Morganville Vampires, Book 2: The Dead Girls' Dance

by Rachel Caine

Ebook, 2007



Call number



Signet (2007), Kindle Edition, 256 pages


Fantasy. Romance. Young Adult Fiction. HTML: Claire has her share of challenges. Like being a genius in a school that favors beauty over brains; homicidal girls in her dorm, and finding out that her college town is overrun with the living dead. On the up side, she has a new boyfriend with a vampire-hunting dad. But when a local fraternity throws the Dead Girls' Dance, hell is really going to break loose..

User reviews

LibraryThing member nmhale
A fun and quick read, about a precocious girl who goes to college early (at the age of 16!), forced into a community college in a small town that her parents chose, and discovers that a devious secret lurks beneath the facade: vampires. Morganville uses various rules and manipulations, not to
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mention the sometimes necessary brute force of the vampires, to keep their strange town out of the radar, and they try to keep their college in the dark, thereby providing some extra fodder for the vamps when they decide that a certain student is expendable. Claire, our heroine, breaks through the barrier between town and campus when she moves in to the Glass House to escape the torments of dorm life.

In this second novel of the series, Claire has already lived through her first major battle with the powerful vampires of the town (I'm sure there are many more to come), is dating Shane, one of the two hot boys who already lived in the Glass House, knows that the other hottie, Michael, is a strange half ghost / half boy / botched vampire attempt, and is becoming close friends with Eve, the goth girl who also lives there. We pick up right where the first novel left off (what a horrible cliff hanger!) and soon learn that Michael isn't really dead. Yay! Other problems are afoot, however. Shane's dad is in town, a crew of unsavory biker thugs in tow, and he's determined to kill vampires. A lot of them.

If word gets out that Shane is involved with vampire homicide, no matter if it's indirect, then Amelie (head honcho vamp) will remove her protection from the Glass House, which is the only thing keeping the four of them safe from some of the other angry vamps in town. To make matters worse, Shane tries to stop his dad and ends up getting caught and blamed for his crime, and the only ones who want to save him are Claire, Eve, and Michael.

This installment is very similar to the first in the series. Cute guys galore, humor, some surprisingly violent behaviors - there's a reason this is young adult fic, romance, last minute escapes, and, of course, lots of vampires. One thing I like about this series is that the vamps are spooky and supernatural without being overly occult or at all demonic. It's dark, but not too dark. I do think that this book is a little heavier than the first. Two rape attempts in one novel? Eeesh. Hopefully we have a break from those in the next one. Nonetheless, almost as much fun as the first book, I'm definitely sticking with this series for those times when I need a fluff read with a little kick.
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LibraryThing member monsterofbooks
Wow I seem to be giving out Maura's Choice a lot. That's sort of funny, but really I haven't read any books so far that I haven't enjoy thoroughly. But if I have to give a 4 stars to any books in the Morganville Vampire Series, it would have to be Feast of Fools. Anyways for anyone who knows me,
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you'll know that my favorite book series of all time is Morganville Vampire Series. I just love all the action, sarcasm, and Rachel Caine's clever writing. What can I say the whole book series is fast paced and has wonderful description. My best friend, who hates reading and vampires, somehow adores this series as well. Also what I love about the main protagonist is she isn't your damsel in distress and when she's in trouble she figures it out by herself.
The storyline is very appealing and different then most vampire books out there right now, and in this story the human doesn't fall in love with the vampires because most of the vampires in Morganville are evil. Very few are good. My favorite character besides Shane and Claire is Myrinn. He is so darn funny and unpredictable. Also the romance portion of the book between Shane and Claire is nicely developed throughout the series, as well as Eve's and Micheal's romance. The only bad thing about this series is it always leaves you off with a cliffhanger which if you don't have the next book in your hands you'll go crazy trying to figure out whats going to happen next. Also the only book that was slow paced out of all of them was the fourth book, Feast Of Fools but it does pick up by the ending. My favorite ending of all time of a book was in Midnight Alley and my favorite book so far in the series is Dead girls Dance. I highly reccomend this series as it's well done and I gaurentee you'll like it.
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LibraryThing member lewispike
Following straight on from Glass Houses, this is the continuing story of Claire, Eve, Shane and Michael.

There are twists and turns and vamp politics aplenty, some interesting little quirks that I didn't expect and a good story.

Shane's dad goes hunting vampires, Shane gets the blame, Eve, Michael
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and Claire rescue him. Shane and Claire get hot and sweaty (although not quite reaching the point of underage sex).

It's fast and fun, good to read when, like me, you've got a cold and don't want heavy plot.
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LibraryThing member kd9
I sm really not the demographic for this book. But it is an amusing adventure once you get through the first thirty pages of teenage angst. Rachel Caine really knows how to keep the plot coming. She uncovers more of the twisted history of Morganville, the last home of vampires and other eerie
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creatures. and puts her four protagonists in enough danger to fill several books. Just plow through the growing pains of an intelligent, but naive, teenager and enjoy the misunderstandings, fights, and flights of humans trying to co-exist with vampires.
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LibraryThing member CheriePie69
This is the second book in the Morganville Vampire series and it picks up right where book one leaves off. By now, we've learned a bit more about all the inhabitants of the Glass House, where Claire is currently living off-campus while attending Texas Prarie University. Her roommates—Eve the Goth
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girl, sexy hunk Shane, and mysterious Michael—have been having to fight off the vampires that rule Morganville because situations beyond their control have really pissed some of them off. It certainly doesn't help when Shane's vampire-hunting father comes to town either, with a plan to take care of all the vampires of Morganville once and for all.

If I hadn't read the first book so recently I think I may have been lost for the first several pages as this book picks up mid-scene from the events of book one, with very little reminder cues. I really don't like when authors do this, particularly since these books are published several months apart and most people aren't going to read them right after another, but instead would read a number of other books in betweeen. Therefore, with this particular series, you might be better served picking up the first two or three books and then reading them all in one go.

In comparison to the other young adult urban (paranormal) fantasy books I've been reading, specifically the House of Night Novels by P.C. Cast, these seem a bit slower paced and not nearly as exciting. I remember thinking something similar about the first book of Ms. Caine's Weather Warden series, Ill Wind, when I read that. Certainly an interesting enough story, but it didn't have that wow factor for me that makes it a favorite. *shrug*

That said, the story is still interesting enough to keep going, and does pick up the pace more as things progress. Though written in the third person, you really only see into Claire's head most of the time, not any of the other main characters, so the inclusion of a few excerpts from Eve's diary at the end of the book is a welcome addition which lets you learn a bit more about what makes her tick.

I certainly plan to keep up with future books in this series, and already have Midnight Alley, the third in the series, waiting on my bookshelf. I'll just have to remember to read it sooner rather than later for the reasons stated above since I'll be passing this second book along and won't have it to refer back to.
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LibraryThing member ryvre
The Dead Girls' Dance is a quick read with a lot of interesting ideas, but the forced teenager feel distracted me from the plot.

It starts immediately after the end of Glass Houses. It seemed like they were one book that was broken up in the middle of a random scene. Since I read this a year after
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finishing Glass Houses, I couldn't remember most of the characters, and there weren't many reminders. I spent most of the fist chapter trying to figure out what was going on.

I love the setting, and the plot was interesting and pretty fast paced, but the characters seemed fake. They didn't seem like teenagers, they seemd like adults with a few cliche teenage qualities thrown on.

At least this book had an ending instead of a cliffhanger.
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LibraryThing member Joles
I enjoyed Dead Girls' Dance much more than Glass Houses. The writing was better in this book and the story line keeps you wanting more. The characters really flourish in this novel and Claire steps up and starts to act like a girl who has experienced many unusual situations. I look forward to
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reading Midnight Alley.
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LibraryThing member wyvernfriend
Claire Danvers is dealing with more of the issues created by living in a town controlled by vampires and working her way through being in the middle of several of the factions in the town. There's a lot of involved politics in the book and some interesting people.

It's been a while since I read it
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but I do remember that it was interesting enough that I want to read the next in the series but not so interesting that I feel an urge to hunt up the next book in a hurry.
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LibraryThing member pacey1927
I love this series. It is such a breath of fresh air, in a genre that seems to keep repeating itself as far as plots and character development. In Rachel Caine's vampire world, Morganville, the vamps are pretty scary guys and they have convienant ways of 'hiding' people who go missing. And a lot of
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people DO go missing in Morganville. An extra curve is thrown to the story line when we realize that the crazy band of vampire hunters, led by Shane's father, are scary and bad too. They don't care who gets killed in their quest to rid Morganville of its vampires. Shane gets swept along in his father's plans and gets captured and its up to Claire and her ghostly friend Michael and his goth girlfriend Eve, to save Shane. Will Claire stop at nothing to save Shane? Michael seems to be making some unholy deals of his own. I encourage everyone to read this series. It has only gotten better since its amazing debut "Glass Houses". There is no lack of action or suspense. The relationships are cute and realistic and as an adult I can easily overlook that this is meant to be a Young Adult novel. I also must reiterate that this book stands out from the Twilight series and in a positive way. There is more action, more plot, and the characters are strong people.
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LibraryThing member Jacey25
The Dead Girls Dance was yet another fantastic installment in the Morganville series that absolutely gripped me and pulled me through the book. I may have been slightly more fond of the first book but only slightly (and first books are always usually best anyways). Claire is still very very good at
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raising more trouble than her group can handle but so are her friends. This book picks up right where the cliffhanger of book 1 left off and the tension and problems continue all the way through. There is a surprise (I could see it coming though) in store for one of group of four as well. I really love this series and .... um I think it's better than the Twilight series IMO- it's way more to my taste (more drama/tension/action less love & longing).
Highly Reccomended
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LibraryThing member thewalkinggirl
Fun and fast, but not quite as satisfying as the first book. Plus side, more Amelie. Minus, Shane doesn't get to do much besides act like an idiot.
LibraryThing member deargreenplace
This is Book Two in the Morganville Vampires series. Morganville, Texas is owned by vampires, and has been for centuries. In Book One - Glass Houses - Claire Danvers moved to Morganville aged 16 to go to college, and found herself sharing a house with Eve, Shane and Michael. None of the group are
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vampires, but that doesn't mean that they've managed to avoid being affected in some way by life in Morganville.

The start of Book Two sees some convenient pairing-off in the Glass House. Too neat for me - was romance really so easy when you were 16? Anyway, we join the group where we left off at the end of Book One, in the aftermath of an attack on the Glass House and the appearance of Shane's father and his biker gang of vamp killers. Again the pop culture references were strong for me - this time, from Blade, in the character of Shane's father and his gang's determination to kill, kill, kill the vamps even if they aren't bad exactly. There is no grey area for them where bloodsuckers are concerned.Was also reminded of the film From Dusk Till Dawn by the descriptions of the gang. I was a bit disappointed by the bikers=bad approach.

Oh yes, the plot. Book Two reveals more about Amelie's history as the head vamp of Morganville, and some news about Michael that may make things problematic for the residents of the Glass House. The Dead Girls' Dance is a frat party that Claire and Eve have been invited to by Ian, who seems to have taken a sympathetic interest in Claire at school when everyone else has ostracised her and sided with her nemesis, Monica Morrell.

It's a quick read with plenty of hooks, but I just didn't enjoy this one as much as the first in the series. A little predictable, with stereotyped characters familiar to fans of vampire films. But I'll still read the third one because I'm a completist and will want to know how things work out.
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LibraryThing member krau0098
This is the second book in the Morganville Vampires series. For some reason I just cannot get into this series. The story is okay, but the characters aren't all that engaging. I didn't finish this book thinking "Oh, I just can't wait for what happens next!".

This book starts out exactly where the
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last book left off, which is good considering the last book left off with a knife plunging toward Michael's heart. In this book Shane's father, a crazy vampire hunter, shows up and starts creating trouble for the residents of Glass House. It's up to Claire to try and figure out how to fix everything, especially when Shane gets imprisoned for a murder he didn't commit.

I will start out with the good stuff in this book. The Founder of Morganville, Amelie, is a great character; in fact I think she is the only interesting character in this book. She is intriguing and must have a very interesting past indeed. I also liked the addition of Sam the newest vampire in Morganville; although he wasn't in the story much. Okay, well that was the good stuff. I think the other characters are very stereotypical. The story is okay, but not all that engaging. The writing style is fine but nothing special.

I thought the title and synopsis of the book were both a bit misleading. The Dead Girl's Dance doesn't happen until almost the end of the book and the main characters have nothing to do with the preparation of it. The Dance just happens to be a place where some bad stuff happens. I also thought it was a bit strange that Claire rarely goes to class; I mean I understand that she is in danger, but Claire's actual classwork is really pushed into the background and dealt with as an's kind of weird since the whole reason she stayed in Morganville initially was to go to school. I also thought that Claire's parents were dealt with in a clumsy way; it was like Caine didn't really know what to do with them so she made them magically forget and left it at that.

Overall, this book was okay. I just didn't really get into it all that much. Everything about it remains average. The nice thing was that this book wrapped up the plot somewhat instead of leaving it wide open like the last book. I won't be reading anymore of this series. I just am not enjoying it; there is not enough creativity and the characters are not engaging enough.
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LibraryThing member kassyavon
Rachel Caine novel The Dead Girls’ Dance is the sequel to Glass Houses. Claire Danvers life has turned upside down ever since she has moved to Morganville. The popular girls (Monica and her friends) wont stop trying to kill Claire, Shane’s dad and his biker buddies came to town looking to stake
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vampires (which might get them burned to death) and being invited to the annual Dead Girls’ Dance might not make be so fun after all. My Personal Option about this book is that this is a vary cool book. The author is such a good writer and I so can’t wait to get the next book to this series.

Plot: 4/5
Characters: 5/5
Ending: 5/5
Cover Art: 4/5
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LibraryThing member annekiwi
Hmmmm...... What to say about this book?......... Well, it was well written, meaning that it flowed. I found it a bit of a let down from the first book, Glass Houses. I don't know if the first book was a novelty and this one was just a continuation, or what, but I wasn't nearly as enamored of this
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book as I had been by the first. I can't really put my finger on what was "wrong" with the book, nothing really I think. Maybe I just had too high of expectations. The story continues right where it ended in the first book. Shane defies his father but ends up hanging in a cage in downtown Vampire-ville for a murder he didnt' commit. I think what bugs me is that suddenly Shane abandons his pain about his mom and sister and just wants to "get along" with the vampires so that he and the rest of the "family" can all hang out together in Michael's house. It seemed disingenuous, just a lame plot element and not something that would really happen. Yep, that's what was bugging me! Otherwise the book was fine for what it was intended to be ... a teen-age vampire romance like Twilight. Still, I think I'll give it 3 stars because I did stay up late to finish it and I do intend to read the next book in the series to find out what happens to Claire.
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LibraryThing member OodsAteMyDingo
The second in the Morganville Vampire series. It picks up where the first book left off, excellent, know...we last saw Michael was getting a knife through the heart.
This time Claire and her Glass House roommates have to deal with Shane's (one of the roomies) dad who happens to be a
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vampire hunter.
Ends with another cliffhanger, leaves you wanting more!
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LibraryThing member PattyLouise
Ok…of course this very sly sneaky author made it totally impossible for me to move on to any other book in this enticing mysterious and down right teaser way in which she ended Glass Houses. I didn’t really think that I was that into this series…but…I am. I will be spending the next two
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weeks in Morganville. ( SIGH ) These books are written in such a way that you literally gulp down every page. They are exciting and there is enough danger in them to give you goosebumps. Claire is just a poor but academically advanced 16 year old who is stuck at the university in Morganville. In the first book she has major bullying issues with another popular girl named Monica. Really puts the mean in mean girl Monica. Claire, in desperation, moves out of the dorm and into a house called the Glass House…where her roomies cannot believe that she is sort of innocent about the fact that there are many many vampires in Morganville. She also learns that the owner of the house ( Michael ) is a ghost part of the time and can never leave the house and all this is due to a very VIP vamp named Oliver and Michael has a best friend Shane with major issues and another roomie named Eve…sort of a Goth freak with her own set of issues. On to Book 2….and Claire is smack dab in the midst of her boyfriend and his abusive father and the fact that bad bad stuff is happening and Claire is the only one who can save everyone…in a nutshell.
There are good cops and bad cops…of course the bad cops are vampires. There are scary scary houses and tunnels and OMG…a fraternity party that is one of the scariest scenes in the entire book. The series so far…is total scary fun and very well written. I am anxious to see what adventures Claire, Shane, Michael , Eve and even Oliver have in Book 3…and at the rate I am reading these that would be this time tomorrow…
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LibraryThing member TiffanyAK
More adventures in the creepy town of Morganville. Just as good as the first one, it makes you eager to read more of the series. As Claire and company get drawn deeper into the danger of living in Morganville, they're up for another dangerous adventure. But when Claire manages to anger the most
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powerful vampires in town, can any of them survive? Definitely a great source of entertainment, and a very fun read.
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LibraryThing member irunsjh
I enjoyed this book. I like the direction Rachel Caine has taken Claire and the residents of Glass House. I think she could have done a better job or wrapping up story lines, Eve's brother mainly. Of course she could be leaving these trails for future books in the series, which I am looking forward
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to reading. Overall a nice fluffy read, when I did not want anything to taxing. A recommendation from me.
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LibraryThing member jennclack
I loved the progression of Claire's story in this book. The characters got closer and more of Morganville's story comes out.
LibraryThing member bookluvrmindy
WOW! I could not put this book down! Really good.
LibraryThing member Tynga
Glass house, Morganville Vampires book 1, ended up on 1 major cliff-hanger with the death of Micheal, Claire's roommate. So I'll make a tease of myself and I will not talk about him in my reviews to not spoil the surprise =P

Claire, Eve and Shane are in deep trouble with Shane's dad being in town.
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The man plain crazy and he is on a mission - kill every single vampire in the town. Easy enough right?

The vampires knows what the guy is up to and they are determined to not let it happen and what vampire wants, vampire gets.The story takes one major turn when Brandon, one of the worst ass-hole in the vamp community, gets killed and Shane is accused of murder.

It was a great read, I liked it even more then the first book in the series. I really like the characters, and they all have their own issues to cope with. Claire being a 16 years old in a grown-up world with grown-up problems, Eve with her murderer brother being out of jail and Shane with his shady past and his insane father.

The plot followed some very interesting turns and twist I didn't expect, and Sam - a not so bad vampire- was a great addition to party! I'm really dying to give you updates on Michael but I won' t lol

If you haven't started this series yet, you really have to. It is a very refreshing series in which vampires aren't handsome guys to please your fantasies - They are the bad guy, just like it used to be!
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LibraryThing member DebbieMcCauley
This is the second book in the Morganville Vampires series. It follows on from the cliff-hanger in the first book when Claire Danvers discovers that her college town is full of vampires. Her flatmate Michael is dead, killed by the biker gang who stormed into the Glass House in the final chapter of
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Morganville Vampires. Their leader is unfortunately flatmate Shane’s father and has come back to town seeking revenge on the vampires for killing his daughter and wife. He mistakenly took Michael for a vampire instead of the ghost he really is. Flatmates Shane, Claire and Eve are distraught and frantically try to find solutions to their problems. Amelie, the leader of all vampires, seems to offer conditional support but the situation is volatile. Lots of action but the date-rape drug and attempted rape of Claire is handled in what seems a frivolous manner. Not too bad overall.
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LibraryThing member Jenson_AKA_DL
Ever since Claire moved to Morganville things have been out of the ordinary...and downright freaky. Now her boyfriend, Shane's, father is back in town which is really not a good thing considering the man is not only a lunatic but he is also responsible for murdering Claire's friend Michael Glass.
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What's worse is just knowing that Shane's father on the loose and determined to kill as many vampires as he can, means a death sentence for Claire, Eve and Shane if the vampires find out.

I really enjoyed all the twists and turns during this story. The parts with Shane and Claire were sexy without going overboard and you can tell that he has a great deal of respect for the young genius that goes beyond her body, which is nice. Eve's diary entries at the end of both Glass Houses and The Dead Girl's Dance really add another dimension to the stories. Also, I was much happier at the end of this sequel than with the non-ending of Glass Houses. It's nice not to be left hanging.
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LibraryThing member katie1802
Scratch what I said before, these are now definitely better than Twilight. The protagonist is a very likable girl and she can balance her boyfriend and her own life at the same time, who knew it could be done?


Original publication date


Local notes

Claire has her share of challenges. Like being a genius in a school that favors beauty over brains; homicidal girls in her dorm, and finding out that her college town is overrun with the living dead. On the up side, she has a new boyfriend with a vampire-hunting dad. But when a local fraternity throws the Dead Girls' Dance, hell is really going to break loose.
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