Murder at the Courthouse

by Ann H. Gabhart

Paper Book, 2015



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Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Former Columbus police officer Michael Keane has no trouble relaxing into the far less stressful job of deputy sheriff in his small hometown. After all, nothing ever happens in Hidden Springs, Kentucky. Nothing, that is, until a dead body is discovered on the courthouse steps.

User reviews

LibraryThing member thornton37814
Michael Keane has returned from policing the streets of Columbus, Ohio to serve in the sheriff's department in Hidden Springs, Kentucky. When Miss Willadeen discovers the body of a stranger on the steps of the courthouse on her daily visit, suddenly no one feels safe. Several stories within the
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novel may seem unrelated to some readers and shout out to others as quite important, but they all weave together to form a story. The author is not particularly good at hiding her clues so I guessed the way things were going to work out including the perpetrator and other things that I won't spoil for those who have not read the novel. In spite of that, I enjoyed the characters and the setting and would probably read another installment in the series. This review is based on an advance e-galley provided by the publisher through NetGalley for review purposes.
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LibraryThing member Kris_Anderson
Murder at the Courthouse by A.H. Gabhart is the first book in the Hidden Springs Mysteries. Miss Willadean Dearmon goes to the courthouse every morning. This morning she walks up the steps and sees a man slumped against a pillar. Miss Willadean immediately goes to the sheriff’s office to report a
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drunk man on the steps. Deputy Sheriff Michael Keane investigates and discovers the man has been shot (and he is dead). Michael will have his work cut out for him to find the culprit. He will have to deal with nosy townspeople, a blowhard detective (who is thankfully sick in the hospital), and the editor of the Hidden Springs Gazette. Who is the dead man and why was he is Hidden Springs? Will Michael be able to find the culprit before anyone else gets hurt?

Michael is also working to keep Anthony Blake on the straight and narrow. Anthony is on probation and must attend school every single day. Michael notices that Anthony was not in school on the day the man was discovered on the courthouse steps. Michael is determined to help this young man. Anthony lives with his aunt since the disappearance of his mother ten years ago. No one has seen or heard from Anthony’s mother in all that time. Does Anthony know anything about the murder (is that why he was seen near the courthouse)?

Murder at the Courthouse is a Christian mystery series. It is a slow paced novel that gets more interesting toward the end of the novel. There are a lot of characters in the novel and it can be hard to keep them all straight (there are so many townspeople and all of them are nosy). I give Murder at the Courthouse 3.25 out of 5 stars (it did get more interesting). I also liked the mystery in the book. It was very easy to solve, but I liked all the different parts. I will be curious to read the next book in the Hidden Springs Mysteries.

I received a complimentary copy of Murder at the Courthouse from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
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LibraryThing member alekee
When the book opens with a chuckle, sad but rather funny, the town busy body tries getting a recently murdered man to acknowledge her, and is all bent out of shape when he ignores her. Off to a great start, and who is this man that no one seems to recognize?
Hidden Springs is one of those sleepy
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little towns where everyone knows everyone, and you don’t need a phone to know what is happening. Now something strange is going on, and maybe has been for quite awhile, this crime has deeper roots than you can possibly imagine.
Come along for a really well written story and how it unfolds will keep you page-turning and wanting to get to the end of the book, and really not wanting it to end.
This book is going to linger with you a long time after you have turned the final page, and you will be shaking your head, so many lives touched and hurt by selfishness.
I received this book through Net Galley and Revell Publishing, and was not required to give a positive review
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LibraryThing member vintagebeckie
Ann Gabhart is known for her historical fiction, but in Murder at The Courthouse, she has ventured into the contemporary, cozy mystery genre. Set in a Kentucky town, this novel has all of the elements — small town setting with a Mayberry vibe, characters that know everyone else’s business and a
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dedicated sheriff’s deputy determined to find the truth, wherever it may be. The result is a down-home mystery with twists and turns.

Michael Keane has returned home to Hidden Springs after a stint as a big-city policeman. Content to write speeding tickets and follow-up on petty theft, he soon comes face to face with the unthinkable — a body on the Courthouse steps. With wild theories flying across the town, Michael investigates leads with a dogged determination and finds answers where no one wants to go.

Murder at The Courthouse, first book in the Hidden Springs Mystery series, was a bit of a slow go for me at first. There are lots of characters introduced with all their backstories. And while useful for this book and the sequels to come, I kept wanting the action to get going. Eventually the story sped up, and I found myself turning the pages. The characters were generally likable, even the pesky and persistent newspaper editor, and fit into the small town mold. The mystery was at first puzzling, but I figured out whodunit before the deputy did. I also found myself re-reading sentences to get the real meaning (there is a bit of a punctuation problem — not enough commas). All in all, I found it to be an okay read. A lot of reviewers on Amazon gave it 5 stars, so be sure to check out their comments.

Audience: adults.

(Thanks to Revell for a review copy. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)
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LibraryThing member Virginia51
This is a fun first mystery for Ann Gabhart. I really look forward to reading many more books in this series. The town of Hidden Springs is like many other small towns. Everybody knows everything about everyone. Then murdrer occurs. Know admits to knowing the dead guy. Michael must solve this
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murder before any one else gets hurt. Can he do it? This is a wonderful story. I received a copy of this book from Revell reads and the author for a fair and honest opinion.
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LibraryThing member mbarkman
Having read Ann Gabhart's Rosey Corner and Hollyhill series I wondered how her mystery series, of which this is the first, would compare. I found it to be just as delightful and enjoyable as all her other books, with her unique voice coming through clearly. I do not read mystery books much, but
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found it to be a refreshing change from my normal genres of romance or suspense.
It truly was a mystery because I did not figure out what might have happened to Roxanne, or who was the father of her son, or any of the other questions raised during the course of the story before the characters involved did, though thinking back, there were clues. I will enjoy returning to the series and the town in future books. It is well written, pulling the reader into the book and subsequently into the mystery with the use of vivid imagery and senses.

Thank you to Graf-Martin Publicity Group through their Nuts About Books program and Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group for the opportunity to read this book. I was given a free book in exchange for an honest review. A positive critique was not required. The opinions are my own.
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LibraryThing member lamb521
Title: Murder at the Courthouse (A Hidden Springs Mystery #1)
Author: A.H. Gabhart
Pages: 321
Year: 2015
Publisher: Revell
Michael Keane has returned to Hidden Springs, Kentucky after serving in Columbus on the police force. Upon his return, he begins work as a deputy for the county sheriff. He likes
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being back home in his own small town that was founded by his ancestors. He hopes one day to raise his children here. His Aunt Lindy still lives in the family home, but has assured him once he marries she will move out and into an apartment. She strongly hints that she hopes that will be soon, with the right girl of course.
Then the town gossip stomps into the sheriff’s office, which is located in the courthouse, complaining of a drunken man sitting on the courthouse steps. When Michael goes to investigate, he finds much more than he bargained for. With an unidentified body found dead on the courthouse steps, rumors begin flying. However, one person is hesitant to say much and soon pays a high price for silence. Now, with two murders in this small town and no leads, Michael begins to look to the past, including his own, in order to ferret out any clues or leads so he can stop the killer before he/she strikes again.
This is a good start to the new genre of mystery for this author. The story moved a little bit slow, but there is a great, suspense-filled scene toward the end of the book where readers find out the identity of the killer. I really liked Aunt Lindy’s never give up attitude and her expecting God to work miracles. She had complete faith that he would work a miracle in healing her nephew, and He did. The character of Lester reminded me of Barney Fife from the old Andy Griffith television show, which made for a few laughs. The world of small town politics and gossip is alive and well in this story. I’m looking forward to the second book in the series to revisit the small town residents of Hidden Springs.
My rating is 4 stars.
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LibraryThing member Robin661
Murder at the Courthouse
A.H. Gabhart

Book Summary: Michael Keane's stressful days as a Columbus police officer are done. He's ready to relax into his new position as deputy sheriff in his sleepy hometown. Nothing ever happens in Hidden Springs, Kentucky--and that's just fine with Michael. Nothing,
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that is, until a dead body is discovered on the courthouse steps. As Michael works to solve the case, it seems that every nosy resident in town has a theory. When the sheriff insists Michael check out one of these harebrained theories, his surprising discovery sends him on a bewildering search for a mysterious killer that has him questioning everything he has ever believed about life in Hidden Springs. Bringing with her a knack for creating settings you want to visit and an uncanny ability to bring characters to life, A. H. Gabhart pens a whodunit that will keep you guessing.

Review: I was very conflicted by this book. I really liked the characters and guessed who did it from the beginning. The pieces were easy to put together. The beginning was slow, for me very slow. I like the fast pace or suspense of a mystery too. The second incident was more startling. That is when the storyline began to come together and the entire story improved tremendously. I liked the story being told with Michael as the main character. The history of the storyline was tragic and intriguing. I can honestly say if the pace was as fast as the middle to end were I would be hooked for a second installment. I may consider reading another story now that the town and townspeople are known it may make for a more cozy mystery.

I would like to thank Net Galley and Revell for allowing me to read and review this book in return for a free copy and I was never asked to write a favorable review by anyone. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
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LibraryThing member Mizroady
Hidden Springs, Kentucky is the ionic sleepy, little town where everybody knows everybody and everything about each other. The citizens are lulled by a daily routine that has lasted not days or months but years. Life is so predictable that the people take it for granted. Unexpectedly everything
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changes. A stranger is found dead on the courthouse steps. Unheard of!
Suddenly the town is alive with excitement, curiosity, and a lot of opinions about what happened! Michael, a young policeman attempts to find the murderer with basically no clues to start with. He has his work cut out for him, as his investigation also means dealing with the gossip, a newspaper reporter with a flair for inaccurate embellishments, and town characters just being themselves.
As he works to find the murderer, secrets about town residents are brought to light. The tragedy brings emotions of loss and pain from many of the character’s pasts, including Michael. Events will seemingly be plodding along when the reader is caught off guard by when a startling development in the case. This book is for sure a page turner! You will be surprised at who the guilty party is! As strange as it sounds this is a nice murder mystery. There is not a lot of blood, gore, and violence, just a good whodunit. I look forward to reading more of the Ms. Gabhart’s books!
I received a copy of this book free from Revell. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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LibraryThing member cyderry
An unidentified body is found on the courthouse steps and the everyone in Hidden Springs is in an uproar. Deputy Sheriff Michael Keane has to try to identify the body before he can even start an investigation. At the same time, Keane is battling with a rebellious teenager. With all the players that
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are getting the way, the clues to the murder seem a bit out of the ordinary.

I really loved the mystery and the way that the history of the characters were interwoven into the story.

The characters need a bit more fleshing out but for a first in a series it was really good.
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LibraryThing member KateBaxter
Can't say that I had previously read a cozy murder mystery based in Christian faith and was frankly curious how one would approach such grizzly material framed with a faith-based message. I can honestly say that I was pleasantly surprised. The murder scenes were not overly graphic and there was
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good depth within the main characters of the book. The characters were not perfect and as such very believable. I found the beginning rather slow but with the appearance of a second incident, the tension heightened and the pace picked up and kept on from there through to the end. The main character, Deputy Sheriff Michael Keane, is one you're eager to follow. He has endured much and you want to see him succeed (perhaps in spite of himself). I am eager to see how he fares in life within the next installment in the Hidden Springs Mystery series.

Favorite line: "Sometimes it's hard to do the right thing."

I am grateful to Goodreads First Reads, author Ann H. Gabhart and publisher Revell for having provided a free copy of his book. Their generosity did not, however, influence this review - the words of which are mine alone.

Synopsis (from book's back cover):
Michael Keane's stressful days as a Columbus police officer are done. He's ready to relax into his new position as deputy sheriff in his sleepy hometown. Nothing ever happens in Hidden Springs, Kentucky--and that's just fine with Michael.
Nothing, that is, until a dead body is discovered on the courthouse steps. As Michael works to solve the case, it seems that every nosy resident in town has a theory. When the sheriff insists Michael check out one of these harebrained theories, his surprising discovery sends him on a bewildering search for a mysterious killer that has him questioning everything he has ever believed about life in Hidden Springs.
Bringing with her a knack for creating settings you want to visit and an uncanny ability to bring characters to life, A. H. Gabhart pens a whodunit that will keep you guessing.
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LibraryThing member Carlathelibrarian
Hidden Springs is a quiet little town that is about to have a shake up. When Miss Willadean, the town busy body comes across a passed out drunk stranger on the courthouse steps, she lets the Sherriff's office hear about it. When Michael, the deputy heads out to check it out, he finds out that it is
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not a drunk, but a dead man. The mystery begins.

The characters in this new series are introduced in this story and they are extremely likeable. Michael's story of his parents being killed in a terrible accident when he was only 15 was heart breaking, especially that he was in the car and almost died himself. His spunky Aunt Malinda (Lindy) stayed by his side, praying and talking to him and nursed him back to health. She raised him with the help of the judge next door who became a sort of surrogate father. Michael takes an interest in troubled teenagers and has tried to keep Anthony out of trouble. Anthony's story of being abandoned by his mother at the age of 5 and raised by his aunt hits home with Michael. The rest of the Sherriff's office staff all have quirks of their own and Lester is a hoot. The newspaper man, Hank, is always in the way but gets his story. There are a couple of love interests for Michael, but that is not the main part of the story, just an interesting aside, which will probably develop more in future books.

As more bodies show up, Michael is in a race to find the killer and protect Anthony, who he thinks knows more about the murders than he is telling. A good read. I did figure out the killer about 2/3 of the way in, but it was still a great mystery. I am looking forward to the next in this series.

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
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LibraryThing member polarmath
This is a new author for me and I liked her style. The book was a page turner and kept me reading to find out what would happen next. The sleepy town of Hidden Springs, Kentucky is like any other small town until a series of murders occur. Deputy Sheriff Michael Keane finds himself trying to figure
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out what is going on.
I liked how the he did his best to take into consideration the theories that were presented to him no matter how far fetched and still managed to do his job of solving the murders. This is an author that I will look for more mysteries from to keep me guessing.
I received this book free to review from the publisher.
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Hidden Springs Mysteries 1


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