Author search:Dan Jurgens
fiction, comic, graphic novel, DCU, Superman, Doomsday, Lois Lane, grief, Martha Kent (DC), Jonathan Kent (DC), Jimmy Olsen89 more, Lex Luthor, Maggie Sawyer (DC), Dick Turpin, death, Batman, Dick Grayson, Perry White, super heroes, science fiction, time travel, Christmas fiction, Jim Harper clone (Guardian (DC)), Dubbilex (DC), Cadmus Project (DC), Paul Westfield (DC), Cat Grant (DC), Matrix (Supergirl / Mae (DC)), J'onn J'onzz (Bloodwynd (DC)), Adam Grant (DC), Bibbo Bibbowski (DC), Jose Delgado (Gangbuster (DC)), Emil Hamilton (DC), Ronald Troupe (DC), Bill Henderson (DC), Underworlders (DC), Clawster (DC), Lana Lang, Franklin Berkowitz (DC), Toyman (DC villain), Parasite (DC villain), Hal Jordan, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Justice Society (DC), Charles McNider (Doctor Mid-Nite (DC)), Albert Pratt (The Atom (DC)), The Flash, Jason Garrick (DC), Alan Scott (DC), Wildcat (DC), Aquaman, Guy Gardner (DC), K'Raamdyn (DC), Lobo, Tim Drake, Beautiful Dreamer (Forever People (DC)), Big Bear (Forever People (DC)), Mark Moonrider (Forever People (DC)), Mister Miracle (DC), Big Barda, Booster Gold, Captain Marvel (DC), Elongated Man, Brion Markov (Geo-Force (DC)), Green Arrow, Todd Rice (Obsidian (DC)), Maxima (DC), Metamorpho, Wally West (DC), Justice League, Power Girl, Kimiyo Hoshi (Doctor Light (DC)), Mitch Anderson (DC), Sydney Happerson (DC), Tony "Big Words" Rodriguez (DC), Walt "Flip" Johnson (DC), John "Gabby" Gabrielli (DC), Pat "Scrapper" MacGuire (DC), Tommy Thompkins (DC), Carl Packard (DC), afterlife, demons, deal with the devil, Newsboy Legion (DC), Alfred Pennyworth, Colin Thornton (DC), Sasha Green (Myriad (DC)), Yango the OutsideR (DNAlien Step-Up (DC)), Oswald Loomis (Prankster (DC)), Vincent Edge (DC), Harry Kent (DC), was it just a dream trope, Lady Blaze (DC), Ahti (Kismet (DC)), Cleric of the Holy Commune (DC), loss of a child, Davood Nassur (Sinbad (DC)), Jim Harper clone (Auron (DC)), Bruce Wayne (DC)
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