The Late Great Planet Earth

by Hal Lindsey

Paperback, 1970



Call number



Zondervan (1970), 192 pages


Based on passages from the Old and New Testaments, the author predicts events which will immediately affect the future of our planet.

Media reviews

NBD / Biblion
Onveranderde herdruk van een boek dat in 1972 in Nederlandse vertaling verschenen is. De Amerikaanse schrijver, een leek die zich verdiept heeft in de Bijbel, geeft aan welke profetieën in de Bijbel er vervuld zijn en welke er nog op vervulling wachten. En die vervulling beschrijft hij in dit
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boek. De wereldpolitieke problemen en ontwikkelingen worden geduid en in de Bijbel ingelezen. Via schetsen geeft hij overzichtelijk aan wat er te wachten staat in de komende jaren. De krant wordt gelezen en de brug naar de Bijbel wordt gelegd. Hier is sprake van een bepaalde politieke prediking. Bij de verschijning was er sprake van paniek, want het Rapport van Rome verscheen ook in die tijd en wees ons op dreigende tekorten t.a.v. de grondstoffen. Dit boek geeft als een informatiegids aan wat er te verwachten zou zijn, met naam en jaartal. De huidige situatie is in het boek niet aangepast; sommige ontwikkelingen zijn anders verlopen en jaartallen zijn achterhaald. Het grote bezwaar tegen deze publikatie is dat de Bijbel gezien wordt als een puzzelboek; dat rationeel alles te duiden zou zijn.
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User reviews

LibraryThing member TadAD
Wow! And I don't mean that in a good way...
LibraryThing member SkepChris
This once very popular book contains predictions of what was then still the future. The predictions were based on a code the author thought he had found in the bible, or rather the hidden meaning of words. This author started the myth that the olive tree stands for Israel.

This book has scared the
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living daylight out of many people. It predicted the end times to happen.

Of course the world is still turning.

Lindsey tried again later, by the way, with the millenium scare [Facing Millenium Midnight] (1999).
When we survived the year 2000, he was still not ashamed of himself and tried again in 2003: "Once Saved, Always Saved?". No doubt full of scare stories.

People. We will survive the end of the Aztec calendar in 2012 too. And the comet in 2038.
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LibraryThing member GAW
This book is good for little other than illustrating how people have completely misunderstood Apocalyptic as a literary genre, as well as the concept of eschatology. This book can only be classified, in my mind, in the category of fiction along with its more contemporary "Left Behind" series.
LibraryThing member scottcholstad
Utter trash! I still can't believe how this POS swept over America during the 1970s, resulting in millions, I'm sure, for Lindsey, that asshole, as well as a horrible POS wildly fantastic, mythological horrow show of a movie that was traumatic as shit to kids like me and others I knew whose fundie
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parents forced them to go see it. In retrospect, it was a total joke, a hoax, and Lindsey was and remains an utter fraud. Personally, I think those of us who are "fundie survivors" from the 1970s -- and there are a LOT of us: read Seth Andrews -- should file class action lawsuits against Hal and his publisher, as well as those assholes responsible for that shitty movie, A Thief In The Night, which traumatized me and tons of people and kids like me, not only at that time, but to this day, resulting in decades of therapy which has never been effective, scarring me for life. Another target of a wished for class action lawsuit would be the publisher of those damn Chick tracts, which also scared the shit out of me and most of the other people I knew. All those awesome cartoons and drawings of demons, the flames of Hell, drugged out '70s hippies destined for Hell, etc. All of these and much more contributed to fucking ruining my life and tens of thousands like me, of driving us away from fundie/evangelicals forever, of feeling nothing but disgust and disdain, if not outright hatred for the hypocritical, lying fire and brimstone manipulators trying to use prehistoric rubbish to scare everyone possible into doing their damn will (and filling their pockets at the same time). I'll never forgive them and I'll never forgive Lindsey for this wretched joke of a piece of total shit book that did so much permanent damage to untold legions of people. If you wonder why people are leaving the churches in the US in droves these days and why over 20% of the American population are called the "Nones," as in no church, no mythological supernatural tooth fairy in the sky, etc., you can thank Lindsey, those responsible for the other atrocities mentioned here, and the assholes who carry on their tradition, like Tim Lehay , who field a softer brand, but still put through the same apocalyptic message (while raking in millions on the side). If it were possible, I wouldn't give this book a "0" - I would give it a "-1,000" or onward to infinity. If you value reason, logic, sanity, human decency, facts, etc., and if you frown upon or even despise those theistic religionists (particularly conservative Christians in the western world) who use terms like "love," "morals," "peace," "family values," etc., when they're too lazy and stupid to read their own holy book and discover the atrocities committed by the god of the old testament while claiming their Jesus was a holy man of peace and love, while he stated he came with a sword to split up families and turn parents against children, etc., bragged that he spoke in parables so his idiot disciples literally wouldn't be able to understand anything he said, and left no writings or proof of his existence, and none from any witnesses were ever written down so much could be said about the gospels, etc., aside from the millions of literal lies, discrepancies, untruths, fraud, etc., in their holy book and especially the new testament, then by all means, avoid this idiocy. I couldn't recommend it any less than I am doing now. Truly one of the most despicable books in history by one of the most despicable humans in history... If there were an actual hell their mythology describes, he and his ilk would be destined for it.
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LibraryThing member Steve_Walker
Absolute Rubbish!!


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

192 p.; 8 inches


031027771X / 9780310277712
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