Codex Alera, Book 2: Academ's Fury

by Jim Butcher

Paperback, 2009



Call number



Orbit (2009), Paperback, 640 pages


Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. Thriller. HTML:In Furies of Calderon, #1 New York Times bestselling author Jim Butcher introduced readers to a world where the forces of nature take physical form. But now, it is human nature that threatens to throw the realm into chaos�?� For centuries, the people of Alera have harnessed the furies�??elementals of earth, air, fire, water, wood, and metal�??to protect their land from aggressors. But no fury can save them from the dangers they face within. A mysterious attack from across the sea has weakened the First Lord. Should he fall, a bloody civil war is inevitable. The responsibility of fending off assassination attempts and treachery within the First Lord�??s circle of spies falls on Tavi, the one man with no fur… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member Wova4
Behold the inherent difficulty of plotting a fantasy epic: balancing the scale of the work against the movement of plot. Two common outcomes from this tension are: plodding along under the padding of over-world-building; and low-stakes/low-importance conflict. It would appear that the Codex Alera
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depends mightily upon the major characters (Bernard, Amara, Tavi, Kitai, Isana, Fidelias, and Gaius) surviving through several volumes until they can be positioned for the final confrontation. But, in order to hold reader interest, there must be conflict, so we get early volumes in the series like Academ's Fury.

Don't mistake me, I enjoyed reading this book. Butcher's penchant for world-building and a keen ability to write action sequences more than make up for what I feel are serious shortcomings of the mundane aspects of any fantasy epic. The characterizations established in the first volume are strong and the interactions between characters are intriguing. Old antagonists are cast into new, uncertain light. Even the introduction of the Borg...sorry...Vorg provides an interesting enemy, especially given the typical standard fantasy warty things with clubs we all know about.

Butcher even kills some characters this time, but nobody you really need to worry over.

Still, Academ's Fury provides the reader with another heart-stopping confrontation (two, actually) with beyond-impossible odds of success, only to whisk the key players into safety. At least in this volume, Butcher didn't kill people and then have them pop back up afterwards none-the-worse for wear. Much. (I'm looking at you Kitai).
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LibraryThing member Karlstar
A very good follow-up to the first book in the series. The same characters appear in this one - Tavi, Isana, Amara, Bernard. The cast expands a little as we meet some of Tavi's friends and more people around the First Lord. There is plenty of action in this book, set against a reasonable amount of
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politics. There isn't pages and pages of political maneuvering, no endless discussions, just a realm in turmoil as they all try to maneuver to take over from the First Lord. There are new opponents too, the Canim. They are giant wolfmen (not werewolves, thankfully!) that share the same world and want Alera for their own. Good stuff.
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LibraryThing member CursorsFury
Loved it!! Better than the first. I loved the thoughts that ran through Tavi's mind and how so much balanced around his every decision. He coming into his own, and we saw him for more than a boy, but for the formidable man he is growing into. (LOVED chapter 9)
LibraryThing member Caspettee
This is a great book that is faced paced and addictive to read. I found it a little slow at the start but it rapidly picked up pace as the author weaved his tale. The book is set two years after the events in the 1st book and Tavi has been training diligently. The realm is threatened on two fronts,
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the Vord which is a race bent on destroying anything other then themselves, and a King who is mysteriously absent. Tavi is smack in the middle of things doing what he does best - saving the realm!

The characters are more fleshed out in this book and learn more about their personalities and what drives them. We also discover in this book more about the political intrigue that is occurring in the capital of the realm.

This series is fast becoming one of my favorites.
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LibraryThing member lewispike
Part two of the Codex Alera picks up two years later as Tiva, at the academy, is getting close to graduation.

He has to cope with bullies, both academic and student for his "freak" status with no furies. He is, however, doing really well at many of his other skills: his intelligence and good
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training giving him a solid base.

Meanwhile out in Calderon the Marat turn up with news of a newly awakened ancient evil - this being Tiva's fault to some extent for burning the Wax Forest.

The story in both places develops, in Calderon mostly in military terms which works well, although there is a romance there, of course. In the capital there is a mix of frantic action, intrigue and politics which also works rather well, although the range of factions and alliances seems rather daunting - but there is a character who feels just the same to help you make sense of it.

Butcher's re-awakened ancient threat is nasty, with an entity that exerts some sort of mind control that can adapt to control just about anything - leaving legionares being attacked by mothers, kids and the like and struggling against this foe.

We find out more about the Marat, which is always good, and interesting, and there are hints that there will be more about the history of the men and the development of furycrafting, but it's all hints and little clues at the moment.

There are a couple of not all that surprising little twists at the end, but the pace is high and fun and all the elements work, even when you think characters are doing the wrong thing you understand how they got there and sympathise with it mostly.
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LibraryThing member Darla
Academ's Fury takes place two years after Furies of Calderon. Tavi is at the Academy (hence the title), still fury-less (magic-less), training to become a Cursor (secret agent), and working as the First Lord's page. It's finals time, and as his final exam as a Cursor, he's to catch the Black Cat--a
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thief who's been plaguing the capital but is inexplicably able to avoid the watch furies. He has other finals as well, which should be enough pressure, but then the First Lord collapses, and Tavi has to get him aid while keeping it a secret to prevent the realm from falling into civil war.

Meanwhile, back on the steadholt, Tavi's aunt Isana is attacked by an assassin as she's preparing to go to the capital for Wintersend, where she's to make public appearances as the first female steadholder.

And then the Marat arrive, led by Doroga, a small band who've survived a battle with a foe called the Vord. Cross the Borg with zombies, maybe, and throw in some horror movie spiders, and you'll get an idea of what they're up against. Oh, and it seems that one of the three Vord queens is looking for Tavi.

So now Isana has a bigger mission for her trip to the capital--alert the First Lord to send aid to the Calderon Valley, and warn and protect Tavi, while Bernard and the cursor Amara stay back in Calderon to fight the Vord there.

We're introduced to Tavi's new friends, the powerful but tormented Max and the weak but wily Ehren. And we're introduced to the Canim, huge wolf-like creatures.

The story is exciting and fast-moving. The book, as do the others in the series, alternates between story threads, and Jim has a habit of leaving readers on a cliffhanger at the end of a chapter, which could make one skim through some threads, if they weren't all so exciting.

In addition to the book-long plot of the fight against the Vord, there are also dramatic developments in the ongoing series plot. Tavi's growing both physically and mentally and gaining confidence through his Cursors training, as well as making important friendships and learning to wade through the politics in the capital.

We learn more about the other races on Carna, and through them, more about the Alerans. And some events occur that will have repercussions for years (and books!) to come. It's all just so tightly written that everything has a purpose, even as it's telling a thrilling story.
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LibraryThing member Silver
Somehow not as enjoyable as the first in the series - some of the battle scenes dragged a bit - but still a fun read with great characters. Especially enjoyable is the slow revelation of Tavi's past and his developing relationships with the other cursors-in-training and Kitai.
LibraryThing member ljbryant
This book continues to build on the deep and imaginative world that Butcher began with Furies of Calderon. In addition to a unique and interesting system of magic, Butcher provides us with a wonderful story line, likable (and of course, in some cases, despicable) characters, and an in-depth view of
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the interaction between vastly different groups of people.

In addition, in a world where magic is king, Butcher manages to make the main character, who completely lacks magic, into an intelligent, powerful character who is able to overcome this handicap quite handily.
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LibraryThing member PardaMustang
Academ's Fury, second in the Codex Alera series, takes place two years after the events in Furies of Calderon. This book, like its predecessor, follows the lives of the furyless Tavi and his family, focusing on the growing threat of the alien Vord and the introduction of the wolf-like Canim
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When the First Lord, Tavi's Patron, collapses Tavi and his friends must weave an elaborate deception keeping the First Lord's affliction secret while keeping the Empire running. Meanwhile, Tavi's aunt Isana has come to the capital to seek help for her brother Bernard, now Count Calderon. Finding none forthcoming from the First Lord Isana finds herself in a most unlikely partnership to gain the help she requires.
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LibraryThing member bell7
Two years after Furies of Calderon ended, we find Tavi at the Academy under the patronage of Gaius, the First Lord himself. Bernard is now Count, and his sister Isana is finding herself caught between a rock and a hard place because of Gaius' appointment of her as the first woman Steadholder.
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Meanwhile, trouble is brewing for Alera from without and within.

Another fast-paced read in the Codex Alera series. As the series progresses, I'm enjoying getting to know and care about the characters and having a tough time putting the book down.
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LibraryThing member therhoda
I love this series for the depth and detail of the characters. Tavi's life is never easy and seeing him rise above it is always a treat.
LibraryThing member reading_fox
Better, but still highlighting some of Jim Butcher's most annoying writing tendencies. Fortunetly we are spared the worst of the fantasy cliches that I had been expecting.

At the end of the last book out pigboy orphan hero Tavi had been sent to the Acadamy - school for the gifted in other words. I
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was horribly expecting this to be another of the standard oh how rough life at school can be growing up amoung those more gifted than you but by hard work you will perserve and show yourself better HP clone stories. It isn't. Not in anyway, hardly any of the lessons or exams get mentioned at all, the book picks up the tale in Tavi's final year and we only have a few brief run-ins with other pupils. It is a convenient plot device to get Tavi a few more helpers, which is lucky because the world is suddenly rife with evil do-ers again. The First Lord Gaius' health is suspected of failing and without an heir his sucessor could come from any of the other High lords, and so they are competing to bring him down - a process that will lead to civil war throughout the kingdom.

We know this because we also follow Bernard and Isana in alternating chapters. Each of which including Tavi's ends in particlarly annoying clifhanger fashion. Much as if Jim is actually writing for a TV series and is including suitable pauses for the ad-breaks - a fault that permeates his Harry Dresden books too. This also means that there is almost continual action, the scenes are fast paced with heors leaping fr fat to fryingpan to fire to ... well you get the gist.

Fidaelus appears finally to be a main character in his own right, with several scenes of attention - disconcerting at first as it is revealing the enamies plans to rthe reader that the hero doesnt know. But improving throughout the book as the moral quandries start to accumulate. What is best for the nation - is it really treason when the old lord is not doing all he can? Hopefully this will be much more developed in the later books.

An enjoyable sequel with plenty ofhooks forthe next in the series. Not exactly gripping reading, but high octane.
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LibraryThing member Jvstin
Academ's Fury is the second novel in the Codex Alera sequence by Jim Butcher. Although he is far more well known for the Dresden Files novels, here in the second book of the Codex Alera series, he starts to really show he can do epic fantasy too.

The novel takes place some time after the events of
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the first novel. Tavi, as promised in the conclusion of the first novel, is now a student at the Academy in the capital city, and serves Gaius Sextus, the ruler of Alera, as a page.

The political threats that ring Gaius threaten to draw Tavi in, especially given his relocation to the heart of the Empire. And then there is a mysterious rising of strange creatures in the north that threaten his uncle Bernard and his lover, the cursor Amara, and the Marat as well. And then there are the savage Canim, who through their Embassy are clearly up to something...

As ably as he showed the pastoral Calderon Valley, in this novel, the partial change of venue (although there are plenty of scenes in this novel too) to the city shows good worldbuilding, and a whole host of new characters, intrigues and venues.

The old characters grow and develop, too. Tavi, Kitai, Amara, Bernard and even Gaius are not set in stone, but grow and change. Come for the world building, stay for the characters and their personal stories.

The appetite that was whetted by listening to the first novel has only been fueled by this one. Readers of the first novel will definitely want to read this one. And, probably like me, will want to read the third one in short order.
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LibraryThing member AzhriaLilu
I'm a big fan of Jim Butcher and am happy to admit to it. I first discovered him (like many others) by picking up his Harry Dresden series. When I discovered he'd also written a classic fantasy novel - Furies of Calderon - I was very excited,,since classic fantasy is one of my loves. This, the
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second book in the series, is where the story really gets moving. Book one is more of a scene setter, introducing the characters etc, but Academ's Fury just blew me away. The characters have depth and are completely three dimensional, and the story leaves you with the desire to read on and find out what's happening.

Fantastic work and I can't wait for the fifth book (at this time of writing) First Lord's Fury.
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LibraryThing member woodge
This is the second in a series of six and this entry was every bit as exciting and thrilling as the first (Furies of Calderon). This book takes up two years after the events in the first book (Tavi is seventeen now). Many of the same players from the first book are back and there are many more new
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villains. Butcher keeps the action going strong and the interest level high which makes for a fast and fun read. The Codex Alera is fast becoming one of my favorite fantasy series. This book also delivers some cool plot twists/revelations. Highly recommended.
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LibraryThing member kayceel
I'm completely loving this fantasy series by a beloved author, Jim Butcher. Tavi, basically a shepherd boy from a farm, showed courage, strength and loyalty in fighting to protect his family and his uncle's steadholders, and won a position in the realm's most prestigious academy.

Now, two years
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later, Tavi is in training to become a cursor (a sort of spy for the crown), but when an unknown creature begins threatening his home in the Calderon valley, he's drawn into danger again.

Tavi is a great character - strong and a born leader, but not quite cognizant of that fact yet. Hampered by his inability to call and command the furies of nature that all Alerans are able to, he is forced to rely on his own intellikgence, hone his fighting and athletic skills and listen to his sharp instioncts in order to survive. He's simply wonderful. *sigh* Butcher's secondary characters are richly drawn, from other heroes to the bad guys, and the truly BAD guys are scary indeed. This series in full of battle, death and gore, but completely compelling.

Highly recommended.
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LibraryThing member willowcove
This is a GREAT series with a new 'power' twist.
LibraryThing member eleanor_eader
Two years into the Academy, and Tavi still can’t furycraft. He is, however, being trained in secret as a Cursor, a spy for the realm. An insidious, deadly enemy endangers Alera on two fronts, and Tavi must somehow protect an incapacitated First Lord while his uncle, Count Bernard, and the Cursor
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Amara are facing the emerging horror with only a handful of troops back at the holmstead. Isana, desperate to help her family, is forced to change allegiance to get aid to either of them; the Aquatines and Fidelias have not forgotten their plans for the First Lord, but a rival gaining the upper hand in the midst of the confusion is not in their interest.

Political mayhem and bloody desperate battles form about two thirds of this second book in the series – the other third is made of some magic blending of character growth and interaction, humour and engaging moments from peripheral and main characters alike; Kitai, the Marat girl, has her own reasons for watching over Tavi… their relationship reminds me of C’Nedra and Garion, from Edding’s Belgariad series (if, y’know, Eddings had bothered plotting individual books). Kitai’s father, Doroga, faces down the terrifying vord astride Walker, his implacable gargant, possibly my favourite fantasy fiction animal sidekick. Tavi’s fellow trainee, Max, desperately flirts with the First Lord’s wife, while attempting to convince her and the rest of the realm that he is, in fact, the ruler himself.

These books are relentless, but a lot of fun. I can’t wait to see what sort of madness is in line for Tavi next.
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LibraryThing member terriko
I'm definitely still enjoying this series, but I got this as an audiobook and I'm not entirely sure if that was the right choice: it felt even longer than the first book due to the fact that I couldn't skim, and while I appreciate the reader's ability to distinguish the voices, her interpretation
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of Isana and Amara was so far from my own that I found it distracting. However, I'm still enjoying the story, the new characters introduced in this volume, and I'm very glad to see that in this fantasy world that "evil" isn't always black-and-white (The us-vs-them mentality of many fantasy novels grates on me like bad propaganda at times.)
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LibraryThing member elbakerone
Set a few years following the events of Furies of Calderon, Jim Butcher returns to the Calderon Valley with another grand adventure for his unlikely hero Tavi. In a world where most people have connections to one or more elemental spirits called Furies, Tavi is alone in his inability to furycraft,
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to control the magical elements, but his quick thinking and clever mind are often a more than suitable alternative for his lack of power.

In Academ's Fury Tavi has left his home in the Valley and is training at the Academy to become a Cursor. Though his lack of furycrafting singles him out as a target for bullies and ridicule, Tavi finds himself surrounded by a few supportive friends. Tavi's patronage from the First Lord of Calderon provides him with connections and contacts within the kingdom's politics but also places him at the center of webs of deceit and intrigue involving those who seek to overthrow the heir-less ruler of the realm.

Meanwhile, back in the Valley, Tavi's aunt Isana is the target of an assassination attempt. Her new status as a steadholder is a threat to many who do not want a woman to hold so much power, but the Valley faces an even more dire threat as hordes of a parasitic enemy called the Vord have been unleashed. This strange new foe also seems to have Tavi in its sights as the tracks of their destruction lead directly to him.

Once again Jim Butcher layers on action and suspense in his fantastical and unique environment. The dialog is peppered with humor and Tavi's cleverness and creative thinking constantly provide unexpected plot twists and dramatic escapes from peril. Many readers of the series have mentioned that they prefer this book to its predecessor, but I suppose if I had to choose, I may have liked Furies of Calderon a bit more. Both books have moments of a GRAND REVEAL and where I found the twist in the first to be shockingly perfect; in this book it was an element that I had already predicted after finishing the first novel. But that said, I fully enjoyed this adventure too and saying I slightly preferred the first is nothing against Academ's Fury as it was definitely an excellent entry in a very strong series.
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LibraryThing member edstan76
This is the second time i've read the series. It is definitely an exciting series to read. Here in the 2nd book, it has been 2 years since the 2nd Battle off Calderon and Tavi is living in the capitol as Gaius's page and in training to become a cursor. He's got a group of friends to help him out to
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between Max, Ehern, and Gallele. Also Katai shows up in there at some point.

The main plot that takes place in both Calderon Valley and the capitol revolves around a small event that took place in the first book and set things in motion for this book. The way Jim weaves the story is very masterfully done. Yes you can see some things coming from a mile away but thats done on purpose. The intrigue is not the big mysteries but how the characters discover them and the political intrigue that goes along with it. And once again Fade shows just how much more there is to him then meets the eye. The epilogue at the end between Gaius and Sir Miles shows just how much Gaius really knows what is going on in his realm. At times I think Gaius could give Dumbledore a run for his money.
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LibraryThing member JR.Raluces
The second installment from Jim Butcher in the Codex Alera series, and it didn't disappoint after an excellent introudction in the first book!

Different from the first, it's set two years later, with a more political tone, but the same excitement, danger and intrigue!

Butcher manages to combine a
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developing love story, political intrigue, a new enemy in the Vord, whilst maintaining the deception, battles and tactics seen in the first. The battle scenes are cleveryly written, tense, and gives a real sense of the fight tyhe characters find themselves in. The key battles told by the main protagonsists, from 4 key perspectives, all add to bring the story together, and the 'magic' of the furies and the abilities they bring to the humans often take a back seat, and is shown to be no substitute for a sharp, clever and intelligent mind. The furies ability cannot be relied or dependent upon alone as the battles develop, and goes to highlight that the main character Tavi (who is the only Alera character yet to develop any magic or furies relationship) can hold his own.

Whilst all this is going on, Butcher with his skill and understanding, still gives glimpses into the 'big picture' that he is writing to. Suggestions, comments, characters thoughts all go some way at random times to leading to this bigger picture which leaves you guessing and trying to work out!

The idea that Tavi is the only one in Alera without this magical connection to the Furies, but constantly escapes situations, realises things that his 'instincts' tell him, suggests to me the possibility of potentially a new type of fury not seen or known in Alera before? Then the obvious but unknown link between Isana, Tavi and the First Lord Gaius only leaves me wanting to read more!

So onto the third installment soon..........and I can't wait!
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LibraryThing member stefferoo
There's really nothing wrong with this book, but I don't think I'll continue with the next book. It simply didn't hold me, and I don't think I'm interested enough in the characters or story to keep reading. When it comes to Jim Butcher, I prefer his Dresden Files series.
LibraryThing member readafew
This is the second book in the Codex Alera series and I think it was better than the first.

Tavi has grown up a bit and has spent the last two years at the academy learning everything he can and dealing with bullies that pick on him for not having any Fury crafting. It makes him stand out as a
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freak. Despite that he has still picked up several stalwart friends.

Tavi has also been training as a Cursor, with these same friends. They are thrust into a real life save the realm issue when Giaus falls to exhaustion and a plot to assassinate him and through the country into chaos is discovered.

The friends have a lot on their plate. And Tavi has finals on top of that!
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LibraryThing member greylady
Book Two of The Codex Alera, Academ's Fury takes us to Alera Imperia, where we find Tavi still running around like a mad creature. He has managed to enter Cursor training, and finds himself thrown into situations far beyond what he could have expected to be in as a lowly page.

All the reviews
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compare this work to fantasy greats, but they skip the things that are most important. Jim's books are plotted in advance, told with an obvious love of language, and well worth a second read, and this is no exception.
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Original publication date


Physical description

640 p.; 6.77 inches


1841497452 / 9781841497457

Local notes

In Alera Imperia, the capital of the realm, the young man Tavi secretly trains to become one of the First Lord's spies while also suffering through rigorous academic studies and fulfilling his duties as a page. But his heaviest burden is his inability to control the furies, which makes Tavi especially vulnerable at the worst possible moment.

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