kids to transport into the parks. Even more than strains in the plot elements, I felt like plot elements were missing. In my mind, I felt like there was a lot of potential that just wasn't being used. I suspect that the omission was partly a conscious choice to keep the plot simpler and to gradually introduce the elements, but I really felt like there were some lost opportunities. That background aside, I opened the book with the expectation of a fun, lighthearted adventure and that's what I got.

The book starts out by quickly suggesting that the stakes have changed or, at the very least, that new elements are in place that have changed the rules of the game. In the first few pages, the kids spot some of the "Overtakers" in the real world running around and interacting with other humans. I was a little confused as to why this was so shocking. In the previous books, the kids had interacted with Maleficent and Chernabog in "the real world" so I wasn't sure why it was such a big deal to see other characters among mere mortals. The difference came in the fact that the Overtakers weren't just staying in the parks. They were first seen in Downtown Disney (which I felt was acceptable) but then they were seen at various places throughout the city. The kids also made the leap (somehow) and decided that the Overtakers had created their own DHI Server (so they could create their own holograms).

Even more threatening though was the fact that the Overtakers had begun recruiting other human kids to help them out. The Kingdom Keepers started to notice some strange behavior from other kids at school. As they investigated, they found that the Evil Queen had cast spells on them and had them working for the Overtakers. Others seemed to have joined of their own free will. In any case, the Kingdom Keepers now had to be on their toes wherever they were. They also found that they couldn't be sure who to trust since the Evil Queen could cast a spell even on a member of the Kingdom Keepers and get them to spy for her or carry out other schemes. Everything pointed to the Overtakers getting more powerful and the Kingdom Keepers were woefully uninformed and unprepared for whatever was happening.

Fortunately, the Keepers aren't entirely without help. First, they find out that Wayne's sister has been arrested and they arrange to bail her out and see what she knows. She is wary about how much she wants to tell them because she doesn't want to put them in any extra danger and she also isn't sure who to trust. As the story continues, Wayne also manages to reach out and communicate with the Keepers to give them advice and direction. Wayne's communication and assistance felt even more deus ex machina to me in the sense that he shows up just when the kids are at the end of the rope and have no idea what to do or even what they need to look for. It bothers me a little that he is able to influence the story so greatly while being totally sequestered and really not a part of the direct action. Still, his input is kept vague and limited enough that it isn't an all powerful fix for all the troubles. In any case, he sets the kids on the right direction and they go in search of the Overtaker's DHI Server and source of power.

As I mentioned in my review of the first book, I was bummed that there weren't any "good" characters helping the kids out in their adventures. This seemed like a huge omission and one that could have a big payoff in terms of enjoyment. Finally here in book 4 we get to meet additional "bad" characters (who seem to be playing a "neutral" role) as well as a few "good" characters who will serve as allies to the kids. As the kids race through the parks, they (finally) start interacting with characters like Ariel, Pluto, Minnie Mouse and Mulan. I was excited at their appearance but was still a little disheartened at their actions and characteristics. I thought it was great that they were there to help out the Keepers. But to me, they didn't feel or act the way I was really expecting. They still just sort of felt like bit-rate players in the background. Where Maleficent, Chernabog, the Evil Queen and other Overtakers had some clear motivation and sense of action, the "hero" characters (and even the "neutral" characters like Frollo and Shan-Yu) don't even the depth of character as their on-screen selfs, let alone characters who are fighting against evil for survival. They did take some risks, but they didn't feel as alive or animated (characteristic, not 'literal' animation a la Disney) to the cause. They do tell the kids that their leader, Mickey Mouse, is missing. So maybe they'll get more interesting as time goes on and as we find Mickey.

I won't spoil the plot of the book except to say that, like its predecessor, it ends without fully resolving the problems facing the kids. In fact, it seems to create more problems to unravel. This time, however, the kids already know where the next adventure will take place. In the book, Jess has a vision that shows the captain of the Disney Dream cruise ship.

As with the previous books, I had fun and enjoyed the overall creativity and fun of the story. I'm glad to see that we're finally getting some more of the characters involved though they still don't feel quite "real" to me, especially when compared with the Overtakers. I did like the added tension of allowing the Overtakers to leave the parks as well as having them recruit humans to help the Overtaker cause. I suspect the natural trajectory will be for other kids to help out the Keepers in future books. Still definitely not high literature but a fun Disney-packed adventure for kids and kids at heart.

3 out of 5 stars
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LibraryThing member cubsfan3410
I feel like the basic storyline - kids save Disney - is getting flat. I was glad to see some see Disney characters introduced in this book.
LibraryThing member Othemts
I was disappointed in the previous installment of the Kingdom Keepers, but the series regains its footing in the fourth book. The narrative is less bloated and even when the Keepers hit a snag in one of their moonlight adventures in the Disney Parks, it feels plot-driven rather than a dead end.
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There are five Kingdom Keepers, with Finn the leader getting most of the attention, and Philby growing to be the co-leader. The other Keepers and the two Fairlies, Amanda and Jess, have had a lot to do in previous books, but this is the first book in which Willa has a big part, and it's really great to see her character grow.

Willa is also present for a new factor in this books when she meets (and is helped) by Ariel, the Little Mermaid. The villains - known as the Overtakers - have featured prominently in the series, but this is the first time a good Disney character plays a role with hints that more good characters are looking for a leader to drive them to action. Later, Minnie and Pluto play a big part. It's very bold for Pearson to wait until the fourth book to introduce this game-changing factor to the novels!
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Original publication date


Local notes

The Overtakers, a group of Disney villains, seem to be plotting to attempt a rescue of two of their leaders, both of whom the Disney Imagineers have hidden away somewhere following a violent encounter in Epcot. A staged attack by new Overtakers at Downtown Disney, startles the group.

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