Please Ignore Vera Dietz

by A. S. King

Hardcover, 2010



Call number



Knopf Books for Young Readers (2010), ebook edition, 336 pages


When her best friend, whom she secretly loves, betrays her and then dies under mysterious circumstances, high school senior Vera Dietz struggles with secrets that could help clear his name.

User reviews

LibraryThing member PattyLouise
Please Ignore Vera Dietz
A.S. King

Vera Dietz is not an average teenager. She is being raised by her father. Her mother ran away and left both of them. And her best friend Charlie has just died. Not a spoiler…this is stated in the book from the beginning. In fact the story begins with Charlie’s
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funeral. Vera’s father…to say the least about him…is sort of a relaxed hippie cheapskate. He is very frugal with money and insists that Vera get jobs as soon as she can. She has a variety of jobs but ends up being a pizza delivery person and working almost nightly. She likes being invisible at school. She loves her best friend Charlie. And she holds in herself the truth about the way Charlie died. She has been friends with Charlie since she and Charlie were four years old. She has lived next door to Charlie all of her life. And she holds secret all of Charlie’s secrets… of which there are quite a few.

The book has several narrators. Charlie ( the dead kid ) narrates, Vera narrates, Vera’s dad narrates and even the pagoda that overlooks the town has a word or two to say. Everyone’s faults and dysfunctions are clearly explained. While reading this book it was easy to see the mistakes that all of the characters were making. It was easy to understand the motives of the characters. It was easy to feel sympathy for almost everyone from the senior football star who did not know how to read to Jenny who gave herself freely to too many boys. It was achingly sad to see Vera turn away from Charlie as he got deeper and deeper into sex, drugs and rock and roll. It was agonizing yet mesmerizing to watch Vera slowly unravel as she worked through the issues which kept her from telling the truth about Charlie from the very beginning.

I found this book to be compelling. It was charming and funny and sad and quirky. It was haunting. I highly recommend it.
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LibraryThing member zibilee
When Vera Dietz's best friend Charlie dies under mysterious circumstances, she is left bereft, angry and confused. You see, Vera is struggling with her feelings because in the months leading up to Charlie's death, things had changed drastically between them. Charlie had started to hang out with a
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different and more dangerous crowd and began to engage in some pretty risky behavior. He also began to feel negatively about Vera through no fault of her own. Not only is Vera dealing with the death of Charlie, she's trying to stay ahead in school while working a full time job as a pizza delivery technician and attempting to help her father in dealing with his bottled emotions. It's all just too much for her, and when she begins to see Charlie's ghost, who is trying to get her to uncover the secret of his death, Vera goes a little haywire. Now it's up to Vera to set things right and find a way to deal with her overcrowded and tumultuous life. Please Ignore Vera Dietz is a serious yet charming read that tells the story of a young woman who is trying fix all the broken things in her life while still being true to herself.

I was really excited to get the chance to read this book after reading Lenore's wonderful review. Lenore actually sent me her copy, and while I don't read much in the area of YA fiction, there was just something about this book that intrigued me. It was a pretty fast read and while I didn't love everything about it, it was certainly an interesting book that had me flipping the pages to find out just how the story would end.

Vera is not your typical eighteen year old. She works full time, is doing well in school, and though she can be snarky at times, is a pretty well-adjusted person. Though she's dealing with the death of a friend whom she has conflicting emotions about, Vera doesn't end up in a severe funk and her downward spiral is more gradual and subdued. There are some problems with Vera though, and soon she begins to delve into alcohol abuse and starts to date an older man. Though Vera's voice on the page felt very real and organic, there were times I had trouble connecting with her. I think it was because she handled things in a very different way than I would have. I completely understood her anger towards Charlie, but at times, I felt that she was being unnecessarily stubborn when it came to dealing with the questions surrounding his death. In later sections of the book, Vera is moved to finally seek out answers, and when she does, those answers impact almost everyone around her.

I liked the relationship that Vera had with her father, and could fully relate to it. Vera's father was more than a little overprotective, though he really didn't need to be. At times I felt he could be a little demanding, because it was his idea for Vera to hold down a full time job while going to school, which I felt put a lot of pressure on her. Though father and daughter argued at times, there was an unmistakable bond between them that was further cemented as the story moved forward. I think Vera's father was written in a very realistic way, for there are a lot of parents who feel like the only way to keep their children safe is to begin micromanaging their lives. Vera doesn't tell her father everything, and some of the things he discovers about his daughter shock him and make him angry. For the most part, the parent-child relationship rang true here, and though there was some resentment on Vera's part, she seemed like the kind of person who respected her father underneath it all.

Reading about Charlie made me a little upset. As a child and teenager, he grew up in an abusive household and began to make some unwise decisions early on. His friendship with Vera seemed to be the one thing holding him in orbit, and when that was destroyed, he began to drift off into more and more dangerous situations. We've all had a friend like Charlie: Someone who is basically a good person but whose life is out of control and reckless. I think a lot of Charlie's problems came from his home atmosphere but were exacerbated by the people he chose to make friends with. I couldn't shake the sadness of Charlie's unfortunate situation and kept wishing things could turn out differently for him. Though Vera tried to help him, it wasn't a job she could do on her own and no one else seemed to notice just how much he was suffering.

The narrative of this book was very engaging and the story moved quickly, which is one of the things that I really liked. There were some interesting sections that were narrated by the pavilion where the kids hung out, and also some really cute little flow charts written from the perspective of Vera's dad. Charlie also narrated some sections. This was a clever way of making the narrative seem more rounded and eclectic, and after a few shifts of points of view, I was excited about just what I was going to find and who would be speaking on the next page. The book told a somber tale, but there was a lot of offbeat humor in it as well, which I felt lightened things up considerably.

After reading this book I think I've decided to take more of a chance with YA literature. It was very different from the types of books I usually read, but the story and characters were no less resonant and important and it had the added bonus of being a very creatively crafted book. If you are going to steer young adults towards this book, it may be helpful for me to mention that there are some some references to drugs and sexuality, but nothing that is over the top or explicit. I think this book would be perfect for an audience of age sixteen and older. Reading this book was a very interesting experience. It wasn't a flashy book but one that told a very unique story. Recommended.
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LibraryThing member MeganGreen
Reason: Vera Dietz is trying to become everything but her ex-stripper, runaway mother and loveless, lifeless accountant father. Vera is actually a normal seventeen year old, pizza delivery, high school outcast; until her best friend since childhood dies. Charlie Kahn is known as the messy,
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cigarette addict, who lives in his tree house and eats his notes. Upon Charlie's death Vera is faced with guilt. She feels guilty because she hated Charlie before his death and even though she misses him and couldn't help him or fix their friendship, she still hates him. But when Vera starts seeing Charlie's ghost she finds out what led to his death and is faced with uncovering the truth, even if it means going up against his crazy ex-girlfriend Jenny.

Classroom Connection: I don't really know how a teacher could incorporate this book in their classroom since it is not really appropriate but if a teacher chose to, they could focus on the symbolism and metaphors throughout the story. Throughout the novel, A.S. King writes about paper planes and setting them free, Vera and her father setting themselves free of her mother, SIndy, and clearing Charlie's name from the disastrous Zimmerman's pet store accident. The teacher could also get the students to focus on how much Vera's character has changed and matured throughout the novel. They can focus on her relationships with different people and herself, her job, her schoolwork and collegiate future.

Personal: I really enjoyed this book but would not suggest it for students in middle school or high school; this would be more of a book on the side, a "read for pleasure" novel. A.S. King was able to keep me both entertained and curious. I could not put the book down and finished it within two days. It is vulgar at times, awkward, funny, and scary; everything wrapped into one novel.
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LibraryThing member Whisper1
What a wonderful find! This is a very thought provoking book dealing with many subjects including bullying, friendship, betrayal, death, physical abuse, and grappling with honesty and doing the right thing.

Vera Dietz is haunted by the mother who abandoned her, leaving her father to raise her. A
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stripper who ran away when Vera was a young child, Vera fears that she too will become like her mother. Her best friend Charlie fears he will become his father and will physically and emotionally abuse women. Struggling with identity issues, their relationship is longstanding and strong, until Charlie leaves Vera behind to run with the wrong crowd, Vera is sadder than sad. When Charlie betrays Vera because he needs so desperately to fit in, Vera cannot forgive.

Charlie's choices cost his life and now his ghost haunts Vera to come forward to clear his name. Charlie's new friends border of sociopathic and his new girl friends is crazy and controlling.

Acting out in violent ways, the girlfriend burns down the local pet shop, leaving the puppies to die. When Charlie tries to get out of the relationship, he pays a very high price, and after his death he is blamed for the fire.

While the subject matter is difficult, this is indeed worth the read. The psychology of abandonment, the need to fit in, the repercussions of bad choices are handled very deftly in this book.

Longing to fly under the radar, Vera knows she must stand tall and tell authorities what she knows.

The author does a wonderful job of portraying Vera's relationship with her father and his struggles.

Highly recommended!!!!!

It is sad and it is funny. It is quirky and it is serious. It is redemptive and profoundly touching.
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LibraryThing member jenniferthomp75
Superb novel focusing on death, redemption and destiny. Vera has had a falling out with her best friend Charlie. When he dies, Vera relives her life with him and tries to figure out what went wrong.

A moving tale told from multiple points of view (Vera, Charlie, Vera's dad and the pagoda), the book
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has tackles important issues like addiction, absentee parents and physical abuse with refreshing honesty.

Although this book challenges the reader with its heavy content, it also has a wonderfully dark sense of humor.

A must read.
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LibraryThing member PureImagination
I don't even know where to begin. Have you ever read a book that completely blew you away, but you knew you would never be able to put it into words? That's what this book did to me. I will never be able to do it justice with my measly little review. The entire time I was reading it I was trying to
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come up with words to use in my review, but I never had any! So what to say, what to say?...

Did you read The Dust of 100 Dogs? If you didn't, drop everything you are doing right now and go buy it! It was incredible. You have never read anything like it before, trust me! How does an author write a follow up that lives up to the extremely high expectations set by 100 Dogs? We should ask A.S. King, because she definitely did it.

Please Ignore Vera Dietz is about Vera Dietz, obviously. She's a little odd, but in a good way. She's dealing with the death of her ex-best friend, Charlie. She loved him. She hated him. She knows what happened the night he died, but can she find it in her to forgive him and clear his name?

Vera was such a fantastic protagonist! She was witty and smart, but she still did dumb things. She is a teenager so she is allowed a few dumb things. I connected with her instantly. My heart broke for her but she was unbelievable strong. She definitely held her own.
Her best friend Charlie is dead from the very beginning of the book, but you get glimpses of their relationship in the History chapters. I loved Charlie, and hated him. Just like Vera did. I wanted things to turn out differently for them, but obviously it couldn't because he was dead from page 1!

What makes this book so special? The writing! A.S. King has a way of telling you a story that will make you turn pages faster than you ever have before. The story is beautifully complex without being over done. She weaves the mystery and questions in flawlessly, but you don't get impatient for answers because the path to get there is so engaging. None of it was predictable and I never lost interest. Not even for a few seconds. The chores went undone while reading this book!

I must reiterate that this review doesn't do this book justice. Please, just read it and find out for yourself! Be prepared to read it in one sitting because it is addicting!
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LibraryThing member lisagibson
Wow, Vera is quite a character! I enjoyed this book a lot. The characters were vibrant. The writing was engaging.

My heart went out to Vera once she and Charlie parted ways. I loved how Vera wasn't willing to compromise herself or her beliefs for anyone. She knows who she is and she won't be
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anything less. This book dealt with some kinda' heavy issues, but kept the humor in things too. I loved Vera's sarcasm.

I think the only tiny nitpicks I have about it are 1- I kept waiting to hear the history of the Pagoda and I don't think we ever did. 2- I wanted to know what was in the envelope (you'll know which one I'm talking about if you read it). It would have tied things up nicely in the end for me. All in all, I loved this book. The cover even kinda' rocks. :o) I'm giving it 3 1/2 smooches!
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LibraryThing member greeniezona
A book I acquired through Book Riot Quarterly box ages ago. The recommendation was gushing, but I'm picky about YA, so it's been languishing on my shelves. Finally picked it up the other night when I was "supervising" one of my son's sleepovers.

The book hooked me and pulled me through fairly
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quickly -- even as I spent much of my time reading wondering when in time this story was supposed to take place. Between the "Great Hunter" spirit in the woods, some vaguely cringey observations about Mexicans moving in to town, all the smoking and leather jackets -- something about it gave me more of an 80s feel than anything supposed to be contemporary. Or maybe it's just because I haven't read this type of book since the early 90s?

I did like the book's final resolution -- Vera's furious/sad realization/accusation that being trained to ignore their neighbor's abuse at the hands of her husband trained Vera and her family to ignore all sorts of wrongs and pains. This moment kind of retroactively improved my perspective on much of the apathy that had bothered me earlier in the book. But I was still kind of "meh" on the whole thing. Quite possible that I judged it more harshly because of the hype, though.
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LibraryThing member ericajsc
I think I might be in love with this book. I mean, hello, the pagoda gets to interject its thoughts into the story. How can you not love a book when the pagoda interrupts the story to remind you that there’s a $300 fine for littering? Answer: It’s not possible. (Wait, what? You’re saying
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there are people who didn’t love the book? That not everybody loved the pagoda? Blasphemy!)
So I’m a big fan of the messy relationship. You know, the one that’s maybe-kinda-sorta more than friends, but not really, except it is? That’s pretty much exactly what’s going on between Vera and Charlie. Or it was, until he betrayed her and then died five months later, and now she has to deal with that. Charlie is that boy that you know you shouldn’t like because he’s SO not good for you, mental health wise, but he’s just good enough that you keep holding out hope that maybe someday, like after high school when he’s had time to figure out how wonderful and understanding and perfect you are, he’ll finally get over his issues and you can be together. Now take all that angst and then have the guy die before he graduates high school. And haunt you. That’s Vera’s life.
As Vera tries to move on, she can’t help but look back at her life with Charlie. He was, after all, her only friend. She recounts their lives together in a series of flashbacks centering on Charlie’s many eccentricities. Watching them grow up together, I kind of fell in love with Charlie just like Vera. And, just like he did with Vera, Charlie Kahn broke my heart. Broke. My. Heart. Yet I still love him, just like Vera. See? I told you I like messy.
Okay, I swear the book is about more than Charlie. Vera’s dealing with other stuff in life other than him, but he’s definitely on her mind almost all the time. (And with millions of Charlie ghosts filling up her car as she’s trying to deliver pizza, can you blame the girl?) It is every aspect of her screwy life that makes me love Vera and this book. I couldn’t put it down, and I didn’t want it to end.
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LibraryThing member EKAnderson
It’s been a while since I found a book so completely unputdownable. I mean, in the truest sense — you know, reading in bed late, late at night with one eye peeled open trying to stay awake so you can just find out what happens next. I couldn’t get enough of PLEASE IGNORE VERA DIETZ. I
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didn’t want it to end. And I found every word that A.S. King laid onto the page utterly genius.

PLEASE IGNORE VERA DIETZ is a mystery. It unravels piece by piece as Vera reveals the circumstances under which she lost her best friend, Charlie Kahn, to the Detentionheads, only to lose him again when he died the summer before their senior year. She is angry with Charlie. And she is angry with her dad, the all-too-practical, this-will-build-character-type, who is making her work full-time as a pizza delivery technician while maintaining decent grades in school. She’s doing everything she can to be invisible. To be ignored like her mom — who ran off with a podiatrist when Vera was 12 — and dad told her she should ignore other things. Like Charlie’s parents’ violent fights that Vera heard through the trees between their houses.

But no matter what she does — including the vodka she’s stashed under her driver’s seat — Vera can’t ignore Charlie. Charlie wants her to clear his name. Charlie wants her to speak up. Charlie wants her to remember their friendship and grow up and move on.

Told mostly through Vera, but with interjections from “The Dead Kid” (Charlie), the Pagoda (which Vera considers a tacky monstrosity as much as her town’s landmark), and Vera’s dad, Ken, (complete with flow charts), PLEASE IGNORE VERA DIETZ is a beautiful, terrifying, hilarious, quirky, fun tear-jerker of a book. I highly recommend you make this your next read.
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LibraryThing member francescadefreitas
This was good. Stay up until half one in the morning to finish good. Vera's neighbour, best friend, hated betrayer is dead. We start with the fact and work backward and forward to find out the tragedy and the wonder of their friendship. Vera is such good company, she is such a full character, and
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even when I can clearly see that she's heading for disaster, I entirely empathised with her. I am so glad I got to meet her. I can take or leave that Pagoda, though.
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LibraryThing member gubry
I was pretty interested in reading this book after seeing it being after getting a Printz Honor. Needless to say, I can see why it was awarded the award it received.

One of the things that I really, really enjoyed about Please Ignore Vera Dietz is the voice. Heck, even if this book was about a
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boring day being stuck in a furniture store or any other genre, I wouldn’t care and still read it. It’s that good. Made me wish there was more to the story so I could follow her anywhere. (except the bathroom, of course)

The difference between this book and other books involving grief that I read last year and 2011 is pretty much how it’s handled and of course, you know, the voice. Definitely one of the ones I’ve enjoyed more.

Besides hearing Vera’s POV, you get to hear the perspectives from her father, Ken, (his flowcharts were interesting) the pagoda (who is more amusing then I’d expect) and Charlie. As a reader, you can see where these characters were coming from and a pretty good distinction for each of the characters so there are no confusion between who’s narrating a chapter.

As Vera tries to move on with her life, she can’t seem to get away from Charlie and what she knows about his death. Through some chapters with them as kids progressing to his death, you see his betrayal and the events leading up to it. I was pretty shocked by what he did in one certain chapter.

There isn’t much I dislike about this book, mostly the things I disliked would be nitpicking. But I do wish there was more to Charlie because I didn’t really get him that much. Especially the events of his death, which were in a way, unclear. Sometimes they weren’t very satisfying.

But the ending wrapped up pretty nicely and I look forward to see what this author has next.
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LibraryThing member lawral
Ever since her best friend Charlie died, Vera's had a hard time dealing with life. Wait, back up. Ever since Charlie ditched Vera for the detentionheads (and THEN died), Vera's had a hard time dealing with life. And her dad, the biggest proponent of the "just ignore it" philosophy, is slow to
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notice, or at least slow to show Vera that he's noticing. And somehow Vera is stuck living life as a full-time high school student/full-time pizza delivery technician.

Even describing the book is a little confusing and wrapped up in itself. But King pulls it off in a way that only she can, by allowing the pagoda on the hill (yes, a building), Vera's dad, and Vera's dead best friend to all weigh in, along with Vera herself, on Vera's life. Through their joint narration, we get a glimpse of the real Vera (and the real Charlie and the real Vera's Dad). They're all flawed. There are no knights (or supernatural beings of your choice) in shining armor here. They're all just trying to make it through. Even Charlie, who is doing so from beyond the grave.

Though this is part mystery (we know Charlie's dead, but we don't know how or why), part "issue" book (Vera drinks a lot, much to the concern of her recovering alcoholic dad), part dangerous relationship (1-Vera's crush is in his twenties. 2-the flashbacks contain a guy who wants to take grade school Vera and Charlie's pictures. 3-Vera is herself the product of a young high school romance gone wrong), it is mostly a darkly funny book about grief. Everyone, except maybe the pagoda, is grieving someone. It's the way that they each deal with their grief, Vera and Charlie over the loss of each other and their friendship, Vera and her dad over the abandonment by Vera's mom, that makes this such a compelling book. There is plenty of the weird, the funny, the snarkiness, and the romance to keep the book fun, but it is the way that Vera et. al. deal with the more serious aspects that made me care about them.

It sounds all over the place, and I wish I could write a more coherent/convincing review. You'll just have to trust me that Please Ignore Vera Dietz is one that you really should pick up.

Book source: Philly Free Library
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LibraryThing member ChristianR
At first I enjoyed this book, but it began to lose its appeal midway through, and by the end I no longer liked it. Vera is coping with the death of her former best friend, Charlie, who got involved with a tough crowd and by the end of his life was treating her badly. She lives with her father, a
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recovering alcoholic. Her mother left them years ago and has minimal contact with Vera. Too many things got packed into the book and it just got odder and odder -- not odd in a good way, but in an unrealistic way.
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LibraryThing member amandacb
Vera’s best friend, Charlie, has died—five months after their friendship has fallen apart. Charlie comes to Vera in strange and sometimes enlightening visions, and Vera knows there is more to his death than what the authorities state.

King takes us on Charlie and Vera’s journey as they grew up
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together, struggling through Charlie’s parent’s abusive situation and Vera’s mother leaving when she was twelve. When Charlie takes up with a rough crowd, Vera is left behind, working full-time and trying to stay below everyone’s radar.

King does a remarkable job of character sketching—especially of Vera and Charlie. The other characters introduced in first person, Ken Dietz (Vera’s dad) and The Pagoda (a piece of structure located in the town in which they all live), are not as fully fleshed out and can be somewhat distracting. Vera is wholly sympathetic and it is easy to become enmeshed in her thoughts and actions, even when they are infuriatingly teenage-like. While King does manage to drag out the mystery of Charlie’s death perhaps a bit too much, the ending is fairly satisfactory.
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LibraryThing member theepicrat
Please Ignore Vera Dietz is AWESOMESAUCE that will definitely make you wanting some pizza while reading! Take heed, dear Readers, that you might want to arm yourself with pizza before taking on A.S. King's sophomore release. I had been worried that nothing could top D100D - I mean, who can really
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best pirates? - but seriously I think Vera Dietz can kick their booties out of the ballpark!

No pirates to be had here, but Vera Dietz has enough on her plate to deal with! Her best friend died, but before that he really screwed her up and now she has to face the world alone. Please Ignore Vera Dietz is not simply about Vera - it involves her single dad who is trying to do right by her, the dead best friend who is trying to make amends through ghostly means, the pagoda who overlooks the neighborhood, and Vera's younger self who tries to describer her relationship with Charlie. I got drawn deeper and deeper into the story as Ms. King danced in and out of the many different perspectives.

It's hard to pinpoint what exactly I loved about Please Ignore Vera Dietz. Vera's narration just flowed really smoothly, and you can't help but love her quirkiness. Her relationship with Charlie is larger-than-life, and I couldn't help but wish that Charlie was still alive. And don't get me started on the flowcharts - if you love flowcharts, then you definitely need to check these out! Hilarious! Not to mention that Ms. King kindly gave a shout-out to the Boys from the Dwarf - and I had to giggle because I am a fan!

This book definitely is MAGIC, pure and simple, and I really really really hope you pick up a copy right now because it'll be like meeting a long-lost friend!
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LibraryThing member hjyamamoto
Vera Dietz has a love/hate relationship with her lifelong best friend. But when he turns up dead, she must struggle with her feelings of betrayal and the knowlege of the secret events that lead to his death.
LibraryThing member Bellydancer
Vera’s best friend has died, and she is having trouble coping with seeing his image randomly around her. She and Charlie had been best mates forever, but his unexpected death has left her with questions and when he accused of a crime, Vera sets out to clear his name.

Along the way Vera has to
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deal with the problems that come with being a teen from a broken family, a dad who is a recovering alcoholic and a mother she never sees.

An exceptional and quirky novel, smartly written with humour and compassion. The voices of the characters were strong and undeniably worked well with this style of writing. Each main character gets to speak in a few chapters each and tell their story, lending to the unique format of the book. A good range of teenage issues were incorporated to make this novel outstanding. I loved reading this novel and highly recommend it to readers.
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LibraryThing member elissajanine
I liked the sparse voice and the exploration of the idea of teenagers making the same mistakes as their parents do--about their futures being controlled or destined through nature or nurture, and the conflict that would create in both Vera and Charlie. I liked the humor, the playfulness of the
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narrative, including the brief words from the dead kid and the pagoda. I also liked the way we kept getting more information about the Charlie mystery but without the sense of it being painfully and infuriatingly withheld from the reader. I think a few issues were glossed over a bit or simplified to keep with the tone and the pace, but overall, an enjoyable book.
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LibraryThing member spincerely
Hard to put down from the moment you start!
LibraryThing member perpetualpageturner
When Vera Dietz's ex-best friend and long-time crush dies unexpectedly under mysterious circumstances, she finds herself grappling with the love/hate relationship she had with him ever since he decided to betray her for a new group of friends, as well as the secrets that she's never told
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anyone--secrets that could potentially shed light on the circumstances that led to Charlie's death. Does she do what she's been conditioned to do and ignore the truth? Does she even care about making things right for Charlie's sake?

This is me using awesome in a sentence.

This book was all sorts of awesome. I felt like I read this book all in one massive breath. It was utterly impossible to put down and I needed to find out what happened to Vera and Charlie along the way that lead to the present circumstances. I loved everything about this book--the writing, the style, the characters, etc. The majority of the book was written from the perspective of Vera in the time after Charlie's death and flashbacks shedding light on what happened between Vera and Charlie. Throughout the book there are interjections from "the dead kid," Vera's dad and the Pagoda. At first I was skeptical when these parts showed up but they ended up working really well. I love when authors succeed in something so risky.

This is me using authentic in a sentence.

Vera is one of the most authentic and lovable characters I've encountered this year. I think I can say that with a degree of certainty. Vera is just your ordinary, small town girl who just wants to survive high school and figure out what she wants to do with her life---and find love along the way. She is smart, sassy and has a sense of humor that I appreciated. She thinks for herself and is certainly wise beyond her years yet her struggles ring true to the teenage experience. She isn't perfect---she struggles with figuring out who she wants to be and has her fair share of mistakes. You will find yourself just adoring Vera and wishing you could pop in the book and be her bff so that she doesn't have to go through everything alone. I loved the progression of her relationship between her and her dad. I felt that it was extremely real as dealing with grief and these hard issues in life really does change that kind of a relationship. I know first hand and thought King captured that really well.

This is me using evocative in a sentence.

A.S. King has written a powerful and evocative novel that deals delicately with grief, regrets and moving forward from the unfortunate things we are dealt in life. The regrets and guilt that Vera experiences are typical in any sort of grieving situation but are absolutely heart-wrenching in light of everything that has happened. The "what-ifs" and the questions can be crippling but the way Vera deals with everything makes her all the more lovable. I loved dialogue that happens throughout the novel that deals with being so conditioned to ignore things--abuse, neglect, homelessness--and Vera challenges that thinking of just turning your head the other way because nothing can be done about these things.

My final thought: If you love contemporary YA, this should be on your to-be-read list. If you are a reader, like myself, who enjoys both adult fiction and YA--this should be one you pick up for sure. It is smart, powerful and completely gripping. You'll end up reading it in one breath like I found myself doing. It is truly unforgettable--I promise you that ignoring Vera Dietz will be near impossible.
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LibraryThing member jeannie.tucker
4Q, 4P

This book was my ebook choice (I read it on my Kindle), and it was pretty fantastic. A realistic female teenager, who isn't whiny or annoying? Yes, please! What a refreshing read. I think it would appeal most and almost exclusively to girls, though.
LibraryThing member kimpiddington
Gritty and gut wrenching.
LibraryThing member knitwit2
When I started reading I thought the book was a little dark for my taste, but ultimately the message was positive. Life can and will go on no matter what. Vera is struggling with the death of her best friend with whom she was not speaking at the time of his death. He is haunting her so that she can
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learn the truth of the curcumstances under which he died. Very struggles with a myriad of emotional problems caused by the abandonment of her mother, her father's aloof Zen-like personna, alcohol abuse, bullies, a much older boyfriend and more. Her job as apizza delivery technician frequently puts her in dangerous circumstances which makes for exciting reading.
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LibraryThing member callmecayce
This was, hands down, one of the best YA books I've read recently. It was everything you want a good novel to be -- thought provoking, moving, heartbreaking and wonderful. I was reluctant to read King's book because I'm a huge wimp when it comes to books that make me cry (and it did make me), but
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I'm glad I read it. It's just wonderful. Vera is a great character, and I think she's someone we can all relate to. Though he's dead (and you know this going in), Charlie's a really strong character in his own right. And, much to my surprise, Vera's father plays an important role as well. It's nice to read a book where they parents are just as important as the teens in the novel. I can't recommend this book enough.
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Original publication date


Physical description

336 p.; 8.3 inches

Local notes

Vera Dietz and her troubled neighbor, Charlie, were best friends since childhood until they started to fall for one another junior year and everything broke apart. Evil Jenny Flick decides that she wants Charlie and that Vera is in the way. When Jenny offers Charlie oral sex and he refuses, she broadcasts his secret about his father's domestic abuse to the whole school and blames Vera. In “retaliation,” Charlie reveals the fact that Vera's mother was a stripper before she deserted the family and then starts a perilous relationship with Jenny. In chapters that alternate scenes in the present with “history,” plus various points of view, Vera's story begins at Charlie's funeral where she hides the truth about Jenny's part in his death. It seesaws through her full-time job delivering pizzas while maintaining “A” grades, her upsetting relationship with Charlie, her conflicts with Jenny as well as her father, her romance with a 23-year-old coworker, and other complications.

I didn't get caught in the flow - Charlie's ghost, the talking pagoda and the father's flow charts just didn't work for me.
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