Trace of Fever

by Lori Foster

Other authorsJim Frangione (Reader)
CD audiobook, 2011



Call number



Recorded Books (2011), Edition: Unabridged Audiobook, 11 CD's, 12 hrs 52 mins


Fiction. Romance. HTML:CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE OF VENGEANCE AND DESIREUndercover mercenary Trace Rivers loves the adrenaline rush of a well-planned mission. First he'll earn the trust of corrupt businessman Murray Coburn, then gather the proof he needs to shut down the man's dirty smuggling operation. It's a perfect scheme�??until Coburn's long-lost daughter saunters in with her own deadly plan for revenge. With a smile like an angel and fire in her eyes, Priscilla Patterson isn't who she seems to be. But neither is the gorgeous bodyguard who ignites all her senses. Joining forces to plot Coburn's downfall, Priss and Trace must fight the undeniable heat between them. For one wrong move, one lingering embrace, will expose them to the wrath of a merciless opponent.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member thehistorychic
Received for Review
Overall Rating: 4.25
Story Rating: 4.50
Character Rating: 4.00
Action Rating: 4.25
(will post review on my blog on 6/16)

Note: I am really loving this series by Lori Foster. Where the first one was more romance/story than action, this was more action based. This series has been easy
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to sit down and read quickly. Very Good!

What I Loved: I felt the pacing, action, and story was a great mix in Trace of Fever. The sizzle between Trace and Priss was evident from the beginning making their romance sizzling hot. I loved Jackson, he was so cocky and sure that you just know in Savor the Danger he is going to be knocked on his butt by Alaini. Chris and the addition of Matt to the storyline allowed moments of humor and fun that were well placed and very much needed. This was just a very well balanced book overall.

What I Liked: Ok, I am going to be in the minority here but I only liked Priss not really loved her. I do think she is perfect for Trace, who also just liked not loved. Together I think they are a great couple but their romance was second to me in this book. I was more interested in the storyline and seeing how it all came together.

Complaints: Priss--the name--it was horrid :)

Why I gave it a 4.25: I really enjoyed this book! It had just the right mix of action, suspense, romance, and story. It was never dull and I cared about how it would turn out.

Who I would recommend it too: Contemporary Romance Fans
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LibraryThing member ReginaR
This book is the second full novel in the series Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor. This story continues where the first one left off, addressing the issue of domestic sex trafficking. Lori Foster introduces a cast of truly despicable characters who engage in trafficking women and of course there are
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good men and women who are dedicated to bringing the bad guys down.

The book introduces a new female character Priscilla Patterson, or Priss. I have read other reviews of this book and it appears some reviewers did not care for Priss – I disagree, I liked her. Priss had an extremely sheltered background, she was raised to live in fear and as a result was not exposed to society in general. The choices Priscilla makes are consistent with how she was raised and the situations that the hero puts her in. Ms. Foster writes the heroine as a woman who is struggling with her past and trying to reconcile what she learned growing up with what has become her current reality. She encounters a man – the hero (Trace!) who does not really want to help Priscilla accomplish her goals but is thrown in with her lot and they have to struggle on together. There is some interesting encounters and struggles between the two main characters – Trace and Priscilla. Trace is a man who walks the edge of honor, so his choices are not always the ones that Priscilla would want. In the end, I found Priscilla likeable, the tension between Trace and Priscilla very real, and their romance (no surprise here!) enjoyable. Trace is an interesting hero and worthy of a book focused on him, I think ultimately that I liked Dare more than Trace, but reading about Trace was enjoyable.

Readers get to see Dare, Molly, and Chris from the first book When You Dare. I enjoyed When You Dare a little bit more than Trace of Fever, however both are great books, filled with good character development and an interesting story line. If you enjoy romantic suspense, contemporary romance or Lori Foster I think you will like this book.
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LibraryThing member dhaupt
Trace Rivers is deep undercover infiltrating a human trafficking operation.
Since his sister’s apprehension by these same types of thugs he’s on a mission with the help of a few good friends with excellent connections to rid the world of exactly these kind of predators, the last thing he needs
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is another complication, one in the shapely form of Ms. Priscilla Patterson who claims to be the long lost daughter of one said predator Murray Coburn, but that complication is just what he’s got.
Priss Patterson has wanted to rid the world of the worm known as Murray Coburn for a very personal reason for a very long time, she’s finally gotten admitted to see him only to run into a solid brick wall named Trace Miller, she feels safer with him than she should and her gut instincts tell her to trust him, but trust is a two way street and Trace is only going one way, should she overlook that slim shred of doubt, or should she trust her own intuition even though he gives her much more than a “Trace of Fever”.

Trace of Fever is Lori Foster’s second novel in her men who walk the edge of honor trilogy and in this installation we’re treated to another walk down the seedy road of human trafficking, only this time we get a look at the inside of the organization, we get to be a fly on the wall of this sick establishment. Ms. Foster does an outstanding job of bringing us face to face with the reprobates who work in and run this operation with realistic lower than life reprehensible characters and those who only pretend so they can end it. The storyline is never still, full of action and unbelievable danger around every corner. She brings it with dialogue that one would expect from these villains and the good guys who infiltrate the enterprise, the narrative flows from start to finish and readers will find it almost impossible to stop turning pages to find out who lives, who dies and who wins in the end. Her characters are all excellent and her audience will love to hate the bad guy and love to love the good guys. Her hero in this tale, Trace is a believable man who’s convictions will convince any reader that he’s doing the right thing. Her heroine Priss is a real piece of work in her innocence mixed with her worldly persona to her act that is Oscar deserving. The romance is to some aspect predicable but it really fits in this novel. The love scenes are hot and sexy mixed with a bit of innocent awe and will melt the wax off any nearby candles.

The wait is over, the second in the series is here and it’s hotter that the dog days of Summer so dive in head first, you won’t be sorry you did.
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LibraryThing member Urbanfan
This second book in The Edge of Honor series by Lori Foster is yet another satisfying read. This takes us into the life of Trace, mercenary partner with Dare from When You Dare. The love interest in this book is Priscilla, ‘Prissy’, who makes Trace’s current undercover job much more difficult
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than it had to be. Prissy is undercover herself but refuses to let Trace in on her whole agenda. Granted, Trace can’t let Prissy in either in order to keep his business with Dare secret and successful. Again, dealing with human trafficking is the main stay in what Dare and Trace are trying to shut down.

What I liked about this book was getting to know more about Trace, taking myself into what it would be like to truly be a bad ass and be able to run an operation like he and Dare have. I love suspense and alpha male characters. Trace is one of those fictional, and I’m sure very rare in real life men, who have the body of sin, the skills to keep anyone safe, the smarts to put more than two and two together, yet is still a good guy, not a womanizer. I truly would love for these guys to be real and hang out with them. Actually, I’d like to be trained by them. I secretly want to be a bad ass alpha female. ;D

Which brings me to what I didn’t like, Prissy. She starts out as if she may be as tough as Trace in a female body. She is undercover herself, gives clues in her inner monologues of not fighting too much with the bodyguards as not to ‘give herself away’, meaning she has skills, right? Nope. Self-defense classes against the kind of men she was up against just won’t cut it and jabs to the ribs or a punch to the eye…I wanted more from her. I think she was meant to come across as somewhat vulnerable too, given her past, but I never bought her tough girl persona. I was hoping for more from her character. The book does mention she is in over her head a few times, but Prissy never seemed to 'get' that, which annoyed me a bit. In the end she’s OK and I do like her with Trace, but I really felt set up for a bad ass chick with her.

Overall though, the book is a great read. The suspense is there, the action scenes are great, and Trace of Fever introduces us to a new co-worker with Dare and Trace, a gorgeous man named Jackson Savor who comes across as more raw man than the others to me. Holy Cow am I interested to get to know Jackson! You get a sneak peek as to who will be his love interest in this book. You’ll like her. Readers of this series have met her already, but that’s all I’m saying
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LibraryThing member krystalsbooks
Great read nice love story very strong female lead
LibraryThing member jennrenae
Lori Foster creates another fantastic story centered around human trafficking. This story follows Trace, another mercenary, as he tries to bring down the head of a human trafficking business. However, his plans are thrown into chaos when Priss shows up with revenge plans of her own.

This story jumps
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right into some great sexual tension when Trace (working undercover in the organization) has to frisk Priss (in extreme detail). From there, the sexual tension is off the charts--as is the suspense.

While I liked When You Dare better, this second book was still very entertaining. There was more romance in the first book, whereas with Trace, there was more action. However, this is still a must read for romantic-suspense fans!!!!

I'm about to start number 3....Savor the Danger! YAY!
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LibraryThing member TabathaV
A couple of things come to mind when I see this cover.
1. Lori Foster is a sexy man cover goddess!
2. Trace will forever be my favorite in this series!

While each man has an amazing story, Trace’s just managed to grab onto my heart strings and pull, just a little harder than the others.
Trace takes
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pride in doing the one thing he is exceptionally good at, bringing down the bad guys. As a professional mercenary, he has seen his fair share of horrendous, but at the same time, has stopped his fair share also. After his sister was taken by the very people he has worked so hard to eliminate, he makes it his life mission to personally seek them out and get rid of them. After all, what are big brothers for?!

Having found himself an “in” as a bodyguard to these very people, he’s deep undercover when he runs into his first snag, which happens to be in the form of a gorgeous woman. Priscilla is there with her own agenda and vendetta. You HAVE to love a girl with a mission dude. With the both of them out for revenge, it was only a matter of time before things went from running smoothing, to flat out freaking complicated.

Foster knows how to write her stories with an awesomeness that just keeps you coming back for more. I read this book in one sitting, simply because I refused to move until I knew how everything ended. That doesn’t happen with me very often lol. While I love me a strong Alpha Male lead, nothing hooks me on a book more than a female who can hold her own with the men at any give time! Watching the two of them butt heads more than they managed to work together, made for some great laughs. However, watching the romance unfold – be almost taken – & eventually become whole, made for some tears. Foster knows how to write them, let me tell you. No disappointments here.

If you do pick up this book, pay close attention to the side characters. The other men that work with Trace, along with the women they meet and family members, make this book hilarious. The banter between them all, as well as the ups and downs are amazingly written. They compliment the main characters so well and make the story have that many more dimensions. This book is one that is well worth the read! The entire series is, actually.
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LibraryThing member beckymmoe
For the first third or so of the book, I had a really hard time buying the actions of the two main characters, Trace and Priss. They just didn't seem to be doing things that rational people would do, even in the situations in which they were in. In fact, Priss's character seemed to be a constant
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contradiction--her behavior never quite matched up with the way she was supposedly raised--and she never became "real" to me here. The first book was much stronger, in both character and plot. I'm hoping book three is more like it than this one....
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LibraryThing member Capnrandm
This one did not work for me at all. I found the heroine two dimensional and frustrating, and any attempts at making the sex side of things titillating fell completely flat. The deviance of the villains got more page time than any romance between the hero and heroine, and while I've fallen for some
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twisted characters in the past, these bad guys were as flat as the rest of the characters. Despite my dislike of the character development, there were some memorable moments that managed to get me through to the end.
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LibraryThing member msralways
Love me these incredible soft hearted alpha males. While reading this book, I got the feeling I always get when I'm reading a Kristen Ashley book, and that feeling is that I'll be feeling all sort of things at once. And this not being a KA book, made all the more excited about it. The smart-mouthed
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heroine and the uber alpha-male hero against some pretty f****up guys and situations manage to have this sexy and sweet relationship, in spite of the obstacles. The other characters are always a delight to read about again and the new ones that are introduced to us, make us yearn for the next book all that much more.
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LibraryThing member dearheart
Trace “Miller” is working undercover for a guy with a great deal of political connections who makes money in flesh trafficking. Since his sister had been kidnapped and rescued from traffickers, he’s determined to do his best to wipe out the trade, so wants to take out Murray as well as all of
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his connections.

So it doesn’t help at all when Priscilla (Priss) Patterson shows up at the office, saying she’s Murray’s daughter and wants to meet him. She’s got her own agenda to kill Murray and now Trace has to try to keep her from harm. A great deal could be avoided if they both weren’t so secretive as Priss doesn’t understand exactly what Trace is doing and keeps getting in his way.

I’d read the Love Undercover series before starting this one, so I was already familiar with Alice, the receptionist who has a main role in Bare it All. Actually I started reading this particular series because I wanted to read Trace’s story after her story.

What the author does best is creating a family of characters that grows with each book with all of the family being present in future books within the series. To that extent we get to know Trace, after having met him in When You Dare. Priss is new to us as is Matt, a hairdresser and apparently a good friend to Chris and Jackson, a new addition to the unit established by Dare and Trace.

The bad guys are over the top bad and not only do we witness sex between Priss and Trace, but between the bad guys as well. I could have done without that, but it does showcase what Helene is willing to do and how little Murray thinks of her.

This book, for the most part is just okay. There were sections I really enjoyed and others that dragged. The romance aspect had its moments, but without Chris and Matt giving her pep talks, I’m not sure it would have worked for me overall.
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LibraryThing member rosetyper9
This book is ridiculously easy to fall into. I started reading, got sucked in, and came up for air half way through the book and I didn't even realize it. I loved the theme surrounding this book, I don't think human trafficking gets nearly enough attention it needs to get. It is a large problem all
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over the world and I wish there was more normal people could do to combat it. Until then...we have Trace.

Priss's character, while pretty cool, confused me often. I could never get a real read on her between her acting for Murray and her normal self with Trace, I could never really tell where she stood. Trace however is a wonderful character, you know from page one what he is about and I like a straight forward character I can relate to. Some of the secondary characters were cool, such as Liger, the Maine Coon cat. I have a Norwegian Forest Cat, which Maine Coons are said to descend from, so I love Liger.

The plot of this book is not predictable, but nor surprising either. I liked it for what it was and I think it moved at an excellent pace. Ms. Foster's writing puts the reader at ease. You can free to get into the story and don't get distracted by extraneous detail or rambling. I will definitely read more from this author. I am so glad I found her.
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LibraryThing member BethanyMoore
WOW! Where can I get a bodyguard like this?
LibraryThing member Lauren2013
Trace of Fever
2 Stars

Almost DNF - had to struggle to the end.

Weak characterization and a mediocre plot. The romance is boring and we know virtually nothing about the hero or heroine's motivations until over halfway through the book.

Moreover, I couldn't care less about Priss (awful name) who is
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TSTL or Trace although he does have some endearing moments. Their initial meeting is simply ridiculous - Trace immediately suspects that Priss is up to something with absolutely no indication of how and she automatically trusts him even though he is the villain's henchman (albeit undercover).

The writing is confusing at times with some awkward transitions and the final chapter is far too long.

All in all, don't bother unless you are continuing with the series.
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Original language


Original publication date

2011-07-06 (audiobook)


1449850731 / 9781449850739
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