Mysteries of the Origin of Animals: Illuminating What Science Hasn’t Answered about the Inception and Development of Animal Life

by Daniel Friedmann

Other authorsDania Sheldon
Book, 2023




Inspired Books (2023), 308 pages. Origins series


Local notes

"Is it possible to combine faith and science to fully understand the origins of life, and the appearance and development of animals? In what is known as the Cambrian explosion, many animals suddenly appeared in the fossil record with no apparent ancestors in earlier rock layers. These animals had complex body plans, blood, and unique behavioral characteristics.
"Join the authors in a riveting exploration of the latest scientific advances in understanding the fossil record, and the Bible’s deepest insights into the origins and workings of animals. Read Mysteries of the Origin of Animals and find answers to what has eluded us so far about the inception and development of animal life.
how carbon, the basic ingredient of life, came about
how first life arose
the link between the almost four-billion-year scientific timeline for life and
the six-day biblical creation account
the beginning of complex animals and the Cambrian explosion
animals’ unique features and behavioral characteristics
the diversification of species
the rise of mammals after the dinosaurs
the correlation between the fossil record and evolutionary theory
the correlations between the fossil record and biblical teaching."
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