The Creation of the World: Addressed to R.J. Murchison, Esq. and Dedicated to the Geological Society

by William Cockburn

Book, 1840





London: J. Hatchard and Son (1840), 40 pages


Local notes

Earth originally liquid (matter fluid) then granitic crust hardened. Then God added water and land on top. This lasted 2-3,000 years, then flooding rains and volcanism formed Cambrian and Silurian rocks. Repeated alternating outbreaks of volcanism, and Flood currents.
Cambrian and Silurian layers formed in about 7 days, then months of volcanic repose. Eocene, Miocene, Pliocene = 3 days total.
13-14: “It requires no immense and incredible duration of time. It requires only the agency of very many volcanoes, acting at successive intervals, and breaking out in various places…”
Insists this is “common sense” as opposed to theories of long ages.
Animals all created at same time, but some became extinct in great convulsions which rearranged rocks. Also successive poisoning of creatures by gases spewed by volcanoes; more active escape higher. Men go the highest, and decompose without fossilizing.
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