Mysterious Secrets of the Dark Kingdom: The Battle for Planet Earth

by J. P. Timmons

Book, 1991




Bigfork MT: CCI Pub., 1991, 450 pp



1563500078 / 9781563500077

Local notes

Timmons: founder of Christ Church Ministers.
Satan's power, demonic possession, reality of witchcraft.
"Antechaotic Age" from original creation (Gen. 1:1) until chaos caused by Lucifer's rebellion. This was followed by the Six Days of re-creation.
248-249: One of the main scientific areas where Satan has done this is in the area of anthropology. Darwin’s theory of evolution of the species of primates has been accepted by most scientists as being factual. In fact, I am continually amazed by the number of scientific and medical journals I read where the evolution of man from microbes in the sea is stated as a fact.
"I am a scientist by education, and it is not a fact. This is a theory, and a theory is nothing more until it is proven. This theory has not been proven and, in fact, based strictly upon the preponderance of scientific evidence, the theory would appear to be false.
"If man had evolved from the sea and come up the evolution chain through the primates, there would be a clear, traceable evolutionary chain. In short, there would be bones to support the theory. But there are no bones for the “missing link” between man and the other primates. Despite the uncovering of dinosaur bones and many other bones which predate man, we have never found a
species between man and the other primates. And there is no “branching” in the evolutionary chain. This should bring an obvious conclusion—the creation story given in Genesis is the real Truth—the theory of evolution must be false."
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