Dusk or Dark or Dawn or Day

by Seanan McGuire

Ebook, 2017



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Fic SF McGuire




When her sister Patty died, Jenna blamed herself. When Jenna died, she blamed herself for that, too. Unfortunately Jenna died too soon. Living or dead, every soul is promised a certain amount of time, and when Jenna passed she found a heavy debt of time in her record. Unwilling to simply steal that time from the living, Jenna earns every day she leeches with volunteer work at a suicide prevention hotline. But something has come for the ghosts of New York, something beyond reason, beyond death, beyond hope; something that can bind ghosts to mirrors and make them do its bidding. Only Jenna stands in its way.

User reviews

LibraryThing member readinggeek451
A fairly gentle ghost story from fantasist and horror writer Seanan McGuire.

After the death of her sister, Jenna ran from her home into a raging storm, fell into a ravine, and died. Now she has an unlife in Manhattan, far from the small town in Kentucky where she grew up. She volunteers at a
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suicide hotline, earning the time she needs to give to the living to final reach her dying day, when she can be reunited with her beloved sister. When word reaches her that the other ghosts of New York have all disappeared, her existence becomes much more precarious.

A bit spooky, a bit sad, and very satisfying.
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LibraryThing member Carl_Alves
In Dusk or Dawn or Dark or Day, the novel with a long but interesting title, Jenna is a ghost living in New York. She works as a suicide counselor and a barista. Originally from Kentucky, she spends her time helping others in order to take away their time and reduce the amount of time to her dying
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day, the amount of time before she was meant to die. It’s all a bit confusing, to be honest. When ghosts in New York City begin to disappear, she gets in the middle of a plot involving witches entrapping ghosts, which leads her back to her old home when she had been living.

The story is interesting and well-written. I found Jenna to be a well-developed character. My biggest issue was that there were way too many rules, and I found it hard to follow. Somehow, ghosts have substance and can be among the living and hold jobs (I’m not exactly sure how that makes them ghosts). They have to take time from the living, which means giving them additional time to live? I still don’t fully understand all of the rules, and the bottom line is that it detracted from the story. I think this story would have been better served to not get bogged down with all of this complex system of rules, and tell the story, which often times got lost in the shuffle. The other thing was I thought the climax could have used a bit more punch. It came and went and lacked a big bang that I was hoping for. I don’t want to get too down on the story. There was a lot to like within it, and ultimately I would recommend reading it.

Carl Alves - author of Battle of the Soul
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LibraryThing member cuentosalgernon
This is not a bad book, but I felt slightly disappointed when I finished this sad novella about death and suicide. I think the world-building’ premises were full of imagination, the rules of this ghost story original and interesting, but the mystery plot was too weak and didn’t grab my interest
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and the book delivered less than what I expected when reading the first half of the book.
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LibraryThing member jjmcgaffey
A very interesting book - well, it's a McGuire, that's almost a given. A new view of ghosts, as able to give or take time from the living - and some very interesting aspects to their existence (waiting until their dying day, and being anchors). I don't know if this is the same world as any of her
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others - it _could_ be the same as Sparrow Hill and Incryptid, or completely separate. This is, at least at present, a standalone story. Jenna is fascinating, and I like both Brenda and Delia as well. I don't understand Danny at all - his motivations aren't at all clear to me (unless it was just to save his own skin). And the witches' relationship is...very convenient. Good story, worth reading and rereading, and I'd love to see more in this universe.
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LibraryThing member titania86
Jenna volunteers nights answering suicide prevention hotline calls and frequents a local diner for coffee and pie. She lives alone with her numerous elderly cats, giving them a home and making them comfortable before they die. She's also been dead for forty years after she ran into a storm when her
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sister died. For years, her ghostly life has been dedicated to committing small acts of kindness until one day, all of the other New York ghosts are gone except for her and another ghost who never leaves her apartment. Jenna sets out with a witch to find out what happened to the other ghosts and save them if possible.

Dusk or Dark or Dawn or Day shows a hidden side of New York where ghosts and witches roam the city undetected by normal people. Ghosts can appear as normal people, hold jobs, pay rent, and do normal people things. They can also take or return time to humans. If they take time from humans, they grow older and closer to their final death which is the point where they would have died naturally. When they give time back to humans, they become younger and the human grows closer to their final death. It took me a little bit to get used to this concept, but it's unique and makes sense. Ghosts can stay around as long or as short as they like before they move on, but on the other hand, they can be exploited for eternal youth for those who know how, namely witches. Witches draw their powers from their particular affinity whether it's corn, iron, or rats. Their powers are considerable, but usually work within the boundaries of the natural order to avoid earth shattering consequences.

Although the main conflict is about missing ghosts, the story is really about Jenna's journey. She's been stuck for forty years. Ghosts can take time from people whenever they want, but Jenna only takes what she perceived that she's earned through preventing suicides as a volunteer for the hotline. Since she died, she's only gained a few years and isn't even close to her final death. She's stuck alone in her grief for her sister and for her own death with small pleasures like pie and good deeds to sustain her. She never truly forgave herself for either death which she viewed as her fault. The missing ghosts motivate her to connect with many people she's sees all the time, but never took the time to get to know. Though this journey, she returns to her home in rural Kentucky to face her past and discover strength she never knew she had in order to save herself and her fellow ghosts.

Dusk or Dawn or Dark or Day is a novella that feels much more dense than it looks. It deals with heavy subjects and has an undercurrent of emotion that makes it more impactful than most urban fantasy stories. Seanan McGuire's stories are always amazing and this one is no different. My only problem was the beginning of the story feeling a little stilted while the world was being established. Once the story moved forward, I was sucked in. Highly recommended as all of Seanan McGuire's stories are.
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LibraryThing member bookczuk
Not my favorite McGuire, but boy, can she write, and boy, can she come up with storylines!
LibraryThing member rivkat
Short book about Jenna, who misses her dead sister Patty, even though Jenna is dead herself. Trying to earn her way to whatever comes next, Jenna works at a suicide prevention hotline, until one day she finds out that the other ghosts of the city are starting to disappear. Working with a corn
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witch, she learns she has to return home to find answers (though this part was more plot convenience than that claim would lead a reader to expect). I found it very slight.
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LibraryThing member andreablythe
A young woman turned ghost works to earn her way to the otherside by serving on a suicide hotline and trying to save the lives of others, at least for a little while. McGuire presents an interesting take on ghosts, one in which they walk side-by-side with humans in corporeal form (when awake),
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becoming insubstantial wisps when they sleep. Ghosts can reach their deaths quicker by taking years from the living (making them younger) and placing them on themselves. It's a strange world that this novella presents, and fun to explore.
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LibraryThing member jdifelice
This was a great novella. The writing was superb, I loved the world and the descriptions of everything. I loved how well thought out the world of being a ghost was. It was super interesting and I wanted to keep reading. The plot moved along well, it was paced beautifully, I never felt like it was
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rushed or too slow. The characters - Jenna, Delia, & Brenda were so well done. I really enjoyed getting to know Jenna. I liked her voice, and how we got to see character development for her in such a short amount of pages. I hope Seanan McGuire writes another story in this world.
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LibraryThing member MillieHennessy
I bought this book with exactly zero idea of what it was about. Seriously. It was on Book Outlet and it had Seanan’s name on it, so I added it to my cart without even reading the blurb. I’m not the least bit disappointed.

I came into this read, let’s call it D4, a day after finishing Into the
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Drowning Deep. If I didn’t know who it was by, I almost wouldn’t know it was by the same author. The almost is key. While D4 is an urban fantasy or paranormal fantasy and Drowning Deep is definitely oceanic horror (is that a genre? It should be.), they have a similar voice (which I think is different than tone – don’t @ me), especially in the way the characters are written.

A novella about life after life was just what I needed after the creepies of Drowning Deep. D4 delivers ghosts with a twist. In this world, everyone has a set amount of time in life. If you should happen to die before your time, you remain a ghost, living out your afterlife however you can manage. In order to complete your ghostly sentence, you must take time from the living. It will bring you closer to your death day, if you will, and gives the living a refreshing boost, knocking them farther away from their own death day.

Witches in this world can trap and manipulate ghosts, essentially granting themselves immortality. Jenna, in her time in NYC, has formed an uneasy acquaintance with a local witch while she serves out her sentence. In a short amount of time, Seanan develops the two characters and their tenuous relationship and she left me wanting more.

D4 gave me some excellent Dead Like Me vibes and I know this is marketed as a stand-alone, but I hope there’s more to come from this universe. I enjoyed the dynamic between witches and ghosts. If you’re looking for a quick paranormal read in a modern setting, give this a whirl!
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LibraryThing member mandkrue86
When her sister Patty dies an unnatural death, Jenna is at a total loss and feels so responsible for what happened that she runs into the woods and ends up losing her own life. But instead of joining Patty in the afterworld, Jenna is stuck between the here and there and remains on earth as a ghost;
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watching her parents grieve over their children’s deaths before eventually moving to New York. There, she hopes to understand what caused her sister’s depression and resulting suicide, only to feel more and more guilty. Jenna chooses to punish herself for Patty’s death by not allowing herself to move on into the afterlife until she actually earned her place there. However, a ghost-hunting witch makes it difficult for her to follow that plan.

When I bought this novella, all I knew was what was written on the dust jacket and that was not much. I did not expect this story to be as fantastical as is was and had I known what was waiting for me, I wouldn’t have picked it up as I’m not very into fantasy. I was also not a big fan of the world McGuire built since I found the rules and laws of the ghost world she created hard to understand and difficult to follow. Her concept of how ghosts control time and aging as well as how they are anchored to certain locations was confusing at times and not always clearly explained which made me want to put the book down multiple times. Only the fact that it has just over 180 pages and was beautifully written made me not DNF it.
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LibraryThing member Murphy-Jacobs
Wonder making ghost stories. Novella, but very strong. Perfect length.
LibraryThing member krau0098
I got this book to review through NetGalley. This is a short and quick ghost story that was well done. I ended up enjoying it a lot. It's beautifully written and very creative.

There are two main things that drive this story. The first is concept that everything has a “time” it’s supposed to
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die. If it dies early than it can give time to living people in order to get closer to its death date and eventually pass. Ghosts can also take time from living humans to extend the time to their own death date and visa versa...humans can trap ghosts and steal their time extending their lives but forcing the ghost to it’s death date quickly. It’s a concept that is a bit confusing at first but it’s very creative and makes for an intriguing story.

The second thing that drives this story is the mystery as to why ghosts have started disappearing all around New York. Jenna is a ghost who is committed to helping people and for every minute she helps someone and gives them more life she moves closer to her final death.

The book is thoughtful and beautifully written with occasional humor throughout. It flows well and is a quick read and I enjoyed it. This is a story that really makes you think about the lines between life and death.

Overall I enjoyed this little urban fantasy ghost story a lot. It was creative, fast-paced, thought-provoking, had a great mystery, and was engaging. I would recommend to those who enjoy ghost stories.
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LibraryThing member SumisBooks
This book was the epitome of short and sweet. It had horror elements but was not scary at all. Perfect for a quick read for anyone who enjoys dark fantasy.
LibraryThing member Diana_Long_Thomas
This was a very different book, I liked it but not as much as the Wayward Children and October Daye series by this author. It's a very different take on ghosts and why they stay here instead of going on to what comes after death. I'm happy I read it but it's not one of my favorites. #Spookathon
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Challenges Orange on the Cover and Childhood Fear: Dark.
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LibraryThing member ladypembroke
A short but poignant novel. I didn't understand all of it. I loved most of it. Seanan always draws you in, sucks you up, and spits you out feeling more and less than you were before. It's amazing and terrifying, and I will continue to read everything she writes.
LibraryThing member AngelaJMaher
The writing is really quite beautiful, and the story is intriguing. If you enjoy urban fantasy, definitely give this a go.
LibraryThing member pwaites
Trigger warning: Suicide

When Jenna’s sister Patty committed suicide, Jenna blamed herself. She ran out into a rainstorm, overtaken with grief, and tragically drowned. But Jenna died too early, and now she remains in this world as a ghost until she gains the time she needs to reach her death day.
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Every day she takes from the living gives them one more day of youth, but Jenna sees this as theft rather than a gift. She has vowed to earn every minute she takes, and she does so by volunteering at a suicide prevention hotline. But as the ghosts of New York City start to disappear, Jenna will have to choose whether or not to finally take action.

Seanan McGuire’s treatment of ghosts is one of the most original I’ve seen. Jenna is able to take a physical form and interact with the world. She lives in her own apartment and even keeps cats! The twist with the time was also fascinatingly original. While this novella stood well on its own, I would be happy to read any other stories that McGuire sets in this world.

Dusk or Dark or Dawn or Day is a novella that’s focused on and led by female characters. Jenna’s main allies are a couple of female witches and her land lady. I liked Brenda, the corn witch, and Sophie, the rat witch, a ton. They were both wonderful side characters. Jenna herself was an enjoyable lead, and I could really hear her voice in the narration.

Dusk or Dark or Dawn or Day is another well written and endlessly satisfying story from Seanan McGuire. If I have one criticism, it’s that the villain could have had more characterization. That aside, this was a wonderful urban fantasy novella that I would recommend.

Originally posted on The Illustrated Page.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for a free and honest review.
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LibraryThing member Glennis.LeBlanc
Sometimes when you die you become a ghost and still live in our world and interact with everything for the most part. You can take time from people and make them younger and it pushes the ghost closer to the time they can actually depart this world. Ghosts have been hunted for this gift by witches.
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Jenna is trying to find out what happened to her sister Patty and why she didn’t become a ghost like Jenna. Jenna is working to support her apt and rescue elderly cats from the shelter. She also works as a suicide hotline operator and mostly keeps to herself as she is marking time in this world.

Ghosts have gone missing in NYC and Jenna teams up with a witch to find out where they have gone. The story is good and the story ends on a sweet but sad note. I really enjoyed it and it is nice to read a contained story that doesn’t leave you hanging.

Digital review copy provided by the publisher through NetGalley
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LibraryThing member Noeshia
I listened to the audiobook and the southern accent and how it faded in and out with the main character's situation was on point. My accent fades in and out depending on the situation(ex. spending time with extended family makes it strong as sweet tea), so I really enjoyed that bit. The main
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character also has a moment that reminds me of a tabletop roleplay character I once had who had anxiety attacks about how "magic is real" after she encountered it and became a magical being herself. The wording is pretty similar to my own, which was kindof neat. As for the plot, I enjoyed the concept of ghosts as once living things that did not live out their intended time, and the main character's ethical dilemma was icing on that cake. The power of corn as a magical focus was interesting, as was the part about trapping ghosts in glass. The biggest problem that I have with this book is that there isn't more of it.
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LibraryThing member NCDonnas
Love love love!! A story of ghosts and witches with a new and unique perspective that was both fascinating and compelling. The narration was perfection - I was lost in the story from start to finish. My only complaint is that it was too short - I wanted MORE! I hope she revisits this from one of
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the other ghost's POV! This will be the first book of 2017 to make it to my "Favorites" list!
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LibraryThing member NCDonnas
Love love love!! A story of ghosts and witches with a new and unique perspective that was both fascinating and compelling. The narration was perfection - I was lost in the story from start to finish. My only complaint is that it was too short - I wanted MORE! I hope she revisits this from one of
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the other ghost's POV! This will be the first book of 2017 to make it to my "Favorites" list!
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LibraryThing member KittyCunningham
This is an interesting variation on ghost stories. I would enjoy more stories set in this mythology.
LibraryThing member jennybeast
I love Seanan McGuire's short standalone fiction -- these books just have such uncompromising things to say, about family, integrity, community. Wildly imaginative, and tells a fast paced story. In this one, the mechanics of ghost life never quite made sense to me, but Jenna is so appealing as a
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character, cobbling together an afterlife that it's incredibly hard to put down. Fascinating and lovely.
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LibraryThing member sriddell
Jenna is a ghost living - or I guess I should say haunting - in Manhattan. In this world, ghost are people who died before their time, and they stick around until the time they were supposed to die.

Many of the ghost "community" has disappeared from Manhattan, and not in the usual ways. It looks
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like someone has been doing away with them.

It's a mystery, and Jenna teams up with local witch Brenda to find out what's going on and rescue the ghosts.
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Fic SF McGuire

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