Always On My Mind

by Susan May Warren

Paper Book, 2010



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After a failed dig in Honduras, aspiring archaeologist Casper Christiansen heads home to Minnesota to face his unresolved feelings for Raina Beaumont, the woman of his dreams. But when he arrives unannounced on her doorstep, he receives the shock of a lifetime: Raina is pregnant with someone else's baby. Heartbroken, especially when he discovers the identity of the baby's father, Casper tables his dreams and determines to be dependable for once, helping his older brother, Darek, prepare the family resort for its grand reopening. Casper longs to be the hero of at least one family story, but a never-ending Deep Haven winter and costly repairs threaten their efforts-and the future of the resort. Worse, one of Casper's new jobs constantly brings him into contact with Raina, whom he can't seem to forget. A tentative friendship begins to heal fresh wounds, but can they possibly overcome past mistakes and current choices to discover a future together?… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member Beverlylynnt
I have been captivated with the Christiansen Family series since the first book I have read. I've read and reviewed several of the books in the series since then and every one of them is superb in character development, family dynamics, incorporating faith into the characters' lives and
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personalities. Always on my Mind is one of the best in this series so far. It goes on my book shelf with the other keepers because I'm going to read them over and over.

The book is about Casper Christiansen and Raina Beaumont. We actually meet them in the previous book of the series: When I Fall in Love. That book was about Grace Christiansen and Max Sharpe. Raina was Grace's culinary assistant. She was living temporarily with her aunt in Deep Haven, Minnesota, a town near Evergreen Resort. The resort is the setting around which most of the books in the series revolve. Raina met Casper the previous summer when she delivered a pizza to some of his friends. Casper was in charge of a competitive rowing team and managed to rope Raina into participating. That is how their romance began. But she was carrying a secret that was unfortunately revealed at Casper's sister's wedding (Eden Christiansen and Jace's story is another book in the series), near the end of the book. Casper was hurt and secretly jealous. He decided to bury his rage by following a dream of his, working for an architect's team down in Roatan, Honduras. When he returned up north, he is just in time to take Raina to the hospital, to deliver a baby. He knew the baby was not his.

Susan May Warren writes some of the most stirring character development I have ever read. Her characters feel real, as if they were people we know. Their pain and their struggles feel real, and we grapple with their problems right along with them. The author is adept at expressing her characters' mental and spiritual anguish equally. If we are honest with ourselves, we can see our own belief systems and feelings in their inner battles. You can't help but empathize with them in their triumphs and failings. Most of us could probably think of someone we know going through the same type of turmoil in their lives.

One of my favorite parts of this story is the intriguing mystery the author has created. Raina becomes involved in solving this mystery as a representative of the antique shop that is evaluating an estate. Casper joins forces with her as a volunteer for the Deep Haven Historical Society when he finds items that offer clues toward solving the mystery. What they learn in their "treasure hunt" becomes an intriguing parallel to their own unique situation. Entries from Aggie's diary of a hundred years ago become a valuable object lesson for Raina in the present. Furthermore, a couple of surprises at the end at so much depth to this wonderful story.

I read quite a few book in the Christian genre. Sometimes a book's inclusion of God, faith in Jesus, and the role of faith in the characters' lives sound artificial and contrived, while some other books only make passing remarks about God. That's not the way God operates in my life. He is vital, real, and foremost in my thoughts in most of my waking hours, and His principles influence my way of life because He values me and I value Him. I'm delighted when I discover books such as those of Ms. Warren's, which reflect a similar relationship in their characters. The characters aren't perfect, just like me and you. Ms. Warren's characters don't preach; they live, love, falter and learn. They grow just as we do. They are three-dimensional. I'm attract to that.

Finally, another aspect about the author's books I love is how eventually the entire Christiansen family is gathered together and she wraps us in the collective family sense of warmth, belonging, identity and acceptance--warts and all. As readers, we get to see genuine family love the way it's designed to be, not sappy or saccharine, but one that folds its arms around the newcomer in welcome, even when that person is flawed. I get the sense that a person could only write about that type of family if that is their own experience. Reading these books brought to my mind some great memories of my own.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary review copy of this book from Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. through their Blog Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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LibraryThing member Becky_L
Always in His Sight and Care...

With themes of being the light of God, hope despite bad choices, forgiving, and living large with God, Susan May Warren deftly pulled me into her fourth book of the Christiansen family. No matter I had not read any of the other three. Always on My Mind gives just
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enough back story just as the reader needs it to be able to enjoy this story on its own. I will, however, be searching out the other three, since my appetite has been so well-whetted for more complete adventures of this imperfect, Christian family.

As we meet Raina, she is emotionally hiding out from Casper, with whom she fell in love the summer before. Because of a fit of jealousy, Casper took off to the Honduras, searching for treasure. He returns to make things right with Raina, only to find her unwilling and unable to move beyond the past.

Casper's brother, Darek, is uncertain about Casper's return as well. Darek is struggling to keep the family lodge running and profitable. He needs Casper to be reliable this time. In the meantime, Darek puts all he has into the lodge...but will it cost him his son and new wife as well?

John, the patriarch, addresses Casper's need to discover treasure:"...there is no life bigger than the one lived, every day, in awe of God. God showing up in our lives to love us despite ourselves. That is a treasure we can find every single day." And again John says, "If what we call love doesn't take us beyond ourselves, require more of us than we ever dreamed, then it's not the unconditional, divine love God has for us. God's love is not cautious, not wise, not sensible,and not remotely conservative.In fact, loving another person the way God loves them is the greatest adventure we can have...the greatest treasure you can find."

Always on My Mind is more than a romance or even a family saga. It is a book that will stay on my mind, reminding me God always has us in His sights and care!

I received this book from in exchange for an honest review.
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LibraryThing member Virginia51
This was again another great book in this series. I loved Casper and Raina. You need to read these books in order to enjoy them the best. All of the Christiansen children are wonderful. Raina has a child from a one night stand with Caspers brother. Does Casper love Raina enough to get over the fact
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of her having his brothers child? I received this book from book for a fair and honest opinion.
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