
by Kevin Hearne

Ebook, 2013



Call number

Fic SF Hearne



Random House Publishing Group


Fantasy. Fiction. Thriller. HTML:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER For a two-thousand-year-old Druid, Atticus O�??Sullivan is a pretty fast runner. Good thing, because he�??s being chased by not one but two goddesses of the hunt�??Artemis and Diana�??for messing with one of their own. Dodging their slings and arrows, Atticus, Granuaile, and his wolfhound Oberon are making a mad dash across modern-day Europe to seek help from a friend of the Tuatha Dé Danann. His usual magical option of shifting planes is blocked, so instead of playing hide-and-seek, the game plan is . . . run like hell. Crashing the pantheon marathon is the Norse god Loki. Killing Atticus is the only loose end he needs to tie up before unleashing Ragnarok�??AKA the Apocalypse. Atticus and Granuaile have to outfox the Olympians and contain the god of mischief if they want to go on living�??and still have a world to live in. Includes Kevin Hearne�??s novella �??Two Ravens and One Crow�?� in the back of the book Don�??t miss any of Kevin Hearne�??s phenomenal Iron Druid Chronicles novels: HOUNDED | HEXED | HAMMERED | TRICKED | TRAPPED | HUNTED | SHATTERED | STAKED Praise for Kevin Hearne �??It may be possible that Hearne and Atticus are the logical heir to Butcher and Dresden.�?��??SFFWorld �??An exciting mix of comedy, action, and mythology . . . [Atticus] is one of the best main characters currently present in the urban fantasy genre.�?��??Fantasy Book Critic, on Tricked �??Superb . . . eminently readable . . . plenty of quips and zap-pow-bang fighting.�?��??Publishers Weekly (starred review), on Hounded Praise for Hunted �??Hunted is the best by far! . . . Storytelling doesn�??t get much better than this, folks. The author has caught lightning (pun intended) in a bottle and he keeps doing it again, and again. If you haven�??t caught on to the joy that is the Iron Druid Chronicles, you should remedy that, post-haste.�?��??My Bookish Ways �??Hunted is everything you�??ve come to expect from an Iron Druid book, and then some. I give Hunted [a] five out of five.�?��??Roqoo Depot �??A fun, action packed book that delivers some great sequences, and some superb narrative with some great humour.�?��??The Founding Fields �??Hunted is filled with everything I love about the series. Snark runs rampant, action is non-stop, the world building is phenomenal, and the characters are ones that you would love to sit down and have a drink with.�?��??Mad Hatter Reads �??Hunted is an adrenaline-filled read with tons of action, fantastic mythology and some real… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member ExLibrisVita
I really enjoy this series, but something about this book rubbed me wrong. I love the characters and the action is just as good as any of the other books. I also like how Atticus attempts to resolve the conflict with the Olympians using logic, restraint, and communication. The dialogue is excellent
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and I laughed at Oberon's commentary just as much as ever. Still...something rubs me wrong.
My first dissonant moment came when (SPOILER) a sniper shoots Atticus and everyone thinks he's dead. I know these books get compared to the Dresden Files all the time, and that is a great comparison, but it seems cheap that the same method used to knock Harry down was also used on Atticus. It's a bit too easy to copy Butcher's formula and repeat it, and thus far Hearne hasn't left me feeling like he's trying to write with Butcher's pen...but that slipped up for me here. Also, by putting it in the middle of the story it was clearly evident that Atticus was NOT dead and would be coming right why should I (as a faithful reader) care about the head shot. I know there'd be a miracle of magic to make it all better just a few pages away. I guess what I'm saying is that it felt copied and cheap and useless to the story.
The second item that bothered me is how the ending just kind of peters out. It doesn't have a strong enough third act. The action is weaker than that provided in the first two acts and the means with which Atticus wins through isn't triumphant enough. He just kind of ekes it out and then it ends with a lot of healing. Yay...that's....bland.
Again...I love this series. It's in my top 5 favorite urban fantasy series and I'll keep coming back. I've read all the books and novellas and love going to Hearne's site for the extras he provides. Atticus and Oberon are my favorite comedy duo in books right now. I enjoyed the book, but I feel like it's just not as good as previous entries. I do realize it marks a transition and that the focus on the Olympians can now be switched to the mysterious forces pushing towards Ragnarok. Still, the structure of that transition fell flat for me. I'll look forward to the next book and hope that the next chapter in Atticus, Oberon and Granuaile's lives will be better.
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LibraryThing member teckelvik
I actually pre-ordered this; I was a bit anxious at the end of Trapped to see what would happen next. As I keep saying, the best thing about this series is that it is a series - there is a plot that goes through all the books, which tell one, coherent story.

This volume is actually rather
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technically impressive - basically, all that happens is that Atticus and Granuaile are running, on foot, from Greece to England. This is the worst kind of fantasy/adventure novel cliche: the party journeys through the wilderness, having random life-threatening adventures to pad the page count. In this case, there are no random encounters, although almost all of them are life-threatening. Each interaction builds towards the coming climax. Characters from previous volumes reappear, for reasons that make perfect sense. They each have an agenda they are following, and continue to act in their own interests. Leif Helgarson, the vampire who may have been Atticus' friend in the past, continues to plot to take over the vampire court, and continues to use Atticus as an instrument of his plotting. The Tuatha de Danaan are still up to something Atticus can't figure out, but might die from. Loki is still reeling and stumbling through everyone's best laid plans. Even people who have agreed to work with Atticus can't stand him. I'm looking forward to the next volume, whenever it comes!

Granuaile continues to be a real negative for the series as a whole. In this volume, for the first time, we get scenes from her POV, and she's an idiot. Also, Atticus's magic charm necklace is getting perilously close to deus ex machina status. Right now, these are my only complaints.
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LibraryThing member thehistorychic
Read from September 23 to October 17, 2013

Listened for Fun (Audible)
Overall Rating: 3.50
Story Rating: 3.00
Character Rating: 4.00

Audio Rating: 5.00 (not part of the overall rating)

First Thought when Finished: The end of Hunted was a little to abrupt and it felt like nothing really happened in the
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story. I still love the characters but this book in the series left me wanting.

Story Thoughts: Let me start with this, even though I did not enjoy Hunted as much as the rest of the series there was still the Kevin Hearne writing that we all know and love. I can't pinpoint exactly where the book and I didn't connect. I wasn't a fan of having things told from Granuaile's POV but only because she didn't sound like her old quippy self. I like her as a character but her POV parts just felt odd. I did like her in the story when it was from Atticus or Oberon though. Also, it felt like there was a lot of action but not a lot going on in Hunted. Yes, there were allies made and bad guys defeated (sort of) but it felt like one big peace treaty negotiation. Nothing wrong with that but Hunted felt more like filler (every series always has that one book that feels that way, this was this series book). Would I read it again? As part of a series reread absolutely. Do I think it would have worked better for me if I could read the next book? Probably.

Character Thoughts: I love Kevin Hearne's characters. They are the reason I love this series. Atticus, Oberon, and Granuaile are supported by some great characters from Mythology/Folklore/Kevin's Imagination. There were a few sad moments in Hunted and now there are some characters that will no longer be with us. I will miss them but my favorites are still around. You can't go wrong with The Iron Druid characters. They just rock!

Audio Thoughts

Narrated By Luke Daniels / Length: 9 hrs and 52 mins

Luke Daniels is awesome! Seriously I could listen to him read the telephone book. However, he excels at Atticus and Oberon. He is the characters in the Iron Druid series. I couldn't imagine anyone but him reading them. If you haven't listened to Luke Daniels read/act/bring to life The Iron Druid Chronicles then you are missing out. I highly recommend him.

Final Thoughts: Even though this wasn't my favorite, Hunted still had its fun moments. Don't miss out on the brilliance that is Oberon and Atticus. They do have their moments!
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LibraryThing member ladycato
It's hard to review books that are later on in a series because of the potential for spoilers. Suffice to say, Hearne's writing is as strong as ever. This book has all the wit and action of its predecessors. Everyone is out to kill Atticus--in that sense, the book reminded me of Jim Butcher's
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Dresden Files. Both authors do an excellent job of interweaving complex plots and bringing in offhand comments and characters from early on that only now become relevant.

One of the coolest things about this book is that it covers a massive swath of Europe, from Hungary to England. As a geography geek who has never been across the Atlantic, I really got a kick out of that. It was like Rick Steves' Travels in Europe, with goddesses and vampires trying to kill you (I'd totally contribute to a PBS pledge drive if that subject was involved). Hearne even has a full Google map of the route up on his website.

This continues to be one of my favorite series and one of the few I make an extra effort to keep up with.
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LibraryThing member Jiraiya
I'm sorry, but I gave this book a rating that it didn't deserve. I never thought I'd be so petty. Kudos for that goes to one Kevin Hearne. Nevertheless the tooltip of the rating says "did not like it", and I sincerely did not, nay, could not have liked the treatment given to this book. I know that
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many authors live with cats and dogs, but when winding down an epic story with an epilogue, don't make the latter about the f ucking dog. Okay, asshole? F uck you, f uck your dog, f uck your shoes, f uck your glasses, f uck you.
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LibraryThing member krau0098
This is the 6th book in the Iron Druid Chronicles. The 7th book will be titled Shattered, I wasn’t able to find a release date on the 7th book. Hunted was a good continuation of the Iron Druid Chronicles; I enjoyed the humor and the way our characters have grown and changed throughout the series.
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I listened to this on audiobook and the audiobook was incredibly well done. This is one of those series I actually enjoy listening to even more than I enjoy reading.

As a result of trapping Bacchus in a time stream the Olympian Gods are pretty ticked off at Atticus and Granuaile. So for the better part of this book Atticus and Granuaile are on the run from Diana and Artemis. Of course there is also still the issue of Loki being on the loose and Ragnarok threatening on the horizon.

This story was basically Atticus and Granuaile running from place to place trying to dodge attack from dark elves, vamps, and Olympian Gods. There is some character development but not a ton. The book is still a highly entertaining read, it’s very funny at parts but probably the least funny book of this series.

There are some dire things that happen and our characters get into some absolutely awful situations. Granuaile has become a force to be reckoned with but is still learning some things as well. Atticus is himself and as usually he escapes absolute death by just a hair a number of times.

There are a lot of different gods in this book; Norse, Olympian, Greek, etc. Ragnarok is getting closer and closer but must still be avoided at all costs.

Honestly while I still really enjoyed this book, I thought it was the weakest in the series to date. I just feel like the main story involving Loki is making very little progress and moving very slowly.

Overall a good book in this series, but the weakest to date. I still really enjoyed it; I love the humor and mythology in these books. The story made some progress but not a ton. Having Atticus and Granuaile fleeing enemies over and over again is getting a bit wearing; it seems like the last couple books have been like this. I still do look forward to the next book and am excited to see where the story ends up.
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LibraryThing member ronincats
You may recall that I was less enamored of the last book, Trapped, than I had been of the first four. I am glad to report that I am back on track with this book. Atticus is starting to pull together again and settle some of his feuds, at least temporarily. Now I have to wait for the seventh, and
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that is being published first in hardback. Why do publishers do that? Everyone in the world has the first 6 books in paperback, and wants the 7th to fit on the shelf with them. I'm going to make sure the library orders it and put myself on the hold list pronto.
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LibraryThing member Glennis.LeBlanc
The sixth book starts right off with Atticus and Granuaile being chased by the Greek and Roman goddesses of the hunt and they are catching up. They get away but only at a great cost. And no I don't want to say what. This book is about wrapping up threads from older books and it does it well. Of
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course there is an ending that leaves you wanting more. There are some surprising actions by people but all gets explained by a previous e book only novella that gets added to the end of this book. A very nice bonus to find.

Digital review provided by Edelweiss
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LibraryThing member -Eva-
Atticus, Granuaile, and Oberon are running across Europe to escape the Olympians and Loki so that they can seek help from the Tuatha Dé Danann. This started off a little slow for me because the first part was just a description of running, but once the groups get to interact with their followers,
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it's almost back to being a page-turner like the others in the series. Granuaile also gets her own voice in this book, but I'm less than enchanted with it - Atticus and Oberon are much more fun and Granuaile tends to be a little dry. Hope the next installment goes back to the "regular" voices or that Granuaile's picks up.
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LibraryThing member 2wonderY
Still going strong. Though I think Daniels is exaggerating Oberon's voice too much now, to the point of cartoony.
LibraryThing member AuntieClio
This is much more like it, Mr. Hearne. Almost all is forgiven for Trapped. Much easier to keep track of who is after Atticus, et al and who has aligned themselves as the prediction of Ragnarok looms. I continue to enjoy this series as some of most fun in urban fantasy.
LibraryThing member sdmouton
It turns out Oberon's in this one as well, so I found it enjoyable.
LibraryThing member nursewidener
***SPOILER ALERT*** This review has spoilers, reader beware. This review is for the Audible edition of Hunted by Kevin Hearne. Comparing Hunted to other books is hard because I feel Hearne has made such stand alone book series with characters who you rout for and want the outcome to be a happy
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ending even when you can't see how its going to happen. If I had to compare Hunted and the Iron Druid Chronicles than I would have to say Jim Butcher and the Dresden Files would be a close comparison. The main characters are magic users and really truly wanted to help even though they struggle with their own perceptions and shortcomings but that really makes them enjoyable stories and series. Actually, it’s kind of funny but the last scene in the book was getting Oberon an Irish Wolf Hound bitch and his reaction and the whole scenario had me spitting my milk across the table. In fact, due to that reaction my oldest child is currently listening to Hounded, which is an endorsement all by itself. The death of Atticus was a tough scene to listen and experience. Even though we learn that his soul catching charm in which he hadn't test (for obvious reasons-He would've had to die) before works as he thought it would. Maybe he should make another and while he is at it make one for "Clever Girl" and Oberon too. But the whole period of not knowing what was happen was a little much I would say. Made a little harder to detect the outcome because in this book we get "Clever Girl" narrating which is new to me, I didn't read/listen to Hearne's novellas so I don't know if she had in previous books. If you enjoy any magic, fantasy, or just plain funny adventure books then you will enjoy the Iron Druid Chronicles to include Hunted
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LibraryThing member KalessinAstarno
Whey, a series where not everything gets worse and worse and worse! I actually started to be worried that this would be a series I stop to read before it gets even worse - and then Hunted came along and, well, it's not 'happily ever after', but it's not 'oh gods, we're all gonna die horribly in a
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second' either. It feels a bit like a turning point and I really hope this is not so we can be crushed in the next volume.
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LibraryThing member kmajort
Not sure what I think of Granuaile's voice (I listen to the fine reading by Luke Daniels)... I'm leaning toward: good to get another PoV.
LibraryThing member libgirl69
Fun read, if not always well written.
LibraryThing member Unkletom
There’s a globe-spanning battle brewing that ancient Druid Atticus O’Sullivan will be hard pressed to survive, much less win.

The above sentence was found on Iron Druid author Kevin Hearne's website and describes the next book in the series to be published. The problem is that it can just as
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easily be used to describe this and several other books in the series. Atticus fights gods from (insert pantheon here) while having cute and humorous conversations with his Irish wolfhound Oberon and getting mushy with his apprentice druid, Granuaile. Even so, I enjoy the series and will probably keep reading them. I just hope Kevin shakes things up a bit in the future.
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LibraryThing member Karlstar
Atticus, Oberon and Granuaile are still loose in Europe, being chased by Artemis and Diana. How they got into that situation is the topic of the previous 2 books, so if that doesn't sound familiar to you, it would be best if you at least read books 4 and 5 of the series first.
Atticus is his usual
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wise-guy self and Oberon is even more of a jokester. The conversations between the three of them are often the best parts of these books. As is usual by now with these books, they are still in conflict with one pantheon or another and the vampires. I don't mind that part at all!
These books are amusing, fun to read and good entertainment. Not great fantasy but fun.
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LibraryThing member whybehave2002
hmmm...this took me a lot longer than it normally takes me to listen to a story of my favorite Iron Druid. There were too many objectives in the story. Make sure Granuaile is happy, keep me healthy enough to bring people back to life, make Oberon happy. All this while fighting off the Olympians and
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their team of followers. I kept getting confused about where I was in the book...Colorado, Ireland, Greece? And I am really questioning Granuaile's part becoming bigger. I just don't know. :(
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LibraryThing member Narilka
Hunted is the sixth in The Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne. It's the book where Atticus, Granuiale and Oberon make a mad dash across Europe in an effort to out run two Goddesses of the Hunt: Diana and Artemis. Yeah, that's basically it for the plot.

I'm not quite sure what to say about the
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series at this point. The books are silly and funny, with Oberon continuing to be my favorite character, but starting to feel highly repetitive. Atticus doesn't have much in the way of character growth and is apparently unkillable at this point, which takes away some of the tension of the story. I enjoyed getting to see things from Granuiale's perspective. I am genuinely intrigued by what happened in the epilogue that I'll likely pick up book seven at some point.
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LibraryThing member Mary_Beth_Robb
Getting better and better
LibraryThing member 3j0hn
Pure cheese.
LibraryThing member Silversi
As with most of Hearne's books, I listened to this on Audiobook rather than reading it because the narrator is awesome. The voice of Oberon has me cracking up in every book. This particular one, Hunted, is a bit on the sloggy end as far as interesting stories. Obviously it was worth the read (or
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listen) but until the ending, I found myself drifting off rather than being riveted by the action going on. I won't say what happened because, you know, big spoiler but I will say it was worth sticking around until the end.
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LibraryThing member Carolesrandomlife
I enjoyed this book! I have been slowly working my way through this series over the past couple of years so I was eager to pick up this installment. It was so easy to slip back into this world and I had a great time going along on this adventure with Atticus, Granuaile, and Oberon. This is the
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sixth book in the series and I would recommend reading this series in order. I found this to be a very solid installment in the series and I was entertained from beginning to end.

After a battle, Atticus and crew are told that they need to run across Europe. This would be challenging enough on its own but they must avoid being killed by the Olympians, Artemis and Diana. There were a few times that things looked really dire for Atticus, Granuaile, and Oberon. It is always interesting to see how Atticus is able to get out of some of the situations that are thrown at him. It was great seeing Atticus, Granuaile, and Oberon working together as a team.

Luke Daniels does such a great job with this series. I love the voices that he uses for the various characters. I think that the voice that he uses for Oberon perfectly captures his personality and adds just a bit of humor to the story. I thought that he was able to add just enough excitement and emotion to the story to keep me glued to my headphones. I believe that audio is the way to go with this series.

I would recommend this series to others. I found this installment to be filled with fantastic characters and plenty of action. I cannot wait to read more of this wonderful series.
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LibraryThing member murderbydeath
This is one of those weird series that I thoroughly enjoy when I'm reading it, but can easily put off picking up the next book for long, long stretches of time. However, since this book fits a number of Halloween Bingo squares, it seemed like the perfect time to get further along.

Atticus is being
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hunted across Europe by Diana and Artemis for his perceived crimes against Bacchus in the previous book. All the pantheons have agreed to neither help nor hinder the chase and are using it as a form of entertainment. Interspersed throughout are random drop-ins by Loki, recently escaped from his eternal punishment and bat-sh*t crazy.

I like the way Hearne creates an overall story arch about how the road to hell can be paved with good intentions. Atticus' loyalty to his friends (good thing) results in the bringing about of Ragnorok (very bad thing), and now he's trying to atone for his sins.

It's a good read; fast paced, well written, and I like the characters. For me, though I never rave over them, the Iron Druid chronicles always offer up a solid, entertaining read.

I'm using this one for the Cryptozoology Square for Halloween Bingo 2018.
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Iron Druid, 6


Fic SF Hearne


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