Naked In Death: 1

by J. D. Robb

Paperback, 2003


½ (1491 ratings; 3.9)


Piatkus Books (2003), Edition: New Ed, 320 pages


Fiction. Mystery. Romance. Suspense. HTML:THE FIRST NOVEL IN J. D. ROBB�??S #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING IN DEATH SERIES In the year 2058, technology completely rules the world. But for New York City Detective Eve Dallas, one irresistible impulse still rules the heart: passion�?� Eve Dallas is a New York police lieutenant hunting for a ruthless killer. In over ten years on the force, she's seen it all�??and knows her survival depends on her instincts. And she's going against every warning telling her not to get involved with Roarke, an Irish billionaire�??and a suspect in Eve's murder investigation. But passion and seduction have rules of their own, and it's up to Eve to take a chance in the arms of a man she knows nothing about�??except the addictive hunger of nee… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member jnwelch
Naked in Death by J.D. Robb/Nora Roberts is a fun, weightless diversion featuring a bang-up main character in police lieutenant Eve Dallas. I have to admit I've steered clear of Nora Roberts in the past, finding her omnipresence in drugstores, grocery stores, tire repair shops, bodegas, canoe
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rentals and every retail outlet ever created frightening. How many people does she have on staff to count her money?

Faced with a perversely clever serial killer who precisely identifies the first prostitute victim as "1 of 6", and taunts Dallas with videotapes of the murders, Eve indefatigably digs deeper and deeper as the tendrils of the murders seem to reach higher and higher in the political world of New York and the nation. Meanwhile (who'd a thunk it) she starts falling for rich, successful Irishman Roarke, who may be the villain himself. As a cafe proprietor in LT life, I nodded in approbation as Roarke woos Eve with her weakness, good coffee. It turns out that he also is a parkour master of sex, wouldn't you know it. There's a good tension between her tough cop reluctance to get involved, and his master of the universe reluctance to let someone else call the shots.

The resolution of the mystery is sordid and ironic, and this author knows how to keep the reader flipping the pages. This, recommended to me by Caro, is the first in this "In Death" series featuring Eve Dallas. I'm taking a long plane trip tomorrow, and the next three are traveling with me.
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LibraryThing member brendajanefrank
I’ve got a crush on Roarke! Oh, man, he is HOT!

Okay, now, the book. J.D. Robb, pseudonym for Nora Roberts, has written a series of 25 books about Eve Dallas, the finest of New York’s finest and a homicide detective, and Roarke, her incredibly rich, incredibly sexy, incredibly handsome,
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incredibly smart lover from Dublin. What a terrific combination!

Now, we add a weird element. The setting is NYC in the year 2058. I don’t really care for sci fi, but this element only makes this yummy series more appealing. The stories and people are not extreme in sci–fi weirdness, but the future brings cool new conveniences and interesting changes to their lives. People travel off-planet now and them; robots provide household services and security; cops use laser guns; cars have auto-pilot settings; prostitution is legal and regulated; and, food is supplied and prepared by machines that people stock.

Eve and Roarke are two lost souls who make each other whole. Eve is so independent, good at her job, beautiful, full of compassion for victims of crimes, and emotionally needy. Roarke is so good at everything he does, particularly taking care of Eve. They fall passionately in love and simply cannot live without each other.

The plot is incidental. The real story is about Eve and Roarke, and it is wonderful and fun.
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LibraryThing member reigners
I've only recently heard of this series, and it sounded slightly intriguing. I got this book about 4 months ago, and decided to try it out finally. It was almost even a last resort sort of book. I couldn't decide on what to read, so I just figured I would try the first chapter.

I was pleasantly
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surprised. By the second or third chapter, I was completely hooked. I read it in less than 2 days, and I quickly ran to get the next one at my local used book store. The characters are well written, but the part I liked even more was the environment. The futuristic setting was not thrown in your face. It was just mentioned as it needed to be. It also seemed scarily possible. The moral government that seems to have developed could certainly erupt from our current events. Even more impressive is to think that this book was written some 13 years ago.

Good stuff, can't wait to continue the series.
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LibraryThing member mandolin
This is the 1st of the In Death series. For those who don't know, J.D. Robb is Nora Robert's alter ego. I'm not a big fan of Nora Roberts, although I do read her work occasionally. I will say that she writes in a very different style as J.D. Robb. I really enjoyed this book. It is not for the
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squeamish of faint of heart....the crime in the book is very brutal and graphic and extremely sexual in nature. I like the fact that while it is set in the future, the settings and devices used are actually somewhat plausible. It's a fascinating premise with a solid crime/mystery. I definitely plan on reading more of this series.
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LibraryThing member allureofbooks
If you know me, you know that I love this series. There are almost forty books published so far, and I have read every single one of them. I was recently inspired to re-read this, the first in the series, when I convinced Becky @ Escapism Through Books to give it a try.

Eve and Roarke are two of
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the most compelling characters I have come across. You will fall in love with Roarke, no doubt about it. I dare you to find anybody more romantic, ruthless, gorgeous, charming and tortured than he is. They both come to have so much depth as you get to know them, they feel like real people. When you spend so much time in their world (35+ books worth), how can they not feel like real people you've gotten to know? The same goes with the other regular characters in the series. I adore everyone. When you are first introduced to the characters in this book, you are just scraping the surface of the things you will learn about them as time goes on. However, from the very beginning, Eve and Roarke should both fascinate you.

The futuristic part of the series is also very cool. So many things are different, yet enough things stay the same that it really does just feel like our world advanced a few decades. As you are introduced to different laws, gadgets and ways of living, the series becomes even more fun and exciting to read. I love this aspect of the books.

The mystery/suspense part of the series isn't lacking either. There are always enough twists and turns to keep you guessing. In this book, the murder of Sharon DeBlass is the first in what proves to be a case that keeps Eve and her co-workers on their toes. Roarke's involvement in it only makes Eve's position even more precarious and the story even more tense.

I cannot recommend this book enough. Romance, mystery and suspense all in a futuristic setting: there is something for everyone. I dare you not to get addicted to the series.
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LibraryThing member Lauren2013
Naked in Death
4 Stars

In New York City of 2058, homicide detective Eve Dallas is called in to investigate the murder of a prostitute only to learn that the victim is also the granddaughter of a prominent United States Senator. With the police chief and the media breathing down her neck, Eve’s case
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rapidly goes from bad to worse when another woman is killed and Roarke, the wealthiest and most enigmatic man in the universe, becomes a prime suspect.

As a huge fan of Nora Roberts’ books, I’ve heard oodles about this series from friends both here on Goodreads and in RL, but never quite managed to get past the first chapter (perhaps because books set in the future are not really my cup of tea).

Thankfully, the ladies over at the J.D. Robb group are having a series read in 2016 and I decided to bit the bullet and try again. Well, suffice it to say that the third time’s a charm!

Once I managed to get past the futuristic setting to realize that this is basically a police procedural with romantic elements, the pages just flew by.

The serial killer storyline is nothing that hasn’t been done before and the solution is obvious once the details of the case emerge and Eve realizes that two men are involved. That said, the characters and the action more than make up for the predictable plot.

Eve’s quick mind, sarcastic wit and obvious passion for seeking justice make her a particularly likable heroine and her prickly facade and intense emotional vulnerability only make her more engaging.

After hearing so much about the incomparable Roarke, it is actually quite difficult to pin him down. Yes, he is absolutely gorgeous and a gazzilionaire to boot, but his stalkerish tendencies and arrogant manipulations can be a lot to take from a non-supernatural being. It might take me more than one book to warm up to him completely.

The development of Eve and Roarke’s romance is the highlight of the story and where Nora Roberts’ skill as a writer shines through. The fact that both Eve and Roarke are overcoming obstacles from their childhoods and are both new to and wary of any real intimacy only heightens their chemistry, which sizzles on the pages. Their encounters both emotional and physical make this book well worth the read.

All in all, I’m glad that I finally got around to beginning this series and look forward to continuing the buddy read.
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LibraryThing member jguidry
I'm not a fan of romance novels. Or a fan of futuristic novels. Having said that, I loved this book. The wonderful elements of the story kept my attention so much I was able to overlook the elements I normally don't like. In fact, it took me a bit to figure out it took place in the future.
LibraryThing member kmartin802
This story begins with Eve - Lieutenant Eve Dallas of the NYPSD - dealing with the aftermath of a case when she killed an addict just after the addict has sliced up and murdered a three-year-old child. Before she can go into Testing, she's called in for a Code Five case.

Licensed Companion Sharon
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DeBlass has been murdered with an illegal firearm. This is a political hot potato because her grandfather is Senator DeBlass. The Senator is a strong right-wing conservative against legal prostitution, the gun ban, professional mothers and all sorts of other realities in the United States in 2058. He also has a great deal of influence with her superiors in the NYPSD.

As Eve begins to investigate, with the help of her former partner Ryan Feeney, she learns that one of the last people to see Sharon was Roarke. Roarke is a mysterious billionaire with no first name and no past that anyone can find. She certainly doesn't expect to be powerfully attracted to the mysterious Roarke. And he wasn't looking for her either.

When Sharon's death is only the first with two more following - also licensed companions but not having anything else in common - Eve along with an assist by Roarke has to find out why someone wanted them all dead and stop him before he kills again.

I liked the way the worldbuilding was woven into the story without long info-dumps. I liked the way the characters were introduced with just enough information to begin to get to know them. I loved the beginning of the romance between Eve and Roarke who were remarkably alike despite outward appearances.
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LibraryThing member AKBouterse
3.5 stars probably but really good star to a series I've been meaning to check out for a while.

I find this series to be very intimidating. I mean, there are 53 books to get through. That's more than a year of reading if you do one a week. However, now that I have read the first one, and it only
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took me two days, I really want to read book two.

I really enjoy mystery/thriller romances. I tend to like a bit more plot with my romance and this sub-genre definitely delivers on that front. I've never actually read anything by Nora Roberts before. I actually checked out one of her books from the library the summer after my freshman year of high school but my mom did not want to me to read it and hid it in our house until she could bring it back to the library. I didn't really grow up in a romance-friendly environment. I was very excited to finally read something by her and this was a great introduction for me.

I really liked the character of Eve. I like my female leads in romantic thrillers to be emotionally damaged and very competent and Eve fits that mold perfectly. Roarke is also a really great love interest. Definitely the mysterious and domineering type, so if that's not for you maybe stay away from this, but it's a character I really like in romance. This romance definitely felt a bit quick to me, mostly because most of this book is spent on the mystery, which I actually like but did mean the romance was crammed into less time. Like, all the sudden Roarke was like "I know I love you" and I was like "when did that happen?!?" There were also some times where character backstories, particularly Eve's, were delivered in ways that were comically transparent as just catching up the readers but generally I really liked how the characters were developed and presented.

The mystery is also very strong in this. I tend to give romantic thrillers more of a pass if the mystery doesn't quite add up compared to plain thrillers because I read it more to see the relationship and people being put in danger while they're falling in love but the mystery really does stand on it's own here. Well, at least it does to me, I'm pretty easy to please. The mystery handles some pretty hard hitting topics. There are moments where you can see this stories age a bit in the language or style but I thought it mostly held up. The mystery is also how we get a lot of the near future world building, which I found to be very interesting. It's clear Roberts put a lot of thought into the world, even though the details are mostly just in the background.

As soon as I finished this, I put book two on hold. I really like this and I'm very glad I finally tried this series. I don't know how quickly I'll get through the rest of this series, it's very long as we know, but I definitely will be continuing and hopefully I'll enjoy the next book two.
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LibraryThing member anterastilis
Well...I didn't really like it. I don't read Nora Roberts for murder mysteries or futuristic cop drama, I read her books for the silly romance aspect. I don't know who reads JD Robb books. There must be a very specific audience for them - and I am not one of them.

It moved jerkily along. The male
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lead, Roarke, was a total asshole. Reading some of their "love scenes" became uncomfortable. This is the gist of it:

Eve: "No!"
Roarke: "Yes!"
Eve: "Get the hell out of my apartment!"
Roarke: "I own this building so I can stay."
Eve: "You're harassing me!"
Roarke: "No I'm not, I'm seducing you in a very persistent manner."
Eve: "You've physically thrown me against a wall and held me there! This is assault!"
Roarke: "You love it! C'mon, this is a little game you play, right?"
Eve: "I hate you! I hate you! Oh....I mean, I think I love you."

Yeah, it became really hard to read. I grew to hate Roarke and just about everything about him. Doesn't make for a good romance novel.

I'll read more Nora Roberts novels - the second and third "In the Garden" trilogy books should be out soon - but I won't pick up another JD Robb.
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LibraryThing member crystalcarroll
Its 2057 and Eve Dallas, a NY homicide detective, works to discover who is killing prostitutes while fighting her own attraction to one of her suspects.

Karen bought one, then two, then the whole Death series (this is the first book). My god, they are more addictive than chocolate.

The mystery is
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solid, which Dallas solves through steady legwork and a good deal of tenacity. There is a medium amount of violence, well it is a murder mystery. Hint. People die.

The futuristic setting is interesting. Just mild changes based on current social trends. Smoking is illegal. Prostitution is legal, licensed and they pay lots of taxes. People, however, remain largely the same.

Dallas is a great main character. Tough, yet well it’s hard to call her feminine. Tough, yet sarcastic works better. She defines herself as a cop and she’s a good cop. Outside of being a cop, her social skills are a little blunt, straight from the hip, don’t bother me with girl stuff, okay.

Which brings us to her love interest, Roarke. Mysterious, sexy and very, very rich, which has a certain vicarious pleasure to it. As described, I imagine Remington Steele, only with a lot more money. He’s smooth and he know what he wants. And he wants Eve. A little matter of a murder investigation isn’t going to stop him.

It would be an understatement to say that sparks fly. What’s nice about their (big old spoiler here) relationship is that it grows over the course of the books. Eve doesn’t trust easily and lets face it Roarke has a lot of gray areas in his background. But it works.

If you have plenty of time to get totally sucked into a series, check it out.
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LibraryThing member rocalisa
It is the year 2058, and technology now completely rules the world. But New York City Detective Eve Dallas knows that the irresistible impulses of the human heart are still ruled by just one thing-passion.

When a senator's daughter is killed, the secret life of prostitution she'd been leading is
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revealed. The high-profile case takes Lieutenant Eve Dallas into the rarefied circles of Washing-ton politics and society. Further complicating matters is Eve's growing attraction to Roarke, who is one of the wealthiest and most influential men on the planet, devilishly handsome . . . and the leading suspect in the investigation.

I love this series and recently hooked a friend on it (cue evil laughter), so when I was mucking around trying to decide what I wanted to read next, I decided to reread this, the first volume in the series.

It was both fun and interesting to reread. I have such a terrible memory (mostly due to my CFS) that I usually can't remember the "whodunnit" in a crime or mystery novel. For once, I actually could, but it didn't really matter as this read was all about rediscovering the beginnings of a couple of my favourite characters.

Counting the short stories, Robb is up to about book number 27 in this series now, so the relationship between Eve and Roarke, while always showing new facets, is very well established for me. It was fascinting to watch them meet, find themselves attracted, but not yet have the kind of trust and familiarity for and with each other that I am used to from the later books. Mostly, it was fun to see, atlhough there were moments that felt jarring simply because they were establishing their acquaintance and their relationship. Here, Roarke is a stranger who is a suspect in a series of murders; it is totally right that Eve shouldn't trust him, yet when she doesn't I wanted to get angry about it along with Roarke, because to me she should.

This newness/familiarity contrast was there for other now well-established characters as well. Mira is simply a consultant here, not a friend. Peabody and McNab aren't in the book at all. Nor is Leonardo, although flamboyant Mavis is as bright and wonderful as ever.

I really liked my reread and I think I may try to slip in some more from the series, even if I have plenty enough new books to read. If, like me, you've read the whole series and don't know what to do while you wait for the next one (I'm number 22 out of 66 holds for Creation in Death at the library) I highly recommend going back to the beginning. The murder plots are still good and rewatching the relationships between the characters, especially Eve and Roarke, is wonderful.

Naked in Death
J. D. Robb
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LibraryThing member nancyewhite
Yum. Candy good. This book is easily read and surprisingly enjoyable. A tasty treat for the brain.
LibraryThing member nicchic
Naked in Death is 19th on the All ABout Romance's Top 100 Romance Books 2007 list. I have read a lot of the later In Death series books and finally worked my way back to where it all started. I do find it difficult to believe that Naked made it to 19th on the list. I love the In Death series, can't
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wait to read each new novel in the series and usually rate every effort a solid 4.0 but I can only give Naked in Death the same and no more.

Naked in Death is a very good book and I think it earns its place more so because it was one of the first, if not the first, introduction into a new sub-sector of the Romance genre - Futuristics, but I think there are a lot of other books out there that deserve to be in 19th place more than Naked...
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LibraryThing member CutestLilBookworm
Excellent read! I like the futuristic element, mixed with good ole fashion crime drama and romance...what a mix! The series starts Eve Dallas off with one hell of a sick case. I truly enjoyed the minor characters like Charles, who calls her Officer Sugar and the little old lady downstairs whose
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baking I would avoid at all costs, lol. Also love the budding relationship with Roark, as mentioned previously He Is HOT!! One of my favorite series. Highly recommended.
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LibraryThing member Talyn10
This is one of few authors that I will buy as soon as the book is in stores. I have never been disappointed. Excellent characterisation, interesting stories, fascinating personal interaction. It is never stale, always refreshing.
LibraryThing member LadyLilac1950
This is one of my favorite authors. I seldom am disappointed in this series. J.D. Robb (Nora Roberts) is the best writer of this genre. I can't get enough of her writing.
LibraryThing member readingrat
This was my first time reading this series and I found it entertaining. It sort of reminded me of Sue Grafton's Kinsey Millhone mysteries, but edgier. I'll definitely be reading the second one in this series.
LibraryThing member Mendoza
This is the first in this long series. Introduced to Eve Dallas and Rourke in a near future New York City. Not so much SciFi - Roberts doesn't come close to broaching that genre - it does read incredibly well as a futuristic mystery suspense romance.

I am a faithful reader of the entire series and
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eagerly await each installment.
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LibraryThing member Kathy89
Loved this book! Takes place in 2058 in NYC and technology rules the world. Lt Eve Dallas must solve the murders of 3 prostitutes and along the way she meets and falls in love with one of the suspects, a wealthy Irishman called Rourke.
LibraryThing member Ilithyia
This is the beginning to one of my favorite series of all time! I agreed to loan this out to a friend and found that I couldn’t let go of it without rereading it, for the gazillionth time.

Beautiful and charismatic Sharon DeBlass, a licensed companion (prostitute) and the granddaughter of a highly
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respected U.S. Senator, is murdered in her bed by an antiquated weapon - a gun.

Lieutenant Eve Dallas is a homicide detective for the NYPSD in the year 2058. She’s a no-nonsense cop who lives for the job. But when a serial killer leads her to believe that gorgeous Irish billion Roarke is a suspect sparks will fly - and a few punches too. Fighting her growing feelings for Roarke, searching for a killer - and only succeeding at one out of the two - Eve takes you on a wild ride that is difficult to put down. And I guarantee that it will not be the last!

This is a great series because it’s just a little futuristic, enough to make it interesting but not enough for it to be too weird. You’ll find these in the mystery department, but I definitely thing of them as romantic suspense. Murder and mayhem with steamy love scenes, Eve’s sarcastic wit, Roarke’s gorgeous everything…and I’m hooked for life. I read them over and over!
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LibraryThing member DreamingInFiction
The story is set in 2058 (written in 1995) and I found it really interesting to read about what the author (aka Nora Roberts) thinks things will be like in the future.

In the start of the book Eve Dallas terminates a man who is a child abuser/murderer. But before she has a chance to deal with that
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she is thrown into a new case and on the hunt for a serial killer all the while dealing with some emotional issues from her past and falling for the suspect in her investigation!!

This was the kind of book you just can't put down once you pick it up.. A lot of mystery with a little romance thrown in to keep you smiling :)

I really enjoyed this book and am looking forward to reading more soon. There are many (close to 30) books in the series so far!
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LibraryThing member frazle
Lots of fun to read!

This one had a few more gruesome parts than the nice cozy mysteries that I normally prefer, but excellent writing, a great plot, and interesting characters more than made up for it. Also, the slightly sci fi aspect of the book made it a mystery unlike any other I've read.

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plot is based on a series of prostitute murders. The first girl is from a famous political family, uping the pressure on finding the killer & keeping the media out of the loop.

The heroine in this book, Eve, was an excellent character. Strong. Strong-willed. Smart. Cheeky. Commited to doing her job no matter how the wind blows each day.

Another interesting addition is the posible suspect (innocent thank goodness) who ends up building a relationship with Eve over the course of the investigation.
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LibraryThing member miyurose
I first came upon this series after receiving one of the later books as a gift. In many ways, they are just your typical, run-of-the-mill murder mystery/detective story. What sets these apart are Robb's strong lead female character, Detective Eve Dallas, and the futuristic setting "� all of the
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books take place after the year 2058. This futuristic setting gives the stories that extra punch that I feel sets them apart from the rest.
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LibraryThing member sdtaylor555
I bought the whole series on a strong recommendation from my friend. I could barely get though this first one. Maybe the others in the series are better?


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