The Guild

by Jean Johnson

Ebook, 2014



Call number

Fic Romance Johnson



Penguin Publishing Group


"Cult's awareness, it shall rise: Hidden people, gather now; Fight the demons, fight your doubt. Gearman's strength shall then endow, When Guild's defender casts them out. For centuries, the mages of Mekhana have done their best to hide themselves and their powers from the rapacious needs of their so-called Patron Deity, Mekha. Greatest of their secrets is the Vortex, a Fountain hidden in the heart of the Hydraulics Guild. But even after the dissolution of Mekha and the freeing of his people, Alonnen isn't ready to reveal his guardianship to outsiders. Particularly when the remnants of Mekha's priesthood start looking for a new monstrosity to worship. Rexei has hidden more than her powers for most of her life; she has also hidden her gender, wary of the hungers of the old priesthood. Only in the safety of the Hydraulics Guild's innermost secrets can she be herself. While the rest of her people struggle to reinvent themselves and find a deity they can trust, Rexei struggles to trust just one man, the Guardian of the Vortex. Events are moving fast, though; the priesthood is desperate for any new source of power, even a demonic one that requires certain sacrifices to access. "--… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member LITERALADDICTION
Our Review, by LITERAL ADDICTION's Vivacious Valkyrie - Marta:
*Copy gifted in exchange for an honest review

--Actual rating 4.5 Skulls

For those who love this authors Sons of Destiny books comes a new series that grants a peak into the world that's intertwined with it. It's not essential to have read
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Sons of Destiny first but this new series which is so closely linked with it adds greatly to the enjoyment. Filled with the authors trademark world building The Guardians of Destiny is finally hitting it's stride with this the third installment .

The citizens of Mekhana have tried for centuries to hide and protect their Mages from the ravenous and destructive God Mekha. Now he's disappeared and it's finally time for a new beginning for all the people but without a patron God or Goddess who will lead them! Change is coming and it's time for peace to come to their troubled land but with a new Convocation amongst the Gods nothing is certain .

Rexei has done her best to remain hidden in plain sight since she saw her mother cruelly taken by evil priests under the protection of Mekha. She's a Mage who hides her power as she knows they would try to drain her magical abilities but she's found a way to survive. Rexei pretends to be a young boy but has never found any where safe enough to stay for very long. She's been working for the priests but with the city in turmoil finds herself in the spotlight and taken to meet the Mage Guild master who has remained hidden within the confines of the Vortex that he guards . It would appear that he now seeks information that Rexei might have.

Rexei is unprepared for Alonnen, he's much younger than she expected the Guild Master to be and far more powerful. He's also far more approachable than other high ranking men she's met and her reactions to Alonnen confuse Rexei. Whilst working for the priests Rexei overheard talk of summoning Demons and Alonnen knows of prophecies that foretell of widespread destruction if that's allowed to happen. The priests are desperate to cling onto the power they've previously wielded and will risk everything but what if they too are being used? Power is an evil taskmaster and corruption can seep into your soul but somehow Alonnen and Rexei must find a way to stop the ultimate sacrifice before it's too late .
This is another amazing piece of fantasy from this deservedly popular author. Her world building is just amazing . As I read this I found myself yet again trying to imagine the people and places described and there's an awful lot happening here. Gods and Goddesses although mentioned do not take centre stage in this book no that's left happily to the human characters. As for the characters Rexei stands out simply for her survival skills ! She's a young woman who is multitalented and constantly reinvents herself and yet she's a contradiction too as her innocence and naïveté make her a sympathetic character . She's someone who the reader can get behind and the scenes where she stands up for what she sees as right will have you cheering. Definitely a mouse that roars!

As for Alonnen I found him to be a quietly confident hero with a quick wit and unafraid to be decisive. I also found his sensitivity towards the heroine Rexei to be quite sweet if honest and that leads me to the question of romance . There is a relationship within this book but it's not forced down the readers throat, instead it's allowed to grow at a steady pace which given Rexei's past makes sense. Fantasy romance at it's best.

Lovely evocative writing style that pulls you in. Likeable characters and interesting supporting ones too! Unique story but I'd like to see more from the Gods as each book is building a picture that is still incomplete for me. Completely different to the other books I've read by Ms Johnson and I love that she can keep surprising me. Recommended.
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LibraryThing member DarkFaerieTales
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty: A woman who has learned not to trust men has to put all her faith in one in order to save her country from the evil priests who once ruled over them all.

Opening Sentence: If it weren’t for the way the silvery web covering his jaw prevented him
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from casting spells, Torven Shel Von would have immediately freed himself and transformed his captors into little insects, the kind that were easily squished.

The Review:

For years, Mekhanen citizens have lived in fear, mages in particular. Their god, Mekha, needs mages to feed his power, so his priests round up every mage they can find. Mages under the priests’ “care” are never the same again, subjected to torture, rape, and many other abuses. Rexei Longshanks has spent two months among the priesthood as a spy, posing as a dull-witted member of the Servant’s Guild. One night, two mages are brought in, and the strangest thing happens: Mekha disappears. Mekhana is now a land without a god. With the priests freaking out, Rexei overhears one of the prisoners telling them that they could summon a demon to take the god’s place. Rexei doesn’t know it at the time, but overhearing that conversation will change her life. Thus begins her journey to figure out a way to stop the summoning and put a new god in Mekha’s place. Will she be able to succeed, or will Mekhanans have to face a future even worse than what they’ve already experienced?

I was pleasantly surprised by the previous book in this series, so I was looking forward to reading this one. While I did enjoy it, there were issues that kept me from totally loving it. I didn’t realize it while reading, but not a whole lot actually happens in 400 pages. It’s a testament to how well written the book is that I didn’t notice it until after I’d already finished the book. I liked both Rexei and her love interest, Alonnen, but I didn’t really connect fully to either one of them, Rexei in particular. I’m sitting here trying to think of how best to describe them, and I’m coming up empty. That more than anything shows how flat their characters ended up being. Definitely not as interesting as the protagonists in the previous book! There was also an incident towards the end that really annoyed me, as it seemed to be an unnecessary conflict to add at the very last minute, especially when it was resolved in a very simple manner.

On the positive side, I find the world Johnson has created to be absolutely fascinating. I want to go back and read previous books set in this world so that I can experience more of it. It’s very complex and well thought out. There are lighthearted moments that perfectly balance out the more serious occurrences. It’s also unpredictable in how everything resolves, which I greatly appreciate.

All in all, I’m still interested in reading more of this series, but this book, while enjoyable, fell a little flat. If the main couple had been a bit more dynamic, I think I would feel differently. Fans of the series should read this book in order to know what happens, but newcomers should not start here.

Notable Scene:

“Guildra is, therefore, a manifestation of everything the guilds already stand for: law, order, creation, innovation, cooperation, peace, and rankings based not upon our ambitions but upon our qualifications. That is who and what we deserve as our Patron,” she asserted, watching the sea of faces staring at her…and now staring past her. The hairs on the back of her neck prickled, but Rexei strove to continue. “We are not going to fall into lawlessness, because we have the Guild System in our blood and in our bones supporting these things, the ways and means of cooperation and organization.

“We don’t have to invent any new concept to gain a true Patron of this land. Let our Patron be the Patron of the Guilds, and let Guildra be the Goddess of a new land. Let Mekhana dissolve along with its False God, and let Guildara rise and take its rightful place in the world. Guildara, which means the Land of the Guilds, overseen and guarded by Guildra, the Goddess of the Guilds,” she finished, spreading her hands in the hopes of emphasizing her words enough to recapture her audience’s attention. “Because this is what we are and have always been, even when crushed under the will of the False God, Mekha.”

It didn’t work. They continued to stare past her shoulders, though all she could sense magically was a cool, clean feeling, like soaking hot, sore feet in a shaded, spring-fed pool in the summertime–refreshing not shocking. But there wasn’t supposed to be anyone behind her. Uneasy, Rexei turned and peered over her shoulder as well.

FTC Advisory: Berkley/Penguin provided me with a copy of The Guild. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
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LibraryThing member jjmcgaffey
Pretty good. Again, not as good as The Tower, but a rich story, and the romance doesn't interfere with the adventure or vice versa (much). It does greatly advance the arc of the series - now they know who, though not exactly when/where/why. And the story of the struggles of ex-Mekhana to develop
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themselves back into a kingdom - and into a free people - is excellent. I hope we get to see more of what goes on there in the later stories (where are they going to get a bell?). Rexei is an interesting character - figuring out her new life, after having been so much in the shadows for so long, is going to be difficult and interesting. And Alonnen is a nice guy. The instant attraction...well, he does say he was interested in her person before it became a physical attraction, but it's still awfully quick. And the sex is rather kinky for me, though for good reason. There's only a few sex scenes, though they're very detailed. The twist at the end could have been painful, but Orana Niel supplied a quick answer before it could. Nice, not a favorite but fine, next please!
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Original publication date


Local notes

Guardians of Destiny, 3


Fic Romance Johnson


½ (10 ratings; 3.8)
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