SantaThingSantaThing Entry #377

LibraryThing member LivingReflections

Book tastes

I enjoy literary fiction (think Elizabeth Strout, Lauren Groff and Jami Attenberg), but also sometimes a thriller to escape (I've recently gotten into the Slough House series, and love Denis Lehane). I also enjoy non-fiction where I learn something.

Don't get this!


Other notes

If it's easier for you, my book list has tags for to-read books, as well as not-owned. I use the not-owned tag to prevent myself from buying books I already own. :)

Secret Santa

LivingReflections's Secret Santa was watson11!

Purchasing Details

Store: Longfellow Books (

Gift Amount: $30 (USD)


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katemcangus: checked (Dec 5, 2023, 10:06pm)
MDGentleReader: Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience another work by this author comes up as a book that LivingReflections shoukd borrow from me. This one gets great reviews and has a lower price to fit into gift amount. (Dec 2, 2023, 8:01pm)
Capybara_99: I was just reading about recommended Literary Thrillers, and I think LivingReflections would like "Tomorrow in the Battle Think on Me" by Spanish author Javier Marias. I haven't read it, but I have read other of his work and this sounds good.

Another book that is a thriller that qualifies as "literary" is Dan Chaon's "Await Your Reply." (Or other of his work, but I think this best qualifies.) (Nov 30, 2023, 3:06pm)
beyondthefourthwall: Watch Me Disappear by Janelle Brown - psychological thriller a bit more literary than most. Kate Morton, very possibly (especially The Forgotten Garden). Some of Lisa Scottoline's stuff might be of interest (Look Again is riveting). (Nov 27, 2023, 12:02pm)