
by Joseph McCarrell

Book, 1888




New York: Dodd, Mead, 1888


Local notes

Rev. McCarrell: Scotch Presbyterian, PA and NY, died 1864. Several of the sermons are on "Geology of the Bible," but no mention of Darwin (presumably originally written prior, perhaps many years).
Day-age and gap theories contradict each other, so long ages refuted.
195-196: "We can say that, although certain substances might have been produced by secondary causes, God could and did produce them at once. That there was a first man, will be denied by none but an atheist. Now, if we were in possession of one of his bones, we should find that in all respects it resembled the bones of his posterity; and reasoning according to the geologists, should conclude that at first its forms were soft, that they gradually became cartilage, and last of all acquired the hardness of their perfect state. But we should reason false, for that bone was made solid and firm in a moment. If we saw one of the first trees, we should perceive no difference between it and a tree of more recent date. On being cut across, it would exhibit the same folds or circles, indicating the growth of successive years, and increasing in hardness as they were nearer to the center. The theory of the geologists would justify us in maintaining that it had originally sprung from a seed, and required many years to bring it to maturity; while the fact would, be, that it was the work of an instant.” Same with geological formations.
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