When Sorrows Come

by Seanan McGuire

Ebook, 2021



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Fic SF McGuire




"It's hard to be a hero. There's always something needing October "Toby" Daye's attention, and her own desires tend to fall by the wayside in favour of solving the Kingdom's problems. That includes the desire to marry her long-time suitor and current fianc�, Tybalt, San Francisco's King of Cats. She doesn't mean to keep delaying the wedding, it just sort of happens. And that's why her closest friends have taken the choice out of her hands, ambushing her with a court wedding at the High Court in Toronto. Once the High King gets involved, there's not much even Toby can do to delay things, except for getting involved in stopping a plot to overthrow the High Throne itself, destabilising the Westlands entirely, and keeping her from getting married through nothing more than the sheer volume of chaos it would cause. Can Toby save the Westlands and make it to her own wedding on time? Or is she going to have to choose one over the other?"--… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member Cats57
Real review to come later >>>this is mainly a rant. Review is below the mini-rant!

I feel that you don't need to drink an entire gallon of milk to know it is spoiled. I had to drink more spoiled milk with this book to get to the good stuff than I am comfortable with. The author does NOT need to keep
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padding the book with back-story and minutiae.

Apparently, I am the only person in this world who has trouble with how boring, bloated, angsty, and selfish the first part of this book is. If I hear Toby whining one more time about what is going on with the wedding without her, I will be throwing my Kindle...well into something soft. It's not the Kindle's fault that this book is starting so horribly that I am looking for anything else to do other than read this book. But, hey, maybe I'll scrub the toilets!?! It's not my Kindles fault that Toby is getting everything she wanted with this wedding, and yet she still has the audacity to moan and groan and pity herself.

Of course, we remain with the author's typical tropes/cliches; Toby and the crew will be getting nice and bloody. But, she will save the near unsavable and come back from being nearly dead.

I know that there are two more (at least) books coming out after this one, and I am at the point that I am not sure I will be reading these. The angst in these later books is enough to drive me crazy.

Well, I did force myself to get past the first 1/3 of the book, and it finally got interesting enough to keep going. This was not a spectacular book, but it kept my attention well enough to finish it.

So, they are married. Toby saved a Kingdom, and Oberon is still--- well, I can't say because it is possibly a spoiler for future books.

But this is what I really feel at this point in the series, the main characters (Toby) really haven't grown; they just seem to pay lip service to growth.
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LibraryThing member hcnewton
This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader.

“Look, I know we’re a feudal system and everything, but we’re living in a modern world,” I said, exasperated. “My underwear has elastic. I have a phone. We can talk like normal people. No one’s going to take points off the final
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score if we stop sounding like we gargle with bad BBC dramas.”

“Yes, but where’s the fun in talking like normal people?” asked Aethlin. “Half the time I’m a King of Faerie. The other half, ’'m standing in line at Tim Hortons and some asshole in a hockey uniform has just taken the last sour cream glazed. We have to wallow in the aesthetic when we get the chance.”

“I will overthrow your kingdom myself,” I threatened genially. Not genially enough: several of his guard reached for their swords. High King Aethlin sighed and raised a hand for them to stop.

“Your reputation precedes you, Sir Daye. Could you please not make jokes about sedition?”

“Yeah, sorry,” I said.

I am just not capable of doing my typical post about this book, period. Instead, I'm going to give you a list of reasons why you should read When Sorrows Come. But first...

* You haven't read the first fourteen Toby Daye novels—or you didn't like them. The former I completely understand, the number of supposedly great series that I don't have time for is large enough that I can sympathize. The latter? I can accept that people like you exist, but I don't know if I can ever understand it.

(In no real order whatsoever)
* If you've read books 1-14, reading this is a no-brainer, and you probably don't need to be reading this.
* You get to see an incredibly Canadian knowe. How Canadian? Think Alpha Flight, The Kids in the Hall, Bob & Doug McKenzie, poutine, Tim Horton's coffee, and extraordinarily polite people saying "eh". That's how Canadian I'm talking about.
* Getting to see the Luidaeg terrify a whole new cast of characters.
* The fun in seeing who actually shows up to see the wedding. (Hint: Just about everyone)
* The chance to see if Toby can make it through her wedding without bleeding all over her wedding dress.
* You can see what you-know-who from A Killing Frost is up to.
* You get to see Toby channel Harry Bosch:

Everyone matters. If there’s one thing I've learned from how hard Evening and her ilk have tried to convince me I don’t matter it’s that everyone matters. The alternative is a world where no one matters, and since I know that isn’t true, “everyone” is the only option we have left.

* Quentin gets a jaw-dropping makeover.
* A hint about a new squire...
* You need some joy.

I've never talked about one of the bonus novellas that come with a Toby Daye novel, for reasons to complicated to get into (and frankly boring to me). But I have to say something about this one.

First, this is my biggest complaint in this volume—it shouldn't be a novella. It should be the last chapter (or chapters) of When Sorrows Come. At the very least, an extended epilogue. It should not be read separately from the novel, and the novel shouldn't be read without out it.

Essentially, it's about the wedding reception. Toby and Tybalt relaxing, enjoying their friends and loved ones. Receiving gifts, blessings, and well-wishes—including one gift for Toby that made me laugh out loud. And another that

I absolutely loved it. It was the thick, buttercream frosting on the perfect cake of the novel.

I mentioned joy earlier because, on the eve of its release, Seanan McGuire tweeted:

...the purpose of this book is joy. I wrote it in 2020. I needed joy. Very, very badly.

I need joy even more now. And if I can't make it for myself, I can damn well give it to my imaginary friend.

So you can pan the book for being simple, but I have no regrets. I needed joy. I think you need joy too.

Hopefully, McGuire got enough joy to keep going from what she gave her Imaginary Friend—I know she provided this fan with some, I imagine I'm not alone.
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LibraryThing member readinggeek451
Toby and Tybalt's wedding.

Of course it doesn't go smoothly, this is Toby we're talking about. But it's a lot of fun along the way. And the wedding dress is absolutely perfect for her.

Not the best place to start, because there's a lot of backstory here. But a new reader wouldn't be completely
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The follow-on novella included in the book is a nice lagniappe.
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LibraryThing member krau0098
Series Info/Source: This is the fifteenth book in the October Daye series, there are 17 books contracted for this series. I borrowed an ebook of this from my library.

Thoughts: Toby is finally getting married to Tybalt, the King of Cats. The complex travel arrangements have been made so no liege or
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region is offended, the cake is ready, and the dress is a secret (to Toby). Of course Toby’s life is never simple and at the first dinner at the High Court someone tries to kill the High King and Toby is (again) covered in blood. Now not only does Toby have to follow through on her marriage, she must unravel a plot to kill the High King as her duties as a Hero of the Realm demand.

I love revisiting this world and these characters so much. This series is so well written and has been going on for so long that these characters have nearly become family to me. This is a pivotal point in the story and we get to see so much of our favorite characters and learn a lot more about both Quentin’s and the High Court’s past. The mystery here is very well done and the wedding planning parts had me in stitches. They were so funny.

The Luidaeg plays a big (and hilarious) role in this book. Pretty much all of our favorites are a big part of the story. I continue to love Toby and Tybalt as a couple and really enjoy seeing how Toby has built herself such a tight family and how she has grown as a person through this series. This book comes with a novella at the end that I definitely recommend reading since it covers the wedding reception and was very fun.

My Summary (5/5): Overall I can’t say enough good things about this series as a whole, and this book continued in that trend. This was a wonderful addition to the series and made a lot of progress, both in character development and unraveling the mysteries of faerie. If you are looking for an amazing urban fantasy series and haven’t picked up the October Daye series yet, I highly recommend it. I am so curious to see what happens with Oberon in the next book “Sleep No More”.
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LibraryThing member jjmcgaffey
Good as usual - I made the mistake of starting it in the evening, and didn't get much sleep that night. A lot of Toby's broken relationships get...if not mended, at least heading in that direction. And some of her not-broken ones get solider, or she admits how solid they are. And then there's
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Tybalt...though he's still having to repeat that he chose her and he knows what he chose. The wedding is lovely, though of course there's a disaster first - hidden assassins and a long-planned coup that thinks it can take advantage of Toby (dumb). She only gets stabbed once, I think, most of her wounds are self-inflicted this time (blood for magic!). A rich and complex story with at least one solid happy ending (and the novella follows on immediately, the wedding reception).
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LibraryThing member sriddell
Toby and Tybalt are finally, finally getting married. And a whole bunch of characters from the previous 14 books will all be in attendance.

But of course, this being Toby, nothing is ever that easy. The intrigue, mayhem and chaos commence immediately. Even 15 books in, I still love this series.
LibraryThing member Glennis.LeBlanc
What a great read! This is what it says on the label, the wedding of Toby and Tybalt. Everyone else has been doing the planning for Toby so she just needs to show up but they only give her a few days warning on the exact date. Once they get to Toronto to the High King’s court with Quentin in
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disguise, things quickly slide into chaos. And of course Toby’s history of upsetting monarchies is a wrinkle that is constantly thrown into her face and slows down help from some people. The novella at the end continues the action from the book and I enjoyed it as well along with a surprise guest bringing a thoughtful gift.

Digital review copy provided by the publisher through Edelweiss
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LibraryThing member tornadox
Toby and Tybalt go to Toronto to get married. Of course, something goes wrong. There is discontent brewing in the High King's realm, which threatens to interrupt the nuptials. Will they get married by the end of the book? Of course. Will Toby get blood on her wedding dress? Maybe. Read it and find
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Definitely read the accompanying novella, And With Reveling. I understand why it was cut from the novel, but it contains lots of payoff for the side characters in the main story.
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LibraryThing member LongDogMom
Amazing as always. This series just gets better and better! McGuire always finds ways to surprise and keep it fresh. Have the next book in the series waiting on my bedside table to start tonight.
LibraryThing member wyvernfriend
It's time for Toby's Marriage and of course nothing can go smoothly. They're in the High Court and it should be that Toby only has to turn up and get things done but her life is never like this. Faerie also has it's own issues and her entourage are a complex issue all by themselves.
The end is a
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foregone conclusion and the attached short story that details the blessings is a nice follow-up but you can also feel that there are more things o come.
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Original publication date


Local notes

October Daye, 15


Fic SF McGuire

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