The Ark of Millions of Years: New Discoveries and Light on The Creation

by E. J. Clark

Other authorsB. Alexander Agnew
Book, 2004



Call number




AuthorHouse (2004), 560 pages


One of the hottest topics of discussion in the world today is the creation of the Earth. There are so many points of view from so many ages that nobody thought there would ever be one work that could explain it all. Until now. The Ark of Millions of Years is an ancient title. The authors have done this title justice by compiling and decoding all the schools of thought into one exciting work. From the Rabbi to the priest to the astronomer to the astro-physicist to the armchair archeologist, there is tremendous food here for all. You will see the scriptures as you have never seen them. You will understand the pyramids, the temples of the Yucatan, and the very stars in heaven as well as the greatest scholars. The prophecy has been fulfilled. Through space and time this book answers more questions and provides more understanding between its covers than anything written in any language. Period. Why? Because this work combines the works of a dozen ages into a landmark publication in the genre of world creation. If you''re thinking about writing a book, this will be in your bibliography. Each time you refer to its pages throughout your life you will learn something else about the nature of the universe, our earth, and perhaps your very soul. Knowing the origin of the earth, the scope of its present, and the potential of its future will add limitless power to your knowledge.… (more)


Physical description

560 p.; 8.8 inches


1418434027 / 9781418434021

Local notes

Uses Fenton’s Bible, Mormon works, Enoch, etc., inc various non-Christian texts. Trans-dimensional universe, multiple heavens. God on Planet Kolob.
Two creations: spiritual and temporal, each 7 “days” (but time is different on each).
Temporal creation: Gen 1:25-26
Spiritual creation: Gen 2:18-19. Two Adams, temporal and spiritual man. Temporal hominids evolved, but directly from “dust” and not other kinds; god(s) then imparted soul
Joseph Smith’s Mormon revelation same as Einstein's--transdimensional universe.
Planets going through black hole. Many heavens: other dimensions.
Earth was originally a “spiritual” planet near God (Kolob star). There was also a parental water planet. God’s planet takes 1,000 days to rotate.
102: Genesis 2 creation acounct: spiritual creation in six of God’s days (7000 years) and temporal creation in 6 stages/eras.
Flood on spiritual Earth. Noah got out after spiritual earth arrived at and merged with temporal.
Temporal earth underwent cosmic cataclysms 9500 BC. Some species had survived, and Ark replenished Earth.
“Heaven”: spiritual Earth. People confused 9500 BC destruction with Flood.
233: Noah’s Ark traveled between universes through 4th dimension.
401: “Modern man was an evolved genetically re-engineered special new creation on the temporal earth.”—thus both evolution and creation. Ca 115,000 BC man re-engineered in Mu (Pacific). Mu destroyed in 9,500 BC. Atlantis colonized ca 70,000 BC
Spiritual “days” a thousand yrs each
No evolution (one “kind” developing into another)
Fallen angels of spiritual earth mate with human women, produce giants and hybrid monster.
Flood occurred on spiritual earth (original creation) in 5th dimension.
Planetary or comet near-collision; e.g. parting of Exodus sea.
Spiritual earth torn from foundations and descended in abyss through various levels of spiritual universe traveling in 4th dimension, and through millions of yrs in mere days (different time zones). Experienced on temporal earth as planetary cataclysm 9,500 BC (like Velikovsky). Two earths then unite, and Noah lands Ark on this Earth. Ark carried only spiritual creation animals; some temporal animals survived cataclysm (the bad ones). Thus Flood on both earths. 9,500 BC cataclysm destroyed evil Nephilim and their offspring, hybids. But Lucifer sent more Nephilim soon after that cataclysm; so more giants.
9,500 BC cataclysm on temporal earth prior to Noah’s Flood on spiritual earth, but really simultaneous because of different dimensions). There were other temporal cataclysms.
Mystical union of two earth ca 4,800 BC. Two races of man: pure Adamic (Noah) and the Hu’man race
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