The Red House Mystery

by A. A. Milne

Other authorsMark Thomas (Illustrator)
Hardcover, 2016



Call number



Folio Society (2016), 224 pages


Fiction. Mystery. HTML: The Red House Mystery is a classic "whodunit" set in an English country house. An eclectic cast of characters are gathered in the house when the owner's brother, recently arrived from Australia, is found murdered in a locked room. Two of the house guests take the investigation upon themselves and they wade almost playfully through the abundance of evidence and theories..

User reviews

LibraryThing member setnahkt
Read mostly because Raymond Chandler hammered it in his essay The Simple Art of Murder. Chandler’s correct, or course – I love this quote (describing the amateur detective and hero Antony Gillingham):

“He is not making any money on the assignment, but is always available when the local
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gendarmerie loses its notebook. The English police seem to endure him with their customary stoicism; but I shudder to think of what the boys down at the Homicide Bureau in my city would do to him.”

You really don’t have to read The Red House Mystery; you can get all you need to know from Chandler’s essay. It is a typical English-country-house murder; I’m amazed that anyone ever ventures even close to an English country house given the likelihood of being murdered in one.
Chandler, of course, protests too much in his insistence on realism. The English-country-house-murder is a genre, like poor-but-feisty-heroine marries rich-but-bored duke, or great-evil-crazy must be defeated by band-of-rag-tag-adventurers, etc. Those books stay on print because people like them; it doesn’t matter that Hercule Poirot is no more realistic than Aragorn son of Arathorn.

Fun if you like this sort of thing; dull if you don’t.
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LibraryThing member ParadisePorch
The Red House Mystery is A.A. Milne’s only mystery novel; he is better known for his humorous writing, children’s stories (including the timeless Winnie the Pooh), and poems.

A ‘locked-room whodunit’ with an amateur detective, this book followed Agatha Christie’s Mysterious Affair at
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Styles by only two years (and predates her other work). It’s an elegant and witty, and it’s a perfect time capsule of early 1920s English country manor life. AND it has a solid mystery that’s fairly clued.

I wish Milne had written 50 more like this. I haven’t enjoyed a book so much in a long time – and I read it on my Kindle! 4½ stars

Read this if: you’d like a stylish vintage English murder mystery. 4½ stars
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LibraryThing member Eurydice
This is of fairly limited interest: as terribly popular, pre-Pooh Milne, and as an example of the English mystery c. 1920. Sadly, I found it far less engaging than other mysteries of that era. I'd forgive, and even glory in, its improbabilities, if it had more of the humor and wry charm for which
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Milne is still justifiably famous.
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LibraryThing member LeslitGS
Anthony Gillingham is a financially comfortable young man who wanders around the countryside trying out new jobs at his leisure. When he happens to come upon a panicked man and a corpse on his way to visit his friend Bill, Gillingham decides that his newest career path will be detective. With Bill
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at his side as a faithful Watson, the two proceed to discreetly poke their noses into corners and secret passages to uncover the truth and missing murderer.

The saying goes 'never judge a book by it's cover,' but lets be honest, the covers are pretty darn important anymore. In a world where covers are no longer simple cloth bindings with gilt letters and accents, every cover competes for attention and love from a potential reader. Consequently, many are brilliantly colored with incredible designs and eye-catching glitz. Some even are glittery, and many are embossed. But it is just this state of covers that will draw the casual peruser's eye to something very simple and straightforward, and this is why, in fact, I picked up The Red House Mystery by Milne. I did not even really stop to think about the fact that--hey, Pooh Corner! You know? I just saw a white cover with black and read print and a small picture of a man with a gun smack in the center. Then I picked it up and read the first page and was hooked.

You see, me and mysteries go way back. I used to be massively into them, devouring the Cat Who series along with some stand alone mystery novels and YA series. I was seriously a mystery fan. Then, somewhere along the way, I branched out and never really got back into them as hugely. I think part of what really killed it was the fact that the Cat Who series began to decline into repetitious mush and a couple of other bad apples over the years. I lost faith in the genre.

But Milne has reignited my interest! As we follow our lead, Gillingham, through his mystery-hunting, we find ourselves privvy to all that he knows and some of what he suspects [though, admittedly, he grows rather fond of being vague and Holmes-ish and pointedly leaves Bill out of the loop at times]. Like any solid mystery novel, the reader is provided enough information to begin formulating his or her assumptions and theories to be proven or disproven at the end.

Something else to be enjoyed, in my opinion, is the casual pacing of the novel. The story is set in an English Gentleman's home where all the necessities are provided and the only activities are urbane sports and entertainments. Inasmuch, Anthony and Bill are strolling around the gardens, playing billiards and generally enjoying what would amount to a blissful vacation in the modern middle class terms. The book is short, so most of the text is, in fact, their conversations. The set-up takes very little time and the rest is the investigation being allowed to unfold for the audience. Evidence is presented here and there, clues are discovered, and all the while, Gillingham is there, absorbing and pondering, like the reader.

In the end, there is only one real complaint I have against the book, and that is, indeed, the finale. Not that the case's solution lacked intrigue or satisfaction, but the presentation of the information was...easy. Lackluster, in a way. It was not entirely out of place, and managed to wrap things up neatly, but...well, I suppose that's just me being a whiner.

Good book. Good story. I hope to lay my hands on some other Milne in the future--heaven knows I have the Pooh books.
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LibraryThing member camillahoel
Sometimes it is rather annoying to read a detective story which your friends haven't read. I mean of course when you think you have been terribly clever and worked it all out before the detective has. Because you cannot tell anyone what you think the solution is in case it is the right one. This is
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doubly true if you have had another theory earlier, which you have now had to abandon or revise. Any attempt at sharing your genius with the world at large must be so vague as to be completely useless as a corroboration when you close the book and say "hah! I was right!".

This is my main objection to A.A. Milne's (no, not Winnie the Pooh) The Red House Mystery. It is excellent. I find it a little shocking that nobody took the time to introduce me to it earlier (perhaps there is a reason why my edition of it is labelled "A rediscovered classic". Someone clearly forgot about it).

It does the formal detective story ("whodunnit") very well. Better, perhaps than any other formal detective story I have come across. Which may be why I got there before the detective did: contrary to popular belief, most formal detective stories don't really give you all that you need to know before the dénouement; they merely provide the illusion that they do. Usually, the coherence of the plot is a retroactive affair in which the reader looks back over what he (or, indeed, in these modern times, she) has read, compares it with the ending, and realises that there were clues to that (oh, dear, the butler did it) effect the whole time. It does not follow from this that one could have taken these clues and built the solution.

But in Milne's book the logic of the detective is constantly held up to scrutiny. A provisional explanation of events are given which sounds plausible enough (if a little boring), but is then undermined by new information that forces a revision. This happens a lot, but the core of the resolution is given very early on in true detective fiction style.

I enjoyed the detective character and his Watson, immensely. They are well aware of the tradition they are working within and frequently refer to Conan Doyle's characters as models to be interacted with or measured against. Even their conversation frequently ironically mimics that of Holmes/Watson. From this we can deduce that this is not a book which takes itself too seriously, and this increases the charm of it as far as I am concerned.

A.A. Milne, in his introduction to it, writes about his demands for a detective novel that,

It should be written in English. ... It is, to me, a distressing thought that in nine-tenths of the detective stories of the world murderers are continually effecting egresses when they might just as easily go out. The sleuth, the hero and the many suspected all use this same strange tongue, and we may be forgiven for feeling that neither the natural excitement of killing the right man, nor the strain of suspecting the wrong one, is sufficient excuse for so steady a flow of bad language.


Well, Milne writes English. I hardly noticed I was reading it. It translated very seamlessly into a film in my imagination. There were occasional excellent wordings that I remarked on, but there were no egresses that I could find. Of course, the excellent wordings and the witty phrase could be said to be as much part of writing in English as keeping to plain language is. There is a style to it which made me want to drink gin & tonic and ideally sit in a park. In that respect it reminds me of Wodehouse, but that could give you entirely the wrong impression. Or the right one. One never knows.

My one problem with the book was that it seemed obsessed, at times, with the size of rooms and their relation to one another. It may be that this seemed unnecessary to me because I have never been the type to sit down and actually try to work out the solution (except through brilliant intuitive flashes, of course). I dare say someone who did would find it useful.

All in all, I recommend it. It was thoroughly enjoying and it made me feel smart.
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LibraryThing member ReneH
The only detective novel written by A.A.Milne, and a very good one. Many surprises and a very acceptable plot. I hugely enjoyed it.
LibraryThing member jtck121166
Excellent 'golden age' country house locked-room novel - one would think it a glorious pastiche if it hadn't, in fact, been written in 1922. In his preface, the author seems to regret the eclipse by a certain bear of his crime-writing career. In this, one looks in vain for Milne's distinctive
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voice; perhaps it would have emerged in future mysteries - or perhaps this single effort will do very nicely, thank you very much.
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LibraryThing member JanicsEblen
This was a delightful book to read. Mr. Milne did a wonderful job of introducing you to his characters and time they lived in. Wish he had written another mystery or two.
LibraryThing member ChazziFrazz
A.A. Milne is known for Winnie the Pooh. This was a great surprise.

With a taste of Sherlock Holmes and Peter Whimsey, this mystery took place at a strange Red House. One brother murdered the other, but who murdered who?

As you read along and come upon the clues you may think you have it, but then
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things veer off in another direction. Quite the mind game.
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LibraryThing member jeffome
A very fun murder mystery with lots of unexpected little twists and turns. Ultimately solved by an unexpected passer-by that had the misfortune of showing up just as the ghastly event took place, our sleuth has the blessing of absolutely no prior knowledge of anyone or anything, and is thus freed
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of the preconceived notions of the rest. A remarkable casualness to the entire official investigation allows our hero free reign to ultimately figure it out. Slightly quirky, but a very fun, quick read.
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LibraryThing member Christina_E_Mitchell
A. A. Milne? Of Pooh, Tigger, and Eeyore fame? Yes, it is!

I am very much enjoying these first days of summer. I get to read whatever I choose! I stayed up late last night and woke early this morning to read this little mystery I found in one of my favorite used bookstores in Hillcrest (San Diego,
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CA). It had been calling to me for weeks; but alas, final term papers required my attention. At the earliest moment of freedom, I snatched it out of my stacks of unread books and plunged in like Pooh breaking into his crock of honey. (Ok, that was a bit cheesy but I think you would expect some sort of Pooh-ish simile somewhere in here.)

You will enjoy this book if you answer in the affirmative this one question: Do you adore P. G. Wodehouse? Seriously, that's it. If you love the humor of Wodehouse with his endless teasing of British upper-crust society you'll eat up every second of this little volume. And, don't skip the introduction wherein Mr. Milne gives you his prerequisites for a good mystery, including:

On the great Love question opinions may be divided, but for myself I will have none of it. A reader, all agog to know whether the white substance on the muffins was arsenic or face-powder, cannot be held up while Roland clasps Angela's hand "a moment longer than the customary usages of society dictate." Much might have happened in that moment, properly spent; footprints made or discovered; cigarette-ends picked up and put in envelopes. By all means let Roland have a book to himself in which to clasp anything he likes, but in a detective story he must attend strictly to business. (p. x)

I've no idea who Mr. Milne was quoting - that is, the author who dared have the detective hold a hand (a stare, an ass cheek...) a moment longer than customary. I did a quotation search and citations led back to Mr. Milne's The Red House Mystery. Thus, we've a mystery within a mystery concerning who insulted Mr. Milne's sensitivities so completely as to be called out in print for their misdeed.

The misdeeds of other mystery writers aside, Mr. Milne's little book is a gem. It's perfect for a light, bright, summer afternoon of reading accompanied by a pitcher of martinis.
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LibraryThing member rainpebble
The Red House Mystery by A.A. Milne; (4*)

Such a fun mystery! Considered to be a 'locked room mystery', I enjoyed every aspect of this little book.
Milne's father loved mysteries and that is said to be the reason behind the writing of this one. Sweet, that. But aside........I truly wish that he had
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written more of the genre. However I guess the genre was not dear to HIS heart. So it will have to be back to the children's lit for me to get more of Milne. No great sacrifice there.
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LibraryThing member bcquinnsmom
My copy of this book is so old it's not even listed here; it's published by Methuen, the 14th edition that I found in a little antique/book store near my house and paid a dollar for. The Red House Mystery is not a bad read -- neither is it, as Milne says in his introduction, "very nearly the ideal
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detective story." It's a country-house, locked-room sort of story, with lots of red herrings, two amateurs playing at Holmes and Watson and an ending that I sort of guessed but not really. It's also one of those books where you have to make yourself get through the first few chapters, but after that you'll encounter pretty smooth sailing the rest of the way.

Antony (Tony) Gillingham, the less important son of a privileged family, came into an inheritance at 21, and decided to see the world -- through its people. Now at age 30, he has decided to go and visit a friend, Bill Beverley, whom he met earlier while working at a tobacconist's shop. Bill, it seems, is a guest at a house party at Mark Ablett's Red House, and Antony decides to go and see him. As it turns out, he arrives just in time for a murder -- that of Robert Ablett, Mark's "wastrel" brother from Australia who had just recently arrived. Everyone else is asked to leave; Bill and Antony stay on at the house until the inquest with Mark's cousin and protégé Matthew Cayley. Having time on his hands, and "wanting a new profession," Antony decides that becoming a "private sleuthhound," and "being Sherlocky" are just the ticket, and tags Bill as his ever-faithful Watson. Anthony's already got the murderer pegged, but how he/she did it is another question altogether. While Bill sees it as a Sherlockian lark, Tony sometimes finds the going tough:

"Of course, it's very hampering being a detective, when you don't know anything about detecting, and when nobody knows that you're doing detection, and you can't have people up to cross-examine them, and you have neither the energy nor the means to make proper inquiries; and, in short, when you're doing the whole thing in a thoroughly amateur, haphazard way."

Now here, refreshingly, is a character who understands his limitations -- and the possibility that he could be wrong about some things actually occurs to him from time to time. Nevertheless, the two do a proper bit of sleuthing here, even if at times it seems as though they're playing at silly buggers.

The amateur approach to crime solving here is interesting and I'm sure the author meant well, given his "passion for detective stories," but when it comes right down to it, there are several PPIs (problematic plot issues) that are really noticeable, especially for avid crime-reading junkies. Still, it's a fun little mystery novel, and I have a secret fondness for stately English-manor mysteries, so I found it quite enjoyable -- more so for the two main characters and how they go about pretending to partake in a Sherlockian adventure than for the plot itself. I also loved the introduction to this book, where Milne (yes, the Winnie-the-Pooh guy) talks about his love of detective stories and his ideas about the elements of the perfect detective story. I have to agree with him on most points.

Some readers may find the language a little stilted -- one reader noted it as being "tedious," but fans of crime writing during this era are used to it so it's not really that big of a deal. And there's nothing at all tedious about it. If you're looking beyond Agatha Christie for a 1920s-period novel, you might enjoy this one.
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LibraryThing member lucybrown
The Red House Mystery is a golden age of mystery treat with two charming amateur dectives at the helm. Readers of John Dickson Carr and Dorothy L. Sayers will find it amusing, though not as masterful as Sayers.
LibraryThing member Mikalina
A spot of light summer reading. Crime is not my genre - that said - this book has nothing to do with delving in to the psychology of the criminal mind and the pathology of human vices. It is the intellectual game of a mathematical inclined brain, where the murder is just an excuse. So this is a
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book for the fan of Cluedo, English country houses, secret passages, the sporting gentleman and for the reader that likes crossword- cum - sudoko puzzle like problems. If you like dry English humor, an easy flowing pen and you enjoy a master´s sometimes subtle, sometimes silly play with words..... then this is a book for you. It is not Doyle or Christie and it is not Wilde, but a bit of all - standing on its own (Edwardian) feet all the same.

I enjoyed not least the introduction, where he states his likes and dislikes in mystery novels, the book itself beiing written programmatically to the last syllable of his own introduction. As it should be with a man that said again and again; The writer cannot write well unless he writes to his own amusement....
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LibraryThing member Stewartry
Long long ago, not so very far away, I read this, completely delighted by the fact that the creator of Winnie-the-Pooh wrote a murder mystery. I loved it then, and so was happy when The Red House Mystery was chosen as a book of the month for the Goodreads English Mysteries Club.

Unfortunately, I
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didn't love the reread so much.

The writing was fun, with occasional Pooh-ish moments –

"Perhaps it was true that inspectors liked dragging ponds, but the question was, Did Cayleys like having them dragged?"

- But there were a great many moments that stopped me cold, thinking Sorry, what was that now? The latitude the amateur detective is given is a figment of the mystery writer's imagination; the ineptitude of the constabulary in their failure to make certain surely routine checks and confirmations was absurd; parts of the mystery itself were more than a little silly.

But still. As a light and undemanding read it was enjoyable. In fact, it rather has to be read as undemanding, the sort of thing you just settle in with a cup of tea and enjoy without questioning. If you think about it too much it all falls apart.
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LibraryThing member HarryMacDonald
Raymond Chandler disliked this book, and without going into my feelings one way or another about his work, let me say that I concur. This has about as much substance as one might reasonably expect from the perpetrator of those smarmy kid-classics involving Pooh and the other other suspects.
LibraryThing member Eyejaybee
Well I fell for this one hook line and sinker!

If it hadn't been for the fact that I was on a train and had nothing else to read I wouldn't have been able to summon the strength of spirit to finish this. I still think it proved to be in a waste of shame, though.
LibraryThing member ChrisRiesbeck
IMO more a mystery pastiche than a true mystery. In his preface Milne lays out the criteria for what is for him a perfect mystery, including all the usual bits for "cosy" English mysteries, plus the necessity that the sleuth be an amateur. Unfortunately in this case the sleuth is way too
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self-conscious of his role as Holmes, and spends much time commenting on that circumstance. There are very few other characters in this short novel. The bulk of the usual suspects are dismissed in just a few chapters, leaving just the hero and his Watson. The chief suspect and the inspector are brought in as little as possible. All this leads to a fairly uninteresting but quick read. Recommended only to fans of both Milne and locked room mysteries (which this isn't but might as well be).

While not quite a locked room mystery, this short novel shares many of the qualities of those carefully constructed puzzles.
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LibraryThing member mysterymax
An exacting use of words makes this short, solid mystery by Milne very charming. Written in 1922, it provides the reader with all the facts needed to solve the crime. Antony Gillingham is enjoying a relaxing weekend at a country mansion. One of the guests turns up dead. Antony and his friend, Bill,
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solve the crime in a manner that would make Holmes and Watson proud.
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LibraryThing member antiquary
A classic-style English mystery by the author of Winnie-the-Pooh. This edition includes a delightful introduction in which he sets out his experience with his agent and publisher (first they were against his writing it, then they wanted him to go on writing it instead of moving on to nursery rhymes
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--he could quite possibly have become a rival of Christie and Sayers instead of the creator of Christopher Robin. He also explains his own criteria for a good mystery, which very much match the "golden age" image. According to the tradition, a long-absent brother comes home to an English country home and is promptly murdered.
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LibraryThing member alic
A precursor to the classic age of British mystery writing. But not as good as what it ushered in.
LibraryThing member leslie.98
I really enjoyed this mystery, despite the fact that I figured it out fairly early. The main character, Anthony Gillingham, was particularly well-written and a good believable amateur detective.
LibraryThing member lucybrown
The Red House Mystery is a golden age of mystery treat with two charming amateur dectives at the helm. Readers of John Dickson Carr and Dorothy L. Sayers will find it amusing, though not as masterful as Sayers.
LibraryThing member lucybrown
The Red House Mystery is a golden age of mystery treat with two charming amateur dectives at the helm. Readers of John Dickson Carr and Dorothy L. Sayers will find it amusing, though not as masterful as Sayers.


Original publication date


Physical description

224 p.; 9.45 inches

Local notes

A classic whodunit by the author of Winnie the Pooh. The setting in an English country house full of guests, and the characters include a British major, a young athlete, and an actress.

Other editions

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