Envy of Angels

by Matt Wallace

Ebook, 2015



Call number

Fic SF Wallace



Tom Doherty Associates


Fantasy. Fiction. Humor (Fiction.) HTML: In New York, eating out can be hell. Everyone loves a well-catered event, and the supernatural community is no different, but where do demons go to satisfy their culinary cravings? Welcome to Sin du Jour�??where devils on horseback are the clients, not the dish. Praise for Envy of Angels: "Matt Wallace tells a raucous, riotous tale of culinary madness�??a jaw-dropping horror-fantasy restaurateur Thunderdome that makes the 'monkey brain' scene in Temple of Doom look like something you'd see on Nickelodeon. It's like I dropped a heroic dose of acid and turned on the Food Network for eight hours. It's funny and demented and sticks in you like a pinbone. Matt Wallace writes like someone just jammed a needle full of adrenaline in his heart�??and then, in yours. From this point forward, I'll read anything this guy writes." �??Chuck Wendig, author of Blackbirds and Zeroes "No one makes me think, 'Dammit, I should have thought of that!' like Matt Wallace. The Sin du Jour series is something I read with equal amounts of envy and delight." �??Mur Lafferty, Campbell Award winning author of The Shambling Guide to New Yor… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member T_K_Elliott
I really wanted to like this a lot more than I did; a catering company that caters for demons - how cool is that?

Unfortunately, despite the great premise, this book doesn't really deliver - at least, for me it didn't. The comedy is slapstick, and the action moves so fast with so little depth that
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there's no tension. You never really doubt that it's all going to turn out OK in the end, and you're kind of mildly interested in finding out how - but none of the characters are three-dimensional enough for you to really care about them.

There are a few too many plot conveniences, and difficulties skipped over. However, it was amusing in a mindless sort of way, and a non-demanding way to spend an hour. And sometimes that's what you need in a book, particularly on a Friday night after a sleep-deprived week.

So, two stars - which is "it's OK". And it was. I may or may not read the second book in the series; if I do, I'll wait for another sleep-deprived week.

However, if you like slapstick, you'll probably really enjoy it - and good luck to you, and to Matt Wallace.
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LibraryThing member pwaites
Lena and Darren are two down on their luck chefs who’ve been blackballed from most New York establishment. They are contemplating – horror of horrors – moving to Jersey when they get an unexpected job offer from a catering company they’ve never heard of. As they soon discover, Sin du Jour
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is no ordinary catering company. It’s clientele are the supernatural denizens of New York.

Envy of Angels is the start to a series of novellas. And for better or worse, there’s a lot packed into this little novella. From warring demonic gangs to a heist at an iconic fast food company headquarters, Envy of Angels has it all.

However, the sheer amount of plot lines and the breadth of the cast meant that character development felt scanty. There are so many characters in this novella, but none of them are memorable. It might have worked better for me if it had narrowed the focus and expanded the development of a core cast.

Envy of Angels is one of the more imaginative urban fantasy ideas I’ve encountered. I did enjoy the time I spent reading it, but I don’t think I would ever reread it. I may or may not pick up the sequels. While I liked the central idea, I wished I liked the characters more.

Originally posted on The Illustrated Page.
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LibraryThing member eclecticlibrarian
The only problem with this book is that it is too short and there isn't a sequel already. Get back to work, Wallace!

I would recommend this book to people who don't like urban fantasy but want to read an urban fantasy written by a witty (and hungry) author.
LibraryThing member stefferoo
I have to say, so far I’ve been very impressed with the variety of Tor.com novellas. Just as I’ve gotten myself settled in with a couple stories that are rather sober, more serious-like endeavors, along comes Envy of Angels barging into this black tie dinner party like your favorite uncle, the
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one who gets loud when he’s had too many but is always ready to entertain the crowd with a funny yarn.

I had such a great time with this book. Imagine Hell’s Kitchen meets Dresden Files, marinated in a flavorful blend of action and thrills, seasoned generously with humor. When I first glimpsed the conspicuously short publisher description for this novella, I had my suspicions about what this meant and now they have been confirmed: The less you know about this story going in, the better.

Fortunately, I can give the general gist of it without spoiling anything. Envy of Angels is about Lena and Darren, two ordinary down-on-their-luck New York chefs who suddenly find themselves landing the gig of lifetime at Sin du Jour, an exclusive catering company owned by one of the city’s hottest celebrity chefs. However, it soon becomes clear that Sin du Jour is no ordinary catering company. For one thing, their clients are demons.

When asked to serve a morally questionable item on the menu at their next event (and we’re not talking about veal), Sin du Jour owner and executive chef Byron “Bronko” Luck gathers his staff and puts it to a vote. Should they do what they’re told and go through with the whole thing? Or should they take the dangerous, near-impossible option and attempt to pull the wool over their devilish clientele’s eyes by preparing a substitute main course and praying they won’t notice? By the way, these types of hellish customers, when they don’t get what they order, aren’t just going to be sending it back. But guess what our characters decide to go ahead and do anyway.

The result is an extraordinary amount of story packed into this novella. Envy of Angels features plenty of action both in the kitchen and out in the field, and even includes a thrilling heist sequence starring Ritter, Cindy, Hara and Moon, the unforgettable foursome who make up Sin du Jour’s Stocking and Receiving Department.

The plot is also very addictive, especially when it gets more and more bizarre. Between getting completely sucked into the story and the sheer morbid curiosity to see what other crazy things might be happening next, I kept turning the pages and finished this book in no time at all. It was fantastically good fun. I really don’t want to give much more away, though in truth, there are moments so absurdly hilarious, so out-of-this-world-insane that I would be hard-pressed to describe them, anyway. Seriously. There are moments in here that you simply must experience for yourself.

One thing is certain though. I’ll never look at a Chicken McNugget the same way again.
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LibraryThing member J.Riley.Castine
Me and my wife are avid fans o fthe TV show Supernatural. We love the off kilter sense of humor and alternate history aspect of the basics of Christian dogma.

Sin du Jour follows a similar model for its humor and at the same time breaks new ground as a unrelated and unique work of fiction.

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personally love the twist build up to one of the main pieces of humor in the book. it's an old tried-and-true culinary joke. I won't ruin it for you here you have got to read this book.

Matt Wallace has mastered the subtle art of off-kilter humor.
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LibraryThing member TadAD
A lot of four star responses to this thing but I found it rather ordinary. It’s as if Carl Hiaasen and Kim Harrison got together to write a story but lost interest…it could have been a lot of fun but ended up just so-so. I don’t see continuing this series.
LibraryThing member KateSherrod
If Repairman Jack went into the catering business, the results would be very like the milieu of this novella series. The characters are still jelling, here, but the premise is so great and the scenes so off the wall that this doesn't matter. Too fun!
LibraryThing member Carolesrandomlife
This was just okay for me. I have heard great things about this series so this book has been on my to be read list for some time. I bought a copy of the book but had not had the opportunity to sit down and read it just yet so when I saw that the audiobook was available through my library, I decided
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to go that route. It is a rather short piece so I was able to finish it in just a couple of days. I didn't fall in love with this book but did enjoy some aspects of the story.

This book was weird. I like weird books so that shouldn't have been any kind of problem but this book is really weird. Not normal weird but undead clowns worshipping a giant chicken kind of weird. This book had a certain crazy that went along with the weird and I think it was just a bit much for me at times. It was definitely unique and unlike anything else that I have ever read.

Darren and Lena get the chance to work for a catering company called Sin du Jour. Sin du Jour is not your normal group of caterers. They have a very original menu and clientele that sometimes come to them with special requests. Serving the wrong kind of meal could have devastating consequences for the employees of Sin du Jour. I thought that the way that the staff of Sin du Jour interacted with each other felt rather authentic.

The narrator was just okay for me as well. I believe that this is the first time that I have had the chance to listen to Corey Gagne's narration. I have to admit that I didn't care for some of the voices that he used especially for the female characters. It was difficult to determine who was talking at times. I thought that he did have a pleasant voice that brought excitement to some of the scenes but I was never quite able to completely move past my dislike for some of the voices used. I would probably be willing to give this narrator another try in the future with a different kind of story.

I think that some readers may enjoy this story a bit more than I did. It was a really interesting concept with some really exciting scenes. The book did cause me to swear off all chicken nuggets at least for a little while. I am probably not going to continue with this series but I am glad that I decided to give this story a listen.
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LibraryThing member ladycato
This is a quirky urban fantasy romp based around a catering service with some disturbing clientele. Don't come here for character development. Come here for amusing, dark, and twisted humor. It's a very fun and fast read--I blazed through in a single sitting.
LibraryThing member LisCarey
Lena and Darren have lost their jobs at a fancy New York restaurant, and have not been having an easy time finding a new one. When they get a call from a chef they both thought had died, offering them jobs in his catering business, Sin du Jour, they leap at the chance.

First they have to audition to
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prove they'll be a fit with the crew and Sin du Jour's high standards.

Then they start to work, and run low on a crucial ingredient for the appetizers they're making. Darren enters the forbidden pantry...

Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time. And now they're crew, with permanent, not temporary, jobs. They now know who the clientele are.

Their first challenge is what to do about the main course that's been delivered, live, for that evening's event. It's a main course even the long-term crew haven't handled before. And they're not sure they're willing to.

What follows is darkly funny, as Lena, Darren, and their new co-workers embark on a series of challenges that are both quite real to the industry, and completely strange. involving demons, angels, and bizarre, six-foot insects. Oh, and industrial espionage at the headquarters of a famous chicken fast food chain.

It's not at all clear they're going to survive the day.

This is funny and entertaining, with a great range of characters. It's apparently the start of a series, and I am looking forward to reading more.


I bought this book.
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LibraryThing member Menshevixen
A deft, humorous contemporary fantasy novella with a number of hilarious twists (and a warning for coulrophobes). I'd have loved more time spent in Lena and Darren's space, so I'm hoping further installments in the series deliver that! Pro tip: grab a super-size quantity of your fast food of choice
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before reading.
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Original publication date


Local notes

Sin du Jour, 1


Fic SF Wallace


½ (86 ratings; 3.7)
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