Amulet, Vol 1: The Stonekeeper

by Kazu Kibuishi

Paperback, 2008



Call number



GRAPHIX (2008), Paperback, 192 pages


"After the tragic death of their father, Emily and Navin move with their mother to the home of her deceased great-grandfather, but the strange house proves to be dangerous. Before long, a sinister creature lures the kids' mom through a door in the basement. Em and Navin, desperate not to lose her, follow her into an underground world inhabited by demons, robots, and talking animals. Eventually, they enlist the help of a small mechanical rabbit named Miskit. Together with Miskit, they face the most terrifying monster of all, and Em finally has the chance to save someone she loves"--Publisher's web site.

Media reviews

For all its flaws, this is a well-written book. It’s quick-paced and keeps your interest from the first page until the last. You don’t have to worry about young readers getting bored in the middle and not finishing the book.

User reviews

LibraryThing member smorton11
I can totally understand why this series is beloved by hundreds of thousands of children and adults, unfortunately, I am not one of them. The story is intriguing and most of the characters are relateable and adorable, but unfortunately I struggled to connect with any of them.

There are many very
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obvious reasons for this, I am not a mother, nor am I an 8 year old boy, a 10 year old girl, or an adorable pink rabbit. I'm sure my sister would say that I was a lot like Em, bossy and determined to be a grown-up and in charge, when I was 10 years old, and so I'm sure, if Kazu Kibuishi had written the Amulet series when I was 10, or even 15, I would have been one of those children lining up to pre-order the next installment, but alas, the graphic novel was not the new form of children's media establishing itself on the literary scene when I was a tween.

So please. if you are a 10 year old girl, or the parent of a 10 year old girl, please run out and buy her all the volumes of Amulet and encourage her to love and read them, but if you are, like me, a teacher of 10 year girls, it is worth reading the first one so you know what your students are talking about, but it might not be your new favorite graphic novel (especially if you've just read Giant Days, Saga, etc!)
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LibraryThing member writecathy
Hooked by prologue, got goosebumps reading first few pages to the blank white page before chapter 1. Story of a girl losing her father, then her mother (she's out to rescue her), and having to hold the family together.

As an aside, caught the author at ALA conference and already read Daisy Kutter.
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He spoke of book 2, influences of Star Wars and pop culture, so that inticed me to pick it up.

Continue to see strong female characters (praise God!) and can see Emily's determination sketched out subtly and not so subtly in each frame. May be good reading matter for reader adjusting to many changes in their lives but having to wait for book 2 is torture...
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LibraryThing member eay2206
This book is about two kids who have all this magic, machines, and fun around them that go on missions. This book is a series. The artwork is very Japan looking.
Ages 8 and up

LibraryThing member zenobia158
Opening with a beautiful, heartfelt loss and ending with a gorgeous two-page spread, this book was fun to read from start to finish. Highly recommended for anyone who likes imaginative stories.
LibraryThing member gothydevil
Amulet is about a girl named Emily who lost her father in a car accident. Emily, her brother Navin, and their mother had just moved to a new house in the woods. One creepy night Emily hears a
KABOOM! She wakes up Navin and her mother and tells them that she hears something. Emily's mother goes to
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take a look.....and there it is a huge drooling creepy creature. Emilys mother says get but instead of getting out it eats Emily and Navin's mother!!! Can Emily and Navin save the world and their mother with the help of Emily's amulet........? Read the book yourself to find out !!!!!
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LibraryThing member librariankristin
While this graphic novel reads front to back, the manga influence is evident. In this first installment of a planned series, brother and sister, Emily and Nevin, find their way into another world and embark on a quest to save their mother's life.
LibraryThing member kevinyezbick
Amulet opens with a riveting car crash scene that takes the life of Emily and Navin's father. Emily and her mother must watch as the car teeters near the edge of a cliff, her father's feet stuck under the dashboard. Her mother tries in vain to wrench him free, but can only watch as the vehicle's
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wheels rise off the ground, then fall to the earth stories below.

Some years later, the mother needs a fresh start, picks the family up and moves them out to the country into an old family home that could be described as a Victorian fixer-upper. Soon thereafter, Emily and Navin happen upon an amulet, upon which Emily takes an immediate hankering. Yes, hankering. Unfortunately, she's not the only being that desires the long lost amulet. It isn't long before mother is swept away by a tentacled creature, and Emily and Navin must begin a journey to rescue her.

I enjoyed Amulet, which ends on a cliffhanger - leaving you wanting for the second book. That alone makes me question whether it can stand on its own. The animation (graphic novel) is nice, but nothing earth shattering. The story is nothing new - formulaic - I suppose is the word.
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LibraryThing member knielsen83
This book was really visually beautiful and had an adventurous feel to it. It's the start of a series and I can't wait to see how it progresses.
LibraryThing member epbee
Bought this as the Book Fair Warehouse sale for my elementary school, read it tonight and while I liked it, I think I'll pass it on to the middle school, seems more like a 6th and up story to me. It was really well done, quality illustrations and a plot that progressed quickly but effectively, and
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characters with depth, even in this short format. Reminded me of a Spiderwick for the 12 and up crowd.
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LibraryThing member 59Square
Merideth says: Kibuishi, who I know primarily as the creator of the Flight anthologies, turns in a well-paced, tightly plotted adventure story here. However, for me, the draw was the jaw-droppingly beautiful artwork. The fantasy/steam-punk/alternate world setting lets Kibuishi create both fantastic
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monsters and mechanical marvels, all rendered in beautiful soft tones. One quibble is there is not much character development here, but as this is only the first volume in the series, I'm sure the characters will be more fleshed out.
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LibraryThing member TiffanyHickox
This is one of the better Graphic Novels for teens that I have read. The pictures are wonderful and the dialog is easy to follow. Reminds me of the breathtaking work of Studio Ghibli, which has won academy awards for their animation. Appropriate for any age level. after the book I was more than
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ready to read the next installment.
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LibraryThing member tapestry100
After Emily and Navin's father dies in a car accident, their mother moves them to their great-grandfather's house. Their great-grandfather was an inventor who disappeared under mysterious circumstances. While the family is cleaning their new home, Emily discovers a hidden amulet and decides to put
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it on and keep it. Later that night, a creature kidnaps their mother, and the kids discover that the house is a portal to another world; another world where they discover their great-grandfather has been living for years. Their great-grandfather, who is near death, is attended to by his mechanical creations who are given to Emily on his death, along with the amulet, which appears to have magical powers and a personality all it's own.

A fun little story, Amulet, Book 1 is full of adventure (can the kids rescue their mom?), mystery (are the good guys really good and the bad guys really bad?) and intrigue (why does the amulet seem to have an agenda all its own?). This was an extraordinarily quick read, but clever all the same. The characters are drawn rather simplistically, but the backgrounds are rendered beautifully. I'd like to see where this story goes.
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LibraryThing member danifuz
In this book there is a girl called Emily and she finds a amulet in her great grandfathers house which is hunted. But Em doesn't realized that by that she is the stonkeeper.
LibraryThing member evandn
a girl that lost her father so she went to her grandfathers house and found a mistirious amulet. After she found the amulet her mom got cought by a monster that was tamed by a evel man how wanted the amulet
LibraryThing member BernadeneC
This story begins with a tragic accident. The children are sent to live with a relative. As the children scout out their new surroundings alielns and monsters appear. The graphics go very well with the story line. This book is great for teaching reading graphics with the story. In the library is a
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book that guides them to the Amulet. You will have to read this first book of the series to find out how the Amulet helps.
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LibraryThing member mdyewhea
The novel begins with a major tragedy. The remaining family moves to a very spooky house that belonged to the childrens' great-grandfather. Then things get spookier...
LibraryThing member gogreen.7G
The book "Amulet, the Stonekeeper" is an awesome book! It talks about a family moving to another house because of a sad incident regarding their father and then finding an amulet which leads them to many adventurous and interesting adventures.
I think that this book has a lot of interesting points
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to it. It's REALLY sad when Emily's father dies. I almost cried. I also liked all of the action in this book. The fact that they put all of this drama and action into a graphic novel makes it all the better because I'm a huge fan of graphic novels. They're awesome!
Kazu Kibuishi is an American graphic novel author and illustrator. He is best known for being the creator and editor of the graphic novel "Flight" and for creating the webcomic "Copper". His work on the "Amulet" series has been phenominal! From the writing to the illustration! Just beautiful!
After reading this book, I'd say I don't really have any critiques to say! I really enjoyed reading every page of this book!
Ever since I finished reading this book, I have been having this huge urge to read the other parts of the series. When I get my chance to read them (which I hope is soon) then I'm sure it will be just as awesome as the first one!
I recommend this book 4 stars out of 5. I left it as 4 just because I'm waiting for the other series so I want to see how it continues. Otherwise, this book is 5 star worthy. Overall, I recommend this book to people of all ages. It's an awesome book!!! :D
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LibraryThing member ChelseaRose
This book begins tragically, when a family gets into a car accident and the father dies, leaving his daughter and wife behind. The story then fast forwards to the mom, daughter, and a son driving in a car to their new house. Once they get to the house, it is clear that there is a lot of cleaning to
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do and while snooping around the girl, Emily, finds a necklace (the Amulet) and puts it on. In the night their mother goes into the basement to investigate a strange sound, and is eaten by a giant creature. Emily and her brother, Navin, then enter an alternate world to save their mother. They find out that their grandfather has left the amulet and that Emily is the last chance of the alternate world for good to conquer evil. Their grandfather dies shortly after their arrival, but with the help of his assistants and friends they are able to get their mom back. She is unconscious and they have to get a special fruit in a dangerous place. They gain more help from a group of rebels and make several narrow escapes. The Elf King wants them dead, and at the end of the book the mom is still unconscious and we are left to breathlessly await the sequel. This is a fast read that is very engaging and the art work is stunning! Great for hesitant readers and potentially readers who struggle with English because the pictures are so vivid.
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LibraryThing member johnlobe
The first book in the Amulet series will engage readers with its accelerated plot and Kibuishi's gorgeous illustrations. The story does give one the sense that a lot of groundwork is being laid for the rest of the series. Many characters are introduced and a lot of back story is revealed but the
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effect is to peak our curiosity rather than overwhelm us. Some of the content of the book will be to intense for younger children.
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LibraryThing member abbylibrarian
After her family moves to an old house that belonged to her great-grandfather, Emily and her younger brother Navin discover the amulet and are whisked into a parallel world called Alledia where they must figure out how to save their mother from the ferocious creature that's captured her.

I was
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hooked on this book from the 5th page and I couldn't put it down. The art is beautiful and the storyline is action-packed. I'll definitely be picking up the rest of the books and recommending it to fantasy-adventure fans at my library.
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LibraryThing member samantha0109
There is a girl who is riding on the car with her family then a truck knocks them over. Everyone lived except her dad. A few days later her mom gets poisoned and the only way to save her is to go through a rough life!
LibraryThing member AnneBaron
After the death of her Father, Emily, her brother Navin and their Mother move into her Great Grandfather's abandoned house in the country. When cleaning and exploring the old house, Emily finds an amulet that later turns out to not only be magic but that it contains a stone that can grant someone
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the power to rule the land of Alledia; which is an alternate vision of our own earth. This story takes Emily with the help of her brother and an assistant stuffed rabbit ,through the land of Alledia to rescue their Mother while coming up against enemies that want the powers of the Amulet that Emily wears.

This was a very entertaining and captivating graphic novel. The story is well written and the illustrations are well done. As it is part of a series, I plan on reading the rest of the books in this series to see what happens next!
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LibraryThing member krau0098
I picked this up at the library as I was perusing through graphic novels appropriate for kids. This one looked neat, had great artwork, and didn't seem too complicated for a young child. We ended up not reading it together because it got a bit too scary for my son, but I read it on my own and
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really enjoyed it!

Emily and Navin are moving into their mother's old childhood house; after the death of their father in a car accident their mother can't afford their old house and they are being forced to move. In this house Emily finds a mysterious Amulet. There are also dark things in this house and Emily, Navin, and their mom accidentally find themselves thrust into a paralell world. When their mother is captured by a monster it is up to Emily and Navin to save her; the Amulet proves itself to be a great tool...but it also seems to have motives of its own.

I tried reading this graphic novel with my four year old son and he was enchanted by the drawings and the story; unfortunately with parents getting hurt/killed and monsters creeping through dark house it just got too scary for him. He is very into some of the Leap Frog Tag books that are graphic novels and so I thought this would be a neat book for him; but I would recommend this to kids in the 7 or older age range. It's just a bit too scary for younger kids and some of the concepts underlying the story flew right over my son's head.

The art in this graphic novel is well done; the characters are a bit sketchier than I am used to seeing but the color is done really well and the environments are beautiful. The story is definitely of the dark fantasy variety. You have creepy houses, mysterious monsters, and kids fighting to survive.

I enjoyed the fantasy and adventure elements; kids journeying to another world and questing to save their mother. I also enjoyed the added complexity of the Amulet and how it seemed to have a personality of its own. Emily and Nevin are great characters; they each have their own strengths and bring good things to the story. Emily has a lot of adolescent issues she is working through; she feels displaced and abandoned because of the move and her father dying. The story gets increasingly complex and has enough subtle undertones to keep me interested as an adult. The pace was wonderful, there were no slow parts here.

This book ties up the main story but starts up another story that will continue on in the next book. I thought the drawing of the characters could have been a bit better but was very impressed by the backgrounds. There are some creative ideas here and some we have seen before.

Overall I really enjoyed this graphic novel. I will definitely be reading the next one. I think this would be appropriate for ages 7 and up; it is a bit too scary for younger kids. Reading this book has made me take a look at other of Kibuishi's works; I would like to read his Flight series at some point too. Fans of adventure and fantasy will find a lot here to love. This book had a dark fairy tale quality to it that keeps the reader engaged and wondering.
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LibraryThing member christieb
Great book for hooking reluctant readers. Could also be used to jump start students in writing their own story in a similar manner.
LibraryThing member guamgirl99
this is a good book!! amulet is about a girl named emily who lost her father. one creepy night at her new house with her brother, navin, and her mom....something happens. she loses her mom from a creepy creature. can emily and navin save the day...with the help over her amulet necklace?? FIND OUT
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Eisner Award (Nominee — 2009)
Bluestem Award (2nd Place — 2015)
Oregon Reader's Choice Award (Nominee — 2011)
Kids' Book Choice Awards (Finalist — 2009)
Best Fiction for Young Adults (Selection — 2009)
Children's Favorites Awards (Selection — 2009)
Idaho Battle of the Books (Elementary — 2023)


Original publication date


Physical description

192 p.; 8.9 inches


0439846811 / 9780439846813

Local notes

After a family tragedy, Emily, Navin, and their mother move to an old ancestral home to start a new life. On the family's very first night in the mysterious house, a strange noise lures them into the basement, where Em and Navin's mom is kidnapped by a humongous, tentacled creature and dragged down behind the basement door. The kids give chase down a twisty spiral stairway and find themselves in a strange and magical world below. Most surprising of all, it seems that their great-grandfather, who was an inventor and puzzle maker, was there before them – and he's left some unfinished business.
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