DFZ, Book 1: Minimum Wage Magic

by Rachel Aaron

Ebook, 2018



Call number




Aaron/Bach (2018), 286 pages


"The DFZ, the metropolis formerly known as Detroit, is the world's most magical city with a population of nine million and zero public safety laws. That's a lot of mages, cybernetically enhanced chrome heads, and mythical beasties who die, get into debt, and otherwise fail to pay their rent. When they can't pay their bills, their stuff gets sold to the highest bidder to cover the tab. That?s when they call me. My name is Opal Yong-ae, and I'm a Cleaner: a freelance mage with an art history degree who's employed by the DFZ to sort through the mountains of magical junk people leave behind. It's not a pretty job, or a safe one - there's a reason I wear bite-proof gloves - but when you're deep in debt in a lawless city where gods are real, dragons are traffic hazards, and buildings move around on their own, you don't get to be picky about where your money comes from. You just have to make it work, even when the only thing of value in your latest repossessed apartment is the dead body of the mage who used to live there."--… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member Narilka
Formerly known as the city of Detroit, the DFZ is a place where anything goes. It's the most magical city in the world and home to 9 million people. Sometimes when those people can't make rent, or an apartment is otherwise abandoned, the landlords make back their fees by putting the place up for
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auction. Cleaners then bid for the right to go through the apartment and sell whatever they can for profit. Opal Yong-ae is a Cleaner and she's hit an unlucky streak. Her next debt payment is due at the end of the week and if this latest Cleaning job is a bust she may lose her freedom forever. Opal's latest acquisition is an apartment with a dead body in it and people hunting for whatever it was the owner was working on. Her luck doesn't seem to be improving and her deadline is looming.

Minimum Wage Magic is the first in the DFZ series by Rachel Aaron. The story is set in the same world as the Heartstrikers about 20 years later. I have missed being in this world, I'm really glad that Aaron decided to write in it again. While there are a couple mentions from the first series, you can easily read this book without having read Heartstrikers as it includes enough background information for a new reader to not feel lost.

I love the idea of the Cleaners. They make so much sense, cleaning up abandoned apartments the way people bid on and clear out abandoned storage units. Opal is a great character, a young Korean woman trying to make her way in the world while avoiding her overbearing family. What's not to love? She's accompanied by her AI assistant, Sybal, who is definitely her own character. The story is fast paced and the situation escalates quickly. It's a slow reveal as we learn about Opal's exact situation and background to better understand her motivations. While seeming a little irrational at first, she is a great character to root for.

I thoroughly enjoyed my trip back to the DFZ. At the end of the book there's a note from the author that she's already working on book two. I can't wait!
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LibraryThing member krau0098
This is the first book in the DFZ series and it was a fun urban fantasy read. I loved getting to revisit the DFZ a couple decades after The Heartstrikers series. There is some very cool magic in here.

I listened to this on audiobook and really enjoyed it a lot. Zeller does a great job and I would
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recommend listening to on audiobooks if you enjoy them.

Opal and Nicholas are both Cleaners; they buy abandoned living spaces and clean them out taking what they sell as profit before the living space is resold. When Opal finds a dead body and some strange spellwork in one of the units she’s purchased to clean, things get quickly out of hand. Nicholas ends up joining in on the fun for a cut of the profits.

There were some new fun areas of the DFZ to visit. I also really enjoyed both Opal and Nicholas. I loved that a lot of elements from the Heartstrikers series were in the background. For example we get to deal with The Empty Wind some and also hear about dragons and mages.

This was a well done urban fantasy, set in the creative and fun world of the DFZ. The story is pretty complete but there is some opening for more adventures with Opal which I really hope to see.

Overall I am enjoying this even more than the Heartstrikers series so far. I am excited to see what the next book holds and recommend to those who enjoy urban fantasy that’s full of magic and mystery. You can definitely read this as a stand alone, but some of the background things going on make more sense if you have already read The Heartstrikers series.
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LibraryThing member MontzaleeW
Minimum Wage Magic by Rachel Aaron and narrated by Emily Woo Zeller is a fantasy book with magic, gods, and dragons. The world building is fabulous and so original! The characters are well developed and amazing. There is a lot of magic in this book, a sentient town where the town shifts around, and
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powerful Dragon families. There is a magic puzzle that needs solved that could lead to something important and people and mages are trying to kill for it. This book is witty, has suspenseful action scenes, emotional connection between characters, a snappy AI, and an alternative world that is fantastic!
The narrator is magnificent at performing all the various voices needed and all the emotions! Great job! Loved this ...Will have to get more books by this author!
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LibraryThing member CatherineMilos
An edgy, unique supernatural read. I loved this story with its vivid descriptions, sassy character, and stretching the lines of right and wrong. Strongly recommend to readers who like magic, strong characters, and adventure.
LibraryThing member kmartin802
Opal Young-ae is a mage and a Cleaner who buys places at auction to clean them out so that they can be rented again. She always hopes to find enough that she can sell to recover her costs and make a hefty profit in the bargain. But she has had a long run of incredibly bad luck for the last five
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months and is nearly destitute and she has a loan payment coming due in just a couple of days.

Opal works in the DFZ, which used to be Detroit, but now is a magical, lawless city filled with mages, cybernetically enhanced humans, new gods, and dragons. She is assisted in her work by her AI Sibyl. However, problems start when she discovers a body in the latest apartment she Cleans. She also finds mysterious papers filled with details about a spell but nothing that she can quickly turn into the cash she needs.

When an apartment that has been broken into and trashed comes up at auction, Opal bids the last of her money on it because she recognizes the magical signature as the same as in the apartment with the body. She hopes that she'll be able to find a clue to whatever the mage was doing and that it will lead to a quick profitable result.

But someone else also wants what the mage has hidden and is willing to kill for it. Luckily, Opal is saved by Nik Kos who is her major rival in the Cleaning business. He convinces her that they need to team up with a 60/40 split in order to find whatever the mage is hiding.

The two have quite a few adventures as they track down the treasure. Lots of secrets are revealed.

I really liked the worldbuilding in this story. A city that is constantly being rearranged by its god is a great setting for the adventure. I also enjoyed and empathized with Opal's determination to be free and to finally get out of the control of her father.
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LibraryThing member MHThaung
I haven't read other books by this author, but that wasn't a problem at all. This is a fast-paced adventure with an fun mix of magic and cyber technology. The prose was tidy, without distracting typos. I enjoyed the snippets of background about the world as we whizzed through it at quite some
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speed. That said, at times Opal's thoughts seemed to digress for quite a while from the current crisis, which seemed to bog things down. I got a bit impatient with her thoughts of, "Oh, this option is a really really bad idea for all this list of reasons," and then she'd go ahead and do the bad idea thing anyway. It made her feel like a slow learner, especially as she seemed to go through the same process repeatedly.

Overall, a quick and fun read in an unconventional urban fantasy world.
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LibraryThing member jamestomasino
I was surprised when the book opened up in the Detroit Free Zone (DFZ). I knew that setting! Had I read this before? But no, I'd tried out the first of Rachel Aaron's other series with Nice Dragons Finish Last. This felt similar in tone and was a pretty enjoyable little adventure.
LibraryThing member SESchend
Fascinating take on magic and magical worlds with dragons existing alongside cyborgs et al.

Most refreshing urban fantasy city I've enjoyed since Charles de Lint's Newford!

Engaging and well-crafted characters with a heckuva story to follow.

I'll be watching for more books by this author and in
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this series!
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LibraryThing member Letora
This review is also featured on Behind the Pages: Minimum Wage Magic

Being a cleaner may not be the most glamorous job, but Opal loves going through abandoned properties and searching for items to sell. Although lately she’s been down on her luck, scrounging for anything to help her dwindling bank
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account. When her latest property comes with a body included, Opal knows she should just walk away. But something tells her the deceased owner may be hiding something worth a lot of money. After all, not every person uses unique magical markings to protect their house. But as she digs deeper into the truth, another interested party surfaces. One willing to do anything to claim what’s hidden.

The world of Minimum Wage Magic is fascinating. The Detroit Free Zone, otherwise known as DFZ, is a living city. Filled with its own magic, it also has a soul. GPS is a must in DFZ as at any point the city can decide to move the buildings around and grow new ones! Rachel Aaron did a great job capturing the life of the city and its personality through the eyes of the characters. While it isn’t exactly sentient, it certainly has its own opinions.

Minimum Wage Magic leans on the sleuthing side as Opal searches for clues to what she hopes will be her next big score. There’s some action to keep the plot moving, but for the most part, it deals with character interactions and building the world of DFZ. A personal mystery is layered into the main plot as well, slowly revealing who Opal is and to who she owes money. This adds a nice level of tension throughout the story as Opal has a set due date for her next loan payment.

Opal and her AI Sybil are quite the team as they investigate. Programmed to keep her well-being in mind, Sybil is the constant reminder to do the safe thing. However, as readers will soon find out, through the hilarious back and forth dialogue between the two, Opal doesn’t always listen to the safe choice. And Sybil has quite the personality built into her allowing her to voice opinions on Opal’s actions.

The one downside I found to the story was the romantic tension. Opal being fully invested in her goal was oblivious most of the time. And the character who was interested in Opal wasn’t the best at voicing their feelings. While this fit with their personalities, when the story began to draw the romantic interest into focus, it didn’t quite fit in. I do hope to see what develops between the two as the story continues.

I will say though, being a Shadowrun player, the number of Easter eggs in Minimum Wage Mage made my role-playing heart sing. From the political and corporate overload dragons to the verbiage and slang used. I loved being able to view a world I’ve been immersed in as a player come to life in a completely new way.

This is marketed as a spin-off series, but have no fear, you can read Minimum Wage Magic without any of the other books. If you're a fan of urban fantasies and a science fantasy world, give it a try.
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LibraryThing member vishae
I had an inkling I hated the book but I’d forgotten why. Upon re-reading, I remembered. The protagonist is too stupid to live.


Original publication date


Local notes

Opal Yong-ae is a Cleaner: a freelance mage with an art history degree who's employed by the DFZ to sort through the mountains of magical junk people leave behind.

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