books on religion


The online library catalog for faith libraries, powered by LibraryThing

Designed with religious communities in Mind

  • Simple

    TinyCat is a simple, fast, and clean way to manage your small library. Users love TinyCat’s easy-to-use interface, including a simple self-checkout system.

  • Mobile

    Manage and share your library on every device and platform, no library app required.

  • Powerful

    Book recommendations and faceted results allow you to fine-tune your catalog to the unique needs of your faith community. Designate books for specific studies, small groups, topics, or any way you see fit using custom tags.

  • Enhanced

    Your catalog can be enhanced with Dewey Decimal Classification® numbers, series, genres, professional and reader reviews, and more.

  • Professional

    Circulation (including self-checkout), users, and accounts. Import and export MARC records.

  • Tested and Trusted

    Since 2005, LibraryThing has been the best home library solution, used by more than three million customers.

    Since 2016, TinyCat has been the best library software choice for churches, synagogues, mosques, and more.

The Library Catalog

School library screenshots

Some of Our Customers

Greystone Theological Library

Greystone Theological Institute serves scholars of Reformed Catholicity in Coraopolis, Pennsylvania.

Greystone Theological Library

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YOUR Library

Check out your existing LibraryThing catalog on TinyCat.

30-day free trials.

Check it out now

Victoria Regional Meeting Library

Victoria Regional Meeting Library is part of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Australia.

Victoria Regional Meeting Library

The Temple Congregation Achduth Vesholom

Rabbi Richard B. Safran Library serves the Congregation Achduth Vesholom, Indiana's oldest Jewish congregation.

Rabbi Richard B. Safran Library

Saint Jerome Library

The Saint Jerome Library is located at Sacred Heart / Saint Dominic Parish in Portland, Maine.

Saint Jerome Library

UCV-Lifespan Programs Library

Vancouver Unitarians of British Columbia uses TinyCat for their Lifespan Development Collections.

UCV-Lifespan Programs Library

Religious Library Management

Your Collection

Import your existing collection, from MARC and other formats, such as Excel/CSV and more.

Copy catalog from over 4,900 libraries and other sources.

Leverage the power of LibraryThing to add tags, covers, custom call numbers, and other metadata.

Make your library catalog shine with full series coverage, book descriptions, subject classification, and over two million published and reader reviews.

Your Online Library

Mobile-ready, right out of the gate.

True faceted searching, like one of those expensive "discovery systems."

Stable URLs and social media buttons allow library staff and users to share the library anywhere on the web.


Simple circulation system designed for small libraries; our simplest circulation mode is perfect for congregations and other high-trust environments.

Holds, renewals, overdues, reminder emails, circulation exports, and automated reports give you everything you need to track your lending.

Optional user accounts include user sign-in and borrowing history.


Great Support

"I've been very happy with the level of support provided by TinyCat. Thank you for everything that you do!"

– Molly, Baptist Health Sciences Library

Superior Functionality

“I'm a super-pleased new TinyCat user—I already love its functionality so much more than our previous OPAC.”

– Elly, Reformation Presbyterian Church

Mobile Friendly

"I love that I can use TinyCat on my computer, tablet, phone, etc., and I like the prompt response I get whenever I have a question!"

– Sue, Christian Hills School Library

It gets better and better!

"Love TinyCat! It's the distinguishing characteristic of a GREAT program—the more you use it, the more you like it!

Langri Tangpa Centre Library

I've Seen the Light

"TinyCat is awesome and has brought our little church library out of the dark ages—so grateful for all you do to provide this for us!"

Unity Church Library

Pricing (30-day free trial)


no budget or staff; all classrooms

  • up to 500 items
  • up to 1,000 items
  • up to 2,000 items
  • up to 5,000 items
  • up to 10,000 items
  • up to 20,000 items

Paid Staff

managed by librarians; all schools

  • up to 500 items
  • up to 1,000 items
  • up to 2,000 items
  • up to 5,000 items
  • up to 10,000 items
  • up to 20,000 items

Special Pricing

10+ accounts

  • Email us for more information on group pricing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can use TinyCat?

TinyCat was made specially for tiny libraries with up to 20,000 items. Personal LibraryThing members can also use TinyCat.

Is TinyCat just for books?

TinyCat is the library management system for everything you have, from DVDs and CDs to audiobooks and ebooks. You can even catalog specialty items, like AV Equipment or group study resources.

How does checkout work?

You can check items in/out in the admin portal, or allow self-checkout. “Simple Circulation” mode is perfect for high-trust environments, like congregations, where all users share one common password. “Full Circulation” mode gives your community members individual accounts and logins.

Do we need library cards?

You don’t need to use library cards for your members, but we do offer full barcode support if you have them. You can also create your own library cards by exporting your user data and running a simple mail merge.

What are the technical requirements for my library to use TinyCat?

Since TinyCat is web-based, with no software to maintain or update, the technical requirements are simple: a modern web browser and an internet connection.

How many users can I have?

As many as you need: there’s no limit to the number of users you can add or import to your TinyCat.

Do you have support?

You can send us an email anytime, and we have additional discussion forums on LibraryThing.

How are LibraryThing and TinyCat related?

TinyCat turns any public LibraryThing account into a full-featured library OPAC and ILS. Your visitors and faith community use TinyCat, and TinyCat manages your circulation and member data. Cataloging—including copy-cataloging, importing MARC records and editing records—is always done on LibraryThing.

Powered by LibraryThing

Since 2005, LibraryThing has been the leader in home cataloging, but it’s too big, open, and social for small library communities.

Started in 2016, TinyCat transforms your collection in LibraryThing into a simple and attractive small library catalog. With over 4,900 sources for cataloging information, LibraryThing is a wealth of data for and about your library. TinyCat allows you to share that with your congregation.

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books on religion