Tempest, Book 2: Vortex

by Julie Cross

Hardcover, 2013



Call number



Macmillan Children's Books (2013), Edition: 1, Hardcover, 448 pages


Romance. Science Fiction. Science Fiction & Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. HTML: Julie Cross's Vortex is the thrilling second installment of the Tempest series, in which the world hangs in the balance as a lovelorn Jackson must choose who to saveJackson Meyer has thrown himself into his role as an agent for Tempest, the shadowy division of the CIA that handles all time-travel-related threats. Despite his heartbreak at losing the love of his life, Jackson has proved himself to be an excellent agent. However, after an accidental run in with Holly�??the girl he altered history to save�??Jackson is once again reminded of what he's lost. And when Eyewall, an opposing division of the CIA, emerges, Jackson and his fellow agents not only find themselves under attack, but Jackson begins to discover that the world around him has changed and someone knows about his erased relationship with Holly, putting both their lives at risk all over again… (more)

Media reviews

Own Knowledge (I read the book)
So I’ve got to admit I love to eat! Who doesn’t? I have to be doing something and that something is generally eating. However Julie’s scrumptious book vortex has stopped from eating snacks and has left me devouring the pages of her book. It is an utterly delicious and definitely a gourmet
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book. The book follows Jackson as he comes across new characters and challenges in his new life as a CIA. Julie managed to do what seems the impossible for many authors in creating a whole new world within each readers mind and her detailed descriptions leave you believing that time travel is possible. My only criticism is that some points and the sudden plot turns and excitement are hard to really grasp and get your head around. It such a complex exciting and unpredictable world but once you understand everything makes much clearer sense. Perhaps Julie meant for the story to be like this. It most certainly keeps the reader entertained and flicking pages faster than they have ever flicked pages before. All I can say is that I hope Julie will be writing away as fast as can be too because I really can’t wait for her next book! The book follows on nicely from Tempest with Holly and Jackson’s relationship deepening further. I was lucky enough to have the time and a chance to read both books within days of one another and I must say that if you get a chance you should definitely do it. We finally get to see a boy who actually shows his emotions! WOW! And that has got to be enough to put down your TV remotes and bowl of crisps as you let yourself in for an adventure like no other.
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User reviews

LibraryThing member pollywannabook
Review courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy

Good sequels can serve a lot of purposes, especially in trilogies. They can shake up characters, introduce new information that disrupts everything we thought we knew, and hurl storylines into a new and potentially devastating directions. Julie Cross’s
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Tempest trilogy debuted with an amazingly sharp protagonist who very nearly destroyed the world–not to mention his own–through his ability to travel through time. It’s a hard act to follow, but VORTEX is a good, bordering on great, sequel.

Unlike TEMPEST, which I praised for it’s succinct and accessible explanation of time travel, VORTEX is just plan confusing with its multiple timelines, alternate universes, clones, displaced doubles, and three–by my count–different types of time travel that often had different names for the same kind. There is even a diagram at one point that tries to explain the various timelines but only ended up making things even more complicated. It’s a testament to the character of Jackson–who, if possible, is even more honest and broken in this sequel–that I remained as invested in his story as I did despite grasping maybe 40% of all the time travel complexity.

I bemoaned the lack of an equally well developed female character in TEMPEST, but in VORTEX, not only does Holly gain some much needed depth and backbone, but we get two more strong female leads! Stewart becomes a major character and we find out the reasons behind about her abrasive behavior and all or nothing attitude. We also meet Kendrick, who is in many ways a representation of what Jackson might have been like if he hadn’t been a time traveler. All three female characters were so different (and brought out different sides of Jackson) and yet equally intriguing.

Like a mix between Alias and THE TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE, VORTEX spins an often heartbreaking story of love that defies time with thrilling, action packed espionage. I may still be a little confused about time travel, but I know without a doubt that I’ll be picking up the final book in the Tempest trilogy when it hits shelves in January 2014.

Sexual Content:
Kissing. Mild sensuality.
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LibraryThing member BeckyRogers
So I’ve got to admit I love to eat! Who doesn’t? I have to be doing something and that something is generally eating. However Julie’s scrumptious book vortex has stopped from eating snacks and has left me devouring the pages of her book. It is an utterly delicious and definitely a gourmet
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The book follows Jackson as he comes across new characters and challenges in his new life as a CIA. Julie managed to do what seems the impossible for many authors in creating a whole new world within each readers mind and her detailed descriptions leave you believing that time travel is possible.
My only criticism is that some points and the sudden plot turns and excitement are hard to really grasp and get your head around. It such a complex exciting and unpredictable world but once you understand everything makes much clearer sense. Perhaps Julie meant for the story to be like this. It most certainly keeps the reader entertained and flicking pages faster than they have ever flicked pages before. All I can say is that I hope Julie will be writing away as fast as can be too because I really can’t wait for her next book!
The book follows on nicely from Tempest with Holly and Jackson’s relationship deepening further. I was lucky enough to have the time and a chance to read both books within days of one another and I must say that if you get a chance you should definitely do it. We finally get to see a boy who actually shows his emotions! WOW! And that has got to be enough to put down your TV remotes and bowl of crisps as you let yourself in for an adventure like no other.
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LibraryThing member AboutToRead
Tempest was one of my favorite books of 2013, so I was beyond excited when Vortex was finally released! Julie Cross continues to impress me with her imagination and ability to write a beautiful romance amidst such a chaotic plot.

While Tempest centered around Jackson and Holly’s relationship,
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Vortex centered around Jackson’s CIA training. Even though we did see Holly, Jackson is determined to stay away from her—so we don’t see nearly as much of her as we did in Tempest.

Even though the romance isn’t quite the same as it was in Tempest, Jackson is still very much in love with Holly and she’s never very far from his mind. We see evidence of his love as he tries to selflessly stay away from Holly.

We also learn a lot more about the consequences of Jackson’s time traveling and the CIA organization he is now a part of. The plot is very complex, so it takes a bit to remember what the time travel map from Tempest looks like (no worries, though, Julie Cross provides a diagram for this in Vortex). It is also practically impossible to determine who the good guys are and who the bad guys are.

Julie Cross has created one of the most complex non-fantasy worlds I have ever read about. While Vortex had a different emphasis than Tempest, it was still an amazing read. I am so excited to read the next installment in the series because we have as many new questions as we do answers. The Tempest series is not to be missed for fans of romance or time travel.
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LibraryThing member DarkFaerieTales
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty: Time travel, secrets, and altered realities fill the pages of this science fiction tale.

Opening Sentence: The only things that gave me the strength to pull myself off that grassy spot and walk farther from Holly were the images that flashed through
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my mind — Holly, sitting in that orientation, hiding the book in her lap with her name carefully written inside, her hair twirling around the pencil she was using to take notes.

The Review:

Vortex is the sequel to Tempest by Julie Cross. There was a lot of hype about Tempest and sometimes when that happens, there is a clear divide about the sequel. I’m not sure why that happens, but it does. The Tempest books are about time travel, and as a fan of science fiction, I wanted to dive into them. Vortex does a good job as a follow up to Tempest, continuing on with the theme, seeming like no time has passed between the two books. But there are differences. Let me explain.

Vortex starts with a lot going on. There isn’t a catching up period as most sequels do. It begins with Jackson figuring out his life without Molly, his one love that he decided to protect and erase from his history, or rather his future. Jackson is now a Tempest agent in training, and while he has learned a lot already, he is still learning. But there are things unknown about time jumping that the Tempest agency does not know, and with strangers from the future showing up, Jackson must figure it all out. Time isn’t just a setting, it is a character.

In Vortex, I saw a different side of Jackson. He isn’t as confident as I thought he was in Tempest. He has a lot of secrets, all to protect on his own, and all as a huge burden on his shoulders. He’s a lot more emotional this time around, and at times it’s a little putting off. But I like the changes that Jackson went through. It made him more believable as a human. He yearned for his sister in Tempest, but in Vortex, it was a different type of yearning. Jackson also comes into his own, growing up and maturing. He’s no longer this young teenager. Instead, I found him to be a little more responsible for his actions. His overall voice has evolved, making him more enjoyable to read this time around.

In my opinion, I felt that Vortex had more action. The theme of the book went a little darker than in Tempest, but only enough to change the tone, if that makes sense. I enjoyed that there were more time jumps, dangers involved, and many more consequences. Jackson’s actions weigh heavily throughout the book, and they are only beginning to fully comprehend and address it.

But I was confused about a lot of things. The ideas and thoughts I had over Tempest changed after reading Vortex. The original notions that I learned about the characters and the theories were thrown out the window after reading through Vortex. The pacing was probably too fast and too unpredictable for me to comprehend and fully appreciate Cross’ writing and story. I wanted to take a moment and understand why the changes happened as they did. I wanted to understand why the story was taking a turn in the manner that it did.

In the end, there’s a cliffhanger that I didn’t see coming. It made me anxious enough to want to read the final book in the series. While I had reservations about Vortex, I enjoyed it overall and I think you will too.

Notable Scene:

Instead, I threw my backpack on the hard wood floor and laid my head on it. I wanted to call my dad and tell him about Senator Healy, but I knew he was already off on his mission with Marshall.

I spent at least an hour tossing around on the hard floor, going over and over the implications the senator had made. And why the hell did he bring up Stewart? Maybe he knew something about the future, like we get in a fight and cause some major disruption. Didn’t seem that unlikely. Two hours later, I knew sleep wasn’t going to happen. This was the most alone I’d been in months. The stringent training schedule and the closeness of our rooms in the underground headquarters kept me so exhausted, I hadn’t thought about much else. Eventually I forced myself to fall asleep because the irrational thoughts were increasing and I needed to stay on top of my game. Always.

Tempest Series:

0.5 Tomorrow is Today

1. Tempest

2. Vortex

FTC Advisory: St. Martin’s Griffin provided me with a copy of Vortex. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
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LibraryThing member sszkutak
Background: Jackson Meyer has joined Tempest to try to rewrite his life, only his plans are not going so smoothly. Now he is trying to fix everything, even things that cannot be fixed, and trying not to die by the hands of multiple other agencies. Vortex is the second book in the Tempest
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Review: I was not sold on Tempest when I read it, and I am not sure about Vortex either. I enjoyed Vortex more than Tempest since a majority of it did not involve time-jumping. I was very interested to see where this series would go and how the plot would pan out, so I requested Vortex as an audiobook for review. I must say that the audio version made me like Jackson’s character a little more than I had in the first book, but I am not sure if it was the reader or that the character actually grew and became a little less self-centered. The biggest issues I had with book one was the time-jumping and all the questions I had, book two does answer some of these questions and like I mentioned, there isn’t a lot of time travel until the end of this installment. I think that Jackson did grow as a character, and I think the plot did get more understandable, but not completely.
Things that I did enjoy: Jackson finds out more about himself and his gift; he also makes friends that are more like him; there was actually a plot… Jackson had a clear goal for a good amount of this book and that was want made it interesting.

I think if you like time travel this series may interest you. It is told from Jackson’s point of view so if has a nice male perspective, but be does come off as a little whiney sometimes. If you want a good mystery, a plot a lot of questions, this is for you. I guess I just want more resolution in each installment, not waiting until the very end. By the way, definite cliffhanger ending.
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LibraryThing member shayrp76
I won this book through a goodreads giveaway.
*This is a sequel to Tempest*
Since this is a second in a series I would rather not give a synopsis out of fear of unintentional spoilers. I am guessing that if someone has made it this point they have already seen at least one description.
The first thing
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I will mention is my relief. I have what I call “second syndrome.” I tend to dislike sequels. This isn’t true of every series and some seconds I have liked considerably more than firsts, but it does happen often. That is not the case for Vortex, thank goodness.
My main complaint is the same as it was for Tempest and that is the pacing. It is slower than I would have liked, especially since there is more action. It did take awhile for me to get to the point of not wanting to put it down and that can be the only explanation.
There are more characters to keep track of, but that didn’t pose the problem that I thought it would in the beginning. They all seemed to fit well and their personalities are so different that it adds more fun to the story. I really do like the concept and it’s done very well. Not to repeat my Tempest review, but time travel story lines can be very disorienting, so it’s nice to be able to say that this one is easy to follow. Relationships are an essential part of this plot and a nice anchor to the plot.
I recommend this one as well.
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LibraryThing member Meradeth
Have I mentioned that I love this series? Yeah, totally digging this one! (My review of Tempest, the first book.) So, now we're dealing with Jackson (who is, clearly, swoon-worthy, let's just be honest about it) and his attempts to fit together everything he's changed through messing with
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timelines. It's fast-paced, has a few new characters who rock, though I totally missed Adam and the normal Holly... I did find myself getting a little tripped up by some of the technical aspects of the changes/timelines/abilities that were going on and I'm not 100% sure I fully understand it all, though I was able to follow along with the story no problem. The ending left me reeling and I swear waiting until 2014 to catch the rest of this is going to be a long wait!
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LibraryThing member twehking
“Vortex” is the second book in the “Tempest” series. I absolutely loved “Tempest”. I am lukewarm on “Vortex”. It was good but very difficult to follow at times. It took quite a few chapters for me to get into the swing of the book.

“Vortex” follows time traveler Jackson as he
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becomes a Tempest agent. Many new characters are introduced in this book (good) more timelines are added (bad). The time jumping gets to be very confusing as is the language used to describe different jumps.

The book is enjoyable once you wade through the timeline mess and the new characters add more dimension to the series that started as a love story. Fans of “Tempest” should read.
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LibraryThing member BeckyGandee
“I listened toTempest quite a bit ago, so I was little rusty about what went on. I do remember it left us with a cliffhanger. Vortex picks up where we left off in Tempest, I have to say, I wasn't feeling it at first. Holly wasn't around and there were new characters that I wasn't so crazy about.
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I'm glad I kept listening and let the story play out.

Once I got to know the new characters, things begin to get interesting. I have to agree with other readers, that the time traveling was very confusing at times. Just seemed too complicated. I felt bad for Jackson(love the name Jackson),he didn't know what was going on most of the time. Holly was just not the Holly that I loved, which I was really not a fan of.

Vortex leaves us hanging once again, some importamt imformation is revealed and possibly a really major consequence for what takes place. I will be reading the last book in this series, I really hope we get some of the Jackson and Holly from Tempest.”
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LibraryThing member elizabeth1929
That was sooooo good!!!
I seriously can't wait for the next book!!!!!
I wish they didn't leave it at such a cliffhanger though....
LibraryThing member sszkutak
Background: Jackson Meyer has joined Tempest to try to rewrite his life, only his plans are not going so smoothly. Now he is trying to fix everything, even things that cannot be fixed, and trying not to die by the hands of multiple other agencies. Vortex is the second book in the Tempest
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Review: I was not sold on Tempest when I read it, and I am not sure about Vortex either. I enjoyed Vortex more than Tempest since a majority of it did not involve time-jumping. I was very interested to see where this series would go and how the plot would pan out, so I requested Vortex as an audiobook for review. I must say that the audio version made me like Jackson’s character a little more than I had in the first book, but I am not sure if it was the reader or that the character actually grew and became a little less self-centered. The biggest issues I had with book one was the time-jumping and all the questions I had, book two does answer some of these questions and like I mentioned, there isn’t a lot of time travel until the end of this installment. I think that Jackson did grow as a character, and I think the plot did get more understandable, but not completely.
Things that I did enjoy: Jackson finds out more about himself and his gift; he also makes friends that are more like him; there was actually a plot… Jackson had a clear goal for a good amount of this book and that was want made it interesting.

I think if you like time travel this series may interest you. It is told from Jackson’s point of view so if has a nice male perspective, but be does come off as a little whiney sometimes. If you want a good mystery, a plot a lot of questions, this is for you. I guess I just want more resolution in each installment, not waiting until the very end. By the way, definite cliffhanger ending.
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LibraryThing member MaryAnn12
Good Read!


Original publication date



0230757162 / 9780230757165

Local notes

Jackson Meyer has thrown himself into his role as an agent for Tempest, the shadowy division of the CIA that handles all time-travel-related threats. Despite his heartbreak at losing the love of his life, Jackson has proved himself to be an excellent agent. However, all that changes when Holly--the girl he altered history to save--re-enters his life. And when Eyewall, an opposing division of the CIA, emerges, Jackson and his fellow agents find themselves under attack and on the run. Jackson must decide between saving the love of his life and the entire world.
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