Princess Academy

by Shannon Hale

Hardcover, 2005



Call number



Bloomsbury USA Childrens (2005), Edition: First Edition, 320 pages


While attending a strict academy for potential princesses with the other girls from her mountain village, fourteen-year-old Miri discovers unexpected talents and connections to her homeland.

Media reviews

School Library Journal
Hale weaves an intricate, multilayered story about families, relationships, education, and the place we call home.
5 more
Publishers Weekly
Unfortunately, Hale's lighthearted premise and underlying romantic plot bog down in overlong passages about commerce and class, a surprise hostage situation and the specifics of '"quarry-speech."
Kirkus Reviews
There are many pleasures to this satisfying tale: a precise lyricism to the language ... and a rhythm to the story that takes its tropes from many places, but its heart from ours.
Hale nicely interweaves feminist sensibilities in this quest-for-a-prince-charming, historical-fantasy tale.
Children's Literature
Sheilah Egan (Children's Literature)
Miri yearns to prove herself useful to her widowed father by working in the village quarry, but, he forbids this, thus cutting his daughter off from the bond of the villagers who earn their living carving stone on Mount Eskel. In this unusual blend of
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coming-of-age, adventure, fantasy, and fairy tale story Shannon Hale gives us a strong girl persona, wicked “outlaw outsiders,” corrupt business dealings, strict “princess trainers,” and a prince in need of a proper princess. Miri proves her worth to her father, the village, the head of the Academy itself, and to the fellow worthy of this quick-witted, hard-working “almost a woman.” The crux of the tale is the “quarry speech” used by the stone workers to communicate over the noise and confusion of the quarry, which is adapted by Miri in her desperation to save the village girls after they have been kidnapped by the outlaws. As usual, Hale ties her characters to the land in which they have been born and to Nature itself. This is an engaging, plain “good read” that just happens to be filled with life lessons about friendship, acceptance, courage, endurance, and finding the right path. Guard against dismissing this fantasy as more of the same old genre; there are a lot of fresh ideas and solid truths to be had in this finely-crafted novel. 2005, Bloomsbury, $16.95. Ages 12 up.
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Jenny Ingram (VOYA, August 2005 (Vol. 28, No. 3)) In her mountain village, fourteen-year-old Miri is much smaller than her peers and not allowed to work in the quarry alongside the other able-bodied villagers. Instead she keeps house for her widower father and her sister and hopes to strike a good
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deal with the trader who visits periodically. When a royal messenger arrives one day to tell the villagers that the country's priests have determined that the prince's bride will come from their region, the village girls go away to school to be educated for royal life. Despite the bleak, strict nature of their school, Miri comes away from the experience with knowledge that she uses to change the economy and quality of life for her village. The imaginative setting for the story makes it timeless and universal. Hale creates a parallel universe where things are just familiar enough to recognize yet remain unique to the story. In their isolation, the mountain people have learned to communicate telepathically, which contributes to the magical aura of the story. Miri's emerging leadership at the school and her choice to use her education for the benefit of her village are refreshing takes on a classic setup. In the end, she gets her man, having known all along that the prince was not for her. This new classic will have a place with leisure readers and in the classroom. VOYA CODES: 5Q 4P M J (Hard to imagine it being any better written; Broad general YA appeal; Middle School, defined as grades 6 to 8; Junior High, defined as grades 7 to 9). 2005, Bloomsbury, 300p., $16.95. Ages 11 to 15.
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User reviews

LibraryThing member nbmars
I got this book because I enjoyed The Actor and The Housewife so much, and so I sought out another book by Shannon Hale. I was not disappointed! This book is like a lovely, iridescent polished stone of linder, the fictional opaline marble quarried by the villagers of Mount Eskel. It has hidden
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facets from different angles that catch your eye and your heart and leave you with a sense of strength and beauty.

Most of the children in the village start work in the quarry at age 8, but Miri, named after the tiny pink flower that bloomed out of the cracks in the linder rocks, has never been allowed to work there. She thought it was because she was small for her age, and had been deemed inadequate. Now, at age 14, she learns she, along with all the other village girls between the ages of 12 to 17, must go to a “princess academy” to train to be acceptable as a potential bride for the Prince.

She takes leave of her father, older sister Marda, and lifelong crush Peder to make the 3-hour journey along with 19 other girls. While there, they are exposed not only to book learning for the first time, but to competition, cliques and jealousy, and unanticipated tests of courage and friendship. Only occasionally are they allowed to return to their village on breaks.

Miri may be one of the smallest children, but it is she who figures out the secret of the linder stone, and when the academy is in real danger, it is only her secret that can help save it.

Hale is a gifted writer of different genres that at first glance seem not to bear relation to one another. But all of her books are characterized by faith, good humor, and above all, the self-sufficiency and resilience of women and girls.

Her language often plays just the right note. At one village gathering, Peder has just kissed Miri on the cheek, then runs off:

"Miri did not move for three verses of the next bonfire song. A smile tugged at one corner of her mouth like a brook trout on a fishing line, but she was too staggered to give in to it."

In another instance, one of the girls at the academy, Katar, has just confessed to Miri about the source of her unhappiness:

"…Katar sobbed misery at her side. ’I’m sorry,’ Miri said again, hating how hollow those words sounded. Katar had given her a small gift by opening her heart and showing her pain. Miri tucked the moment in her own heart and hoped somehow to repay."

This book is not really about princesses, unless you define princess as a young lady who is not afraid to summon all of her assets to take on the world and make a difference.

Highly recommended.
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LibraryThing member ladycato
High on Mount Eskel, all of the villagers help work linder blocks out of the quarry. Everyone, that is, except Miri. Her dad won't let her work in the quarry, leaving her feeling isolated and all too aware of her small stature. When a surprise emissary from the king arrives and declares that the
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prince's bride must be from Mount Eskel, all of the teenage girls are forced to attend a "princess academy" at the base of the mountain. Overseen by a tyrannical tutor, the girls are taught to read and drilled in the ways of proper society. Miri is torn - should she work hard to catch the prince's eye and leave the mountain, or use her new skills for the aid of her village? And how can she fit in with the other girls who have bonded in their quarry work?

This was a fast read, even at 314-pages long. I read it on one day. Princess Academy is a fun read, and the sort of book I would have adored when I was 10-12. However, as an adult I found the plot very predictable. I won't be keeping this one, but it was worth reading.
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LibraryThing member robincar
Fourteen-year-old Miri lives in an isolated mining village in the mountains. After the priests declare that the prince’s bride is to come from her village, Miri and the other village girls must attend an academy to prepare them for the possibility of being chosen by the prince as his bride. Once
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at the school, Miri discovers she has an interest in learning (although maybe not being a princess), but competition to be the best at the academy is fierce. The book’s plot is not as fluffy or shallow as the title might imply as the academy is not a wonderful fairy-tale place. Miri’s mountain culture is well-developed and richly imagined. It lends a good sense of depth and authenticity to the story. The book has quite the group of brave, spirited, and intelligent girls, including Miri. This is an excellent young adult fantasy novel of friendship, growing up, and finding one’s place in the world. The book also strongly emphasizes the importance of education and, especially, being able to read.
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LibraryThing member LeighAnneJensen
I chose this book to read out loud to my daughter. Since before she was born, I have read out loud to her every single night before bed, and we really enjoy that time together. I like to read her classics, and as she gets older, she likes to hear about people having adventures. A lot of adventure
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stories are either about boys, or they pair a boy with a girl. It's a rare and wonderful discovery to find a book that not only has a strong solo-female lead, but is beautifully written and fun to read. That is what Princess Academy was for both me and my daughter.

I really enjoyed reading about Miri. She is exactly the kind of role model I want for my daughter - someone open-minded, sensitive, driven, intelligent, kind, and thoughtful. The story itself was so enjoyable to read. My daughter was so sad to see the book end, and then she was very excited when I told her that this is actually just the first book in the series! We can't wait to get started on the second book, and are actually going to the bookstore tomorrow to pick it up.

We're both really looking forward to reading more about Miri and her adventures.
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LibraryThing member kthomp25
Miri is named for a small mountain flower. She is small and thinks perhaps her father finds her useless in the mining of linder, stone valued in the kingdom. She learns through her experiences that other girls face their own private issues; Katar whose father doesn't love her, Britta whose father
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forces her to live a lie, Esa who has a useless arm... Everyone has some impediment to happiness, especially if those things prevent a view of a broader picture of life.

The lessons stressed in the Academy about Conversation and Diplomacy are intriguing and useful.

Useful ideas, such as the the Rules for Diplomatic Negotiations:

State the Problem
Admit Your Own Error
State the Error of the Other Party
Propose Specific Compromises
Invite Mutual Acceptance
llustrate the Negarive Outcome of Refusal and Positive of Acceptance
Assert a Deadline for Acceptance

Repeat the Name
Ask Questions
Make Observations, Not Judgements
Return the Conversation to the Other Person
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LibraryThing member elbakerone
Princess Academy is a cute fairy-tale story perfect for youth or young adults but easily enjoyed as a light novel for grown readers too. The book tells the story of Miri, a young girl from a mountain village who feels useless to her town since she is forbidden to work in the rock quarry with her
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family. One day an emissary from the king comes to the mountain and reveals that the king's priests have determined that the prince's bride is to be chosen among the girls from Miri's village.

Miri and all her friends are sent to a special Princess Academy to learn the ways of royalty but as Miri progresses through the school she finds that, even more than becoming a Princess, what she really longs for is a place to belong. With themes of the importance and potential of all people, and with a story that is sweet and yet unpredictable, Princess Academy is a charming tale that deserves all the accolades showered upon it.
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LibraryThing member mdomsky
The princess academy is set up near the foot of Mt. Eskel so that the girls of the quarry town will be suitable to meet the prince of Danland in one year's time. Priests have determined that the prince must marry a girl from Mt. Eskel, and so all the girls are forced to attend despite the hardship
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it places on the town. The tutor is a fierce woman, and the girls have a lot to learn, not only about being a princess, but about each other, and about the mountain itself. And do any of them really want to marry a stranger just so that they can be a princess? This is a really wonderful story with just a touch of magic. The ending ties everything up perhaps just a little too neatly, otherwise, I loved it
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LibraryThing member humouress
{First of 3 [Princess Academy] series; children’s/ YA, fantasy}

Miri, named for a small mountain flower, is a mountain girl but, at fourteen, is small for her age and forbidden by her father from setting foot in the quarry for the linder which is the lifeblood of their village. She has grown up in
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a small village on Mount Eskel in the country of Danland where all the villagers over eight years old - except her - work in the linder quarry hoping to have cut enough stone when the traders make their annual visit to buy enough food to last them the whole winter. Linder is a stone used in building that is durable and marbled with a different colour from each quarry site.

It is hard enough to hold up great palaces and never crack, yet light enough to haul long distances.

Then comes the surprising news that the priests have divined that the prince’s future bride will be found on Mount Eskel and so all the village girls between the ages of twelve and eighteen will be required to attend an academy so as to turn them into suitable suitors. However the only building big enough for the purpose is a few hours walk away so they will have to stay away from their homes and families for some months.

Though the girls are all enchanted by the thought of becoming the princess and they all learn different things from the academy, will the girl chosen want to leave her mountain home? The Princess Academy changes all of their lives in ways they could never have dreamed of. Miri, for example, discovers how clever she is and how much she is loved.

‘But your pa adores you. I’ve seen him look at you and Marda as if you were the mountain itself, as if you were the world.’
He does? thought Miri. Her heart beat once as she thought, He does.

A story about family and friendship and adventures on the mountain, gently told. I love the way Hale portrays relationships, be it sibling, parental or friendship. And just maybe that ‘mean girl’ isn't really so bad ...

4 stars
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LibraryThing member mullgirl
Wow. That’s about all I can say. Ok, just kidding, we all know that I am nothing if not wordy :) I loved this book, heart and soul, and I tore through it in an evening (one of the joys of reading a young adult book!).

I had seen this book around at the local book sellers but never really thought
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much about it until I made the connection that the author, Shannon Hale, also wrote a Pride and Prejudice fan-fic called Austenland. My daughter’s school sent home a recommended reading list for the holidays and had The Princess Academy listed for 6th grade reading. I decided that since my to-be-read shelf was nearly bare (only a bunch of digital photography how-tos), why not?

Why not indeed? In fact, why not sooner? In fact, now, I must get Ms. Hale’s The Goose Girl and read that. The story starts out a little iffy in my opinion. I’m not a fan of books that are meant for younger girls whose focus is on how to win themselves the perfect man. In this tale, Miri, the main character is 14 and sent with other girls in her village away to a “Princess Academy” because the King’s priests etc have foreseen that the Prince should marry a girl from that village. This story totally could have gone the wrong way with making the focus be, as it would seem to be logical, about improving oneself for the boy, doing, being, changing all for the approval of the boy. Not so here and so brava Ms. Hale!

The Princess Academy is all about becoming satisfied with who you are: discovering your talents and developing them, facing your weaknesses with both eyes opened and learning to accept them or try to change them to something more in your favor. It’s about growing up, for all of the right reasons.

The girl does get the boy in the end, but it’s on her terms, and he sees her and evidently always has as the wonderful young woman she has finally recognized in herself.

Delightful. Wonderfully written–it’s easy to understand why it’s a Newberry Honor Book. The characters are rich and believable. And this is so not a book to keep hidden away for the pleasure of only tween girls. This is a book to be loved by all women everywhere.
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LibraryThing member Nikkles
Princess Academy is the second book I read by Shannon Hale and the one that really hooked me I think. Its so well written and different then the normal young adult novel that I was captivated. Hale's writing is deceptively simple in form, which makes it all the more fun to read.
LibraryThing member tjsjohanna
Really liked this book - realistic fantasy world, nice exploration of a child/young woman coming to see the world in a more true way - lovely friendships and family relationships.
LibraryThing member dfullmer
This is a cute tale of a girl growing up in a village high in the mountains. They hew stone and trade with the villagers who come once a year. The girls find out that a special oracle has said that the prince will marry a girl from this village, so they are all taken to an academy to be trained to
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be the next possible princess.
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LibraryThing member books_ofa_feather
A sweet story about a group of mountain girls who must become educated to impress a prince.
LibraryThing member BookWrangler
This book could have turned out to be just another Cinderella story, but instead, Hale managed to plumb greater depths. Especially the idea that learning isn't as important as what you can do with it, and what opportunities it can open up for you. Loved it!
LibraryThing member wyvernfriend
A heartwarming story about a group of girls in a village being trained to be princesses. Well one of them will be a princess. At first the training would appear to be trivial but then Miri finds that in fact these lessons could help the people in her village.

It's a village where they quarry stone,
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the miners have a special way of talking to each other over distances and with the time Miri has to think she examines the hows and why's of this ability.

Heartwarming and gentle this is a modern fairy tale that has interesting lessons contained within, I could hardly put it down.
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LibraryThing member t1bclasslibrary
Miri is different- she doesn't work in the mines with the rest of her village, and when a princess academy is formed, she feels especially left out. To combat her lonliness, she pushes herself academically and becomes head of the class, but she doesn't really want to marry the prince to begin with
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(she's in love with a village boy). She learns to talk through granite, saves everyone from bandits, and works everything out. It's actually a fascinating story that really doesn't compress well.
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LibraryThing member chibimajo
Miri has never been allowed to work the mines like the rest of her town, even though she wants to. She's always been a bit of an outcast because of that. But then she gets sent with all the other girls to an academy for princesses, and then they get attacked by bandits! It is only through Miri and
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her closer connection to her roots than even she realized that can save them.
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LibraryThing member spacecat77
Nira, a small girl, was never allowed to work in the mines. But an opportunity to mary the prince arises and she must train at the Princess Academy. There she must live like a low lander. When danger comes to the Academy, Mira must save her classmates.
LibraryThing member bibliophile26
This book is historical fiction/fantasy set in medieval times. All the girls of a small, poor town are sent to a school where they will learn how to be a princess and compete for the prince's heart. I really enjoyed this book.
LibraryThing member SunnySD
High on the slopes of Mount Eskel the villagers survive by quarrying linder. The cycle of their lives is simple -- mine until the traders come, trade the linder for much needed winter supplies, and then quarry to replace the deplenished stone stores. The traders provide the vilage's only contact
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with the lowland world, and the saying "a surprise from a lowlander is like a snake in a box" typifies the villagers' trust of those who don't belong on the mountain. When a blue wagon and a royal messenger arrive with the traders bearing a message that the next king's wife will be selected from the girls of Mount Eskel, and that in order to prepare them for meeting the prince, a school will be established.... Well, let's just say that not everyone is overjoyed at the prospect.

Miri, just fourteen, and too small for quarry work, is one of those forced to attend the "Princess Academy". At school, rivalries develop among the girls, who vie for top spot in hopes of attracting the prince's attention. Miri is torn between wanting to see and learn more of the outside world, and her love of her family and Mount Eskel. Ultimately, a combination of Mount Eskel wisdom and skill with the new learning shows Miri the way to save all the girls, and make the village a better place for everyone.

Not the fastest moving story, but it is well written. Miri is an appealing, sympathetic character realistically drawn, and her application of the abstract concepts she's learned to her real-life situation is a lessen of itself. The plot is engaging, and the story's resolution is a good one.
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LibraryThing member nandelh
A charming story about gainging knowledge, family relationships, friendships, fighting for the right purposes in life. Miri is a happy bright child. and she gains much by going to the Princess Academy and her influence with friends, neighbors and family. It is a good read
LibraryThing member kkcookie
this story is sad and really make you want to keep reading i think any girl will think this book is a good book it just goes to show what a girl can turn into.
LibraryThing member r13
I read this book last summer and loved it! I am using it in one of my guided reading groups and at first the boys were saying "that's a girl book!" but now they are asking if they can read more!! It really pulls you into Mira's (the main character) world--fascinating!
LibraryThing member beserene
Hale specializes in stories for girls that aim to entertain and empower. The first book of hers that I read, The Goose Girl, was a retelling of a less common Grimm's tale. In Princess Academy, Hale spins a tale that fits within the tone and parameters of a folk tale, but is (as far as I know)
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something of her own spinning. The themes of family love and recognizing your own importance underscore bright, pleasant prose and make for feel-good reading over all.
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LibraryThing member cornpuff12
This is an amazing book. I really liked it. It is about a girl who has to go out of town to learn how to be a princess. She must do this because the prince of their land must be married soon, and they have chosen her village to pick the princess from. She finds out later in the book that the new
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friend she has made has a deep, dark, secret.
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Sequoyah Book Award (Nominee — Young Adult — 2008)
Georgia Children's Book Award (Finalist — 2008)
Utah Beehive Book Award (Nominee — Children's Fiction — 2007)
William Allen White Children's Book Award (Nominee — Grades 6-8 — 2007-2008)
Newbery Medal (Honor Book — 2006)
Nēnē Award (Nominee — 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010)
Grand Canyon Reader Award (Nominee — 2008)
Association for Mormon Letters Award (Winner — Young Adult — 2005)
Volunteer State Book Award (Nominee — Grades 4-6 — 2008)
Maud Hart Lovelace Award (Nominee — 2010)
South Carolina Book Awards (Nominee — Junior Book Award — 2008)


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

320 p.; 5.51 inches


1582349932 / 9781582349930

Local notes

Miri would love to join her father and older sister as a miner in Mount Eskel's quarry. Not a glamorous aspiration for a 14-year-old, perhaps, but the miners produce the humble village's prize stone, linder, and mining is a respected occupation that drives the local economy. When the local girls are rounded up to compete for the hand of the kingdom's prince, Miri, the prize student in the Princess Academy, gets her chance to shine. In addition to her natural intelligence and spunk, she discovers an intuitive, and at times unspoken, language that grew out of work songs in the mines and uses linder as a medium. With this "quarry-speech" giving a boost to her courage and intelligence, Miri leads her classmates in the fight against being treated as social inferiors in the academy, at the same time educating herself in ways that will better the village.

Some feminist principals were nice to find in this sweet (although predictable) prince charming tale.

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